Assignment 2 of itom report PDF

Title Assignment 2 of itom report
Course IT Operations Management
Institution University of Technology Sydney
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ManagementReportITOM:Assignment 2ContentsManagement summary.........................................................................................................................Introduction...............................................................................................................


Management Report

ITOM:Assignm ent 2

Contents Management summary.........................................................................................................................2 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................2 Scope..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Objectives.............................................................................................................................................. 3 The Legacy Assessment......................................................................................................................... 4 Why is BTOPP is accessed and how?..................................................................................................4 Engagement of Business counterparts:.............................................................................................5 Investment Review Board (IRB):........................................................................................................5 Impact of change................................................................................................................................... 6 Acceptance Criteria............................................................................................................................6 Production Baseline...........................................................................................................................7 Configuration Management...............................................................................................................7 SLAs Metrics......................................................................................................................................8 Change management.........................................................................................................................8 Risk and Benefits................................................................................................................................... 9 Costs analysis/Estimation....................................................................................................................10 Recommendation................................................................................................................................11 References...........................................................................................................................................11

Management summary The proposal is prompted due to the gradual degradation of the identified legacy system which is the “BattleNet Services” of the company Under Milkwood over the past two month through the performance measurement via SLA metrics .The gradual degradation is impacting the reputation of the company and its functions by weakening its position , market value , rising questions marks if the company’s capabilities , security and reliability through various report feedback by the customers .This issues has a possibility of causing ad “Domino effect” effecting the related areas of the company leading to further severe problems . The problems currently faced by the users were they had to look for the gaming patches and updates self-reliantly before they can operate the service and play games online .Thus the report provides a full-proof plan outlining the necessary sectors and factors of upgrading the system which will be presented to the IRB to take into consideration for approval .The functions that the proposal has suggested for change and instalment are1)

The gaming patches could be created without having to visit the website


The BattleNet service can be used to make the updates

3) The acquiring of the link for download should be done through the BattleNet service and not having to go to the website for that purpose. The ITOM department and team has been given the responsibility of managing and analysing BTOPP regarding the Upgradation and its possible impacts .Six management areas impact of change is analysed , with its dependencies on one another .The IRB board takes huge interest in cost estimation /Budget of the project , thus a cost estimate has been provided and recommendation has been made to influence the final decision making process which suggests that the risk and possible negative outcome outweighs the positive outcomes that the replacement of legacy system is going to bring . Thus after IRB reviews the feasibility report, Budget, and risk matrix it will be wise for IRB to consider the future development the implantation of the proposal would encourage.

Introduction This report is focused on the Under Milkwood and their recent issues that they are facing from implementing the SLAs into the company for last 2 months and how it has been impacting the legacy systems by causing its progressive degradation, thus an appropriate strategy needs to be implemented for a permanent solution so that the company can pave its way for recovery and betterment. A detailed review of the affected legacy scheme will be conducted, through constant evaluation that will be aimed to achieve in the production of legacy appraisal and include recommendation for the company. Thus, the IRB will be make a final decision whether to invest the fund on the new proposed scheme or continue with the existing system. The appraisal would come to an end with the effect of a specific transition and changes that needs to be done on the sector, necessitating documentation of the impact of the change and its dependencies, as well as an explanation of the best management strategy for providing the necessary details to the IRB for their decision-making process.

At this stage Under Milkwoods reputation and its daily functions are at stake because of the legacy system, thus they need to modernise the system so that it is well adapted to recent changes made and would provide suitable response.

Scope Customers of Under Milkwood is able to play , download and manage the games via BattleNet the company’s only hosting-based system .There has been rising negative feedback from the customers about the BattleNet legacy system , thus monitoring of the system has been conducted which resulted in concluding the systems to be inefficient and outdated . The customers stated the main problems that they were facing to be, Compulsory of using the website to find upgrades and gaming patches separately before they could have an aces to the BattleNet service to play games. Thus , this deteriorating situation because of the system can cause several issues which effect the business negatively for example – security concerns , reliability of the company , long-term running of the business etc. Thus considering the severe problems faced and leading to minimal customer satisfaction a proposal is laid down which states that, in order to ultimately tackle the legacy system it needs to made sure that the existing BattleNet service is updated to cater for customer-related problems, as well as to use this time to develop the system further beyond its present state, allowing it to become applicable for a much longer period of time, avoiding a similar problem in the immediate future. Functionaries that needs to be upgraded are – 1) The gaming patches could be created without having to visit the website 2) The BattleNet service can be used to make the updates 3) The acquiring of the link for download should be done through the BattleNet service and not having to go to the website for that purpose. Overall update that should be made – 1) There should be link formed in the BattleNet services so that players would be able to connect and share games 2) A chat window could be featured so players can send texts and voice notes to make the communication and engagement stronger. 3) There should also be an option where players can be a member and thus get exciting incentives

