ATI RN Mental Health Online Practice TEST 2016 A B 2013 A B PDF

Title ATI RN Mental Health Online Practice TEST 2016 A B 2013 A B
Course Anatomy & Physiology 2
Institution Quincy University
Pages 43
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ATI Mental Health Assessment A and B...



1) interviewing a client at a temporary shelter after surviving the destruction of her home by a tornado. The nurse should ask which of the following questions to determine the pt's ability to cope with this situation? "To whom do you talk when when you feel overwhelmed?" 2) Caring for a pt who gave birth to a stillborn baby. Appropriate statement? "I'll stay with you just in case you want to talk." 3) Assessing a pt who sustained injuries 12 hrs ago following a MVC. The blood alcohol lvl was 325 mg/dL. Findings that indicate alcohol withdrawal? BP 154/96 mm Hg 4) New diagnosis of Azheimer's disease and is to start taking donepezil. Statement to be included in the teaching? "Take this medication in the evening at bedtime." 5) Discussing a 12-step program with a pt who has alcohol use disorder and is in a n acute care facility undergoing detoxification. Information to be included in the teaching? The client should obtain a sponsor before discharge for an increased chance of recovery. 6) Schizophrenic pt. is trembling and tearful in her bed. She reports that a bomb was placed in her room by a family member during visiting hours. Appropriate action? Assess the client for evidence of a perceptual disturbance. 7) Pt with major depression disorder and a NEW prescription for tranylcypromine. Which OTC med that the pt reports taking should alert the nurse to a potential adverse rxn? Phenylephrine 8) Assessing a pt. with schizophrenia. Findings that are negative symptoms? Anhedonia 9) ED nurse caring for a female adolescent who has a dx of bulimia nervosa and had a fainting episode. Statements by mother that acknowledges the daughter's dx? "She won't let me take the trash from her room. I'm concerned about what she has in there." 10) Assessing a pt. who has major depressive disorder and has been receiving amitriptyline for 1 wk. Following expected outcome? Greater risk of attempting suicide as affect and energy improve. 11) expected clinical manifestations of PTSD? Experiences feelings of isolation 12) Criteria required for hospitalization of anorexia nervosa? Temperature 35.6C (96.1F)

13) Pt is experiencing alcohol withdrawals. Which medication should be administered first? Diazepam 5 mg IV bolus 14) Pt. with dx of depression and attending a group therapy. Nurse asks each member to identify 1 goal for the day. The pt. does not respond when it is her turn. Appropriate action before repeating the request to the pt.? Allow the client time to collect her thoughts. 15) Nurse observes a pt who has acute mania hit another pt. First action to take? Call for a team of staff members to help with the situation. 16) Teaching to a pt. who is to begin undergoing light therapy at home to treat seasonal affective disorder. Teaching to include? Wear sunglasses when outdoors. 17) Pt. with bipolar disorder is to be discharged home with a prescription for lithium. Which statement indicates effective teaching? "I should eat a regular diet with normal amounts of salt and fluids." 18) Action that is an example of the ethical principle of justice? Spending adequate time with a client who is verbally abusive. 19) Nurse is working with a group of parents who recently lost a child. Appropriate action to take? Suggest forming a weekly support group for parents who have experienced the loss of a child. 20) Planning care for a pt who has a new prescription for olanzapine. Priority intervention? Instruct the client to avoid driving during initial therapy. 21) Preparing to discharge an older adult client who attempted suicide to his home where he lives alone and has difficulty performing ADLs. Referrals to initiate? (select all) Occupational therapy Meal delivery services Physical therapy Home health services. 22) Reviewing labs for a pt. who has schizophrenia and is taking clozapine. Which values are contraindications for receiving clozapine? WBC 2500/mm3 23) Collecting a health hx from a pt. who is taking paroxetine for depression. The pt. is also taking herbal supplements. Which supplement has an adverse interaction with paroxetine? St. John's wort 24) nursing care plan for pts who have depressive disorders. Statements that indicates an understanding of the teaching? "I will update the plan of care as a client's manifestations of depression change".

