Attract-Your-Soulmate-FAST (new edition) PDF

Title Attract-Your-Soulmate-FAST (new edition)
Author Sara Simoes
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Institution Valencia College
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Copyright © 2020 by Robert Zink & Rachael Zink

SoulMate FAST Written by Robert Zink along with Sheena Shah Edited by Rachael Zink

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook, including text, images, and tables may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electric or mechanical, including photocopying, recordings, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the authors and publisher. The phrases found in this book which are all registered trademarks include but are not limited to the following: Miracle Mentoring and Alchemy Life Coaching, Miracle Mentoring, Miracle Hypnosis, and Neurolinguistic Alchemy.

First Edition: 2020

Copyright © 2020 by Robert Zink & Rachael Zink

Published by Law of Attraction Solutions, LLC 3439 NE Sandy Blvd #124 Portland, OR 97232

Amazing secrets to

your SoulMate 02

Dear High-Flyers, I have developed this eBook to help open up your heart, mind and soul to love while guiding you towards manifesting & embracing your SoulMate. This eBook will help you attract more love into your life that ever before, romantic and otherwise. As a result, your life is going to blossom with true love more than you have ever imagined, manifested or dreamt possible. If you follow the steps listed and do the inner work, you are going to evaporate those limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from the love that you absolutely crave and deserve. Trust, believe, and know that the right person for you is on his/her way to you. Your only job is to let go in perfect awareness that the love you crave is already manifested and on its way to you! As the Sufi poet Rumi once said, starting today: ‘Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” I have worked with thousands of people around the world manifesting the love and happiness they crave through the power of vibrational alignment and the Law of Attraction. If you are ready to start, then let’s get right to it. Always Attracting, Robert Zink

Master Miracle Mentors and Alchemy Life Coach, Law of Attraction Solutions, LLC

Copyright © 2020 by Robert Zink & Rachael Zink

P.S. – I want to thank two very special Miracle Mentors that have helped me edit this eBook. My gratitude goes to my editors Rachael Zink and Sheena Shah.

Amazing secrets to

your SoulMate 03

Ready? Get Set. Go! Before we begin, let us first define who is a SoulMate? The author, Richard Bach defines this person as A SoulMate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we’re pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person we’re safe in our own paradise. Our SoulMate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we’re two balloons, and

Copyright © 2020 by Robert Zink & Rachael Zink

together our direction is up, chances are we’ve found the right person. Our SoulMate is the one who makes life come to life.

So exactly, what is a SoulMate? And how many SoulMates do we have? Despite researching this A LOT, and even trying to arrive at some kind of definition of what a SoulMate is, ancient teachings indicate we may have several. The word ‘SoulMate’ means exactly - a mate of the soul, or someone with whom you have a connection that transcends the purely human or biological level. The only people who can accurately define what a SoulMate is, are those people who have found their “The One”. And what all these people have in common is the conviction that the person they’re with, for whatever reason, is the one that they are meant to be with.

Amazing secrets to

your SoulMate 04

We believe that SoulMates are people who share some sort of destiny together, and have a deep spiritual connection with each other. Therefore, it is possible to have more than one SoulMate. We also believe that every single relationship in which any of us is ever involved, is potentially, a “soul-based relationship” in that every relationship in our lives is there for a reason. All relationships are sacred and bring with them an opportunity for us to grow spiritually and learn from one another. However we also believe that out of over 7 billion people on this planet, at this particular point and time in history, there is a handful of people alive, living reasonably close to you that could become your SoulMate. These people are the best possible match for you. In other words, out of all the people who exist, there’s only a few people who are exactly who you’ve been waiting for, and to that person, you are exactly what he/she has been waiting for, too. And when you finally

come together with one of your SoulMates, it will be unlike any relationship that you have ever experienced before. From this point forward we will be referring to one of these few select people as your SoulMate. You can also think of him/her as your Love, Beloved, your Twin Flame/Soul, or simply your ideal, perfect partner.

It will be magical! It will feel like everything flows and that the two of you are completely in sync. Even when you do fight or argue, you will work through your issues and only get stronger. Now understand that because you’re not used to this kind of relationship, it may feel weird, even strange, as the two of you get intimately closer. But it will feel like you fit together like gloves; the other person is like the lid for your pot. You have crackling chemistry! You are fully compatible and complement each other well to the extent that you are each other’s best friends, yet your relationship is also

Copyright © 2020 by Robert Zink & Rachael Zink

steeped in romance. You strengthen, encourage and uplift each other, rather than criticizing, judging or putting each other down. And you feel a deep, soulful, and spiritual connection with each other. Your love is so strong and powerful that it inspires creativity within both of you, and even inspires others. Now, the great news is that nothing, absolutely nothing, can keep you apart fromthe love your crave. This means that you cannot miss each other, because you aredestined to meet for a larger divine purpose. You are always vibrating at the level to attract your SoulMate and vice versa.

