Barangay Pantal Health Center Information System PDF

Title Barangay Pantal Health Center Information System
Course Computer Fundamentals and Programming
Institution Pangasinan State University
Pages 25
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Bar Barangay angay P Pantal antal Health Center Inf Inform orm ormation ation S System ystem

A Project presented to the faculty of College of Computing Sciences Pangasinan State University Lingayen, Pangasinan

By: Bolasoc, Melissa P. Canlas, Ma. Cristina B. Celestial, Jervin T. Sarmiento, Leobert DC.

To: Ma. Sheryl Sunga

Abstra Abstract ct of the Study

A major obstacle of the Rural Health Unit (RHU) was acquiring valuable and timely data and process them in order to provide relevant health services and programs that reflects the needs of its citizens. The Researchers decided to pursue this study in order to develop automated information system for Barangay Pantal Centro Health Center that will help the institution on automating their day- to- day transactions. The proposed system will help the medical practitioners to fasten their recording of patient’s data to save time and effort. Because automation now is demanded, the researchers had chosen this institution for them to adapt the new technology for better and faster working. This study used the Agile Waterfall hybrid Model where the gathered data undergone to different phases and obtained the needed results. The proposed information system improved the reliability and security of some confidential information of patients. It has great advantage because the medical practitioners can easily obtain the information anywhere through the use of the windows tablet which is networked to the host or server. The staff can easily identify the patient’s information from a card with an ID number written on it. The respondents have rated the system through the use of questionnaires and from that the researchers confirmed that it is highly acceptable for them. The system will provide the city health users to access locally the patient consultation profile. It will verify and track patients’ profile. Reduce hours spent retrieving a patients’ record. Display the status and update of services offered to each barangay. It will also maintain a systematic approach to consultation such as medical. The system will generate comparative reports of illness in a month or year. The system is intended to the persons who have direct involvement in the processing of health programs, medical services, monitoring and profiling.


The researcher group would like to express its deepest gratitude to everyone who has helped conduct this study, from its days of inception until its fruition, contributing to the success of the system titled as BARANGAY PANTAL CENTRO HEALTH CENTER IMFORMATION SYSTEM.


The researcher’s dedicate this study to God, our guardians, our family and friends. This study would not have been possible without God having it in his plan. To our parents who were unselfish with their support, who provided endless encouragement and support even when we we’ve cranky, sleep deprived and pessimistic. We would also like to thank our peer mentors and friends for their help and support through this process whose steadfast encouragement made possible both conceptualized and completion of this project. In addition, we dedicated this to our family for being our first teacher, for being our guardian during our educational career and lastly, who taught us to trust in God, believe in hardwork and so much could be done in title. The Researc Researchers hers

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Project Ov Overview erview Background of the Study Statement of the Problem Objectives of the Problem

Scope and Delimitation Significance of the Study Definition of Terms

Chapter 2: R Review eview of R Related elated Liter Literature ature and St Studies udies Review of Related Literature Review of Related Studies Synthesis

Chapter 3: Methodology Software Development Methodology Data Gathering Procedures or Techniques Data Gathering Tools Curriculum Vitae

Chapter 1: Project Ov Overview erview

Background of the Study The implementation of the Barangay Health Center Information System provides a quicker and more systematic way to record the medical information of the patients. It also provides reliable and secured personal medical records. The system will include the Patients medical records such as the name of the patients, gender, birthdate, age, birth place, contact number, address, nationality, status, occupation, guardian, and weight, temperature, blood pressure, sickness, medicines received. This information will be stored on the centralized database server so every time the authorize person will do checking the personal medical records information of the patients; it will be easy for them to do it.

Statement of the Problem

1. What are the problems encountered by the people in the Health Center in terms of the following? 1.1 Medical records 1.2 Patient’s records 1.3 Services

Objectives of the Study

The Researcher aim to propose a system to the Health to make their medical records would be systematically and securely done. Listed below are the Opportunities that can be achieved when using Barangay Health Center Information System: 

Avoid tampering and loss of important documents/ records of information.

Ability to easy navigate and manipulate the gathered medical records from the patients in the said Barangay, monitor common sickness and to provide patients sickness/illness history.

Ability to provide a better service and satisfaction to the people.

Scope and Delimitation

The proposed system “BARANGAY PANTAL CENTRO HEALTH CENTER INFORMATION SYSTEM” is a data processing system that helped the establishment in automating its information and transaction and created a useful and effective system that ensure the convenience of the establishment. The system focused on the information tasks only. It does not provide the billing process because it is a public medical institution.


