Bangabandhu The Poet of Politics PDF

Title Bangabandhu The Poet of Politics
Author Ibrahim Sheikh
Course Business communication
Institution Jagannath University
Pages 3
File Size 86.3 KB
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Bangabandhu: The Poet of Politics Sheikh Mujibur Rahman recognized as the greatest Bengali on Bengal History. He is the pioneer of emancipation. He is the architect of Bangladesh. He was an advocate of humanism, socialism, and Bengali nationalism. He is a friend to the masses. His dream was to make Bengal to Golden Bengal. Bangabandhu was a tall man and he looked very impressive with his back-brushed hair and spectacles. He was intelligent and stubborn but had very high political charisma. His political stature was legendary. His great charisma combined with political acumen made him the greatest of the different leaders of the Bangladesh Independence movement. The fiery revolutionary turned irascible statesman has had a profound effect on politics and his people during his time. A thorn in the side of Bengali leaders since the inception of Pakistani regime, he had been a beacon of resistance for their anti-Bengali stance. He is the greatest politician and statesmen. His political ideology does not confine in the boundary of Bangladesh. Bangabandhu's historic March 7 speech is recognized as one of the world's all-time best. It is said Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's historic March 7 speech that effectively declared Bangladesh's independence and it has been selected as one of the most rousing and inspirational wartime speeches in the last 2,500 years. The much-talked-about inspirational speech is considered by many to be one of the world's best. He broke with established customs. Noted journalist and columnist Syed Badrul Ahsan has aptly said: "Sheikh Mujibur Rahman became from rebel to founding father of Bangladesh." Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is popularly known in Bangladesh as Bangabandhu (Friend of Bengal) and he was a Bengali politician and the founding leader of Bangladesh. He is widely revered in the country as the Father of the Nation. There can be no doubt about where his heart was. He is Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Like Thomas Carlyle, he might have believed: "Every noble work is at first impossible." But by his long-standing struggles with the Pakistani rulers, he proved that impossible is the word which would not be found in his dictionary. The world focused on Dhaka's the Race Course Maidan, Sheikh Mujib would declare a unilateral declaration of independence from Pakistan. To hear this speech many people gathered in that place. The speech was immensely successful in giving Bengalis a clear goal of their struggle, the goal of independence. It inspired millions across Bangladesh to get engaged in the freedom struggle. This historic address was a de facto declaration of Bangladesh's independence. A part of the speech was: Build forts in each homestead. You must resist the Pakistani enemy with whatever you have in hand. Remember, we have given a lot of blood, a lot more blood we shall give if need be, but we shall liberate the people of this country, Insha’Allah. The struggle this time is the struggle for our emancipation; the struggle this time is the struggle for independence. That was the speech which united the whole Bengali nation to come into a single platform to give a befitting reply to the Pakistani military junta. Then our glorious Liberation War started to gain Bangladesh. Happily, for Bangladesh, we trust, for the whole human race of this country, we pursued a new and nobler course. We accomplished an armed rebellion which had no parallel in the annals of human society at that clarion call of Bangabandhu

On 5 April 1971, The international Newsweek magazine termed Bangabandhu as a ‘Poet of Politics’ because of his speech. Speech is power, speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Bangabandhu's 7 March 1971 speech has been recognized as one of the world-famous speeches in the book entitled: "We Shall Fight on the Beaches: The Speeches That Inspired History", by Jacob F Field, a noted Historian. It is truly a very powerful speech in the annals of world history. You can't have a revolution without something to rebel against. The Pakistani rulers had kept an iron grip on power in this land of Bangladesh since 1947. But Bangabandhu stuck to his idealism throughout the struggle of independence of Bangladesh, breaking ties with other puppet politicians as they sold out. He was an implacable force and fought the Pakistani rulers and their local accomplices with no compromise. Bangabandhu truly believed that he knew what was best for his people and the country. He was a high ranking planner and organizer, who succeeded through bold politicking where others relied on strength of the Pakistani military junta. A gifted fiery speaker and tireless political worker, he dedicated his life to making Bangladesh a better place and people responded by creating a cult of personality to him that exists to this day. The words of Herodotus "It is better by noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half the evils we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness for fear of what might happen" is truly having relevance with Bangabandhu. In 1971, our strategy was not only to confront the cruel Pakistani beasts and their local collaborators, but also to lay siege to it; to deprive it of oxygen; to shame it; to mock it with our art, our music, our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness armed fights - and our ability to tell our own stories. Stories that are different from the ones we were once compelled to believe. Bangabandhu was such a politician of noble stature and high level of respect gained by impressive development or achievement. He was the most charismatic political personality the Bengali nation has ever produced. Poet and journalist Muhammad Nurul Huda wrote “Bangabandhu is incomparable because he was courageous, and it was his moral and physical courage combined that was unprecedented in the annals of our historic political struggle”. When we think of

this golden son of this soil, it reminds us of the words of Egon Schiele, "All beautiful and noble qualities have been united in him; he shall be the fruit which will leave eternal vitality behind even after its decay. How great must be our joy, therefore, to have given birth

of a great son to us." Politics...regarded as the study and pursuit of the true, enduring good of a community, as the application of great and unchangeable principles to public affairs is a noble sphere of thought and action.

William E Channing Politics is a profession; a serious, complicated, and, in its true sense, a noble one.

Dwight D Eisenhower

Embracing Bangabandhu at the Algiers Non-Aligned Summit in 1973, Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, known as Fidel Castro, is a Cuban politician and a revolutionary who commented, I have not seen the Himalayas. But I have seen Sheikh Mujib. In personality and courage, this man is the Himalayas. I have thus had the experience of witnessing the Himalayas. He is remembered as a dreamer who fought for his countrymen all through his life. He was a superior politician than anyone else during his time in the whole world. Still, Bangabandhu has remained a great leader...after his death and he will remain the same in the years to come. His martyrdom allowed others to pick up the fallen banner of freedom and independence. His influence on later fighters is considerable. Today, Bangabandhu remains to lie in a monument at Tungipara where he was born. One of the ugliest and most tragic incidents in the modern history of the world took place during our glorious Liberation War in 1971 when millions of our unarmed people were gunned down by the Pakistani army and their local cruel cohorts. In 1975 that leader was killed with the whole family by his enemy....

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