AST Test 3 - Test 3 Study guide PDF

Title AST Test 3 - Test 3 Study guide
Course Astronomy
Institution SUNY Oswego
Pages 5
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Test 3 Study guide...


AST Test 3 Guide Jupiter The four outer planets are called the Jovian planets because they are like the planet ______________ gas giant The Jovian planets are the __________ ___________ planets Pluto _______________________ is an object in thesolar system that is now considered to be a dwarf planet. In the past it was considered to be the outermost of the planets. 2 astronomical units All of the Terrestrial planets orbit the sun within _____________ Asteroids ___________________ are small objects in the solar system. They are remnants from the formation of the solar system. Most of them orbit between Mars and Jupiter. earth-like The four inner planets are called the Terrestrial planets. This is because they can be described as being ___________ Ice Comets are remnants from the formation of the solar system. They are composed of ________________, rock, and dust. They originate in the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud. dense Terrestrial planets have _______________ rocky surfaces. slow The Jovian planets have ________________ orbital speeds compared to the Terrestrial planets. moons Compared to the Terrestrial planets, the Jovian planets have many large _________________ True Asteroids and comets come from solar nebula material that did not form into planets True All of the planets revolve around the Sun in a counterclockwise direction when viewed from about the North Pole of the Earth True

The pair of gravitational forces described by Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation have equal magnitudes and opposite directions False Every mass in the universe repels every other mass in the universe through the force of gravity. True Two stars will orbit each other about their common center of gravity according to the Law of Universal Gravitation. If two stars have the same mass, the point of the center of gravity will be located halfway along the distance between the two stars True The strength of the gravitational force attracting any two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses. For example, doubling the mass of one object doubles the force of gravity between the two objects. True The strength of gravity between two objects decreases with the square of the distance between their centers. We therefore say that the gravitational force follows an inverse square law. For example, doubling the distance between two objects weakens the force of gravity by a factor of 22 or 4. The force is only 1/4th as big. true The most important force in Astronomy is gravity. The force of gravity determines nearly all the large-scale motions in the universe. False Unbound orbits like parabolas and hyperbolas are not allowed by Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation True Planets have a net force acting on them described by the universal law of gravitation. The acceleration caused by the force of gravity causes the planets to move in their orbits. Newton's laws predict that these orbits will be ellipses and that p2 = a3 will be true. Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn What is the correct order of the celestial objects in the geocentric model? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn What is the correct order of the heliocentric model? Epicycles a geometric model of Ptolemy explained apparent retrograde motion with the use of ___________

perfect circles In ptolemy's feocentric model, the orbits of the planets were ______________ Alexandria Ptolemy lived in ____________ circular According to Corpernicus the planets still moved in perfectly ___________ orbits. heliocentric (sun-centered) Copernicus favored a __________ model of the universe. Ptolemy Greek astronomy culminated in the work of ________ Alamagest "The Greatest" The ________ was written by Ptolemy De Revolutionibus The major work of Copernicus was __________. ellipse, focus Kepers 1st law: a planet moves in an __________ with the sun at one ________ Minor axis The "shorter" axis of the ellipse Perihelion The point along a planets orbit where it is closest to the sun and moves the fastest orbital period, average distance Kepler's Third law of planetary motion: The ____________ around the sun squared equals the _________ from the sun cubed Major axis The "longer" axis of an ellipse Aphelion The point along a planets orbit where it is farthest from the sun and moves the slowest Eccentricity The amount of elongation of an ellipse semimajor axis

The distance from the center of an ellipse to the perihelion point or the aphelion point areas, times Keplers 2nd law of planetary motion: A line form the sun to the plant sweeps out equal ________ in equal __________. This means that a planet will move faster when it is close to the sun and will move slower when it is farther away from the sun. slower Planets far from the sun move ____________ in their orbits Galileo One of the first scientist to use the telescope for observing celestial objects. Dialog on the two chief word systems Galileos great work Italian Nationality of Galileo Pricipa Newtons great work Newton Responsible for the 3 laws of motion and the universal law of gravitation English Nationality of newton rotational... orbital astronomical objects 2 forms of angular momentum: collisions the conversation of linear momentum is useful for evaluating problems that involve ________ external torques ... total angular momentum The law of conversation of angular momentum: as long as there are no _______, the ______ of interacting objects cannot change; that is, their total angular momentum is conserved false The age of the solar system is 14 billion years. false the orbits of the planets are ellipses, however, the eccentricity of these orbits is large

true Venus and Uranus are the two planets which do not rotate counterclockwise true The inclinations of the planes of the orbits of the pants compared to the Earth's orbit are small. The largest being that of Mercury at 7 degrees true The solar system was formed from a cloud and dust (solar nebula)...

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