BHCMS: Barangay Health Center Management System PDF

Title BHCMS: Barangay Health Center Management System
Author V. Cabalhug
Pages 39
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BARANGAY HEALTH CENTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BHCMS) A System Design Project Presented to the Faculty of College of Computer Engineering University of Cebu – Lapulapu and Mandaue A.C., Cortes, Looc, Mandaue City, Cebu In Partial Fulfilment Of the Requirements for System Analysis and Design By ANTASUDA, ...



A System Design Project Presented to the Faculty of College of Computer Engineering University of Cebu – Lapulapu and Mandaue A.C., Cortes, Looc, Mandaue City, Cebu

In Partial Fulfilment Of the Requirements for System Analysis and Design



MARCH 2020

INTRODUCTION Executive Summary Basak Health Center hired distinctive helpers to handle important medical records of patients. Health Center is one of a network clinics that provides healthcare services to people in certain area. It gives affordable, accessible and quality health care especially to those indigent individuals and families in urban and rural areas. Here in the Philippines, health centers are available in different barangays nationwide. Barangay health center was established through the Local Government Code of 1991 upon the devolution of health services to local government units (LGUs). With the devolution, the LGUs has now the responsibility and control of supervising, operating, and maintaining local health facilities and enforcement of ordinances related to public health matter like sanitation, nutrition and all other related matters. One of the health center that actively operates for the good of the community is Barangay Basak Health Center that accommodates people who need medical attention. It is located at M.V. Patalinghug Jr. Ave., Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu. This health center is aided by public health workers (nurses, midwifes, nutritionist and doctors) and barangay health workers (BHWs) that works on the process of recording and profiling individuals and families that needs their medical care. In doing medical consultation BHWs are first on the line to receive personal information from the patient and record them in their forms for proper profiling. After patient’s profiling they are advice to wait in the line if they were for immunization, doctor’s consultation, or any medical care services before they were catered by the public health staff. consultation is through manual approach.

Recording of patient’s

THE ENVIRONMENT Company or Institution Description Barangay Basak Health Center is a center for health care in Basak, one of the barangay in Lapu-Lapu City. Barangay health center is a community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services. It is also often integrate access to pharmacy, mental health, substance use disorder, and oral health services in areas where economic, geographic, or cultural barriers limit access to affordable health care services. Health centers deliver care to the Nation’s most vulnerable individuals and families, including people experiencing homelessness, agricultural workers, residents of public housing, and the Nation’s veterans. Barangay health center was established through the Local Government Code of 1991 upon the devolution of health services to local government units (LGUs).It is located at M.V. Patalinghug Jr. Ave. Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu.

Department Functions and Responsibilities Barangay Basak Health Center engage in health care services that would benefit the community in the barangay and also for those who were less fortunate that can’t be able to afford hospital expenses. The health center accommodates patient who needs medical attention. The health center also involves in different process of health care programs and those are: immunization, family planning, medical services that involves child care, prenatal and medical care; health monitoring services and profiling that involves family profiling. Barangay Basak Health Center is responsible for community’s well-being and ensuring the health of each of the individual in its jurisdiction. The health center has the responsibility to deliver

high quality and comprehensive primary care as well as supportive services such as health education, translation and transportation that promote access to health care. Provides services regardless of the patient’s ability to pay and charge for services. Organizational Functions and Responsibilities Barangay Basak Health Center provides first aid, maternal and child health care, diagnosis of social diseases, and other basic health services to all the members of its community. It is regulated by the Department of Health (DOH) which under the supervision of local government units (LGUs) to help them cater communities’ health care necessities especially to poor urban residents in a certain community. Current System Use Barangay Basak Health Center is using a manual system in terms of implementing medical services, health programs, health monitoring and profiling. These transactions as implemented by nurse in-charge and barangay health workers in their station are done manually. Also the archiving of the Patient’s records and profiles are stored in a consolidated folders.