Amazing secrets to

your SoulMate 05

What can happen, however, is that by you keeping your heart closed, and not healing what’s keeping you from welcoming love in, you can delay this process. However, if you’re willing and committed to opening your heart (which is why we have created this eBook), you will expedite the process of coming together with your destined partner that much sooner! If you want a shortcut to opening your heart and keeping it open, I warmly invite you to activate The 3 Word Formula; a formula that has taken me and my team almost a year to develop. I dare you to use my formula and NOT attract your SoulMate VERY fast. See the formula in action here This process of welcoming your beloved partner starts there. You must begin by first believing that your SoulMate is out there and that nothing can keep the two of you apart! You must be willing to transcend your current ideas about love, based on your past history, Hollywood’s romantic emotionalism, your friends’ and family’s sarcasm, and embrace the belief that you can get love, NO MATTER WHAT. You need to believe and trust that your SoulMate, even now, is on his/her way to you and that when you meet, he/she will not look past you. Why is this so important? Well, because we live in a universe that operates under precise spiritual laws, and one of these laws states that everything is created twice, first in the non-physical realm (your mind) and then in the physical realm (the material world). Take a good look around you, and scan through the objects in your room. That chair you’re sitting on, that frame on your wall, the laptop or phone your are reading this on….it was all first an idea in the mind of someone before they were manufactured. The only reason that they exist is because someone had an idea of it. They first thought it, believed in it, and then took some kind of inspired action in order to turn

Copyright © 2020 by Robert Zink & Rachael Zink

it into a material object. Similarly, the process of Manifesting Love and welcoming a SoulMate begins by firmly believing that a special SoulMate is out there out there and that you’re now ready to welcome him/her into your life.

Another thing my 3 Word Formula does is work on your belief system AUTOMATICALLY, getting you out of the way, and in the direction of your beloved. See how it works here

Amazing secrets to

your SoulMate 06

How do I know you’re ready? If you weren’t, you would not be reading this eBook. The fact that you are reading this already implies that you are ready to welcome him or her into your arms, into your heart and into your life. Naturally if you are going thru challenges I am here for you with Miracle Mentoring & Alchemy Life Coaching. Claim your FREE 30 MINUTES of Miracle Mentoring at

Remember, you can be pushed by pain, or pulled by a vision.

The moment that you start believing that he or she is out there,

along with some visualizing of all the fun times ahead, the great sex

Copyright © 2020 by Robert Zink & Rachael Zink

you’ll be having, the adventures that you’ll share;

the Universe is going to get to work and help you manifest the best romantic relationship of your life.

Amazing secrets to

your SoulMate 07

Making a

Commitment There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when the circumstances permit. When you are committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results

Art Turock

The first and most important part of this journey is making the Commitment to manifest the love you deserve. Once you have done this, your SoulMate will be magnetically drawn to you. This process of manifesting a SoulMate, the love of your life, the person who will help you become your best version of yourself, begins by first making a Commitment to taking the action to manifest. The way the Law of Attraction works is that we don’t get what we want or need, but we manifest what we are committed to. Commitment is not temporary, as the definition says, it is ‘becoming one with your mind’. It has very little to do with other people but it is all about you embodying that idea of attracting this person every single day, knowing there is no other way. Now let’s imagine that you have a very clear picture of who this SoulMate of yours is, quality wise. For example, ambitious, kind, loving, caring, strong, creative etc. Now imagine that this person is looking at you secretly doing, being and living your life. Do you think he/she would be proud of you and be attracted to you for who you

Copyright © 2020 by Robert Zink & Rachael Zink

are today? Do you think he/she would want to spend time with you and date you? Chances are, the answer would be no. So don’t you think there is inner work first to be done before you attract this person in your life? When I asked myself the same question years ago before I started doing this work, what I realized was that in order for me to attract and manifest my SoulMate, I must somehow develop and grow myself into the kind of person that I myself wanted to be with. In other words, if you haven’t found the right person it’s probably because you are not being the right person! As Marianne Williamson says, “We must become the person we want to attract.” As Wayne Dyer said, “we don’t attract what we want, we attract what we are.

Amazing secrets to

your SoulMate 08

It is absolutely essential that you shift the your inner environment - it is an inner journey. It is the process of committing ourselves to becoming the person we want to attract. This will take some work. For those of you who don’t like the idea of working on yourselves daily, I have a VERY powerful way of vibrating yourself into a pure magnet for your ex, but without taking any action. Click here to see it When you make this Commitment, you are essentially saying, you are ready to level up your life. You are ready for the next stage. You are ready to evolve. You are ready to uncover the best version of you and do what it takes to get there, while enjoying the journey.

