Assignment 7 the cell factory PDF

Title Assignment 7 the cell factory
Author Samantha Halverson
Course Introductory Microbiology and Lab
Institution South Dakota State University
Pages 18
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Comparing a cell to a factory...


Eukaryotic cell factory: Compare a Cell to a Factory DO NOT work in a group! due to DropBox Monday by 10 PM (09/24/18) Fill in the miss components in Table 1 using the list in Table 2. Table 1. Job in the Factory Cell component

Brief list of function



1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in a Eukaryotic cell


35. Controls most cell activities; determines what proteins will be made


36. Power plant: supplies energy to the factory

2. Transforms one form of energy Mitochondria/chloroplast (plastid)


1 !

37. Large assembly line (where Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) workers do their work)

3. The ER moves items to different parts of the cell

38. Large assembly Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) line (with ribosomes)

32. A type of ER that synthesize proteins and moves items to different parts of the cell

See ER

76. Large assembly Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) line (without ribosomes)

33. A type of ER that synthesizes lipids, phospholipids, and steroids and moves items to different parts of the cell

See ER

39. Large assembly Transitional endoplasmic reticulum (TER) line (specialty)

34. A type of ER that contains the ER exit sites.

See ER

40. Finishing/ packaging department (for proteins)

4. Prepares proteins for use or export or for transport to organelles


Golgi apparatus


2 !

41. Janitor: break down, clean up, and repair items in and around the factory


78. Hazmat team: response team for removal of toxic materials (e.g. peroxides)


5. Responsible for breaking down and absorbing materials such as food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria.

6. Contains enzymes that rid the cell of toxics such as peroxides.



42. Break rooms. Place to store items (e.g. water) and a Vacuoles place to get rid of trash

7. Holds waste and stores water in plant and animal cells.

No basic shape or size

43. UPS or bike messenger within the cell factory


8. Used transport of materials within the plasma membrane and used to transport materials between organelles, and materials through the cytoplasm

Many shapes, but often spherical


44. Produce molecular hydrogen as a by-product of energy generation under anaerobic (oxygen-deficient)

N/A (maybe Hydrogen gas cylinders)

Rod-shape like a mitochondria

45. Compass or GPS


9. Magnetite crystals that form a chain, which acts like a compass needle to orient the cell in geomagnetic field


3 !



46. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) NH4+ + NO2− → N2 + 2H2O.

! Spherical Units that are not organelles 47. The CEO’s office in Eukaryotic cells

Nuclear envelope (nuclear membrane)

48. The CEO’s office door

Nuclear pore

10. Contains many nuclear pores that allow materials to move between the cytosol and the nucleus. 11. Allows the transport of molecules across the nuclear envelope.

See nucleolus

4 !

Nucleolus (Nucleoli)

12. Best known as the site of ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes.

50. Factory floor (use 2X)


13. Contains the organelles; site of internal cellular activity

Based on shape of organism

50. Factory floor (use 2X)


51. Is the liquid found inside cells, the gel-like substance enclosed within the cell membrane

Based on shape of organism

49. The CEO’s desk


5 !

lac operator (mutated A27; normal is T27) Plac/ara-1 (A27) I1-I2 (AraC binding site) -35

52. Foramens or supervisors (step down from the CEO; it consists of DNA)

lacO (symmetrical Lac operat



14. Is a small DNA molecule within a cell that is physically separated from a chromosomal DNA and can replicate independently.

p14Amp 2684 bp

-10 transcriptional start site lac operator SD-2 (Shine-Dalgarno-2) RBS T1 Terminator T1 Terminator

T0 Terminator

ColE1 rep origin

Circular or linear

53. Demolition crew (protein)


15. Are protein complexes which degrade proteins using enzymes called proteases ! Hollow Rod-shaped

6 !

16. Workers in the assembly line (proteins)

Free ribosomes or bound ribosomes

54. The assembly line to synthesize proteins

A large and small subunit housing mRNA

7 !


17. Mobile factory (the wheels)


55. Used for cellular mobility, these are long

Spaghetti-like appendages

18. Mobile factory (the wheels) or the headlights

cilium (plural is cilia)

56. They are slender protuberances that project from the much larger cell body. There are two types: motile and nonmotile (typically serve as sensory organelles)

! Spaghetti-like small appendages

8 !

