BAG- Technique - RLE Bag PDF

Title BAG- Technique - RLE Bag
Author Carljean Carljean
Course Nursing Service Administration
Institution Central Philippine University
Pages 7
File Size 196.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 96
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RLE Bag...


HOME VISIT Definition: A home visit is a face to face contact made by a nurse to the patient or families to provide necessary health care activities and to further attain objectives of the agency. It is made to the client or to a responsible member of the family.

STEPS IN HOME VISIT Procedure 1. Greet client or household member and introduce yourself 2. Explain purpose of home visit 3. Inquire about health and welfare of client/patient and other family members. Ask about health and health related problems. 4. Place bag in a convenient place before doing bag technique 5.Wash hands and wear apron and put out needed articles and or medicines dressings from the bag 6. Performs physical assessment and nursing care needed. 7. Give necessary health teaching and advice based on client's patients needs and condition 8. Wash hands and close bag 9. Record findings and nursing care given 10. Make appointment either for a clinic or home visit 11. On succeeding home visit and when nurse has gained the family's trust and confidence, she may look into more detailed aspects of the household and surrounding's and other health problems and concerns

Rationale Establish rapport with the household Ensures the households member to gain trust and confidence and cooperation Observe patient and determine health needs

Reduces transmission, time and effort For infection control, Identification of health needs to plan for nursing management

Reduces transmission of microorganism Documentation provides evaluation of patient response and evaluation Ensures patient to gain trust To plan additional nursing care and implementation.



Bag Technique: A tool or aid making use of public health bag through which the nurse during his/her home visit, can perform nursing procedure with ease and deftness, save time and effort with the end view of rendering effective nursing care. Public Health bag: Itis an essential and indispensable equipment of public health nurse, which he/she has to carry along when he/she goes out home visiting. It contains basic medications and articles which are necessary for giving care. Rationale: To render effective nursing care to clients and or members of the family during home visit Purpose: 1. To minimize if not to prevent spread the infection 2. To work efficiently and rapidly during techniques as a means to relate thought and energy so that work with the family may be more effective saving time and effort. Contents of the Bag : A. Dressings  2 Packs of cottonballs (Sterile)  Pack of sponges 4x4 (Sterile)  Roller bandages of different sizes  Adhesive plaster  Packs of Applicators (Sterile) B. Instruments  Thermometer in case  2 forceps (straight kelly or hemostats)  Bandage scissors  Syringes 5ml and 2ml  Hypodermic needles g.19, 22, 23, 25  Kidney Basin  BP apparatus (carried separately)  stethoscope  Tape measure


C. Bottles for different solutions in uniform sizes  70% alcohol  Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia  Betadine  1 tube of antibacterial ointment  Sterile NSS for Irrigation (50ml)  Hot water bag D. Miscellaneous  Apron  Small cloth bag with a. hand towel b. Soap in soap case c. hand brush  Plastic lining  Paper Lining  Medicine cup  Medicine dropper  Tongue depressor wrap in paper  Mask and gloves  Pen light * Extra paper for making bag for waste materials (paper bag)


Arrangement of CHN Bag Bottom part of the bag should be lined with plastic or paper lining 1. Front of bag left to right  Thermometer  penlight 2. On the right rear end of the bag  Medicine dropper  syringes 3. On the left rear end  Roller bandage  Medicine cup  Adhesive tape 4. Back of bag left to right  Bottles of different solutions 5. In the center of the bag  Kidney basin with forceps, bandage scissors, sterile dressings, cotton applicator, tongue depressor, OS 4x4, Tape measure 6. On top pile center of bag  Cloth bag with contents  Apron  Mask and gloves  Hot water bag 7. In the cover pocket of the bag  3 waste receptacles 8. Inner cover of bag on top  A folded paper and plastic lining 9. BP and stethoscope carried separately

Steps/Procedures 4

Actions 1. Upon arriving at the client’s home place the bag on the table or any flat surface lined with paper lining spread with plastic lining, clean side out folded part touching the table), put bag's handle or straps beneath the bag 2. Ask for a basin of water and a glass of water if faucet is not available. Place this outside work area 3. Take out small cloth bag with its contents (hand towel, soap dish) and apron and place them at one corner of the work area (within the confines of the linen/plastic lining 4. Take off wrist watch and place on top of the table or the floor outside of the work area, and convenient for you to glance on 5. Do hand washing with soap and water, using pouring method. Use hand brush if necessary. Wipe dry with towel, fold back hand towel and put it back in its place in the work area. leave the plastic wrappers of the towel in soap dish in the bag. 6. Put on apron right side out and wrong side with crease touching the body, sliding the head into neck strap. Neatly tie straps at the back 7. Put out things most needed of specific case (e.g. thermometer, kidney basin, cotton ball, waste paper bag) and place at one corner of the work area 8. Place paper bag (waste receptacle) outside of work area 9. Close the bag 10. Proceed with the specific nursing care or treatment 11. After completing the nursing care or treatment, clean and disinfect the things used. For dirty and soiled instruments wash separately with soap and water. Wipe them dry. 12. Do hand washing again 13. Open the bag and put back all articles in their proper places 14. Remove apron folding away from the body with soiled side folded inwards and clean side out. Place in the bag. 15. Write down all necessary data that were observed, nursing care and treatment rendered. Give instructions for care of patients in the absence of a nurse 16. Make post visit conference on matters relevant to health care taking anecdotal

Rationale To protect bag from contamination

To be used for hand washing To protect the work field from being wet Hand washing prevents possible infection from care provider to the client

To protect the nurse uniform. keeping the crease creates aesthetic appearance To make them easily accessible

To prevent contamination of clean area

To give comfort and security, maintain personal hygiene and hasten recovery.

To protect caregiver and prevent spread of infection to others

For reference to next visit 5


After care 1. Before keeping all articles, clean and disinfectall articles used 2. Get the bag from the table, fold paper lining (if soaked and contaminated discard), insertand place in between the flaps and cover the bag Evaluation and Documentation 1. Record all relevant findings about the client and members of the family 2. Take note of the environmental factors, which affects clients and health 3. Include quality of nurse patient relationship 4. Assess effectiveness of nursing care provided How to clean the bag and its contents: 1. Bag should be thoroughly cleaned once a week as often as possible and the lining changed as often as necessary 2. Remove all contents and lining 3. Wipe bag with rag wet with soap and water inside and outside. Rinse with cloth, with water, use any disinfecting solutions if necessary 4. Wipe with clean cloth and dry 5. Empty bottles, clean and dry and re-label 6. Instruments and other equipment which cannot be boiled must be disinfected accordingly 7. Replace contents of the bag, ready for use

edited/July 2019


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