BA 350 TEST 2 Notes PDF

Title BA 350 TEST 2 Notes
Author Lauren Smith
Course Management & Organizational Behavior
Institution San Diego State University
Pages 20
File Size 575.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 45
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BA 350 Chung notes for test 2...


09/24/19 Values -Enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is preferable over converse or other modes of states. • Provides sense of right/wrong, basis of ethical behavior • Develops over time as one stabilizes • Shaped by culture, parents, friends, religion etc. Types of Values • Instrumental Values-values that reflect the means to achieving goals (honesty, courage) • Terminal values-values that represent the goals to be achieved (wisdom, respect, happiness) • Values are important in the organizational level because they determine if you are a good fit for the company. • Most recent studies show in the past getting paid in advancement was mostly what people was concerned about • Now it is: Achievement, concern for others, fairness and honesty are most important Emotions at Work -Mental states that typically include feelings, physiological changes, and the inclination to act. • Short-lived emotions: happiness, pride, contentment • Negative emotions: fear, anger, anxiety • Happy, sad, anger, fear and disgust Consequences of Emotions at Work • Positive: OCB’s, improved cognitive functioning, physical and psychological health, creativity, etc. • Negative: job dissatisfaction, lack of commitment, unhealthy coping behaviors, poor health, workplace deviance. Emotional Contagion

-A process through which the emotions of one person are transferred to another, consciously or unconsciously, through nonverbal channels. • EX. Through nonverbal cues, facial expressions, body language, vocal tones, emotions • Affects jobs that have interpersonal interaction Emotional Labor -effort, planning, and control needed to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions. • Display rules-” Smile: we are on stage” • Ex. Buckingham palace guards must remain stoic • Emotional Dissonance- a disconnect between the required emotions and the ones you feel. Dealing with Emotional Labor • Cross-cultural difference: 83% Japanese, 40% Americans, 29% Italian believe it is inappropriate to get emotional in business. • Training: “smile school” • Hire employees with the right attitude Ethical Behavior -acting in ways consistent with one’s personal values commonly held values of the organization and society. • • • • • • • • • • • •

12 common ethical issues: Stealing Lying Fraud and deceit Conflict of interest/ influence buying-my husband will be your lawyer Hiding or divulging info-hiding you were a criminal Cheating Personal decadence-lazy w work Interpersonal abuse Organizational abuse Rule violations-sneak people in Accessory to unethical acts

• Ethical dilemmas 4 Individual Differences That Affect Ethical Behavior • Value systems • Locus of control-internals make more ethical decisions • Machiavellianism-” The Prince” One’s willingness to do what it takes to get their own way • Cognitive moral development: 3 levels (2 stages per level) o Premoral-people who live off rewards and punishments o Conventional- we live up to the expectations of ourselves, environment and the law. (most adults in this level) o Principled- you live by human values that are the same wherever you go that is unwavering. o The higher you are the more likely you are be a whistle blower Organizational Influences • • • • • •

Organizational climate and culture Code of Conduct Ethics committee Norms Training Modeling

Day #2 09/26/19 Basic communication model (look at powerfoint for image) Coomunication Media •

Face to face discussion o High info richness o Low dissemination • How many people can i reach Telephone o High info richness o Low dissemination Electronic mail o Moderate info richness

o Moderate dissemination Individualized letter o Moderate info richness o Moderate dissemination Personalized note or memo o Moderate info richness o Moderate dissemination Formal written report o Low info richness o High dissmination Flyer or bulletin o Low info richness o High dissemination Formal numeric report o Low info richness o High dissemination

Communication networks in organizations •

Pair-wise o Dyad • Two people o Chain network • Bunch of pairs • Used for jobs that are highly interdependent • Assembly line • Loans • Insurance chains Small Group (centralized) o Chain • Someone up in power • Branch manager tells supervisor then he tells employees o Wheel • A bunch of people in the same group and communicate through one person Small group communication (decentralized o Circle network • (look up) o All channels • More complex the task the more often you would use this This is important because its how people communicate in work

Communication tech and usage tips

Technologies o Info database o Email o Listservice o Voice mail o Fax Usage tips o Completeness in message • Make sure to make your message clear o Build in face time o Don’t assume immediate response • Dont be a crazy person over text o Regularly disconnect self from technology o Maintain courtesy • Sometimes your messages can portray someone who you are not over email/text

Barriers to communication • •

Physical separation Status differences o Different level of status affects how you interact • Someone who is lower in business is less likely to speak up with someone who has more status Language o Kind of language that you use in business • Can make it hard to understand Cultural diversity o Different in different places that you go • Different meanings for words Gender differences

Cultural communication •

English o Straight line o More direct Semitic o Zig zags o Use “and” as well as “or” Oriental o Around the bush • Not direct o Looks like a spiral picture

Romance o French and italian o Alot of tangents Slavic o Clear beginning and end but are not organized getting there