19. Support beams (walls, ceilings, floors)


57. Maintains cell shape

! 20. Wood, steel, and etc. that make up the support beams (used 2X)


58. Tubular polymers of tubulin that form part of the cytoskeleton

See Cytoskeleton

20. Wood, steel, and etc. that make up the support beams (used 2X)

Microfilaments (actin filaments)

59. They are filaments in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells that form part of the cytoskeleton.

See Cytoskeleton

60. Damaged factory equipment storage

22. Battery room storage (used 2X)

21. Inclusion bodies, are nuclear aggregates of stable substances. They typically represent sites of viral multiplication in a bacterium or a eukaryotic cell and usually consist of viral capsid proteins. ! Inclusion bodies ! Inclusion bodies can also be hallmarks of genetic diseases, as in the case of neuronal inclusion bodies in disorders like frontotemporal dementia and Parkinson's disease (called Lewy inclusion bodies) Thylakoid

61. They are the site of the lightdependent reactions of photosynthesis.

! See Mitochondria/chloroplast (plastid)

9 !

22. Battery room storage (used 2X)

23. Shipping/ Receiving department or loading dock

The mitochondrial components (e.g. cristae, cristae space, matrix, ATPase, etc.)

62. Redox reactions of oxidative phosphorylation occurs and ATP synthase is used to generate and store ATP

See Mitochondria/chloroplast (plastid)

Cytoplasmic membrane (plasma membrane, cell membrane)

63. Regulates what enters and leaves the cell; where cell makes contact with the external environment. Structure and much more.

Based on shape of organism

Prokaryotic microcompartments

64. Are organelle-like, consisting of a protein shell that encloses enzymes and other proteins.

Prokaryoticspecific components

24. Cubicles in an office building

Several different structures

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25. Specialty rooms in a building Carboxysomes (used 2X)

65. Specialty compartment used for carbon fixation

Several different structures

26. Outer walls of the factory


75. Surface layer: part of the cell envelope


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25. Specialty rooms in a building Metabolosomes (used 2X)

66. A specialty compartment that function to degrade a variety of different carbon compounds


27. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in a prokaryotic factory


28. Paint on the factory wall


Normally in the center of the cell 67. It is an irregularly shaped region within the cell of a prokaryote that contains all or most of the genetic material. ! !

68. A gelatinous covering present in some bacteria outside the cell membrane and cell wall.


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29. Fence around the cell

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS)

69. It is only found in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. It acts as barrier against harmful agents and acts as a second lipid bilayer but with more compounds. !

77. Factory tunnel (from on factory to another or to something else)

Pilus (Fimbria)

70. Responsible for attachment of bacteria to specific surfaces

! A short, thin, hair-like filament 30. The Pentagon outer offices (used 2X)

30. The Pentagon outer offices (used 2X)

Intracellular membranes

71. Some bacteria contain these extra internal membranes in addition to (or as extensions of) their cytoplasmic membranes

Intracytoplasmic Membrane (ICM)

72. These are specialized internal membranes, some are organelles, found in bacteria that use them to increases surface area to maximize light absorption



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73. Life jacket (used 2X)

Gas vacuoles

31. They provide buoyancy to these cells by decreasing their overall cell density. Positive buoyancy is needed to keep the cells in the upper reaches of the water column, so that they can continue to perform photosynthesis.

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73. Life jacket (used 2X)

Gas vesicles

74. These are components of the gas vacuole in certain prokaryotic organisms.

See Gas vacuoles

Table 2. Use each number ONLY ones unless it states it should be used 2X. Number 1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in a Eukaryotic cell 2. Transforms one form of energy 3. The ER moves items to different parts of the cell 4. Prepares proteins for use or export or for transport to organelles 5. Responsible for breaking down and absorbing materials such as food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria. 6. Contains enzymes that rid the cell of toxics such as peroxides. 7. Holds waste and stores water in plant and animal cells. 8. Used transport of materials within the plasma membrane and used to transport materials between organelles, and materials through the cytoplasm 9. Magnetite crystals that form a chain, which acts like a compass needle to orient the cell in geomagnetic field 10. Contains many nuclear pores that allow materials to move between the cytosol and the nucleus 11. Allows the transport of molecules across the nuclear envelope. 12. Best known as the site of ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes. 13. Contains the organelles; site of internal cellular activity 14. Is a small DNA molecule within a cell that is physically separated from a chromosomal DNA and can replicate independently.