The significance of the study lies in empowering the RHU with the technological capability to address the increasing challenges of growing rural areas and the need for better health care. It will benefit the following: •

To the Barangay Health Workers

To the future researchers

To the researchers

To the residents

Definition of T Ter er erms ms

Client Person who engages the advice or services of another who is qualified to provide this service. Community Health Nursing Is a service rendered by a professional nurse with the community, families and individuals. Family Planning Services Service provided on couples to maintain the spacing birth of their family. Health Center A place where people seek primary health services like maternal check- up, immunization services, family planning services, and sanitation services. Health Services Includes variety of services like blood pressure check- up, maternal check- up, immunization services, sanitation services, and family planning services. Immunization Services A basic health service for infants and children. This includes BCG, DPT, OPV, Hepatitis B, Measles etc. Maternal Check Up Service given to pregnant women which include physical examination, tetanus toxoid immunization. Sanitation Services Health care services rendered to prevent deleterious effect on the community’s health, well- being and survival. Satisf Satisfaction action Refers to the fulfillment of a need or want.. Service Given to a client. It may be in form of maternal check- up, immunization, etc.

Chapter 2: R Review eview of R Related elated Liter Literature ature and Studi Studies es

Review of R Related elated literatu literature re According to Karim (2008), interoperability concerning a specific task is said to exist between two applications, when one application can accept data from the other and perform the task in an appropriate and satisfactory manner without need of extra operator intervention. One of the main challenges in introducing patient healthcare records is the development and use of systems that advance communication and information sharing. Sharing information is an essential aspect of communicating with colleagues and patients about delivery of care. The absence of instant access to patient healthcare information is the cause of one-fifth of medical errors.

According to Hanseth et al (1996), many healthcare professionals work autonomously, the deficiency of accessing vital healthcare information segments and shared knowledge can produce duplicate clinical tests to be arranged and leads to additional cost, pain and danger. Hence, connected and unconnected electronic systems should be coordinated and interoperable i.e. healthcare information is accumulated and stored into an electronic holding place called as Data repository. All relevant data would be shared between healthcare professionals in the same or different organizations.

According to Abdul (2008) indicates that one of the important issues in paper-based records are, all the clinical information is written in free style, and chances are high to miss or forget some important information, as this will lead to serious effect on patient’s treatment and care. The case sheet is a hard copy that can be accessed by one person at a time and needs physical transfer for other physicians to access. Retrieving a record will be a hard task given number of medical records present and missing a record won’t be a surprise in a huge pile of paper based medical records. Moreover, with time, information in paper records gets diminished of ageing paper and ink, even fire accidents or natural disasters can ruin the archive of paper records. Karim (2008) explains that all the above discussed issues can be over-come by implementing EMR/EPR systems, it can not only solve the problems but also improves the efficiency of healthcare by increasing accessibility, and needs less resources to maintain records. EPR system can be used as a resource of researchers, it will be a tool for disease surveillance, which can be used for public health initiatives and for practicing Evidence based medicine.

Reviews of R Related elated Studies

From the thesis entitled, “In-Patient Charting System (IPCS) for Nurse Station of Apacible Memorial District Hospital” by Roman Rodriguez et al. (2010). The computerization of charting became one of the strongest trends in documentation in developing or purchasing computerized information system that supports medical practices. Although many are reluctant to give up security of record with manually entered information, paper charts are familiar, portable, flexible and rapidly browsed for its users. It may become impossible to replicate a lost paper record. Undetected tampering with paper records may occur and it is impossible to determine who reviewed the paper chart. It may also difficult to find information within a paper chart. Handwritten charts are often illegible, increasing the risk of medical errors due to misinterpretation of an accessible date and intricacies of litigation.

From the thesis entitled, “Automated Inventory System of Apacible Memorial District Hospital” by Michael John Manalo et al. (2010). A computerized system to maximize inventory performance in a small hospital is described. An inventory control system, which has integrated economic orders quantity (EOQ) and ABC inventory models, was implemented in a 146-bed hospital. The perpetual inventory control database, supported by the hospital’s mainframe computer, generates monthly inventory statistics that are segregated into A, B and C reports. Using a hand-held computer that interfaces with the perpetual inventory system, a series of inventory management reports were developed. These reports, which re based on the EOQ model, provide the following information for each drug line item: EOQ, EOQ proposed carrying cost actual inventory carrying costs, safety stock, order point, average inventory management reports were also developed.

From the thesis entitled “Integration of Personal Digital Assistant (Pda) Devices into the Military Healthcare Clinic Environment” By Joseph Keltner Et. Al (2001), the early 1990's saw a new generation of hand-held computers. These hand-held weighed a pound or less, were half the cost of desktop PCs, possessed the memory necessary to store adequate amounts of medical reference and patient specific data, and did not require the long boot up period of desktop PCs. The authors of this study found the majority of family practice physicians embraced this technology virtually from its inception. It may be the breadth of diagnoses encountered, rural practice locations, and/or greater involvement in administrative and financial tasks that made these early PDAs an invaluable tool to them. One such device, the Apple Newton Message Pad 120 released in 1995 contained a 20 mHz processor, large screen with a resolution of 320 x 240

