Assignment 2 Henrietta Lacks PDF

Title Assignment 2 Henrietta Lacks
Course Biology Concepts
Institution Chandler-Gilbert Community College
Pages 4
File Size 51 KB
File Type PDF
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As s i gnment2 Chapt erThr ee:Di agnosi s&Tr eat ment 1.

Howar edi ffer entt y pesofc anc erc at egor i z ed? Di ffer entt y pesofc anceri sor gani z edbyi nv as i v e,andnoni nv as i v e .I nv as i v e penet r at est hes ur f ac ewhi l enoni nv as i v edoesnot .( pg.28) .


Howdi ddoc t or sj us t i f yus i ngpat i ent si npubl i chos pi t alwar dsasmedi c al r es ear c hs ubj ec t swi t houtobt ai ni ngt hei rc ons entoroffer i ngt hem financ i al c ompens at i on?Doy ouagr eeordi s agr eewi t ht hei rr easoni ng ?Ex pl ai n. Doct or sj us t i fiedusi ngpat i ent si npubl i chos pi t al war dsasmedi c alr es ear c hsubj ec t s wi t houtobt ai ni ngt hei rc ons entbyr eas oni ngt hatt het r eat mentwasf r ee.Idefini t el y donotagr eewi t ht hi sj us t i fi cat i onbec aus eev ent hought het r eat menti sf r ee,t hat does n’ tmeant heyal s oc ons ent edt obei ngt ests ubj ec t s .Theonl yways omeone s houl dbeus edasat ests ubj ec ti swi t ht hei rc onsent .


WhatwasGeor geGey ’ spos i t i onatJ ohnsHopk i ns ? AtJ ohnHopk i ns ,Geor geGr eywasa

4. 5.

Ex pl ai nwhatani mmor t alc el l l i nei s . Anal y z et hec ons ents t at ementt hatHenr i et t as i gnedonpage31.Bas edont hi s s t at ement ,doy oubel i ev eTeLi ndeandGuyhadt her i ghtt oobt ai nas ampl ef r om her c er v i xt ous ei nt hei rr es ear c h? 6. Wer ec el l st ak enonl yf r om bl ac kpat i ent s ?Wer ebl ac kpat i ent sgener al l yt r eat ed di ffer ent l yf r om whi t epat i ent si nt heear l y1950s ?Ex pl ai n. Chapt erFour :TheBi r t hofHeLa 1.

Summar i z et hemai nobs t ac l esGeyandhi sas s i s t ant sf acedi nt hei reffor tt o gr owc el l s . 2. Wher edi dt hename“ HeLa”c omef r om? 3. Ex pl ai nhowGey’ sr ol l er t ubec ul t ur i ngt ec hni quewor k s . 4. Whathappenedt ot heHeLacel l st hatMar yc ul t ur ed? 5. Geychos et ogi v eaways ampl esofHeLat ohi sc ol l eaguesal mos ti mmedi at el y . Doy out hi nkt hi swasagooddec i s i on?Ex pl ai ny ourans wer . 6. OnceHeLas t ar t edgr owi ng,wasHenr i et t ai nf or medt hatherc el l swer ebei ng usedi nGey ’ sr es ear c h? Chapt erFi ve:“ Bl acknessBeSpr eadi n’Al lI nsi de” 7.

WhatwasEl s i e’ sear l yl i f el i k e?


Whydi dHenr i et t aandDav i d( Day)Lac k sdeci det opl ac eEl s i ei nt heHos pi t al f or t heNegr oI ns ane ? 9. Whydoy out hi nkHenr i et t ai ni t i al l yc hos enott ot el lpeopl eaboutherc ancer di agnos i s ?Whatdoest hi sdec i si ons ugges taboutHenr i et t a’ sper sonal i t y ? 10. Whati mpor t anti nf or mat i ondi dHenr i et t a’ sdoc t orf ai l t ogi v eherbef or es t ar t i ng herc anc ert r eat ment ?Howdi ds her eac twhent hi si nf or mat i onwasev ent ual l y s har edwi t hher ? Chapter Six: “Lady’s On the Phone” 10. Explain who Roland Pattillo is. How is he connected to both Henrietta Lacks and George Gey? 11. What do the Tuskegee Syphilis Study and the Mississippi Appendectomies suggest about the history of African Americans and medicine? 12. What does Pattillo tell Skloot about Elsie Lacks?...

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