Assignment 4 - computer science PDF

Title Assignment 4 - computer science
Author Brahmz Ave
Course Computer science
Institution York University
Pages 5
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Assignment 4: Professional Report with Microsoft® Word The purpose of this assignment is to learn some advanced word processing techniques. Your task will be to create a well-formatted mock report using Microsoft Word. The final deliverable will be one Word document that meets the requirements listed below, resembling the provided sample report. Save the document as a .docx file and submit it through eClass.

Step-by-step instructions The following instructions are for Microsoft® Word, which is part of the Office 365 package that is free for York students to install and use. For any other versions, the steps may differ to some extent1. Launch a blank word document. Margins: Go to Layout > Margins > Custom Margins. Make the margins 2.2 cm on each side. Type in the following skeleton heading phrases into the document: Professional report with Microsoft Word

Literature Review




Algorithm 1

Author name

Design Methodology

Algorithm 2

Conclusions and Future Work



Experimental Results

Now open the Navigation Pane (refer to the slides and videos if you don’t know how to open it), which could show the structure of the document. Observe that you can not see any document structure now (why?). Also observe the hints shown in the pane: “To get started, go to the Home tab to apply Heading styles to the headings of your document”. Heading Styles (applying). Now apply styles to the headings in the document, as specified below. Table 1: Headings, styles and number of paragraphs

Headings Professional Report with Word Introduction Literature Review Contribution Design Methodology Procedure Implementation Algorithm 1 Algorithm 2 Experimental Results Discussion Conclusions and Future Work

Heading Levels (styles applied) Title Heading 1 Heading 1 Heading 1 Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 3 Heading 1 Heading 1 Heading 1

Number of Paragraphs that follow (copied from 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1


In particular, for Mac versions of Word, and for many other applications, the Ctrl- shortcuts in Windows usually correspond to Command- (pretzel) shortcuts in macOS.


After that, in the navigation pane you should see the structure of the document with proper indentations, as shown in Figure 1 below. This structured is generated based on the styles you’ve just applied. Text Content. Next, go to this website to grab some dummy text to add under each heading text section. Each section should contain the number of paragraphs as specified in the table above. Under the section of “Where can I get some?” on the website, enter the number of paragraphs, and select “paragraph” and uncheck “Start with 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…’”. Then click the “Generate …” button. This will generate text in (slightly jumbled) Latin. Copy the generated texts into the destination sections. If you have spell-checking running and don’t want to see the spellchecking results, you can turn it off temporarily from File > Options > Proofing, and uncheck “Spell check as you type”.

Figure 1: Structure of the navigation pane

Make sure all the copied texts have the Normal style. If not, apply the Normal style. Heading Styles (modifying and creating new). Next, modify the pre-defined styles that you have applied, formatting the headings according to the following rules: • • • • •

Title: Calibri Light, font size 24, dark colour of your choice, Align: Center Heading 1 (H1): Calibri Light, font size 20, dark red colour; RGB value (192, 0, 0) Heading 2 (H2): Times New Roman, font size 16, dark colour of your choice Heading 3 (H3): Times New Roman, font size 14, italic, dark colour of your choice Normal (Copied text): Times New Roman, font size 11, default colour (black), Align: Justify

Next, define a new style named Author, with Courier New, font size 10, italic, default colour (black), Align: Center. Appy this style to the Author name Symbols. Add a ® symbol in the title after word ‘MS’, as shown in the sample report. Footnote. Change the Author name to your name, and add a Footnote (References > Insert Footnote) for the name with your department information, as shown in the sample report. Headers. Add a “Banded” built-in header with the document title on the top, as shown in the sample report (you don’t have to add ® here). If you are using Mac version of Word, and it does not have this style, choose a similar one. Page Numbers. Add page numbers at the bottom center of each page, in the format of Page # of #, where the first # is the current page number and the second # is the total number of pages. Hyperlinks. At the end of the Contribution section, type in “Experimental results are given in the Results section. Follow this book link for more information.” Then, create two hyperlinks, so that the word ‘Results’ contains a hyperlink to the Experimental Results section of this report, and word ‘this’ contains a hyperlink to webpage


