B Lin 2021 AA Essay Rubric Sem1 PDF

Title B Lin 2021 AA Essay Rubric Sem1
Author Elastio
Course Molecular And Cellular Biomedicine
Institution University of Melbourne
Pages 2
File Size 103.9 KB
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Analysing Argument Essay: Unit 1 English, 2021 Outcome 2: Identify and discuss how argument and language can be used to persuade readers.

Student Name: Barnabas Lin


Teacher Name: Mrs. B. Albury

Very High




Very Low

An understanding of how argument and language has been used to persuade.

Outstanding analysis of the author’s main contention, arguments, persuasive language, and how the audience is positioned to respond.

Strong analysis of the author’s main contention, arguments, persuasive language, and how the reader is positioned to respond.

Satisfactory analysis of the author’s main contention, arguments, persuasive language, and how the reader is positioned to respond. There is more summarising and retelling than analysis.

Some attempt at analysing the author’s main contention, arguments, persuasive language and how the reader is positioned to respond. Student largely restates the contents of the article

Analysis has identified very few of the elements of persuasive language or the arguments of the writer.

Coherence and effectiveness of the structure and organisation of the writing.

Sophisticated, fluent and clear explanation of ideas in essay. Paragraphs are logically organised and structure adheres to the conventions of language analysis.

Fluent and clear explanation of ideas in essay. Paragraphs are logically organised and structure adheres to the conventions of language analysis.

Satisfactory explanation of ideas in essay. Paragraphs are generally well organised and structure has considered the conventions of language analysis.

Some attempt has been made to explain ideas in the essay. Paragraphs are not well organised but some attempt has been made to follow the conventions of language analysis.

Ideas are incoherently expressed and the essay contains little structure.

Use of metalanguage in explanation of article/s.

Strongly and frequently uses appropriate metalanguage to discuss how the use of argument and language in a persuasive text are designed to position readers.

Regularly uses appropriate metalanguage to discuss how the use of argument and language in a persuasive text are designed to position readers.

Rarely uses appropriate metalanguage to discuss how the use of language in a persuasive text is designed to position readers and lacks understanding of the relationship between author, text and audience.

Use of metalanguage is limited, and rarely refers to the effect on the audience.

Control of the conventions of the English Language.

Mechanics of Language (Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar) add to and enhance the Language Analysis Essay.

Strong Mechanics of Language (Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar) are present.

Occasionally uses appropriate metalanguage to discuss how the use of argument and language in a persuasive text is designed to position readers but nonetheless shows understanding of the relationship between author, text and audience. Mechanics of Language (Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar) are satisfactory, neither adding to, nor detracting from the written piece.

Mechanics of Language (Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar) are generally present within the piece.

Mechanics of Language are minimal.



Teacher Feedback:

Barny, well done for the hard work that you have put into this area of work – your meanings are much more clearly communicated. I can see that you are trying hard to use the essay structure that we learnt in class. You begin with a detailed introduction, which shows your sound understanding of the author’s contention and main arguments. Just note that the paragraph would benefit from specific mention of the more important persuasive techniques that the writer uses. You are accurately identifying a range of arguments presented by Smith and support your analysis with clear quotes from the article to give evidence of those techniques. Well done for identifying that while Smith mentions that large amounts of evidence are available to support her points, she rarely provides it; this is a major weakness of her piece. Elements to work on: 1] Remember that if an image is given with the written piece, you are required to discuss and analyse that image in your essay; you haven’t done this with this essay.

2] Ensure that you are consistently moving through each body paragraph from a) argument, to b) persuasive strategies, to c) effect on the reader. Each of your body paragraphs includes relevant and accurate analysis, they just don’t always include all three of the stages consistently. 3] Be careful to use phrases such as “the writer intends to…” and “this is designed to impact the reader by….”, throughout your work. At the moment, you tend to state what the writer’s ideas are, without those phrases, and you sound a bit like a fan agreeing with everything the writer suggests. I can explain this is class to help you understand the feedback. 4] Continue to incorporate some of the more subtle parts of analysis, like the ethos/ logos/ pathos styles of arguing. This writer relied on ethos-based argument very heavily. Please see my annotations on your essay for some more feedback on spelling, punctuation and so on....

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