Assignment Questions Bus Stats PDF

Title Assignment Questions Bus Stats
Course Business Statistics
Institution University of Technology Sydney
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UTS BUSINESS STATISTICS 26134 ASSIGNMENT Submission Deadline: WEEK 7 Index S.No Topic 1. Assignment Questions 2.

Assignment Instructions i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.



Submission Layout/Requirements Selection and Justification of statistical technique Incorrect Student Names or Numbers Late Submissions Where to Submit the Assignment Do’s and Don’ts

General Instructions i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

Page Number 2

Overview Student Learning Objectives Approach to Assignment Marking Criteria Special Consideration Plagiarism Assistance with Assignment



ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS The purpose of this assignment is to test your ability to 1) locate, 2) select and 3) analyze data. This assignment is based on situation that you may encounter in a corporate scenario. This purpose is aligned with desirable graduate attributes as part of the learning outcomes associated with Business Statistics 26134. The questions for the assignment are indicated below. The datasets for textbook questions are available through the link “Selvanathan/Keller textbook resources” provided on UTS Online. 1. QUESTION 3.39 using dataset XR03-39, Page 75

(3 points)

Note: This question is also printed in the appendix of this document. 2. QUESTION 5.53 using dataset XR05-53, Page 157:  Sub-part a, b, c, d Note: Present your answers to sub-parts a,b and c in a table format. Sub-parts a, b and c are 1 point each. Sub-part d is 2 points. This question is also printed in the appendix of this document. 3. QUESTION 5.117 using dataset XR05-117, Page 190, answer the following questions: a. Use an appropriate graphical technique to examine the association between Internet use (i.e. number of hours spent) and education. Explain your findings based on the graphical technique. (2 points) b. Draw an arrow diagram to indicate the plausible direction of relationship between Internet use and education. (1 point) c. Recent research indicates that education influences the use of Internet. Use a suitable technique (other than a graphical technique) to examine the relationship between Internet use and education. What conclusion can you draw based on the technique and what measures do you use to draw this conclusion. (2 points) Note: You are required to solve ONLY the questions listed above. This question is also printed in the appendix of this document. 4. Due to increasing use of Internet, Capecari consulting has collected a sample of consumer search data on used cars from North American used car markets. The data consists of information about customer id (column ‘panid’), number of used cars owned in the past (column ‘EUC’), gender, number of models considered by consumer (column


‘NOMODEL’), total time spent online to search (units in hours) for used cars and total time spent offline to search for used cars (unit in hours). a.) Capecari expects that number of used cars owned in past, gender, number of models considered by a consumer and total time spent in online search influence the total time spent in offline search. Analyze this expected relationship using a suitable technique and answer the following: i. List the variables that significantly influence offline search. What criteria do you use to identify these variables? Interpret the impact of these variables. (2 points) ii. Comment on the goodness of fit of the technique you have used. (2 points) b.) Considering prior trends, it is well known that men and women employ different search strategies to search for used cars. It is expected that the effect of online search time on total time spent to search offline depends on the gender of a consumer. i. Use a suitable technique to analyze the relationship presented in the scenario above and present your results? (1 point) [Hint: Regression self-study topics]

ii. Based on your analysis, what is the magnitude of impact of online search time on total time spent to search offline. (2 points)

Note: The dataset for question 4 is available in the assignment folder.


ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Submission Layout / Requirements There is a strict upper maximum page limit for the assignment. That is, your submission should not exceed a total of 7 pages. a. Student names must be UPPERCASE. Student name and ID numbers MUST be listed on ALL pages on the TOP LEFT of the page as in the format on PAGE 8. This format avoids the use of a cover page. b. The layout should have the following format for ALL pages: [ ] Body text: Times New Roman 12 point font [ ] Readable size text in tables or graphs (any font size and type is acceptable for these) [ ] No comment boxes or text boxes [ ] 2.54cm margins on all sides (top, bottom, right and left) (the MS Word standard) [ ] Single-spaced [ ] Single sided pages [ ] Spelling and grammar checked [ ] Appropriately labeled and presented (e.g. size) figures and tables. [ ] No colour printouts – greyscale or black and white only [ ] Page numbers on the bottom right of all pages [ ] CLEAR indication of assignment part and question number being attempted, along with indication of where each answer starts and ends. [ ] Submissions should not be presented in a plastic sleeve [ ] Submissions should be stapled three times (top, middle, bottom) down the left-hand margin (like a book) c. Each question to begin on a new page and label each question and its sub-part correctly. d. All students are required to use ONLY Excel for data analysis. [Please note: Majority of our students are using windows based PC/laptops. Mac users who are unable to figure out data analysis in excel on Mac versions are strongly advised to use computers in the library.]

e. A cover page should NOT be included. If you include it, it will count towards your page count resulting in a deduction of marks. f. When collating the assignment, all Questions and their sub-parts should be arranged in ascending order. g. Student Names or Numbers SHOULD BE CORRECTLY ENTERED h. Failure to follow ANY OF THE ABOVE instructions will result in 10% deduction of marks.

