ATS3004- EXAM Revision Monash PDF

Title ATS3004- EXAM Revision Monash
Course Crime, Risk and Security
Institution Point Cook Senior Secondary College
Pages 5
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Exam Notes for ATS3004. This covers key points for all lectures throughout the semester...


ATS3004: Exam Revision - The division between security and crime has been breached comprehensively over recent times - Crime control has changed to move towards the area of anticipation and forecasting crime and intervening before crime occurs. This is why crime control has moved into security. - Policy changes - Neoliberalism has pushed us to look more at risk and security - World political events - Temporal: time, the main shift in focus is that crime control now looks towards the future. Its about what might happen and what could happen. Aimed at participating threat. - Spatial: space. Relation to the differences between borders (Internal security and external). Domestic and international borders has become much more intertwined. Now there is a big focus on transnational crime. Terrorism. We’ve got an external and international dimensions as well as internal and local. Division to what was once external of security and matters of internal crime o Risk and security are both forward looking o International and domestic dimension - UNIT AIMS o build a critical understanding of relevant theories on crime, risk and security; o apply these theories to a range of contemporary issues of crime, risk and security; o critically analyse practical and policy responses to contemporary challenges of a risk and security framework nationally and internationally; EXAM - Security: (Zedner) o Promiscuous concept  Fluidity, something’s that moving, we cant pin them down. o Security paradoxes  Security is an ideal; it is something that everyone wants. But the harder that we try to get it and pursue security the more that it retreats. o Security and insecurity are closely connected - RISK o What dies it mean o How do we define it o It it real, constructed, or a combination - THEORIES OF RISK o Risk society  Risk is real, and related to increase risk that we face  Technology o Governmentality

Socially contructed risk The way knowledge and power interlink to risk Look at risk in marginilised communities. To see the communities as a risk more likely to look at powerful corportations as a risk even though the prodice pollution etc. o Culture of fear  Furedi  The idea that fear and anxiety are everywhere  Politicians, media who promote fear and anxiety. Sometimes to boost popularity. Media it is good for ratings o Anthropological  Douglas  Goves us insignt into the culture of those creating risk priorotoes o ALL THE THEORIES INTERSECT AND OVERLAP The risk of security: o Some of the things we do to stop risk creates new risks o How risk creates risk o EXAMPLES o HOW THAT HAPPENS o WHAT RISKS IT CREATES Securitisiation o Consequences of classifying an issue as a security issue o Multiple lenses we can look at situtations o If we decise something is a security risk then there ar enew issues o Assulym seekers  Seeking them as humanitarian refugees is going to be a different response to if we saw them as a security issue o Hurricane Katrina o Bringing in the military and police o Depends on social and political concepts FEAR o Fear and the media o How fear is used politically o Furedi and culture of fear o Fear is election gold o Politicians getting releclted o Media is about ratings Insecurity politics o What is insecurity politics  Promoting in security and playing on everyone’s fears  The way in which security and poltics are connected  Media and politicians o EXAMPLES Borders and security o Border securitization o Consequences   






- Pre-emption and risk o Differences between crime prevention and pre crime o Precautionary principles Exam - Use case studies

TUTORIAL EXAM PREP - First few weeks - Focus on case studies. Be specific. What type of surrvelince. What type of immigration policy - Feedback loop between risk and security. Security is to minimise risk, but heightens risks at times - Globalisation links to risk society theory. - Risk society vs. culture of theory - Risk society and link to climate change - What is neoliberalism and how has it transformed how we think about risk and security in recent decades o Neoliberalism: the bringing of free market ideology into every area of life. Responsibilisation and how the state is outsourcing to individuals to take care of their own risk. Privatisation and profiting from risk. - CULTURE OF FEAR ON EXAM o Fear entrupurner o CASE STUDIES  Stranger danger to women, sexual danger  Sudanese youth o Is the use of fear used by most states.  Differential repsonses to terrorism. Denamrk vs western reponse to terrorism o Douglas/anthopoligical critique: used in a western standpoint but doesn’t make that clear - Governmentality o Imbed in us what we should think about fear o Case study: youth violence o Government placing blame on certain groups - Anthropological o Pushing out of other and creating a community o Risk is culturally contingent, what one group sees as dangerous isn’t necessary to other groups o Us vs them  Our relationship with indnegous people has continued in our immigration of muslim and African

- CHOOSE TWO OF THE RISK THEORIES WE’VE DISCUSSED THIS SEMESTER AND EXPLAIN THE SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEM (EXAM) o CULTURE OF FEAR o GOVERNEMNTALITY o RISK SOCITY o ANTHROPOLIGCAL - NAME ZENDERS SECURITY PARADOXES (6) IN EXAM o Each paradox reproduces/creates security problems o 6 examples o case study: surveillance: increase use of cameras: private home cameras, dash cams, CCTV. Acts to reduce crime but just creates insecurity elsewhere.  - USING AN EXAMPLE, EXPLAIN HOW LAW AND ORDER POLITICS HAS BEEN CULTIVATED TO SERVE PARTICULUAR POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC ENDS (IN EXAM) o THE TAMPER SCANDAL o WHEN AUS IMMIGRATION POLICY BEGAN o PRIVITISATION HOW THAT LINKED TO ECONOMY - WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CRIME PREVETION AND PRE-CRIME (OR PRE-EMPTION OR PRECAUTIONARY RISK?) IN EXAM o Are they radically different. Foulcaut would criquing this o Crime prevention is about addressing the underlying structures of crime, and things that would cause crime o Pre-crime: new penelogical model. Using tenchnology to ineify who is risky, who we think is risky and we then survelience them o Environemtnal design: crime prevention. o War on terror. o Crime prevention tends to be more generalised - NAME 3 WAYS BORDER CONTROL HAS BEEN INCREASINGLY SECURITISED IN AUSTRALIA? IN EXAM o OFFSHORE DETENTION o SHIFTING THE GATE: AIRPORT SECURITY: TECHNOLOGY AT AIRPORT. CHECKING PASSPORTS BEFORE.  TECHNOLOGY AT AIRPORTS: EU passports move through quicker o WHAT ARE SOME OF THESE CONSEQUENCES OF SECURITISATION  Creates fear amongst community but also fear amongst those being targeting  Zedner paradoxes  Legitimising security - Is anything asks up consequences, relate it to political, economical and neoliberalism


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