Ballistic ball workout PDF


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Ballistic ball workout 1. Overhead reach

Setup: 1. Knees bent 2. Back against the exercise ball 3. Buttock inches from the floor 4. Feet are shoulder width apart 5. Palms facing up 6. Hold bells at chest Movement: 1. Using an explosive movement, work up with your legs and arms to propel yourself over the exercise ball. 2. Move back to the start position 3. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets 2. Hip twist

Setup: 1. Lay supine on your back atop the exercise ball 2. Feet are shoulder width apart 3. Arms extended overhead near ears 4. Keep torso parallel to the floor Movement: 1. Start by extending your arms out straight above your head 2. In one explosive movement, twist from side to side 3. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets for each side 3. Side lifts

Setup: 1. Lay on your side with shoulders and hips vertical 2. Left hip sitting into the exercise ball 3. Right leg bent at 90 degrees 4. Arms straight at the ears both hands grasping one bell 5. Your entire body is in a straight line 6. Alignment extends from your foot to the training bell Movement: 1. Using an explosive side crunching movement, extend your upper body up towards the roof 2. Return back to the starting position 3. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets

4. Arm circles

Setup: 1. Assume supine position 2. Back and head in constant contact with the ball 3. Keep hips up by engaging abs Movement: 1. In the supine position, perform full arm circles on each side 2. Ensure that you stay on the balls of your feet while performing the exercise 3. Once the movement has been mastered, the exercise can be performed using both arms simultaneously 4. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets

5. Sword pull

Setup: 1. Straight arms at sides 2. Torso level with floor 3. Keep feet shoulder width apart 4. Push head into ball to engage spine Movement: 1. As the name implies, the exercise consist out of a sword pulling action 2. As the one arm gets pulled upwards, the opposite arm will move down to the side the ball has been pulled from 3. Return the pulled arm back to the starting position 4. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets for each side 6. Crossover flies

Setup: 1. Keep feet shoulder width apart 2. Cross-over movements will vary in depth and range 3. There are 3 different fly positions: 1. Overhead fly, 2. Side fly, 3. Low fly 4. Each fly can be performed by lowering or raising the positions of the balls in your hand throughout the fly movement

Movement: 1. Start in a supine position with your arms extended outwards and palms facing up 2. Initiate the movement by bring your arms up and over your chest 3. Now cross your arms and move them to the opposite side 4. Now return to the starting position 5. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets 7. High and low pulses

Setup: 1. Lay supine on your back 2. Keep your head pressed into the ball 3. Arms are straight overhead 4. Level torso 5. Feet shoulder width apart 6. Hands inside the bells and palms facing up Movement high pulse:

1. With arms extended overhead, use oscillating (small pulses) movements and pulse your arms up and down 2. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets Movement low pulse: 1. With arms extended down at your sides, use oscillating (small pulses) movements and pulse your arms up and down 2. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets 8. Swimmer

Setup: 1. Sit atop the exercise ball 2. Feet are shoulder width ahead of your knees 3. Torso is parallel to the floor 4. Chest is out, back is arched 5. Keep weight on balls of feet Movement: 1. From the starting position, raise your arms up with your arms extend out in front of your chest 2. In a breaststroke swimming movement, pull your arms towards your back as if you are swimming 3. Now perform the movement in the opposite direction to get to the starting position

4. In one fluent movement from the starting position, extend your legs and reach down with the bells in between your legs in order to feel a good stretch in the lower back and hamstrings 5. Return to the starting position 6. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets 9. Side to side

Setup: 1. Knees at 90 degree angle on top of exercise ball 2. Hands on floor, wider than shoulder width Movement: 1. From the starting position, explosively rotate your trunk from side to side 2. The goal is to hit the ball with the side of your buttocks 3. Your knees should be as close to your body as possible throughout the movement 4. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets for each side

10. Knee circles

Setup: 1. Knees on the ball 2. Legs at a 90 degree angle 3. Hands on floor, arms straight 4. Knees together, upper legs vertical Movement: 1. Start by pulling your knees towards your torso 2. Now, rotate your lower body while keeping your knees stationed on the exercise ball at all time. 3. Imagine you are drawing a circle using your knees. 4. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets for each side

11. Scissors

Setup: 1. Lay prone, face down 2. Hips on exercise ball 3. Hands on floor, wider than shoulder width 4. Legs together, arms slightly bent Movement: 1. This is a very complex movement and should be performed under strict supervision 2. The leg being thrown over the body should be bent at 90 degrees 3. Initiate the movement by rotating the hips in the opposite direction the leg is being thrown in. 4. Now, pull your hips back to the start position and repeat with the other side 5. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets

12. V-ups

Setup: 1. Lay prone, face down 2. Place knees in centre of the exercise ball 3. Arms extended 4. Hands on floor, shoulder width apart Movement: 1. Start in a plank with shins on ball 2. Press into your palms to roll back until ball rests on your thighs and body forms an inverted diagonal line 3. Drag the ball forward, coming up so the upper surface of the foot is in contact with the ball and your body forms an inverted V 4. Return to starting position 5. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets

13. Kick backs

Setup: 1. This movement is accomplished by simultaneous flexion and extension of hips Movement: 1. Start by lying flat on your back with the back part of your lower legs on the exercise ball 2. In a fluent explosive movement, kick back with one leg while using the exercise ball to push your hips up 3. Return the leg to the starting position and repeat with the other side 4. This is a very explosive exercise and should be done under strict supervision 5. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets 14. Side kicks

Setup: 1. Lay supine on your back on the floor 2. Keep your heels in the middle of the ball 3. Arms out to the sides and palms facing down Movement: 1. Start by lifting one leg in the air by flexing at the hip 2. Now, in one movement, throw the lifted leg out to the side and just before touching the ground with your foot, throw it back over the other leg stopping just before the ground 3. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets for each side 15. Hip extensions

1. Lie on the floor with your calves on a exercise ball, arms out to your side. 2. Push down on the ball with your feet, extending up from your hips and bening your knees at 90 degrees until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line. 3. Slowly lower your hips to the starting position. 4. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps and sets...

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