25) A pt. is behaving in a way suggestive of dependent personality disorder. Behaviors that are consistent with this condition? The client needs excessive external input to make everyday decisions. 26) Child taking methylphenidate should be monitored for which adverse effect? Tachycardia 27) Pt. with antisocial personality disorder and is receiving behavioral therapy through operant conditioning. Behavior that indicates effectiveness of the therapy? Refrains from manipulating others to earn dining-room privileges. 28) Pt. with generalized anxiety disorder. At which level of anxiety should the nurse plan to teach the client relaxation techniques? Mild 29) Nurse overhears another staff member make derogatory comments to the client. Appropriate action? Report the occurrence to the charge nurse. 30) Caring for a pt. who has attempted suicide and has alcohol use disorder. Statement that indicates that the pt. is using a positive coping mechanism? "I will attend daily group therapy sessions to practice relaxation techniques." 31) Creating a plan of care for a pt. who has been placed in seclusion after threatening to harm others on the unit. Interventions to be included in the plan? Renew the prescription for the client every 4 hrs. 32) Planning care for a pt. who has depression and has made frequent suicide attempts. which statements indicates the pt. has a decreased risk for suicide. "It is easier to talk about my feelings now. 33) Routine labs for several pts. who are taking lithium carbonate. Pt. that should be further assessed for findings indicating lithium 34) toxicity? A client who has a sodium level of 28 mEq/L 35) Expected findings for bulimia nervosa. tooth erosion. 36) Planning care for a preschool-age child who has ADHD. Which interventions should be identified as the priority? Remove unnecessary equipment from the child's surroundings. 37) Reviewing the chart of a pt. who has dissociative amnesia. Which findings should the nurse expect? The client was seriously injured while under the influence of alcohol 38) Recent diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. The pt's partner asks the nurse about expected manifestations. The nurse should teach the partner to expect which of the following manifestations to occur first?

Frequently misplaces objects 39) Caring for a child who has conduct disorder and is behaving in a destructive manner, throwing objects and kicking others. Which of the following therapeutic nursing interventions is the priority? Use a therapeutic holding technique 40) Assessing for risk factors for the development of depression. The nurse should identify that which of the following factors places the client at an increased risk for depression? The client has COPD 41) Admitting a pt. who has anorexia nervosa and is at 60% of ideal body weight. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care? Encourage the client to drink 125 mL of fluid each hour while awake. 42) PT. with bipolar disorder is placed in a room with a client who has severe depression. The pt. with depression reports, "That man in my room never sleeps and he keeps me up, too." Appropriate action by the nurse. Move the client who bipolar disorder to a private room. 43) Planning care for a pt. who is to undergo electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Which actions should be included in the plan of care? Monitor the client's cardiac rhythm during the procedure. 44) Obtaining a mental health hx for an older adult pt. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? Interview the client in a private setting. 45) A nurse is counseling an adolescent who has anorexia nervosa and reports excessive laxative use and a fear of gaining weight. The client states, "I'm so fat I can't even stand to look at myself." Which of the following therapeutic responses demonstrates the nurse's use of summarizing? "You're saying that you think you are fat and are using laxatives because you are afraid of gaining weight." 46) Planning prevention strategies for intimate partner abuse in the community. Which of the following strategies should the nurse include as a method of secondary prevention? Establish screening programs to identify at-risk clients. 47) Caring for a pt. who has bipolar disorder and reports that she stopped taking lithium 2 wks ago. The nurse should recognize which of the following as an expected adverse effect that might have caused the pt. to stop taking the medication? Hand tremors 48) A nurse is preparing to administer chlorpromazine 0.55 mg/kg PO to an adolescent who weighs 110 lbs. Avavilable is chlorpromazine syrup 10mg/5mL. How many mL should the nurse administer? (Round to nearest whole #) 14 mL

