Title Assinment RC COLA - GHGJHY
Author Ali Zafar
Course History
Institution Superior College Lahore
Pages 3
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Royal Crown Cola Was Very Famous Drink in Pakistan

1. St ar t edt omanuf act ur eal i neofs y r upsandfl av orconcent r at esandest abl i s hedaf r anchi sed s y s t em byl i cens i ngsal est er r i t or i est oi t sbot t l er sundert r ademar ksoft henow Cher oCol a Co.1925:Ov er300bot t l er swer epar toft hebot t l i ngnet wor kpr oduc i ngCher oCol a.263of t hes ebot t l er sal sopr oduc edt hef r ui tfl av or edpr oduct sundert henewbr andNehi .1928:The Companychangesi t snamet oTheNehiCor por at i on. 2. 2.1933:Mr .Cl audHat cherdi edonDecember31st .1934:Cher oCol ai sr ef or mul at edand t henewpr oduc ti snamedRoy alCr ownCol a.1940:TheNehi Cor por at i oni sl i s t edont he NewYor kSt oc kEx c hange.1940:TheCompanyfir stus esr es ul t sofbl i ndt ast et es t si nt he adv er t i si ngc ampai gn“ Bes tbyTast eTes t ” .1946: TheCompanybegant oenhancei t s adv er t i si ngbyus i ngent er t ai nmentcel ebr i t i esl i k eBi ngCr osby ,JoanCr awf or d,andHedy Lamar r .1958:Companyc hangesnamef ort het hi r dt i met oRoy al Cr ownCol aCompany . 2000:Roy al Cr ownCol aCo.i sacqui r edbyCadbur ySc hweppes .2001:Roy alCr ownCol a I nt er nat i onal i sacqui r edbyCot tCor por at i on.2005: Roy al Cr ownCol aCo.commemor at edi t s 100t hAnni v er sar y . 3. 3.RCCol aDi etRCCol aCher r yRCCol aRCEdgeCol aDi etRi t eCol aRCQ Roy al Cr own Dr af tCol aKi ck RCcol awasav er yf amousdr i nki nPak i s t an.I twaswel lknownsi ncet het i meofi t sar r i v ali nt he s ub-c ont i nentwhi chwast he70’ s .I nt er nat i onal l yRCcol af adedawaybyt heear l y90’ s


1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM: The first step involves defining the problem that the firm or organization. For example RC COLA VERY FAMOUS DRINK IN PAKISTAN IT WAS THE FADED IN 90s BECAUSE PEPESI COLA STORMED IN THE MARKET ADVERTISING MINIMAL AS COMPARED TO COMPETITARS.Liqued concentares and powder concentrates are the both seasional items in the market their sales peak on summer in Pakistan. Both roh afzah and jam-e-shirin are traditional sandalwood in Pakistan wich are highly regarded by cunsomers. These drinks can be found in every home in Pakistan especially in rual areas . the rc cola can not check the market needs as compare to other brands. Increasing health awareness among the Pakistanis has increased sales of fruit juice products. Fruit juice are doing very well in both urban and rural areas. Recently bottled water targeted in cities where cunsomer are concisous about health and aware of difference between bottle water and tap water. The other brands very fast to achieve these products the rc cola not produce these itmes. The strong compititers established in market .these are the main reasons ROYAL CROWN COLA FADED 90S.

2: DETERMINE THE OBJECTIVE, The second step in the decision making process is for the firm or organization to determine the objevtive of the firm. In case of rc cola the company had to decide wheter to try to meet the competition of the market. Rc cola move on the new product as compare to other brands and advance products. Rc cola decided to stay in market by trying to meet the competition head on.

3: Identify The Posible solution, These are the five possible reason how to face the market during competition The third step is to identify the possible solution to the problem defined in step one in order to achieve the objective set in decision two. In case of rc cola improve the quality of products and invention in products in market and start the procdution of new products. These are the five possible reason how to face the market during competition

1: know to requirement of customers, 2:know about the invention of compititers 3:have experienced sales team 4: change in trend 5:not adopt modern technology

4:Select the best solution, The forth step is decision making process is for the firm to select the the best possible decision among the choices identify in step case of rc cola this required reorganization and development and production of new products as compare to his compititers and improve his quality in every products.

5; implement the decision, The fifth step and final step is to implement the best possible solution identify in step four.the continue with our example, the rc cola greatly increased employee involment and brought supplies in

early stages of production. They again come back in market if they develope products and make new products in market

Innovantion theory of profit: innovantion theory of profit that profit is the reward for the indroduction of a successful innovantion in business. For example QMobile was launched in 2009.being the first local mobile phone company to entered in saturated market,first they launched keypad mobiles phones after the innovation in mobile phones android phones with camera and video play funtions . qmobiles are properly known their low and mid ranged smart phones. QMobile launched the first Android One smartphone in Pakistan. QMobile’s range of devices includes some tablets and dozens of phones including touchscreen. A windows phone named QMobile W1 was also launched in 2015. With the passage of time Qmobile has lost its popularity and eventually its market share to other brands in 2020 the qmobiles launched the ,max series wich gained significant popularity in Pakistan. s...

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