Austism Spectrum Disorder PDF

Title Austism Spectrum Disorder
Course Internship, Special Education
Institution University of Hawaii at Manoa
Pages 4
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Autism Spectrum Disorder Assignment...


IRIS Module – Autism Spectrum Disorder 1. Identify the two major characteristics of ASD. For each characteristic, provide at least two examples of how a child with ASD might display them. One major characteristic of ASD is persistent deficient in social communication and social interaction across contexts. A child with ASD may display this by having a difficult time with responding to social interactions. They may show this by doing something that they shouldn’t when they’re around a group of people. They may also have a hard time displaying facial expressions. When someone is playing with them, they may keep a straight face the whole time. Lastly, they may not show interest in their peers. They may ignore someone when they’re talking to them, or they may not even acknowledge them. Another major characteristic is restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities. A child with ASD may display this by flapping their hands, having a difficult time getting used to changes in routines (which could result in tantrums because they have a hard time communicating), or highly focused interest. 2. Watch the video of a mother interacting with her twins, Nathan and Benjamin (time: 1:20) a. View the video below b. Identify the twin who demonstrates early warning signs of ASD and describe the warning signs Nathan demonstrates early warning signs of ASD. He didn’t: communicate with his mom a lot, make facial expressions, and show a lot of interest when his mom was playing with him. c. Compare the behavior of the twin who demonstrates early warning signs of ASD to that of his brother Nathan didn’t really communicate with his mom when they were playing with the toy. He stayed quiet the whole time. However, Benjamin often giggled or babbled when he was playing with the toy. Also, when the twins’ mom was trying to play with Nathan, he didn’t show a lot of facial expressions, he just kept a straight face. Although, Benjamin always smiled when the mom was playing with him. Lastly, Nathan didn’t show a lot of interest towards his mom. A couple of times during the video, Nathan wanted to leave so he tried getting off of the chair. Hence, his mom had to grab his attention and tell him to stay. Whereas Benjamin was interested the whole time. His attention was focused on his mom and he didn’t try to leave.

3. There are two ways that children can be identified as having ASD a. Compare and contrast the two methods of identification Medical Diagnosis and Educational Determination are both determined by a group of professional. However, they use judge with different criteria. Medical Diagnosis uses Diagnostic and Statistical of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), whereas Educational Determination uses Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA ’04). In Medical Diagnosis, you go through the process that consists of two stages: screening and diagnostic evaluation. In Screening, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children be screen as ASD at 18 and 24 months during their well-child visit. In Diagnostic Evaluation, if the screening shows that a child might have ASD, a pediatrician or psychologist conducts a more thorough evaluation of the child and their level of functioning. They identify if the child has ASD by the information gathered from family members, behavior observations, and systematic testing (adaptive behavior, fine motor skills, etc.) For Educational Determination, they conduct the same tests, just in a different environment. Educational Determination is done in a classroom setting. That way, they can examine the student’s intelligence. With the results from the tests, they’re compared to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act’s (IDEA) criteria for determining ASD. b. Explain why having both diagnoses is important for a child and her or his family Having both diagnosis will open a child with ASD to more benefits. Medical Diagnosis opens a child to two benefits. One of them is state-funded programs. They may receive respite care or supplemental security income. Another one is Health insurance benefits. This could help cover clinic services or give the child behavioral therapy. With Educational Determination, a child will be open to benefits from IDEA, such as special education services. Receiving all these benefits can be really helpful when it comes to assisting a child with ASD. Parents won’t have to worry about having no assistance at all, and it can make their lives a lot easier. In the end, they just want the best for their child, and these benefits can help gift them that. 4. Pick one of the scenarios: Jaquese a. Would this child or student have an IFSP team or an IEP team? Explain Jaquese would have an IEP team. IFSP focuses on an age range from birth to 3 years old. Jaquese is 10, therefore, he would be too old for an ISFP team. b. Who are the required members for this team?

Required members for this team is a parent, general education teacher, special education teacher or special education provider, a representative of the school district, another professional that can interpret assessment results and explain instructional implications of the results (such as a psychologist), other relevant individuals that have knowledge or expertise regarding the student, and the student with the disability. c. Identify at least two additional team members that might be on this team and explain why? One Additional team member may be a social worker. They support students with disabilities whose academic, behavioral, or social emotional issues interfere with their education. They can also give services such as social skills, transition planning, and individual or family counseling. Another additional team member may be a speech language pathologist. They help students with their communication skills, which is a deficit of ASD. 5. Cherith is a single parent of six-year-old twins who have ASD. Both have cognitive impairments, language deficits, and behavior issues. Additionally, one child requires almost total assistance for daily living skills in areas such as feeding, dressing, and toileting and the mom reports that the other child does not sleep. Both children receive services and supports in school and in clinic settings. Identify and explain four struggles or difficulties this mom might face One struggle that this mom might face is financial problems. Being a single parent, it’ll be hard to support a family with just one source of income. Hence, getting the proper treatment and assistance for both of her sons can cost a lot of money. Inevitably, a bunch of finances will pile up and she could end up in debt. Another struggle that she might face is stress. She has to dedicate a lot of her day to take care of the child that needs help with living skills. In addition to that, she’s doing everything on her own. With all this work that she has to do, everything can be very overwhelming for her. She may also face insomnia. Since one of her sons don’t sleep, she has to stay up in order to watch her child. She must already be tired from work and taking care of the other twin, but not being able to rest at night can eventually take a toll on her overall health. The fourth struggle she might face is not having a lot of time for herself. Since she’s always busy taking care of her sons, she can’t focus on her own needs and wellbeing. With already having so much on her plate, she really can’t take anymore struggles. Having a big downfall can really bring her and the twins back, and they don’t have room for any more problems given their current situation. 6. Imagine you are Jaquese’s general education teacher. Using what you know about Jaquese, select three strategies discussed in this Module that you could implement to increase his success in the classroom. Explain why you chose each and how it will benefit him

One of the strategies that I would implement is, Evidence-Based practices and DataBased Decision Making. I chose this strategy because having data that was collected through an efficient amount of time, it gives you solid evidence on whether or not the student is improving. That way, if Jaquese wasn’t improving, multiple people can be on the issue. They will have a thorough conversation on what changes will best benefit Jaquese. Hence, with appropriate alterations, Jaquese will be able to succeed. Another strategy that I would implement is, create social opportunities. I chose this strategy because Jaquese has a difficult time interacting with his classmates (due to social communication and interaction being a major characteristic in ASD). In addition to that, his classmates see him as annoying and they avoid him. By creating more opportunities for students to interact with one another, instead of Jaquese’s classmates avoiding him, they can get to know and understand him better. That way, they won’t see him as annoying anymore and hopefully become friends with him. The third strategy that I would implement is, get to know the student. I chose this strategy because Jaquese is obsessed with superheroes. The teacher can use that obsession to help teach the subjects that Jaquese struggles in. She can incorporate his favorite superheroes in stories. Hopefully, that will make him more engaged and in the end, learn new vocabulary, writing skills, and improve his reading comprehension....

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