Assignment 5 - Grade: A- PDF

Title Assignment 5 - Grade: A-
Course Art in the Western World
Institution Sacred Heart University
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Answered questions in the form of a paper about 13th and 14th century italy, 15th century northern europe, and 15th century italy...


Assignment 5 Question 1: The Ludovisi Sacrophagus was found in 1621 in the Vigna Bernusconi tomb. The Ludovisi Sacrophagus is also known as the Via Tiburtine Sacrophagus. The creator of this sculpture is unknown. This sculpture is very impressive since he craved a battle scene using one slab of proconnesian marble. This was created with a lot of details, it shows people on multiple layers, the facial expressions are very obvious and so much more.This sarcrophagus depicts Romans and barbarians during a fight. This is a memorial of this battle that apparently took place in the mid third century. The Ludovisi Sacrophagus is probably the best proof of the artistic trends back then and also shows how political messages were being conveyed. When looking at it three Roman soldiers are very prominent compared to the other people. One of the men has an “X” on his forehead symbolizing that he was a part of the Mithraism cult and a general in the Roman Army. It is believed that the marking on his forehead and that he is not wearing a helmet means he was invincible. By the way the Romans were created you can tell by the expressions on the faces that they have a sense of satisfaction which shows that they had won the

battle. The barbarians are shown with fear in their faces and their horses look tired and frightened. Nicola Pisano was an Italian sculptor whose work is noted for its classical Roman sculptural style, he is sometimes even considered to be the founder of modern sculpture. Pisano’s pulpit for the pisa baptistery is a clear turning point in Western sculpture. This pulpit is freestanding and acts more like sculpture than it does as a piece of liturgical furniture. Hexagons and octagonal are both symbolic shapes and it represents both of the shapes. It is supported by a central column on a base with figures and animals, externally it has six columns some illustrate animals looking for prey or motifs of Christianity. The columns are crowned by gothic craving yet also represent late Roman techniques. Question 2: Giotto di Bondone, also known as the “father” of Renaissance art, is the most important Italian painter of the 14th century, whose works point to the innovations of the Renaissance style that developed about a century later. Giotto is known for being the earliest artist to paint realistic figures rather than the stylized artwork of the Medieval and Byzantine eras. Giotto is also called a transitional artist since his paintings embodied both elements of the past Gothic looks and the beginnings of new tempera paints. Some of Giotto di Bondone's most famous

artworks are Ognissanti Madonna, Lamentation, The Last Judgement, and so many more. Cimabue taught Giotto and was considered to be the first great Renaissance painter and he is seen as a kind of “transitional” artist between Medieval and the Renaissance periods. Masaccio is Florentine painter of the early Renaissance whose frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel of the Church. Within six years he radically transformed Florentine painting. His art eventually helped create many of the major conceptual and stylistics foundations of Western painting. The Tribute Money was painted by Masaccio in the Brancacci chapel in Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence. The story of Tribute Money is told in three separate scenes yet they are all in the same fresco, this way of telling an entire story in one painting is called continuous narrative. The Tribute Money shows a Roman tax collector demeaning tax money from Christ and the twelve apostles who do not have any money to pay, the scenes later show that Christ had performed a miracle to suddenly have the money to pay the tax collector. Masaccio was the first painter to show Brunelleschi’s discovery in his art. He created his fresco the Holy Trinity in Santa Maria Novella in Florence. Within the fresco it is obvious that Masaccio used Roman architecture for inspiration. In this fresco it shows coffers, columns, pilasters, barrel vaults, ionic and corinthian capitals, and fluting.

Question 3: Lorenzo Ghiberti is an early Italian Renaissance sculptor. He created a door called the Gates of Paradise for the Baptistery of the cathedral of Florence, considered one of the greatest masterpieces of Italian art. The Gates of Paradise were a pair of gilded bronze doors for the north entrance of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence. After the doors were finished they were installed at the east entrance. At each wing of the Gates of Paradise there are five large rectangular reliefs of senses from the Old Testament between the borders containing statuettes in niches. The format of them is completely different from traditional medieval quatrefoils of the other doors. Donatello’s bronze statue of David is famous as the first unsupported standing work of bronze casts during the Renaissance period. It is also the first freestanding nude male sculpture made since antiquity. The sculpture shows David with a smile, posed with his foot on Goliath;s severed head just after defeating him. David is completely naked apart from the laurel-topped hat and boots, and bears the sword of Goliath. Humanism is an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanism is shown in Renaissance art. It created a new subject matter and new approaches for all the arts

such as painting, sculptures, literary arts, cultural studies, social tracts, and philosophical studies. Classical art is based on people or figures that were idealized. The Gates of Paradise were influenced by humanism art and the bronze statue of David was influenced by classical art. Question 4: Jan Van Eyck was a painter in Bruges who was one of the early innovators of Early Netherlandish painting and one of the significant representatives of Early Northern Renaissance art. He is credited with originating a style of painting characterised by minutely realistic depictions of surface effects and natural light. That technique was done by using an oil medium, which allowed the building up of paint in translucent layers. Van Eyck painted many religious commissions and portraits of Burgundian courtiers, local nobles, churchmen, and merchants. His most famous artwork is the “Arnolfini Portrait”. Rogier van der Weyden was an Early Netherlandish painter who artworks focused on religious triptychs, altarpieces, commissioned single and diptych portraits. His style is characterized by fluency of line, rhythmic composition, and expressive intensity. Van Der Weyden was internationally famed for the naturalism of his details and his expressive pathos. Some of his most famous artworks are The

Magdalen, The Exhumation of Saint Hubert, Christ appearing to the Virgin, and many more. Hugo van der Goes was one of the most significant and original Flemish painters. He created altarpieces and portraits. Van der Goes introduced innovations in painting through his monumental style, use of a specific color range and individualistic manner of portraiture. Some of his best known artworks are Portinari Altarpiece, Monforte Altarpiece, Adoration of the Shepherds, and many others.

References: (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2020, from

Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris, Zucker, D., & Harris, D. (n.d.). Masaccio, Holy Trinity. Retrieved November 23, 2020, from FacebookPinterestFacebookPinterest Violeta MateiVioleta writes for people who want to design. (2020, September 27). Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus How To Find This Roman Battle Scene and Why Visit? Retrieved November 23, 2020, from Gates of Paradise. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2020, from Giotto. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2020, from Hugo van der Goes. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2020, from Janson, H. W., Davies, P. J., & Janson, H. W. (2009). Janson's basic history of western art. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. The National Gallery, L. (n.d.). Jan van Eyck. Retrieved November 23, 2020, from Rogier van der Weyden. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2020, from

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