Unit 4: Managing an Event - Assignment 1 PDF

Title Unit 4: Managing an Event - Assignment 1
Course Understanding Business
Institution University of Greenwich
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Unit 4: Managing an Event - Assignment 1. Distinction* Standard Work for Unit 4, Assignment 1. This assignment has been very well structured with high-quality evaluation and justification. The document contains: P1: Explain the role and skills required to be an effective events planner, P2: Investi...


Unit 4: Managing an Event Assignment 1

4/ A.P1 explain the role and skills required to be an effective events planner Introduction In order to succeed in event management, it is important to have the certain skills and abilities for it to beat the highly competitive environment. In this assignment I will go into the detail what he right mind set and skills are requires in order to be successful at organising an event. Organisational skills In order to be successful at organising an event, it is important to know for any event organiser is to simply how to manage his or her business. It does take a lot of planning and organising an event as every small little detail must be right and perfected. If all these very perfected and every detail was considered, then it will result in a spectacular event. However, if the event organiser did not take part in organising any upcoming events or projects then it can quickly turn into chaos which can be unmanageable. In order to be successful in event organisation it is important to not only perfect every detail in organising the event but also being a team leader and a team worker, which means handling and communicating well with hundreds of people. Therefore, a well organised team works efficiently and will get the roles of the jobs done quicker with less problems. Time Management This skill is very important as businesses expect members to hand in work or complete any project before the deadline. An event organiser is always efficient with every task that the business gives them as they will complete it before deadline with the highest efficiency. This not easy as it does involve a lot of projects need to be done before deadline, so time management is key to becoming a successful event organiser. However, if there is a fail in time management by skipping deadlines it can give a bad reputation to the organisation and the whole team.


Communication with good interpersonal skills The most successful event organisers are people friendly and are good at verbal communication and written communication. This is very important as this is a big leadership role which consists of keeping in contact with multiple people and keeping them perform multiple tasks. Communications skills are key to create a successful event as ideas need to be clearly communicated and made sure the team understands fully and can carry out the tasks perfectly and on time. This can be from agreeing on the size of the whole venue which is needed for it to run the team smoothly as possible. Therefore, as being an event organiser, they are the leaders so if there are any conflicts in the team, they will need great communication, social and a good heart to solve this fairly and remain good workforce. So overall a successful event organiser is a good team player and can work with all kinds of people. Budget Control Calculating the expenses and the potential profit which will be made from running the event is important for an event organiser. So, setting up a budget is important as it can get most of the money and if the event organiser fails to keep within the budget it can not only affect the profit but also can result in making a huge loss. Problem Solving

Problem solving is important for an event organiser as its important for them to resolve any problems or any last-minute problems which need solving quick. Therefore, the event organiser also must handle conflicts from members and need to be done calmly and fairly. The business they are in can involve a lot of problems that can go wrong and can affect the event like the sound equipment which may not work properly. There will be upcoming problems the event organiser will have to face and must be prepared for any problems which can affect the event. So planning is key


Working with Pressure Of Course, when running an event especially a big one not all things will go perfectly. So this is important for any event organiser to keep that in mind as they always need a Plan B. this can get stressful and can easily drive anyone out of control with full confusion so therefore, it is important for the event organiser to be calm and use his or her leadership skills to keep everyone calm and not get stressed. With all this pressure on the event organiser it can get out of hand with stress, so it is important to take decisions calmly and with a clear mind to avoid further mistakes. Negotiation Skills

When negotiating, even organisers must have great mastery for this skill and need those skills to be successful for this even to run. This skill requires finding a Win – Win section for both parties. This means Event organisers will need to negotiate the price of different products and services and when renting a venue, it is necessary for negotiating to the owner of the venue about the price for reduction.

Planning Skills

It is vital for Event organisers to create well detailed plans consisting of plan B too in case if plan A doesn’t work or it runs into the last-minute problems. It should consist all the actions needed to be taken for it to run successfully. All this can be considered and will make sure nothing is forgotten. When it comes to planning it does not focus on the event solely, it also focuses on the external factors which can be traffic, weather etc. This is especially important if the event is taking place in the open which means the event organiser must look at the weather forecast and see the conditions for the day for that event. They also must make sure to switch the plan if the external factors change so this means they must prepare all the time for any changes.