Objectives Objectives are crucial for any business , they are targeted goal which the company sets to achieve in a real-world timeframe , its helps the company to improve all of is relevant aspects .In terms of Under Milkwood their main objective has been keeping the customer relationship intact with the company by providing any assistance or relevant support they need , asking their options on the delivery of the games , noting their feedback and taking time to reflect and considering them for further development .

Thus it is evident that they have successful in gaining the profits in terms of financial aspect and maintaining the revenue and constant growth. Thus, they are focused on monitoring the legacy systems and move forward for upgrading it every time a problem regarding it has been sprouted. The main objective of the report is to the IRB department the proposal and make them invest the trust on it so that they finally approve it. If the proposal is approved it work towards creating more objectives that will aid the company for further development.

The Legacy Assessment The legacy refers to an outdated computer system that are used for a long period of time and needs an upgrade or used instead of the upgraded ones, it directly impacts on the functioning of the company towards growth and portrays them as a weak competitor in the high demanding and evolving market. For example, in context to the IT system in a company, if the system in not able to provide value to the company and unable to perform and showcase the best outcome it will be considered to be a legacy system. The BattleNet service is considered to be a legacy system because it has not been able to function and ultimately provide outcome that the customer demands. It is under-developed, needs modification and further updates so that it complies with customer demands which will lead to better customer satisfaction. For the following purposes, the legacy system is used in the SLA metrics: 1. Base mutual standards/service levels are established, allowing ITOM to decide whether or not a legacy system is still valuable to the enterprise. 2. It serves as a way for stakeholders to communicate with one another. The SLA metrics allow stakeholders to maintain formal communication that has been decided on previously agreedupon terms. 3. There is a certain clear view for the ITOM to monitor and be alerted of the current status and issues of the system. The SLA metrics are monitored for the legacy systems by following the evaluations below: By performance: There are certain functionalities that are missing from the system according to the users. Accuracy of Data and system integrity: The system seems to have no issues with accuracy Availability of the system: It has been reported that the system is has quite a low availability as patches and upgrades are made required from the website before user can operate the service Security of Privacy: This sections needs to be further made stronger and updated as extra features are introduced. Affordability of the system (costs): Mainly the administration would be minimal and cut because the new features will make BattleNet to be self-sufficient.

Why is BTOPP is accessed and how? A BTOPP analysis is very crucial from a business point of view, an ITOM manger should make sure an analysis is done before upgrading the legacy system because there is a fine connection between IT

and business needs, thus analysing it will determine if the Decision made at the end would be beneficial for the overall Business sectors or else there is a risk that the company will suffer from “Information Paradox”, which occurs due to the negligence of considering all the factors and sectors which eventually results in poor decision making .The BTOPP will aid the IRB to come to a definite conclusion after considering the risks , resources ,responsibilities , technical standards in the legacy system . On the BattleNet Service, BTOPP management will be carried out by assigning each role to the appropriate person who will assess each particular area. The following is a list of how the BTOPP review is carried out: Business Technology Organisation Process People

Focused on the commercial value Is focused on the testing of the system , upgrading it and finally deploying it To make the system as functional as possible, efficient organisation is needed. The system that’s needs to remodelled and modified Focused on the employees and users using the system

Engagement of Business counterparts: The customers/Users: The final decision is based and thought upon the feedback of the customers. ITOM: Is focused on making the company reach its definite objectives by overseeing every aspect of a project CIO: Is focused towards implementation of IT strategies to achieve the objectives COO: Implementation of business strategy regarding the issues the company is facing Risk Sector/Department: Concentrated on dealing possible risk the system might face after going through upgradation

Investment Review Board (IRB): The IRB in a company is responsible for approving or denying any proposals made, they inspect and review it, before giving a verdict that if the project has potential to uphold and improve business value, which then allows funds to invest into the project. After approving they constantly superintend the development of the project and provide necessary guidance .Hence, to assist with the decision-making process the report is presented with different crucial factors like –BTOPP analysis, the cost valuation, risk analysis, advantages and disadvantages of upgrading BattleNet etc. The prominent IRB members include – For Business: CEO and CFO Technology: CTO Organisation: COO