Facilitating skills (opening up mode) • • •

Are for opening up convo Helping the person be heard First thing o Open-ended question • Question like • How you doing today • Something to start a convo o Paraphrasing • Saying what someone said but in your own words • Very affirming if you get it correct • If you hear the person and able to paraphrase it puts you on a good note ‘ o Reflecting • Saying the emotions that you hear in the convo • This is what therispists do o Saying something like ▪ Oh you seem upset rn

Initiating skills (Problem solving mode) •

Expressing thoughts and feelings o Direct in what you think o After you heard someone out you express your thoughts Making observations o From what I understood these are our options o Trying to be neutral Being direct o Being 100 with someone • No BS o Dont jump straight into it • Let the convo play out for a bit

Communication styles to avoid • •

Blaming o Dont want to do this cause it does not help Closed-ended questions

o Dont want to use these unless you gathered enough info o Question that is for a yes or no DIDNT TAKE NOTES ON THE SHORT VID Conversation stoppers •

Judging o Critizing o Shaming o “You brought this on yourself” Diagnosing o Analyzing o Taking it in o “You might have problems with authorities” Moralizing o Preaching o High soap box o “You need to stop smoking” Advising o Give advice when you ask • Dont do it if u not asked o Make suggestions is ok but not the best Responding too quickly o Reassuring o Explaining o Interrupting • #1 thing managers do • When you feel uncomfortable with silence and you just jump in Diverting o Own story o Intellectualizing o Joking Playing lawyer o Interrogating people o Arguing with people o Asking an inrelevant question Being bored or absent minded

Test question Telling me something important and i make a joke Diverting Nonverbal communication

Proxemics o Intimate o Personal o Social o Public distances o How you see space Kinesics o Posture o Body language o Hands o Gestures Facial and eye behavior o You send messages based on how you act • With your eyes and facial expressions o Americans tend to do this alot Paralanguage o Language that is not actually words

Good listening behaviors • • • • • •

Remove physical barriers Maintain eye contact Lean forward slightly Allow pauses Nod to indicate understanding Avoid distractions

Take aways • •

Make sure nonverbals are congruent with what you are trying to send o Make your feeling match what u trying to say Culture of a person changes how the message gets out and is perceived

10/1/19 What is conflict? • • •

DEF: to clash, be in opposition, do battle Conflict is natural Move from conflict ->confluence

Principles of Conflict • •

Conflict is normal and inevitable You cannot NOT deal with conflict

• • • •

There’s no right way to resolve conflict A good attitude can influence the outcome Conflict is not about personality Conflict does not = anger

Positive Consequences • • • • • •

New ideas/stimulates creativity Motivates change Diffuses more serious conflict Reduces energy expenditure Personal growth for self/other Strengthens personal relationships and working with others

Ted Talk: Conflict • • • • •

vulnerability: the willingness to let yourself be open about the problem Ownership: accountability for conflict/ issues Communication: learn to ask, listen and express Acceptance: Embracing reality and letting go of what you can’t control Boundaries: ground rules for acceptable behavior

Organizational Factors • Specialization: you only do one thing: tunnel vision. So, it’s hard for you to see value in other’s work. • Interdependence: One job effect another • Common resources: You have to use the same assistant/ budget • Status inconsistencies: being the boss/ subordinate conflict • Jurisdictional ambiguities: Unclear lines of who is responsible for what Individual Factors • • • • • • •

Skills and abilities Personalities Perceptions Values and ethics Emotions Communication barriers Cultural differences

Levels of Conflict • Facts or data: being given different instructions/ informationmiscommunication

• Processes or methods- disagree on how to solve a problem • Goals and purpose- takes a lot of communication • Values- You disagree because you believe in different things Power Networks

Team conflict: Rigidity Regarding 3 Areas of Self Esteem • Significance: Will act very in your face or they will hide • Competence: Will try to take over or will not volunteer • Likeability: Will be very rude or way to nice (push over) Steps to Dealing with Conflict 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Openly state the problem-facts Ask for their viewpoint-ask them first what they feel Listen/ do not argue Provide feedback on what you heard- paraphrase Tell your side and ask for feedback Agree on the problem Commit to work together

Best Practices • • • •

Separate the person from the behavior Avoid trigger words Use “I” statements Watch nonverbals


Groups vs. Teams Types of Teams • Quality circles: small group of representatives that get together weekly to talk about how they can improve the quality of business • Self-managed teams: They have authority to do things and they have no appointed leader. • Cross-functional teams: Teams that come from different functions and get together about how they can coordinate. • Task forces: Members put on a team for a short amount of time Issues to Consider: • • • •

Group composition (skills needed, info needed, etc.) Group purpose Task and process goals Group size

Terms • Norms of behavior • Group cohesion • Social Loafing o Sucker effects • Loss of individuality Stages of Development • Issues in group development: interpersonal, task and authority 1. Forming: Interpersonal, forming relationships but trying to come off as nice , take time to do something together to form a relationship, predominant issue is interpersonal. 2. Storming: More conflict will arise over what roles everyone will take, predominant issue is authority 3. Norming: Task oriented behavior, cohesion and cooperation is very present, 2 issues: task and interpersonal 4. Performing: Biggest focus is on the task at hand, strong cohesion 5. Adjourning (on occasion): Closing with the possibility of reforming Characteristics of Effective Groups