49) Planning care for an adolescent who is being admitted to an acute care unit following a suicide attempt. Which of the following interventions should the nurse identify as the priority. Arrange one-to-one observation of the client. 50) Caring for a pt. with schizophrenia. Which places the pt. at the greatest risk for selfdirected injurty or injuring others? Command hallucinations. 51) Facilitating a community meeting for acute care of clients. 1 pt. is constantly talking and using the majority of the group's time. Which of the following interventions should the nurse implement? Ask group members to discuss their feelings about this client's monopolizing behavior. 52) home health nurse is assessing an older adult pt. whose sibling is the primary caregiver. Which findings indicates neglect? Inappropriate dress 53) Assessing a pt who has borderline personality disorder. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? Emotional lability 54) Performing cognitive assessment to distinguish delirium from dementia in a pt. whose family reports episodes of confusion. Which of the following assessment findings supports the suspicion of delirium. easily distracted. 55) Caring for a client who has schizophrenia and was prescribed a conventional antipsychotic medication yesterday. Which of the following findings indicates the nurse should administer benztropine 2 mg IM? Shuffling gait 56) Pt. has anxiety disorder. Which statement by the pt. indicates successful use of guided imagery? "I imagine myself lying on a quiet beach when I start to feel anxious" 57) Assessing a family's dynamics during a counseling session. The nurse should recognize which of the following as an indication of a boundary issue? Older children who are responsible for their younger siblings. 58) Pt. who is experiencing a panic attack. Which action should the nurse take? Assist the client with deep-breathing exercises. 59) Planning care for a pt. who has bipolar disorder and experiencing mania. Which intervention should the nurse include in the plan of care? Offer the client high-calorie finger foods frequently 60) Observes a pt. pushing on the locked unit door. Which statement should the nurse make? "It appears as though you would like to open the door."

61) Charge nurse observes an AP slapping an older adult pt. After moving the pt to safety, which is the priority action? Determine if the client has been physically harmed. ATI RN MENTAL HEALTH ONLINE PRACTICE TEST 2016 B

1) A nurse is caring for a client whose child has a terminal illness. The client requests information about how to deal with the upcoming loss. Which of the following statements should the nurse make "It is not uncommon to feel angry toward yourself or others." 2) A nurse is teaching a client who has bipolar disorder and a prescription for 3) Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching "Take this medication with food Rational: Li can cause GI distress 4) A nurse is planning care for four clients in a mental health facility. Which of the following clients is at the greatest risk for injury when performing ADLs A client who has severe Alzheimer's disease Rational: these pt are typically confused, have memory difficulties, tend to wander, and will need assistance 5) A nurse is updating the plan of care for a client who has bulimia nervosa and is 5% above his ideal body weight. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan Identify the client's trigger foods Rational: to help pt understand the thoughts and behaviors that relate to the food 6) A nurse who works with newborns is assessing the potential for abuse or neglect. Which of the following family groups should the nurse identify as the highest potential for future child abuse A family where one or both parents witnessed intimate partner violence in the home as children Rational: They are more likely to become abused themselves. 7) A nurse is performing an admission assessment on a client and notices that the client appears withdrawn and fearful. To establish a trusting nurse-client relationship, which of the following actions should the nurse take first Inform the client that her admission is confidential 8) A nurse is caring for four clients in an inpatient mental health facility. Which of the following clients can give informed consent A 35-year-old client who has major depressive disorder Rational: pt w majar depressive d/o can make decisions unless legally incompetent 9) A nurse is admitting a client who has schizophrenia to an acute care setting. When the nurse questions the client regarding his admission, the client states, "I'm red, in the head, and I'm going to bed!" The nurse should document the client's speech pattern as which of the following