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15. Are protein complexes which degrade proteins using enzymes called proteases 16. Workers in the assembly line (proteins) 17. Mobile factory (the wheels) 18. Mobile factory (the wheels) or the headlights 19. Support beams (walls, ceilings, floors) 20. Wood, steel, and etc. that make up the support beams (used 2X) 20. Wood, steel, and etc. that make up the support beams (used 2X) 21. Inclusion bodies, are nuclear aggregates of stable substances. They typically represent sites of viral multiplication in a bacterium or a eukaryotic cell and usually consist of viral capsid proteins. ! ! Inclusion bodies can also be hallmarks of genetic diseases, as in the case of neuronal inclusion bodies in disorders like frontotemporal dementia and Parkinson's disease (called Lewy inclusion bodies) 22. Battery room storage (used 2X) 22. Battery room storage( used 2X) 23. Shipping/Receiving department or loading dock 24. Cubicles in an office building 25. Specialty rooms in a building (used 2X) 25. Specialty rooms in a building (used 2X) 26. Outer walls of the factory 27. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in a prokaryotic factory 28. Paint on the factory wall 29. Fence around the cell 30. The Pentagon outer offices (used 2X) 30. The Pentagon outer offices (used 2X) 31. They provide buoyancy to these cells by decreasing their overall cell density. Positive buoyancy is needed to keep the cells in the upper reaches of the water column, so that they can continue to perform photosynthesis. 32. A type of ER that synthesize proteins and moves items to different parts of the cell 33. A type of ER that synthesizes lipids, phospholipids, and steroids and moves items to different parts of the cell 34. A type of ER that contains the ER exit sites.

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35. Controls most cell activities; determines what proteins will be made 36. Power plant: supplies energy to the factory 37. Large assembly line (where workers do their work) 38. Large assembly line (with ribosomes) 39. Large assembly line (specialty) 40. Finishing/packaging department (for proteins) 41. Janitor: break down, clean up, and repair items in and around the factory 42. Break rooms. Place to store items (e.g. water) and a place to get rid of trash 43. UPS or bike messenger within the cell factory 44. Produce molecular hydrogen as a by-product of energy generation under anaerobic (oxygen-deficient) 45. Compass or GPS 46. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) NH4+ + NO2− → N2 + 2H2O. 47. The CEO’s office in Eukaryotic cells 48. The CEO’s office door 49. The CEO’s desk 50. Factory floor (use 2X) 50. Factory floor (use 2X) 51. Is the liquid found inside cells, the gel-like substance enclosed within the cell membrane 52. Foramens or supervisors (step down from the CEO; it consists of DNA) 53. Demolition crew (protein) 54. The assembly line to synthesize proteins 55. Used for cellular mobility, these are long 56. They are slender protuberances that project from the much larger cell body. There are two types: motile and non-motile (typically serve as sensory organelles) 57. Maintains cell shape 58. Tubular polymers of tubulin that form part of the cytoskeleton 59. They are filaments in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells that form part of the cytoskeleton.

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60. Damaged factory equipment storage 61. They are the site of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. 62. Redox reactions of oxidative phosphorylation occurs and ATP synthase is used to generate and store ATP 63. Regulates what enters and leaves the cell; where cell makes contact with the external environment. Structure and much more. 64. Are organelle-like, consisting of a protein shell that encloses enzymes and other proteins. 65. Specialty compartment used for carbon fixation 66. A specialty compartment that function to degrade a variety of different carbon compounds 67. It is an irregularly shaped region within the cell of a prokaryote that contains all or most of the genetic material. ! 68. A gelatinous covering present in some bacteria outside the cell membrane and cell wall. 69. It is only found in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. It acts as barrier against harmful agents and acts as a second lipid bilayer but with more compounds. 70. Responsible for attachment of bacteria to specific surfaces 71. Some bacteria contain these extra internal membranes in addition to (or as extensions of) their cytoplasmic membranes 72. These are specialized internal membranes, some are organelles, found in bacteria that use them to increases surface area to maximize light absorption 73. Life jacket (used 2X) 73. Life jacket (used 2X) 74. These are components of the gas vacuole in certain prokaryotic organisms. 75. Surface layer: part of the cell envelope 76. Large assembly line (without ribosomes) 77. Factory tunnel (from on factory to another or to something else) 78. Hazmat team: response team for removal of toxic materials (e.g. peroxides) N/A N/A (maybe Hydrogen gas cylinders)

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