BTM496 AA Outline Winter 2021 PDF

Title BTM496 AA Outline Winter 2021
Author sam81 tanman
Course Information Technology Strategy, Sourcing and Management
Institution Concordia University
Pages 8
File Size 367.6 KB
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Business Technology Management Course Outline Department of Supply Chain and Business Technology Management Winter 2021

General Information Course Name: Information Systems Design and Implementation Course Number: BTM495 Credits: 3 Section: Class: Room: Duration:

AA Monday 8:45AM - 11:30AM BTM 495 team on Microsoft Teams 01/13/2021 - 04/20/2021

Instructor: Office: Office hours:

Hossein Azarpanah Online by appointment TBA

Note: This Course Outline contains information that, if ignored, may result in losing marks in the course. BTM 495

Winter 2021

Course description This course has two main objectives. First, exposing students to the concepts, tools, and techniques to transform information system requirements resulting from the system analysis phase into system design specifications. Second, exposing students to the concepts, tools, and techniques to transform the information system design specifications resulting from the system design phase into a system prototype. The course introduces the concepts, techniques, and methodologies of the object-oriented approach to information system analysis and design. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used to develop design specifications for the systems. Main topics include analyzing and functional, structural, and behavioral models. The course’s central part will be student projects, which will build upon the requirements gathered in the systems analysis course (BTM-481). The students will progress through the various stages of systems analysis and design through to the implementation of their applications using an objectoriented development environment. Prerequisites: BTM 380, 382, 481

Learning Objectives & Assessment Learning Outcomes


Understand the key aspects and principles of Objectoriented analysis and design Understand the principle of behavioral, structural, and dynamic modeling using UML Explain the overall application and technology landscape lifecycle Meet business requirements by planning, designing, integrating into an existing landscape, implementing, and operating a custom software solution Demonstrate the ability to effectively plan, manage , and lead a business technology project (follow milestone requirements) Demonstrate the ability to develop the “to -be” design using a software programming tool, and produce the implementation plan Demonstrate the ability to design and communicate a moderately complex technology-enabled solution to a business problem Demonstrate the skills required for written and oral communication, peer mentoring, team collaboration, and project management

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Team Management

Final exam

x At least one of these areas will be covered by the article review.

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x x







Winter 2021

Course Evaluation The final grade for the course will be based on the following components: Evaluation Participation Team Project Project milestones Working prototype Project presentation and documentation Team Management Article review and discussion Final examination Total

10% 50% 30% 10% 10% 8% 7% 25% 100%

Details Participation There will be various online learning activities, including workshops that will contribute to the evaluation of participation. Team Project Team projects to be selected from BTM 481 projects. However, the team project’s scope will be narrowed to one or two sub-systems only. Project assessment will be conducted throughout the semester according to a milestone schedule. Additionally, a working prototype is expected and will be demonstrated during the final project presentation. More details are provided below and on Moodle. Team Management The team management activities are designed to support the performance of the team and build effective teamwork skills. Article review and discussion The article review is designed to allow students to explore a course topic of interest, develop their critical and deep-thinking skills, and provide a discussion platform with their peers. Articles are to be selected from one of the knowledge areas of the course. Final examination The final examination is worth 25% of the total mark for this course. The final examination is comprehensive; it will cover all the chapters and sections of the textbook covered during the course up to the exam date. The final exam will take place online (Moodle).

Individual grade on the group project Individual student grades (to be assigned via peer evaluation) for each milestone will be based on each student’s expected contribution to that phase of the project. Student contributions will be confidentially assessed by each group member using a Peer Evaluation Form that will be supplied to you. Student Grade = Team Grade * Peer Evaluation Score (the average of contributions assigned by team members: from 0 to 100%, where 0 = no contribution, and 100 = full contribution)

Course Schedule The detailed course schedule is available on Moodle.

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Winter 2021

Course Materials Required Material: Textbook Dennis, A., Haley, B., Wixom, Tegarden, D., (2015) Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-Oriented Approach with UML, 5th Edition, ISBN: 978-1-118-80467-4, 546 Pages, available from the editor Video tutorials The following are available in the O’Reilly Library with access through Concordia’s Library: • Simon Bennett, (2015) UML fundamentals: Standardized structural and behavioral modeling for system design. Ares. (Required) • Daniel Scott, (2019) Adobe XD - User Experience Design Essentials. Total Training. (Optional) Software You will need various software applications for your assignments in this course. Given the course’s online context, it is essential to learn how to run the required software in the cloud, on your computer, or contact the University if you need to borrow a laptop. The following are suggested: • Visual Paradigm Community Edition is a UML (+) modeling tool (requires installation on own computer), else: Visual Paradigm Online (Free web access—but limited capability) • Lucidchart is a model drawing tool that provides full access, including collaboration when you register with your Concordia email address • Modeling tool used in UML fundamentals: Enterprise Architect (optional)

Teaching Method Team Project The team project is at the heart of this experiential course. Students must continue working on a project that was started in BTM 481 by a team member. A portion of the BTM 481 project will be selected to manage the scope of your team project. The team project will provide the application practice for the concepts covered in this course, and students will be called on to refer to their project in thinking through the course content. This will be achieved through project deliverables and activities (including workshops) designed to enhance the learning of the course material and provide some practical experience of management information systems.