Clang association Rational: clang often rhymes or contains a string of words tha can have the same beginning sounds 10) A nurse is educating the parent of a child who has a new diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Which of the following manifestations of this disorder should the nurse include in the teaching Language delay Rational: typical manifestation 11) A nurse in a mental health unit is admitting a client who is anxious because he often hears voices telling him what to do. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Ask the client what the voices are saying Rational: to determine if the pt or others are at risk for injury 12) A nurse is caring for an older adult client who begins to cry and states, "I knew God would punish me and I deserve this horrible sickness!" Which of the following responses should the nurse make "Let's talk about what is upsetting you." Rational: nurse is acknowledging the ot concerns and is showing desire to understand what the pt is thinking and feeling 13) A nurse is talking with a client who is beginning chemotherapy. The client tells the nurse that she is mourning the loss of her hair. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first Discuss the importance of hair with the client Rational: 1st action for a nurse is to assess the pt, the experience of anticipatory grieving begins w the importance of the expected loss 14) A nurse is providing care for a client who has bipolar disorder and is experiencing acute mania. The client's morning lithium level is 1.5 mEq/L. Which of the following laboratory findings should the nurse report to the provider? (Click on the "Exhibit" button below for additional client information. There are three tabs that contain separate categories of data Sodium level 125 mEq/l Rational: In the presence of low Na+ levels, renal excretion of Li is reduced and the pt is at risk for Li toxicity 15) A school nurse is assessing a school-age child who experienced the traumatic loss of a parent 8 months ago. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an indication that the child is experiencing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Lack of interest in an upcoming holiday Rational: pt w PTSD will have - moods, child can also have loss or lack of interest and participation in significant activities. 16) A nurse in the emergency department is caring for a client who has alcohol toxicity and is unresponsive. Which of the following interventions should the nurse take Gather supplies for endotracheal intubation Rational: the expected finding is resp depression

17) A nurse in an acute mental health facility is receiving change-of-shift report for four clients. Which of the following clients should the nurse assess first A client who is experiencing delusions of persecution Rational: greatest risk due to the pt belief that a person in power is out to harm him. 18) A nurse is planning care for a client who constantly threatens others on the unit. Although the client does not want to leave the unit, the nurse requests the provider to transfer the client to a unit that is equipped to manage violent behavior. Which of the following ethical principles should the nurse apply in this situation Nonmaleficence Rational: it is the responsibility of the nurse to not harm the pt. 19) A nurse is reviewing the medication administration record for a client who is experiencing the adverse effects of chlorpromazine. The nurse should administer benztropine to relieve which of the following adverse effects Acute dystonia 20) A nurse in a mental health facility is planning discharge for a client who has a long history of alcohol use disorder. Which of the following postdischarge activities should the nurse plan to include Attending a relapse prevention group several times each week Rational: most effective relapse prevention is a 12 step program such as AA 21) A nurse is communicating with a client in an inpatient mental health facility. Which of the following actions by the nurse demonstrates the use of active listening Attention to body language Rational: active listening involves identifying verbal and nonverbal communication 22) A nurse is caring for a client who is undergoing electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and will receive succinylcholine. The client asks the nurse about this medication. What is an appropriate response by the nurse "Succinylcholine is given to reduce muscle movements during therapy Rational: succinylocholine is a muscle paralyzing agent that will decrease muscle movement during the procedure so that injury is less likely to occur 23) A nurse is preparing to participate in an interdisciplinary conference for a client who has bipolar disorder. Which of the following behaviors is the priority for the nurse to report to the treatment team Giving away possession Rational: giving away possessions indicates that the pt is a greater risk for suicide. 24) A nurse in a community health center is counseling a family of two parents and two children. Which of the following statements by a family member indicates manipulative behavior "If you do my homework for me, I won't bother you for the rest of the day Rational: this is an ex of manipulative behavior 25) A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving hospice care for an inoperable brain tumor. When completing a spiritual assessment as part of end-of-life care, which of the following interventions should the nurse implement Discuss spiritual issues in a conversational manner

26) A nurse is planning care for a newly admitted client who has bipolar disorder. Which of the following is the priority action by the nurse Provide frequent high-calorie snacks Rational: Maslow's requirement is for adequate nutrition 27) A nurse is planning discharge teaching with a family member of a client who has a new diagnosis of depression. Which of the following information about relapse should the nurse include Early identification of changes, such as decreased social involvement, is important Rational: decreased social involvement in a manifestation of depression, and early identification of findings can lead to early intervention 28) A nurse is admitting a female client who has anorexia nervosa. Which of the following manifestations should the nurse expect during the admission assessment Orthostatic hypotension Rational: low wt, electrolyte imbalance, starvation, and dehydration can cause this 29) A nurse is teaching the partner of a client who has bipolar disorder how to identify manif...

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