Assignment 4 Pakistan studies PDF

Title Assignment 4 Pakistan studies
Author Ali Hassan
Course Pakistan Studies
Institution COMSATS University Islamabad
Pages 4
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ASSIGNMENTNAME: Ali HassanREGISTRATION #: FA18-BSE-SUBMITTED TO: DR. Zahid shahCOMSATS UNIVERSITY ABBOTTABADReasons behind the problems of Political Partiesin PakistanCauses of failure of democracy in Pakistan lies in our political system. Feudalism, illiterate and apathetic people, self-imposed lea...



NAME: Ali Hassan REGISTRATION #: FA18-BSE-105 SUBMITTED TO: DR. Zahid shah


Reasons behind the problems of Political Parties in Pakistan Causes of failure of democracy in Pakistan lies in our political system. Feudalism, illiterate and apathetic people, self-imposed leaders and inherited politics that have few salient features of this system. It is feudal state where we are living and most of political leaders are just feudal lords and they have established their identity as political leaders. Feudalism has been leading towards the traditions of inherited politics in our country. In this political culture, millions of people are landless and illiterate peasants and social status of these people is not more than a slave. In addition to this, such landless peasants’ community is living in poverty.

Landlords and money The essence of democracy will lie in general will of the public. So, during election, this community is supposed to express there will to the feudal lords. This May be due to lack of knowledge or the fear of the landlord, landless peasants also do so. In these circumstances, can we expect from landless rural peasants that they are evaluate the credibility of their so – called leaders and manifesto of the political parties before voting? I don't think that they are able to do this. Almost 70% population of Pakistan leading life in this feudal and rural traditions. Consequently, general election becomes selection of a few people based upon the will of a few who are powerful and leading a life stander. In that way, democracy has been reduced to oligarchy and aristocracy in this country. In Pakistani democratic set up, our elected leaders even visit their constituencies for a few times because they have no concern with welfare of the deprived communities. Asa result, they don't want to know about people problems at grass root level and as a result, they are unable to find out solutions of them. So far as illiteracy is concerned, it is also a major root cause behind the failure of democracy in Pakistan.

 Less literacy rates Literacy is the most important prerequisite for democracy. Accordingly, the Census of 1998, literacy rate of Pakistan was about 43.92%.and literacy rate in rural community of Pakistan was 33.64% in 1998. So huge part of our population is still suffering in concentrated cycle of illiteracy and they are unable to do anything towards the development of Pakistan. Illiteracy automatically leads to poverty. An illiterate and economically impoverished community has concern only with bread and butter and they cannot concern with the true spirit of democracy. As a result, this community gives guns to the hands of monkeys by electing irrelevant persons who are not competent fully to cope with the national and international challenges.

 Other causes Corruption and embezzlement are big problems now. There is no security for citizens and the people are being killed in the game name of target killing. Suicide due to poverty and unemployment has now become common. Now in 2019, in Pakistan, maximum population comprising youth. But there are no jobs for them and employment for them and they are being not utilized. The sovereignty of our country and land has now been simply auctioned to the Uncle Sam (IMF) and Pakistan has been reduced to an American colony. In that way, all the state departments and institutions have failed from top to bottom. But issue is that our democratic rulers are not divine and we as a nation elect them. How we can challenge their anticity?

Yes, we cannot and they are our representatives. When general public are socially impoverished, deprived and illiterate, it will produce incompetent, opportunist and corrupt leadership in Pakistan. Such leaders just secure their vote bank on the name of democracy. Our leaders show that they are for the people but in actually, they entertain their own interest only. Provision of social welfare, education and justice is not their priorities list. The priorities of our leadership are to secure their Swiss Bank Accounts, flats in London and Saray Mahal only. Unfortunately, such attitude has become deep rooted in of our politicians.

2. Suggested Solutions/Recommendations  The opinion that i want is to give some recommendations and accoutrements which the inevitable to make democracy a successful saga in Pakistan and to strengthen the fraternity of the nation in general.  Sweatshops of the feudalism should be closed and the traditions of inherited politics must be abolished.  Education and social liberty should be given to all the nation in general and to the rural community in particular.

2. Suggested Solutions/Recommendations

Participation As the better governance and the development signals a vast range of things that includes protection of human rights, equal distribution of wealth, improvement of individual facilities, as well as generating such kind of environment to promote partition and growth of human capabilities. In terms of participation, decent governance essentially requires participation of different areas of the society. There must be a gender equality in identifying the major roles of both men and women in decision making process. Check-out today the government is the powerful actor in process of governance. Rule of Law It means, peace and order and when there is no corruption. Democracy basically needs the rule of law. It is according to law that people express their will and workout rule. The government rule should based on law relatively not on the basis of rich or poor men. The good governance is significantly, sticking to rule of law. Law seeks to focus on justice, when there is a lack of legislation then there would be more chances of evils to generate in the society to destruct law. Transparency It is one of the main pointers of good governance, there should be transparency in a sense that people are quite clear and open towards information about the decision-making process as well as its implementation. Pakistan being the democratic state, if there is transparency, citizens should be in a better position and fully aware about the protection of their rights. Transparency in budget must be implemented. Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan. Responsiveness it deals with the fact that Pakistan needs such institutions and process that used to serve all the stakeholders in time and with proper management. It ca be linked that the interest of the citizens should be protected in a proper manner. Effective and Efficient There should be effective governance and well-organized means that there must be proper and systematic operation of resources that would lead to ensure the best possible outcome for the society. There must be an

improvement and correction in terms of the quality of public service. A citizen-centered government with a proper financial management. Accountability in Pakistan there is a dreadful need of accountability where each individual or group is responsible for their actions specifically, actions and attitudes affect public interests. Political accountability where accountability of public officials to the people they represent, and needs to improve the hierarchical and managerial accountability. Equity It must be focused all the members of the society importantly the most helpless ones and popular levels should be taken into consideration in policymaking. Every individual has the right to be given equal rights in the society. Justice and equity must be given priority. Agreement oriented It is possible related with the solution that in case of struggles and issues, there must mechanism for conflict resolution that would better serve the whole community at the state level. The essential of government does not be dealt with the one sided act of policy rather it has to move ahead by mean of consensus of public as well as other leading member of the government. Conclusion History of Pakistan shows that this country is passing through the bad governance of political, economic and social categories. Pakistan’s political stage is going through an uncertainty, equivocation and a shillyshallying road-way. Parliamentary and political motives and actions are moving in a quite rough-house and that sounds like a bad kind of a situation lying in the democratic state of Pakistan. Pakistan’s journey for the democracy is in the continuous process. Although it is noticed that politicians, Solider as well as official in campaign to be on a successful mission and where they lack in order to solve certain based issues....

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