pixels, built in speaker, 20 - 50 hour battery life, optional fax/ modem, handwriting recognition, infra-red capability, weighed 1 pound, and measured 8 x 4 x 1.2 inches. However, it was not without limitations. Its handwriting recognition software was inconsistent and required a lengthy period to adapt to the users handwriting. It has no illumination (screen not backlit) making it difficult to view text in poorly lit areas and its 2 MB memory precluded the loading of multiple large applications. Another much smaller device, the Franklin Digital Book System contained a 16 mHz processor, a screen with a resolution of 160 x 40 pixels, 200 hour battery life, a key board, weighed 4 ounces, and measured 5 x 3.5 x 0.5 inches. With no operating system, it was primarily a reference tool capable of holding two 20 MB digital books. (Ebell, 1995) With the next generation of PDAs and medical applications available in the market place, the PDA has evolved into a decision support tool that is saving lives. (Ram, 1994) Physicians in the private sector are using PDAs for practice management, patient tracking, dosage and pregnancy calculations, treatment protocols, pharmaceutical data and prescription ordering, patient education, coding, documenting patient encounters, and stress relief (playing games).

From the thesis entitled “A Computer Vision Based Barcode Reading System” By Mehmet Ilhamisafran (2008), Barcodes are very popular and are seen on almost every consumer products. Barcodes provide reliable data storing and quick input into a computer system. In this manner, price and product description can be obtained very fast. There exist various one dimensional barcode symbologies such as EAN13, EAN8, EAN128, UPC-A, UPC-E etc. However, mainly barcode consists of thick or thin parallel lines which are parallel to each other in the forms of rectangles. Traditionally, a laser barcode reader is used to read the embedded code. However, recently, image processing based barcode reading systems started to gain importance which provide more information than laser barcode readers at a time [1]. Similarly, the use of Personal Digital Assistance (PDA) and Mobile Phone (MP) are becoming increasingly widespread. They can be used to access the internet and take pictures and videos. They can be even used as a barcode reader [2]. Thus, consumer or user can capture an image of a barcode by using their PDA/MP. Such devices, which are programmed to decipher the barcode image, will be able to obtain the barcode information. By connecting online, consumer or user can access product information such as price, product description and price comparison.


In general clients who are satisfied with the program may be contributing to the status quo more than they are helping managers to pinpoint areas of client satisfaction and discontent, or to find innovative solutions to improve program delivery. Good client satisfaction studies are not ends in themselves; they are means to improve service to the public. Knowledge of client’s expectations and of the extend to which these are met may prove really beneficial. Broadly speaking, this knowledge serves two ;purpose(1)identifying areas of improvement in the quality of the services offered; and (2) highlighting the need for corrective actions when client’s expectations exceed what the organization can afford to offer or what a particular program is meant to provide. The significance of such studies in this research is that the contents were clearly stated and the client satisfactions were given emphasis in terms of its community. Nevertheless, these studies gave rise to the researchers to come with positive outlook on how client satisfaction is important to the clients.

Chapter 3: Methodology

Software Devel Development opment Methodology The researchers used the Agile-Waterfall hybrid methodology for the development of the system due the complexity and scale of the project (Kindly see fig. 1 below). To be able to produce a complex system for a local government unit that has numerous interactions with other entities in just a span of few months, the researchers carried the planning and requirements gathering of Waterfall while incorporating Agile techniques. This allowed the researchers to incrementally develop the modules and features of the system while taking into account user involvement, to accommodate additional requirements and to ensure that the entire system development is in accordance with the stakeholders’ needs.

The hybrid methodology was concluded as the best fit for the study after deliberating it among the Waterfall Model, Structured Analysis, and Rapid Application Development (RAD) due to several factors. With the system being developed on a municipal level that interacted with many government entities, the Waterfall method allowed the researchers to understand the processes from an end-to-end bird’s eye point of view, while the Agile method allowed for iterative consulting with the stakeholders, as the RHU itself had been undergoing process changes during the project, such as changes in forms. The iterative consulting ensured that the stakeholders and researchers were aligned despite unforeseen changes in the project requirements. The hybrid model allowed the development of a laid out deliverable but was still flexible enough for changes in stakeholder needs.

Gathering Data Procedure

These are just some of the basic data gathering procedures that we utilized for our research paper. 

Data Mining-this procedure is simple. You can easily find many resource materials where data and numerical figures are already tallied and presented. Usually, you can find data among research institutions and academic centers. Data mining is simply using an already published set of data.

Interviewing-is another example of a data gathering procedure. One benefit that you can get from this process is that you can actually gather raw and reliable data direct from your subjects. Although it is time consuming, you can still have very credible result from this data gathering procedure.

Surveying-actually involves gathering responses from subjects through a written medium. You will be distributing paper questionnaires for your subjects to answer. You will then tally the results and use the data for your research. You may find an essay online about how to write questionnaires.


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