Failure to include student name and ID numbers on all pages OR having one of the details incorrect (e.g. one of the digits in your student number is wrong) will result in an automatic 10% deduction. i. Electronic submissions are NOT allowed.

Each submission should use the layout specified to ensure homogeneity and fairness across submissions. We also do this to familiarise you with a specific layout request. For


instance, your boss may ask you to produce a report in a certain style to allow integrating with a much larger report – failure to do this would mean making your boss frustrated. Unnecessary information and answers that appear to be “covering all bases” will be marked down. Just as this would not be acceptable when submitting a report to the managing director of a company, it will not be accepted in this assignment. 2. Selection of and Justification of Technique a.) Choose ONLY techniques that you have already learnt about or will be exposed to shortly in Business Statistics lectures in Week1 to Week 6. b.) Please do not ask on UTS Online whether your choice for a particular question is “the right one” or whether it means you are “on the right track”. 3. Late Submissions You are expected to meet the submission deadline. Severe circumstances affecting you on the last day before the assignment is due will NOT be deemed as having affected your submission, as the process of completing your assessment should have started well and truly a day before the assignment was due. Severe circumstances DO NOT include issues with computers and you are encouraged to make backup/duplicates of your work including a photocopy of your assignment before it is handed in. Failure to meet the deadline as indicated in the subject outline will result in a 15% penalty. Please read the subject outline for more details. NOTE: Extensions for assignment will not be granted under any circumstances. 4. Where to Submit the Assignment: Submission in your registered tutorial session ONLY. 5.

Do’s and Don’ts a. Presentation of the assignment is left to your creativity after ensuring the submission layout requirements. b. Since the purpose of the assignment is to test your ability to locate, select and analyse data, the following question types will not be addressed: i. How the table should be laid out ii. What other websites you could use to find information on used cars? iii. What should be the search criteria? iv. Should I use 10 point Arial or 12 point hieroglyphics? v. I am unable to find the data!



Assignment: The questions will consider your ability to justify your approach (e.g., why did you choose to use the median as a measure of central tendency), present some information that you obtain using Excel (e.g., a scatterplot), interpretation, and in some cases draw managerial conclusions about what you have presented (e.g., should the manager launch the new product based on your analysis?). 2.

Marking Criteria Unless noted otherwise (e.g. some questions ask only for one word answers), the following criteria will be used to evaluate your submission: i. Does the assignment submission present a clear and well-constructed argument towards the use of this tool or approach? ii. Does the assignment submission present output correctly and accurately? iii. Is this output easy to understand and read? iv. Does it reflect a correct interpretation/conclusion about the output that has been generated? v. Do the assignment submission refrain from submitting unnecessary information and presents a concise answer with a logical flow of ideas? vi. Does the assignment submission communicate an answer in a suitable manner, and is it free from spelling and grammar mistakes?

3. Plagiarism Plagiarism is considered intellectual theft and, hence, penalties are in accordance with its seriousness. Plagiarism includes use of another persons’ work including authors (use referencing where applicable) and other students. If you feel pressured to copy another student's work then consider the penalties of simply delaying your submission relative to being reprimanded for plagiarism. Reprimands for plagiarism can be severe and may affect your standing within the university. Please note, we check for plagiarism each semester and catch at least one act of plagiarism every time. No two assignments should be the same. If you lend your assignment out to someone else and they copy it, or you work together but hand in a separate assignment, you have contributed to plagiarism and will be reprimanded. Just because you were the one who lent the assignment and you may have not known the extent to which they copied your work is NO EXCUSE – you are just as much to blame as the person who copied your work. So, we advise that you … DO NOT LEND OUT YOUR SOLUTIONS TO ANOTHER PERSON 4. Assistance/Help with Completing the Assignment Several resources are available to help you complete the assignment. UTS Online: You can ask general questions about the assignment on the assignment discussion board. Administrative matters can also be dealt with here. Please follow the rules of the discussion board before posting. We will not be providing answers in this forum. Instead we will provide general advice and clarification of any ambiguities arising. DO NOT put anything


resembling a solution or comment on a solution, as these posts will be deleted. DO NOT "fish" for answers, as these types of posts will be deleted. You may also be reprimanded on the basis of assisting others, which may be interpreted as plagiarism. Have a look at other student posts before posting - reposted items dealing with a previously asked question will be deleted. Your text book: This text book was chosen because of its ability to discuss materials in an applied fashion. It also offers specific help on using Excel to do various tasks. Other textbooks: Don't feel limited to using the prescribed text book. For instance, there are plenty of other books on how to do something in Excel. Some of these texts are specifically mentioned in the ‘other readings’ section of the subject outline. Google & Youtube: If you don't know how to do something, there is tons of information on the Internet that may be able to assist you. Remember to reference if appropriate. 5. How much is the overall assignment worth? 20% towards your overall grade. THIS IS THE END OF THE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SECTION OF THIS DOCUMENT



This is an example of how your header looks like in your assignment.




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