Astronomy Vocabulary Terms PDF

Title Astronomy Vocabulary Terms
Author Justin Kujath
Course Intro To Astr: Myst Of The Sky
Institution Montana State University
Pages 2
File Size 37.8 KB
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This is a comprehensive list of the most important terms (as well as a few names) that are crucial to know for the course....



Asterisms- lines drawn of constellations that make “stick figures” (88 constellations)

Circumpolar Star- a star that never dips below the horizon along its path in the sky

Seasonal Star- stars that dip below the horizon along their path in the sky

Ecliptic- a star’s annual path relative to the background stars

Constellations of the Zodiac- constellations covered annually by the sun’s ecliptic

Models- used to aid understanding, make predictions, and simplify complex phenomena

Heliocentric- model assuming the sun at the center of the solar system

Geocentric- model assuming the Earth at the center of the solar system

Theory- a model and a statement of the law’s relative truth

Law- a theory repeatedly confirmed by experiments

Aristotle- claimed that the Earth was spherical

Eratosthenes- first person to measure the Earth/ calculate its size using relative positions of the Sun on the same day in different years

Aristarchus- first measured the size of the moon relative to the Earth using Earth’s shadow on the moon

Pythagorean Model- Model claiming the universe to be geocentric, surrounded by a pythagorean sphere

Pythagorean Sphere- conceptual celestial sphere surrounding Earth “painted” with stars

Immutable- unchanging

Wandering Stars- first description of planets (derived from the greek word ‘planetes’, meaning ‘wanderers’

Copernicus- theorized a model that demoted Earth to ‘just a planet’

Eudoxes of Cnides- student of Plato that devised a multisphere model that Aristotle used for his model

Epicycle- small circular motion a planet makes in its orbit around Earth (used to explain retrograde motion

Celestial Mechanics- study of motions of objects in the heavens

Isaac Newton- combined terrestrial and celestial laws of mechanics with gravity

Kepler’s 1st Law- The Sun is at the center of the solar system

Kepler’s 2nd Law- Planets orbit the sun in an elliptical motion. As they are closer to the Sun, they move faster in their orbit so that an imaginary line drawn between the planet and the Sun covers the area between at the same rate

Kepler’s 3rd Law- The length of a planet’s year is proportional to the size of its orbit. (distance = period^2 / mass)

3 Components to measure radiation- collect & focus light, sort radiation by wavelength, detect & record data

OBAFGKM- classification order of stellar radiation

Apparent Brightness- how bright a star appears to us on Earth

Luminosity- how much light a star gives off (the Sun has a luminosity of 1)

Hertzsprung-Russel (HR) Diagram- a chart/graph plotting stars by luminosity, temperature, and color

Types of Galaxies- Barred, Spiral, Barred Spiral, Elliptical, & Irregular

Types of Star Clusters- Globular and open (globular contain far more than open and all stars are same age and contain same materials

Pleiades- Star cluster that the subaru logo is composed of

Hubble’s Constant- estimated constant for measuring how old the universe is based on recessional velocity (the larger Hubble’s constant is, the younger the universe is)

Laniakea- the supercluster in which our milky way galaxy resides

Layers of the Sun- (internal to external) core, radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere, corona

Coronal loops- filamentary structure traces in the Sun’s magnetic field...

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