Try the hyperlink in the sample report to see how it works. (The sample report is in pdf so you just need to click the links, whereas in Word you need to press Ctrl + click). Bulleted List and numbered list, equations, textboxes, shapes. Add list and sub-list, and equations at the end of the Procedure section, as shown in the sample report. Figures and captions. Download the two pictures provided, and insert the “YorkU” one after the Algorithm 2 section. Align it in the center and resize it to be between 7 cm and 14 cm in both horizontal and vertical dimensions. Give the picture a caption “Figure 1: York University Keele campus” below the figure. Note that you should not manually type the “Figure 1: …”. Instead, ask Word to add the caption, as shown in class. When you ask Word to do the job, Word automatically shows “Figure 1” as the beginning of the caption, as Word knows that this is currently the first figure in the document. Type “: York …” after that. By adding captions this way, the captions would be updated automatically when a new figure is inserted before it. Now let’s try out. Insert another picture in Algorithm 1 section. Again, align it in the center and resize them to be between 7 cm and 14 cm in both horizontal and vertical dimensions. Ask Word to generate a caption for the figure. Note that you will see “Figure 1” as the beginning of the captions, as Word knows that this is the first figure now. Complete the caption by adding “: LAS building” as shown in the sample report, and observe that the caption of the previously added image change to “Figure 2: …” automatically. This is the beauty of letting your word processor handle caption numbering, which is particularly important when you have a large number of pictures in and out. Tables and Captions. Insert a Word table after the first paragraph of Experimental Results section, fill in the data and format them as shown in the sample report. Give the table a caption above the table, as shown in the sample report. Note that when asking Word to generate the caption, Word gives you “Table 1” as the beginning of the intended caption. Insert another table by inserting an Excel Spreadsheet after the 2nd paragraph of this section. Fill in some arbitrary values. Note that the third column should be generated using a formula that calculates aftertax value of the values in column two. The formula should use the value of 13% given in another cell. For example, Tuesday’s after-tax value is calculated using a formula =B4*(1+$E$3) and the like. That is, when the tax rate changes, the after-tax value should also change accordingly. Give this table a caption “Excel table” above the table, as shown in the sample report. Note that when Word generates the caption, it gives you “Table 2” as the beginning of the caption, as it is currently the 2nd table in the document. Now, insert another Word table after the first table. Generate caption of “Word table 2” as shown in the sample report. Note that Word gives “Table 2” as the beginning of the caption, as Word knows that this is new 2nd table in the document. After that, notice that the caption of the Excel table is updated from Table2: … to Table 3: … automatically. Citations and Bibliography. Each report should have references. Word is very good at organizing citations. Selected the style Harvard – Anglia. Create a citation sources at the end of the first paragraph of the “Literature Review” section as shown in the sample report, with the following source information. Type of Source: Book Author: Patrick Happel Title: New pedagogical approach to EECS courses Year: 2018 City: Toronto Publisher: YorkU publishing house 3

Edition: 2 At the end of the report, generate Bibliography for the citations. Now, at the end of the 2nd paragraph of this section, add another citation with the following source information: Type of Source: Journal Article Author: Hynsoon Pak Title: How to learn non-major EECS courses Journal Name: Advanced Education Year: 2020 Pages: 50-55 Volume: 2 Issue: 4 Now, add the work to the Bibliography section (how?), as shown in the sample report. Table of Contents (ToC). Move your cursor to the very beginning of the document and insert a Blank Page at the beginning. Insert the table of content on the blank page. Select a built-in template. Now press Ctrl + section title should jump to the section. Then change the title of last section from “Conclusion and Future Work” to “Conclusions and Future Work”. Update the TOC to reflect this change (how?). List of Figures and Tables. Below the table of contents, generate the list of figures, followed by the list of tables. Above the lists, type a title line “List of Figures and Tables” and manually format the title texts with bold font Times New Rome of size 14, as shown in the sample report. Now press Ctrl + figure/table title should jump to the figure/table. Next, change the caption of ‘Word Table 2” to “Word Table II” and update the list of tables to reflect this change (how?). Cover page. Finally, add a cover page to make the report more professional. Select any style you prefer. There should be no page number on the cover page, nor should it affect the numbering of the following pages.

Requirements Summary – what we will look for during grading a) A cover page. Header with the “banded” style (or equivalent) and with the document title added in the middle b) Margins are 2.2 cm on all sides. Page numbers on bottom center of pages, in the format of Page # of #. No page number on the cover page c) Title with ® symbol added. Author name added to the footnote d) All headings (Title, subtitle, sections) in the correct order and with the style formatting as specified in the given table. New style added, for author name e) Use text from to create filler text. Each section should have the specified number of paragraphs. Filler texts should be formatted using Normal style as specified 4

f) Hyperlinks added, one link to a section in the current file, one link to the given URL g) List and sub-lists added, as shown in the sample report. Equations added, as shown in the sample report. Shape, textbox and callout added, and formatted with black color. h) Pictures (figures) with cations, aligned and sized as specified. Captions should update (reorder) automatically when pictures are added or deleted. Tables with captions, aligned, filled, formatted and sized as shown in the sample report. Formula is used in the excel table as specified. Captions should update (reorder) automatically when tables are added or deleted i)

Create citations using Word, and add a Bibliography section at the end of the document. They should be in the specified style


A Table of Contents (ToC) on page 1. It should be able to reflect heading changes (with an update operation). Entries in the ToC provide links to different sections of the document (Ctrl + title name). A list of figures and tables added after ToC. They should be able to reflect the changes of figures and tables (with an update operation). Entries in the lists provide links to different figures and tables in the document (Ctrl + figure/table title)


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