Problems Encountered in Present System Used 1. Accuracy and efficiency in terms of: a. Searching of Patient’s Records b. Searching of Maternal Records c. Searching of Child Records 2. Bulk Filing 3. Queueing System for Patients 4. Household Profiling mismatches

SYSTEM REQUEST Project Sponsor The project sponsor of the system is Barangay Basak Health Center through its public health in-charge Ms. Lerma Lumungsod as the representative of the health center, who will consider the use of the implemented system. As it is affiliated to Barangay Basak under the supervision of Brgy. Chairman Isabelito L. Darnayla, he will be the approving body of the system implemented. Business Need The project has been initiated to assist the public health nurse in terms of organizing and information table sheets in the database, registering and retrieval of patient’s information, printing of doctor’s intervention for the patients and creating accounts for helpers.

Business Requirements The specific functionality that the system should have include the following:   

User-friendly user interface application Register, view, edit, delete records in database Schedule of appointments through an appropriate queueing system

Business Value We expect that upon implementation of the system, important records are registered and protected in the system, confidentiality of information strictly observed. Queue for appointments are reliable and shall be up to date and can be rested every day after clinic hours.

Special Issues or Constraints 

Acceptance of the new system

FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS The following feasibility analysis for the BHCM System Project was made to implement a reliable system to assist the management in recording patient information to lessen file bulking.

A. Technical Feasibility The automated clinic management system is feasible technically; however, there are some associated risks. 1. System risk with regards to the familiarity of technology is moderately low because of the following reasons: a. User interface programmed in C++ Microsoft Visual Studio is a user-friendly application b. The management will be provided a manual of procedures of the system wherein it also c. User/s will be trained and oriented thoroughly before using the system. d. User/s are knowledgeable of the process in the system.

2. System risk with regards to the familiarity of technology is moderately low because of the following reasons: a. The manager is highly knowledgeable in using the system. b. The management will be provided a manual of procedures of the system wherein it also

3. The project size is considered medium risk due to the following reason: a. The project team will likely be composed of three personnel that include one project manager, system analysts, system designers which are the programmers b. The time frame of the project is crucial since it will took only two months to develop the system

B. Organizational Feasibility From an organizational perspective, this project has low risk. Considering the management of the company have a strong interest in the project - in order to have a reliable system that will calculate automatically the balance sheet, also they wanted to lessen the paper works and to have easier way of archiving. Even the notification of sending the respected letters to the clients from certain conditions.

C. Economic Feasibility The cost-benefit analysis was performed, showing the detailed Economic Analysis. 2020








Benefits Increases number of Patients Total Benefits System Development Cost



Labor System Analyst



Labor Software Developer



Development Training









Total Development Cost



Operational Cost Labor Maintenance Programmer






technician Labor Staff



Software Update





Software License Total Operational Cost

Total Cost Total Benefits-Total Cost Cumulative Non Cash Flow

Return of Investment (ROI)



DATA PROCESS AND MODEL The Choose of System Development Life Cycle a Rapid prototyping is becoming very popular as a software development model, as it enables to understand customer requirements at an early stage of development. It helps get valuable feedback from the customer and helps software designers and developers understand about what exactly is expected from the product under development. Therefore, the proponents choose Rapid Prototyping methodology for the Barangay Health Center Management System project due to the following reasons: a.

Clarity of User Requirements The rapid prototyping assures that the software meets the user requirements. The working

prototype has been validated trough the interaction with the client, it is reasonable to expect that the resulting specification is based on the user requirements. b.

Familiarity with Technology System rapid prototyping is one way to shorten the design process, as prototype is

indispensable. Rapid prototyping is a method to make these prototypes much quicker and also more cost-effective. Prototyping would be more convenient since the proponents use Microsoft Visual Studio C# programming and Microsoft Access Database. c.

System Complexity The system will considers its financing processes as it focuses from users’ transaction

records in the balance sheets. The complexity of the process, from the calculation, will be accommodated by the system. The proponents assures that the system will be user-friendly, convenient and will meet the user requirements with the rapid prototyping method. d.

System Reliability Reliability of the system with the method will consider the process of developing the

system. Rapid prototyping is reliable, as the system developed will undergo several phase including a thorough Analysis Phase before implementing the system.