Attention to every detail Paying attention to detail is what creates a good event as for it to be fully successful every smallest detail must be considered and must have a plan B is it goes wrong. These little touches are very important as it can create big impressions and most people tend to remember them.

Role of event organiser The main role of an event organiser is to develop and produce an event and deliver it in the highest quality possible by running it smoothly with minimum mistakes. Big organisations make sure to hire the best even organisers as they develop and deliver the best quality event and are very experienced. The role of the event organiser also consists of the health and safety, time management and team members doing their tasks in time and deliver their tasks before deadline and in the highest quality. Overall, the event organisers do play different roles especially in Researches, marketing, planning and expenditure.

Planning After hiring an event organiser, it is important to then find a venue and book it which is suitable for the type of event and negotiating after on the venue. Therefore, it is then followed by a detailed plan of what the event would have to go through with every small detail in order to run smoothly. There will be deadlines and a lot of tasks for to get everything in place and in time.

Management Event organiser makes all the important decision by making decisions on how many people attend and what sort of marketing techniques is required in order to drive customers in for the event. They also make sure to provide the best leadership skills which is important to motivate the staff members and support them and solve any


conflicts which arise. Without an organiser it is unlikely for an event to be successful as it can risk ending up in a chaos. Communication The event organiser is meant to be constantly in need of communicating with its staff members and to make sure every task is done before deadline and all the misunderstandings or conflicts have been solved. Communication is also vital with clients and negotiation with suppliers and owners as this is helpful to build a relationship. This is useful for the business to acquire materials and products for cheaper price.

Research Research is important in order to plan the event. It is vital for the research to be in depth and in very detail. Usually the research can be done through several channels. There is normally trials and errors after research has been taken place in order to see what works and what doesn’t. Therefore, the event manager normally makes phone calls or face to face meetings with people who have had experience in similar events and had been successful. Furthermore, in some cases also, surveys and questionnaires are also done in terms of primary research to find good information which can help make the event successful.

Marketing Marketing process is very important especially for the event organiser. He or she will have to come up with the best marketing tactics to the suitable target audience for the event. However, there is marketing experts that will help the organiser which can help in many ways of promotions. Regulatory of the marketing process is vital for the event organiser to take control of and to keep in track of.



Tracking the costs and controlling the costs by calculations is the total costs running the whole event is something even organisers must be in control of. They will have to decide the charge for running the whole event while making sure to keep the costs at a budget and make as much profit as possible. However, if they miscalculate something then therefore, they will make a loss, or it can reduce the overall profit. Therefore, it is important for an event organiser to have accounting and finance skills for this role in order to track and control all these costs effectively.

4/A.P2 investigate own skills in the form of skills audit




Action for Improvement

rated (1-5) Research Skills

Going more the library Library Skills


and getting information from books Referencing can

Online use Organisation

5 




Taking the role of an

my own

effective leader by


Time 

improve of the sources


managing the tasks and managing the people.

Assignment deadlines

Boxing training Make a record of the

daily main tasks and sub

Assignments 4

Prioritizing main

tasks which must be completed and finish


them off in order to create a good habit and be organised. Improving the main 6

focus on a task while Multi-tasking



being attentive.

Can take a course or Software



look at YouTube videos on how to effectively use excel Typing skills to improve

Keyboard Skills

3 

Online Businesses

Internet with

Practising the right 4

emails Numeracy

 Handling data

language when writing professional emails Keeping a record of all

Forex and stock

speed and effectiveness


the important data.

investing Learning all the Accounting


accountant terms and regulations.

Interpersonal Skills



Showing positivity and


passion can really


motivate others to work better.



Becoming more of


verbal individual in a




team can help me become more of a team

Team working


skills Communication Skills


Essay Writing


Even though English is my second language, I do find myself pretty confident




when writing creative blogs or assignments so for improvements I can be reading more books.

Assignment Presentation

With doing more 5

Presentation Skills

improve my confidence. 


presentations can really

Taking notes in lectures

Taking notes effectively 3

in class.

Pronunciation is what I need to improve on Verbal


when in the pressure of delivering a presentation in front of everyone.so public speaking is what I need to practise on.