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Team Formation and Knowledge Management Guidelines: The team formation will follow a knowledge-focused approach to ensure each team has access to all the required skills. Although team members must be involved in all aspects of the project; Team members (6 or 7 per team) must complement each other’s knowledge and skills to meet the project requirements. Each team must include a lead person and a support person in a primary knowledge area (specialization). The primary knowledge areas (KA) are organized according to the various topics covered during the course. Further, some areas may be divided into more than one knowledge area: KA1 - Information Systems Analysis and Design, KA1.1 Analysis KA1.2 Design KA2 - Database Management, KA3 - Human-Computer Interaction (HCI - UI/UX), KA3.1 User Experience (UX), KA3.2 User Interface (UI), KA4 - Programming and Development (Back-end and Front-end), KA5 - Project Management. Each team member must take on a lead role and a support role. A knowledge area should be split between two leads and two support roles for the six- and seven-member teams. For example: if the HCI knowledge area is chosen, then one team member may be the UX lead while the other team member is the UI lead. Specialists in each of the knowledge areas from all teams will have opportunities to work together. For example, during a workshop, the database management specialists from all teams will provide feedback to each other. This will serve to circulate and build knowledge between teams. Knowledge area specialization choices must be agreed upon and documented in the team contract and updated on Moodle self-selection groups. Course delivery This online course’s delivery follows a flipped-classroom approach that includes synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous (on your own schedule) learning experiences. The synchronous portion includes question and answer sessions, discussing the covered chapter’s critical parts, workshop discussions in breakout rooms, project status updates to the course instructor, and office hours. The asynchronous portion includes activities such as readings, listening to pre-recorded lectures and watching videos, interacting in the online course forums/channels, writing brief reflections and workshop takeaways, and project deliverable preparation individually or in teams.

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For example: Synchronous

Asynchronous Before class-time: ▪ Read assigned chapters and other content. Students are responsible for this content even if it is not covered in lectures. ▪ Study important material from lecture resources. These lecture resources may include presentations, slides, websites, and videos. ▪ To have your questions answered during synchronous class time, submit related questions by noon before class (may count for participation points) ▪ Submit material needed for workshop discussion to obtain feedback from peers or course instructor. Directly after class-time:

During class-time: ▪

1st part of the meeting addresses questions submitted about content or functioning of course. Other synchronous activities take place according to schedule. For example, Workshops in breakout rooms (45 minutes), project status updates to the professor, etc.

Submission of class activity materials, including reflections from workshop discussions and feedback to presenting teams Submission of project deliverables is subject to its deadline.

Between class-time:

Between class-time:

Conduct validations and walkthroughs with the project client.

Compile evidence of clients’ feedback in meeting notes and marked-up documents to include in the final project portfolio.

Course content may also include: ▪

Practical examples and practice problems for illustration purposes. These examples are drawn from a variety of areas such as accounting, management, finance, marketing, production, economics, and business information systems.

Please note: ▪ ▪

The instructor will not explicitly cover all material that students are expected to learn. Lecture resources are used to develop an understanding of the more complex issues. It is your responsibility to study the remaining parts of each chapter from the textbook unless explicitly excluded. Virtual classrooms and online examples are used to illustrate the application of the material in typical contexts. To maximize your benefit from this course, you should thoroughly read the chapter material before each class, try to solve the problems and cases that appear in the Class Schedule, and submit questions for clarification. Not all the questions submitted can be answered during synchronous class meetings. Please post any remaining questions you might have to the course discussion forum. Other students, the teaching assistant, or the professor, will answer your questions. All graded work must be submitted on Moodle.

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Disclaimers Note: In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University’s control, the content and/or evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change. IMPORTANT DATES: Tue, Jan. 26: Mon, Mar. 29:

Deadline for withdrawal with tuition refund (DNE) Last day for academic withdrawal (DISC)

Late assignments class policy: Late assignments, for any reason, will be subject to a 20% penalty for the first day. An additional 20% will be deducted for each additional week until a grade of zero is reached.

Numerical Score and Letter Grades At the end of this course, the instructor will produce an overall score for the student’s performance on this course’s various components and then convert it to a letter grade. The following list provides the numerical equivalent for the letter grades that will be reported at the end of the term: Letter and Number Grades


Score A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DFNS

90 85 80 77 73 70 67 63 60 57 53 50 0


100 89 84 79 76 72 69 66 62 59 56 52 49

Please refer to section 16.3 of the Undergraduate Calendar for more information about the grading system, examinations, and performance requirements. (

Academic Integrity The most common offense under the Academic Code of Conduct is plagiarism, which the Code defines as “the presentation of the work of another person as one’s own or without proper acknowledgment.” This could be material copied word for word from books, journals, internet sites, professor’s course notes, etc. It could be material that is paraphrased but closely resembles the original source. It could be a fellow student’s work, for example, an answer on data for a lab report, a paper, or an assignment completed by another student. It might be a paper purchased through one of the many available sources. Plagiarism does not refer to words alone - it can also refer to copying images, graphs, tables, and ideas. “Presentation” is not limited to written work. It also includes oral presentations, computer

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assignments, and artistic works. Finally, if you translate another person’s work into French or English and do not cite the source, this is also plagiarism. In Simple Words: DO NOT COPY, PARAPHRASE OR TRANSLATE ANYTHING FROM ANYWHERE WITHOUT SAYING FROM WHERE YOU OBTAINED IT! (Source: The Academic Integrity Website: )

Support Services Concordia University offers many on-campus support services that are available to students free of charge. The web link is a useful facility that guides students to a specific support service that can provide appropriate assistance.

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Winter 2021...

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