Assignment 4 An Inconvenient Sequel PDF

Title Assignment 4 An Inconvenient Sequel
Course Earth, People and Environment
Institution Rowan University
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Renee Handley Profess Hasse, Ph.D. Earth People and Environment Assignment 4 An Inconvenient Sequel 4-23-18 The most impactful part of the film to me was the rate at which polar ice caps are melting. It was very concerning to me. The ice caps melting is caused by the overall increase in the global temperature. The melting that takes place has serious consequences for all organisms on earth. When the polar ice caps melt sea, levels rise and the ocean start to become less saline. It is super important for the polar ice caps to stay frozen because the snow that covers the ice caps will end up reflecting a large amount of light back into space. The light that is reflected back into space will increase the overall temperature of the Earth. Also, the melting of the polar ice glaciers in the Himalaya effects the drinking supply water to millions of people that rely on meltwater rivers. In addition, with the polar ice caps melting this will cause sea levels to rise. This affects the people living close to the sea level due to their home will become flooded. If the ice caps melt the ice caps that cover Antarctica, Greenland, and mountain glaciers the sea level will rise about seventy meters. This would case the ocean to cover the coastal cities. This would case the land area to shrink significantly. The cities that would survive are Denver. The ice is important because it affects the amount of sunlight that is absorbed by the earth system. The number of positive feedbacks associated with the sea ice cause a major climate in the Arctic. The most important effect that comes from the warming of the ice is less sunlight is reflected back to space this enhances warming. Overall the glacier is important to human without them and them melting away sea levels will rise and tons of fresh drinking water will be added to the ocean every day. If the polar ice caps melt the sea level will rise six meters about twenty feet. This will affect the weather a long with the polar bears. The polar bears need the polar ice caps and the sea ice to live and to gather food. Because their reliance on the ice without the ice caps the polar bears would go extinct. My understanding of climate change did not change very much I knew it was a big problem. What I learned made me realize that the climate change problem is even worse than I thought it was. I knew the polar ice caps were melting but I didn’t know it was at such fast horrible rate. My understanding change in the way that I think this is a very big problem that needs to be address rapidly and very soon or there could be huge consequences to the human race. The problems with addressing climate change are money, resources, and politics. The cause of climate change that causes the problem is the burn up of coal, oil, and gas supplies that destroy the vast areas of forests and peatlands, green gases that are poured into the atmosphere that disrupted the delicate balance of gases that sustains life on our planet. This causes a devastating impact on people and environments. Some solutions to fix the problem of climate change are using clean energy such as wind, wave, tidal, and solar energy. Sometimes these alternatives are expensive and hard to implement and get past laws and regulations. Some opposing interested that are against climate change are president Donald Trump. He first showed his opposing interest by withdrawing from US from the Paris climate accord this caused the president to be confronted by many businesses on Facebook and the Goldman Sachs on risking America’s economic and environmental standing. This caused the white house to be bombarded by many phone

calls from angry voters. It put into significance of lawmaker, companies and universities swung into action in an attempt to reassure the world that the US wasn’t going to completely abandon the field. Another opposing side to climate change is Al Gore as he is for climate change. He opposed and is against president Trump withdrawing from US from the Paris climate agreement. He believes that global warming is one of humanity’s great moral movement’s. Al Gore is not the first climate campaigner to make a moral argument for acting on global warming. Al Gore plays a major role in raising awareness of the danger of climate change since he started in the film An Inconvenient Truth and made his points in his speech in London. My one hope would be that climate change would become better. I would hope that the ice caps stop melting, I also hope that the temperature of the earth atmosphere does not rise anymore. The first step to working towards this goal would be using renewable resources such as biomass, solar energy, wind power, solar power, tidal power, and hydroelectric power instead of coal, petroleum, natural gas, nuclear energy, and fossil fuels. Non renewable resources are most damaging because, original organic material combines we heat and pressure the makes the fuel such as oil or gas. While all energy source have some impact on our environment. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gases do more substantially harm than renewable energy sources by measures. This measurement of harm to the earth includes air and water pollution, damage to public health, wildlife and habitat loss, water use, land use, and global warming emissions. Connection that I can make to my own life are to get involved in ways to learn and take care of the environment. I can also choose renewable power which is a cleaner and healthier on the earth. The last way to help climate change is eat wisely I can do this by buying organic and locally grown foods. I should try to avoid processed items. I good way to eat wisely is to grow your own food....

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