• • • • • • • •

Atmosphere: comfortable, informal Tasks/goals: Understood and accepted Listen well to each other and all participate in task relevant discussions Disagreements exists around ideas/methods People express both feelings and ideas Group is aware of how it is operating and functioning Decisions are usually based on consensus, not majority Clear assignments are made and accepted by group members

Communication Skills in Teams

Group Roles (task-oriented) • • • •

Initiators Information seekers Information givers Coordinators Relationship oriented

• Evaluators (devil’s advocate) • Encouragers • Harmonizers-alleviate conflict within a group

• Gatekeepers • Standard setters • Followers Self-oriented • • • • •

Blockers- stuck on something and they keep bringing it back Recognition seekers- call attention to themselves Dominators- always interject their ideas Avoiders- isolated from group Jokers- distracts constantly

Self vs. Other-imposed Roles • Self-imposed: take on roles based on interest, socialization, etc. • Other- imposed roles: take on roles assigned to you based on sterotypes, group membership, etc. Virtual Teams-principles • • • • • • • • • •

Be proactive Focus on relationships before tasks Seek clarity and focus early on Create order and predictability Be a cool-headed, objective problem solver Develop shared operating agreements Give team members personal attention Respect the challenges of a virtual environment-have to do more Recognize limits of available technology Stay people-focused

International Aspects of Groups • • • •

High conformity: Japan, France, Sweden Low conformity: Germany, England Moderate conformity: Brazil, Lebanon, Hong Kong, US Collectivist cultures have higher levels of conformity, higher team effectiveness and suppress conflict


Vision Values and Goals of Wells Fargo Vision: We want to satisfy our customers’ financial needs and help them succeed financially Values: • • • • •

Whats right for customers People as a comeptitive advantage Ethics Diversity and inclusion Leadership

Goals: • • • • • •

Customer service and advice Team member engagement Innovation Risk management Corporate citizenship Shareholder value

Culture above Everything • • • • • • • •

One SD/ One Wells Fargo Customer and Team Member Lens Growth and development Personal emotional connection Plans (PPF) Daily incremental improvement CNN (critical necessary nice) Purpose, Passion and Impact

10/15/19 Decision Strategies • 3 factors: routine-nonroutine, recurring-nonrecurring, certainty-uncertainty 1. Programmed decision: routine, recurring, predictable

2. Unprogrammed decision strategy: nonroutine, nonrecurring and unpredictable Models of Decision making • Rational-assumes decision making is rational and that we always choose the best alternative • Bounded Rationality o The first outcome will probably take o Managers recognize their view of the world is simple and don’t explore o Decisions are made by rule of thumb o Negative: don’t explore all options • Garbage Can o Decisions are random o Unsystematic o Only make good decision if you are lucky Factors in Decision Making • Risk o Young people and men are riskier • Escalation of commitment o You continue to give resources to a losing cause • Intuition o Your gut feeling about something • Personality o T/F thinking or feeling out a decision • Creativity o Are we thinking of the most creative solution? The 2 Hemispheres of the Brain

Characteristics of Creative People • • • •

Wide knowledge base- spend a lot of time trying to learn new things Intellectual abilities- not very book smart but interested Personality-take risks, abstract thinkers, persistent Social habits and upbringing-how your parents reacted to you trying new things, family difficulties and how you were brought up

Self Help Techniques to Develop Creativity • • • • • •

Practice creativity-enhancing exercises Staying alert to opportunities Use multiple sense when seeking solutions Speak to different kinds of people Use idea notebook Misc. Draw pictures, write stories, write with left hand etc.

Enhancing Creativity at Work • Establishing idea quotas • Pet Peeve technique o Trying to brainstorm all possible complaints about team in order to prevent future ones • Forced association

o Go to dictionary pick a word and link it’s charcteristics to the scenario at hand • Excursion method o Name a problem and everyone just says ideas that come to mind, free association • Equipping a kitchen for the mind o Getting an environment together that invites creativity, stimulation through objects

• Role models Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Decision Making Advantages • More info and knowledge • Increased acceptance and commitment • Greater understanding Disadvantages • Pressure to conform • Domination of group leader • Amount of time Making the Decision

• Authoritative • Majority vote • Consensus- find areas of agreement and decrease areas of disagreements Liabilities in Group Decision Making • Groupthink o Didn’t look at alternatives o Biased information processing o Better than another group o Have to rationalize why they made the decision • Group Polarization o You are more extreme after a discussion with the group • Abilene Paradox o Consensus seeking behavior that lead to undesirable choices that no one would have done on their own Techniques • Brainstorming o Build on each others ideas o Forget about age and seniority o Quality not quantity o Encourage wild ideas • Nominal Group Technique o Decide based on everyone providing input, everyone must write on the board • Delphi Technique o Experts are brought in • Devil’s Advocate o Play the role of critic and evaluate potential problems • Dialectical Inquiry o Set up a debate between 2 opposing sides, both sides need to be heard and all positives and negastives are revealed o...

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