The key to welcoming your SoulMate is an inward journey towards your highest, most authentic self. It is not about finding someone to fill the gaps and holes within your soul, or someone who is supposed to make you happy or give you something

Copyright © 2020 by Robert Zink & Rachael Zink

you don’t already have. Instead, it is a journey of growing and learning and discovering yourself. Opening up your own capacities to love yourself before you can love anyone else. It is about loving even those hard parts of yourself and accepting you and your past as is, it is believing that you are worthy of love and doing what it takes to be that person worthy. To sum it up, to manifest the love that you desire, you need to become “One in consciousness,” with the LOVE that you want to attract. And during this journey, you will attract that loving, happy, healthy relationship with the person that you are becoming. How about we now commit to this and plant that seed for the relationship you desire to attract! Place one hand on your heart and out aloud say the below words: “I, (your name), am wholly committed and open to welcoming my SoulMate into my life. I will continue to better myself and become the kind of person that I want to desire to live my life with. I am fully aware that I, and I alone am responsible for attraction the love I deserve into my life.”

Amazing secrets to

your SoulMate 09

Getting clear on your


So now let’s move on to who is a SoulMate? What does he/she look like? What kind of qualities do they posses? What makes them attractive to you? Most likely, this kind of clarity comes when we date/meet people who posses qualities that we actually do not desire. What people forget is that without clarity and with vagueness, the Universe gets confused and you might end up with someone who actually is not the right fit for you. When we have clarity and know exactly what we desire, it is easy to identify your SoulMate when he/she walks into your life, and not get sidetracked into a relationship that doesn’t fulfill you in the long run. It’s like going to a supermarket without a shopping list when you’re feeling hungry. If you’re anything like me, you may have bought a whole bunch of stuff you did not need, but may have forgotten to buy something as basic as milk and eggs, which you really

This type of thing happens because we showed up, desperate, and without clarity about what we really want. The same


applies to manifesting your SoulMate. You already know what you DON'T want. So let’s put the main focus on putting together a list of what you DO WANT. Your list of desires must be in alignment with your core values and express what you want to experience and share in your new relationship.

Again, this will take some work on your part. This can be challenging for

Copyright © 2020 by Robert Zink & Rachael Zink

many of us. If you’d like some help, I can help vibrate you into a state of pure allowing; a state that puts you into perfect alignment with your love. But without all the work Click here to see it

Amazing secrets to

your SoulMate 10

To get started, I am going to now invite you to dig deep within yourself and create


that will give you clarity on what you do desire to bring into your physical reality – manifesting your One.


The Must-Haves This first list is key to getting clarity on what you truly desire in your partner. Think of it like the green light list of qualities, attributes and traits that your SoulMate must possess. In this list you will write down all the physical and non-physical characteristics you envision your SoulMate to have. Here you want to include things that will begin to describe what he/she has that makes your heart sing and fills your soul. So what would he/she be like. (include what matters to you, you do not need to answer all of these if not important) • Physically (in shape, tall, short, fit etc.) Don’t limit the Universe with your limiting beliefs • Age (older, younger, same age, what is the kind of age gap that would be ok • Religious / Spiritual / Atheist • Culture and Ethnicity (if any restrictions in your head) • Values and Belief systems (family oriented, loving, courageous, sense of humor, fun, loves to travel etc.)

• Financial stability (any amount you desire he/she be making) • Family (what kind of family would you desire to be a part of) • Education (should he/she have a post grad or undergrad etc.) Think of everything that comes to your mind in terms of MUST-HAVE, which is

Copyright © 2020 by Robert Zink & Rachael Zink

non-negotiable for you.


Deal Breakers This is possibly the most important list when getting clear about who and how this SoulMate shall be. These are going to be the ‘red flags’ you want to watch out for when you meet people. In this list I want you to really think about the kind of characteristics or traits that are an instant turn off or something you absolutely do not desire in your partner. Think of the kind of things that would make you not want to engage in a relationship with this person. In other words – the deal would be off! These could include – if the person is addicted to some substance, is an alcoholic, married or in any other relationship, physically or verbally abusive or even if they are a smoker. Keep in mind that for some people smoking might not be a big deal, but for someone like me, I can’t stand kissing someone who has smoked so it is an instant deal breaker for me. Go inwards and really dig out those 3-10 traits that would never work for you.

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Nice to Have

3 4

Now in this list you want to list the kind of qualities that are not must-haves, but it would please you if your partner had them. For e.g.- enjoyed traveling, liked buying gifts for people he loved, liked hiking etc.

Rather not Have Now in your final list you want to mention the kind of things that could possibly put you off but are not deal breakers. For example, he/she living with their parents, having had more than X past relationships, drinks, smokes etc. And now once you have all these 4 lists ready, read them out aloud for at least a week till it really sticks in your head. You are helping the Universe know you are clear

Copyright © 2020 by Robert Zink & Rachael Zink

about what you desire and who it should send your way. After 7 days, put

away all the lists in a safe place where you do not see it every single day. Let the Universe help attract your SoulMate into your energy field. Manifesting that heartful, soulful and loving relationship you desire.

It is important to understand that these lists are designed to help you gain clarity and amplify the field of attraction around you. However, keep in mind that the Universe may hav...

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