Process: ITOM People: HR

Pre-Decision making process to be considered: 1. At first , SLA needs to be outlined to set measurable and clear guidelines for IRB to consider 2. The IRB will be provided with risk assessment of the project which will allow them to decide if the risks outweigh the benefits and whether risk removal is achievable. The checkpoints of the project is outlined below: 1. The CEO will determine and think about the ultimate return of investments made to the project before initiating it and giving a nod. 2. A feasibility study would be carried out regarding the IT strategies of project and its importance that will be defined by the CTO such as the – availability of staffs and concrete business goals etc. 3. After the confirmation, of previous checkpoints budget will be thoughtfully allocated to move towards the development phase. 4. Milestones are set for the development team to complete in set period 5. The completed development of the system is approved for testing and for user acceptance 6. Finally, the project is implemented and overseen by the ITOM team.

Impact of change If the IRB approves the proposal of the project, it needs to consider about the impact of changes that it would bring to the business and the six management areas and be documented.

Acceptance Criteria The acceptance criteria should be established in parallel to the development process of the project, based on the systems functional and non-functional specifications, it determines when improvement should occur and whether Production should continue (performance and availability). Some vital questions to be thought about is “if the current systems is functioning as required with the faced restriction, if not, is it possible to maintain the system with the level of performance it currently has?” The main objective of acceptance criteria is Quality Assurance, thus establishing would maintain the objective and ensure stakeholders and users are satisfied on the end result the change is going to bring and it will also put light to any unexpected results and problems.

Acceptance Criteria Management:

ITOM is in charge of the management of the IT aspects for acceptance criteria     

Firstly , Production acceptance is required Process owner is selected Form a acceptance team Prioritise requirements and manage it Development polices is accounted

After the acceptance criteria is approved, then production baselines is focused upon for update and documenting.

Production Baseline The baseline serves as a benchmark for measuring performance; it provides timeline, expense, and practical work scope guidance. The production baseline is overseen by the Under Milkwood Company for keeping in track of all the IT functionality for the company as well as the BattleNet service, it is derived from the requirements mentioned in the acceptance criteria. The ITOM manages the production baseline as well, the software, security and hardware lies in the function of the baseline .The objectives of the baseline in regards to management are listed below. 1. Establish concrete SDL (System growth life cycle) success points from beginning to end. 2. Precise documentation is created so that it can be referenced in the upcoming projects in future. 3. Creating a standardised basis for change control that is linked to a specific goal. 4. The baseline should be linked to the production and able to deliver the deliverables. After, modifying the baseline it will be followed by configuration management.

Configuration Management Configuration management (CM) is a collection of best practises for dealing with both the original design and the ongoing modifications you make to achieve project deliverables. Documenting a product's components, the impact because of the changes made to production baseline and building a relationship between them is what configuration management is all about. CM can efficiently determine whether a change in one component affects the others. It is done simultaneously while update is being made to BattleNet and before implementation of the changes because the documentation would be needed in the next step for change management. It would help Under Milkwood in long term as it guarantees the inter-relationship of the various, hardware, and software and network configuration of BattleNet to be documented properly. Configuration management enables management to comprehend how they will assist the newly installed BattleNet System by updating the competency matrix, by Gap analysis etc. The documentation of CM is done through the following:   

Backbone Network diagrams Network configuration topology Circuit diagram for software’s

CM management: 1. Selection of BattleNet Projects process owner who would be responsible, assurance testing acceptance criteria and overviewing production baseline and finally document the impact the changes have brought. 2. A technical writer is enlisted by the process owner to translate the complex technical diagram into simpler format so that it can be sent to ITOM for review and keep frequent communication with business hierarchies where needed . 3. The documentation is done and sent for evaluation. After reviewing the changes made in production baseline the final stage is documentation and then passing it forward to the change management team for execution of the upgradation.

SLAs Metrics A SLA is used to oversee the production baseline, it’s an agreed contract between the client and the service provider on certain characteristics of the project such as, availability, quality, responsibility etc. The SLA metrics are governing the SLAs to ensure that SLAs are being maintained and followed. In case of BattleNet service upgrade of the legacy system the implementation of SLA would ensure:     

A possible disaster recovery planning if something goes wrong Marketing and advertisement plan for the newly installed changes Client expectation of the product being met by following the metrics as an instrument for checklist Resource allocation done correctly Employees being responsible and productive due to the SLA deadlines

SLA metrics management:    

Outlining the requirements from different stakeholders to outline SLA...

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