4/A.M1 Analyse own skills with those required by an event manager, highlighting areas for development

I have interviewed one of the event organisers at George Eliot hospital where my dad works which has made it easier for me to interview as it was an easy access to take on 8

a short interview. Event marketing and managing is important for people healthcare network and also hospitals such as George Eliot focus on raising awareness in order to engage the patient communication within the market of today. It can be from teaching the local community for them to condemn a healthier lifestyle to fundraising activities to help with research and cures by supporting multiple charities. I have taken a short interview through the phone to the events manager in order to get information and what sort of skills are required to be a successful event organiser. The interview is as it follows: Interview with an Event Manager om George Eliot

Q: is travelling a common thing you have to do for setting up events? A: many events do require travelling long distances in order to find a suitable place for the participants to fundraise or setting up a nice open place for information so yeah... travelling is a routine for us. However, it is not much of a problem, as I am willing to spend a time in order to get to a certain location in order to make the participants feel real about the place and easiest for them. Q: Can you please tell me one time where there was a disastrous moment when you had you manage and can you also tell me how you coped with this please? A: Oh yes there was! One time we had a fundraising activity and it got all rained on so all the leaflets, paperwork got ruined and plus we did not predict this too but however, i did make sure to set up canopies as i made sure to stay one step ahead no matter what. Q: what are the biggest challenge you believe in this role of yours? A: the hardest task I think is for me especially is just keeping up with the deadlines and the deadlines of the staff members as I’m in charge of them to make sure they have done their work in time and also keeping the clients happy too of course! Q: how good are your listening skills and how can you know they are good? A: listening skills i think are good especially i do make sure to have a habit for writing everything in order to not forget anything or forget what you just asked. Q: What are the priorities when organising the event?


A: event time for a definite and also what the clients feel is the most important part of the event which i mostly focus on too. Q: what other skills are very important in order to be a successful event manager A: Time management skills are very important of course and attention to detail is the key to being a really good at event organising. It also maintains a good reputation for me being an event manager and more people will hire me to do activities and therefore, this is perfect for efficiency. Looking at this interview I have understood how important organisation skills are and how it can be the difference between a good event organiser and a bad one. The lady which I interviewed had made it clear how important organisation skills are and time managing skills too. It can make or even break an event if not done properly. These skills can include meeting deadlines, planning the logistics, managing the budget and organising the staff schedules. I do have good time management skills as looking at the skills audit of myself and I do believe that I can be a good organiser which is perfect for organising an event. My skills audit suggests I can manage my time wisely by focusing on different things such as boxing, assignments and my own business work. The lady did also mention that attention to detail is everything too when organising an event. I do make sure I focus on attention to detail too as my business that contains attention to detail for clients to trust me is very important. Therefore, boxing even requires me to focus on each and every detail with upmost focus. So therefore, I believe I do believe I have good attention and can utilize this when organising an event. However, one of my weakness where I need to work on is the listening skills. The lady did mention about how important listening skills are and how it is used to listen to her clients and to her staff members where they are with deadlines and interviewing clients to know what is the most important, they need. This is one of my weaknesses as English is my second language and can be hard for me to understand fully as some people have different ways of speaking English as in tone and volume wise. I do have to listen slowly and clearly for me to get a grip of what they are saying but I can improve it by understanding more as listening and demonstrate listening skills by paraphrasing. Therefore, be confident enough to ask


open questions. I can also use how the lady has made sure she uses to not forget anything is by nothing down everything which is where I should start by taking action. Another weakness of mine is prioritising main tasks before other tasks. This can be such as when I need to prioritise my assignment college work but instead some days, I choose to do boxing training or even my own business work. This is a problem of me as it can lead to procrastination. This is a problem as being an event organiser the lady has states that focusing on main things first of what clients want is more important than anything else except the time of the event. So, making sure I have finished my prioritised task for the day is where I need to improve on. I can improve this significantly by taking a diary and noting down what Is needed for being done today and what are the main things that are needed to be done. Skills audit of an event manager Activity


Ability rated (1-5)

Research Skills Library Skills


Online use


Organisation skills

Maintaining deadlines 4

Time Management

 Prioritizing main tasks

Focusing on what the clients are really looking forwards to





Excel, word etc

Software knowledge



Quick typing skills

Keyboard Skills

5 

Internet with emails Numeracy

 Handling data 

Ability to email bac and forth to clients professionally and 5 making them happy if they have problems. Amount of people attending, food stock etc 5 Budgetary control

Accounting Interpersonal Skills

5 


Driving the team up with motivation to increase the work efficiency


Ability to work with the team and not against it 5

Team working skills Communication Skills Written 5


5 Presentation Skills 

Taking notes of the speaker




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