Short Time Schedules An essential aspect of a rapid is embodied in the word rapid. The developers should

endeavor to construct the prototype as rapidly as possible to speed up the software development process. f.

Schedule Visibility Through imposing a prepared Project plan, the development of the system can be

monitored according to the schedule. Delays from the schedule will be assessed and verified the condition what makes a certain activity delay


Fig.1 Context Diagram of the System

The Figure shows the context diagram of the proposed system. The Barangay Health Center System (BHCMS) processes the inputs from the Help Workers coordinated by the Patient and Doctor. The system collects important information from the Appointment Schedule, Clinical Records, Maternal Records, and Child Health Records. The system processes these information to be recorded for medical purposes, print prescription to patients and schedule appointments to patient to organize the line queue for check-ups.


Fig. DFD Fragment 1- Health Worker

Fig. DFD Fragment 2- Doctor

Fig. DFD Fragment 3 - Nurse

Fig. DFD Fragment 4- Midwife

Fig. DFD Fragment 5 - Patient

The Data Flow Diagram Fragments as shown above, elaborates each processes from the proposed system in particular and systematic way. The system starts with the Login Process for Health Workers and Doctors, each user will login with their account or register an account if he/she is a new user.


The Use Case Diagram of the proposed system as shown corresponds to the management of recording medical and personal information. From Scheduling Appointments by the Health Worker, providing priority number to the Patient, Add Clinical, Household Profile, Child Health and Maternal Record. Add new Intervention is made by the Doctor, who will prescribe new Intervention, medication, and complaints to Patient. Patient, Child, Pregnant, Household, Quarterly Visits, and Users information and application are added to the BHCMS Database with different tables for corresponding Records.

Figure 1: Add New Patient

Use Case Name Normal Flow

Add New Patient 1. The user will complete the credentials needed in the Add New Patient form. 2. The New Patient information will be automatically stored in the database after pressing the submit button.


Adding new Patient information

Triggering Actor

Health Worker

Benefiting Actor

Health Worker, Doctor, Patient


The Health Worker view the Clinical Record


Doctor can view Patient Records


Name, Age, Gender, Address, DOB, Parents, Weight, Height, Blood Type, Temperature


Update Record, Populate Table

Figure 2: Add Intervention

Use Case Name Normal Flow

Add Intervention 1. The user will complete the credentials needed in the Add Intervention form. 2. The New Intervention information will be automatically stored in the database after pressing the submit button.


Adding new Patient Intervention

Triggering Actor

Health Worker

Benefiting Actor

Health Worker, Doctor, Patient


The Health Worker can view Intervention


Doctor can add new Intervention


Date, Chief Complaints, Patient Name, Doctor’s Intervention


Update Intervention, Populate Table

Figure 3: Add Appointment

Use Case Name Normal Flow

Add Appointment 1. The user will complete the credentials needed in the Add Appointment form. 2. The New Appointment information will be automatically stored in the database after pressing the submit button. 3. Priority Number will be printed for queueing of the Patient.


Setting an Appointment Schedule for Patient

Triggering Actor

Health Worker

Benefiting Actor

Health Worker, Patient


Patients can have a printed priority number.


Health worker will set an Appointment for Patient


Date, Patient Name, Family No, Doctor, Reason


Update Appointment, Populate Table, Print Number

Figure 4: Add Child Health Record

Use Case Name Normal Flow

Add Child Health Record 1. The user will complete the credentials needed in the Add Child Health Record form. 2. The New Intervention information will be automatically stored in the database after pressing the submit button.


Add new Child Health Record

Triggering Actor

Health Worker

Benefiting Actor

Health Worker, Doctor


Doctor can view Child Health Record


Health worker will add new Child Health Record


Name, Gender, Parents, Address, TOF, Child No, Family No, DOB, NS, Place of Delivery


Update Child Record, Populate Table

Figure 5: Add Household Profile

Use Case Name Normal Flow

Add Household Record 1. The user will complete the credentials needed in the Add Household Profile Record form. 2. The New Intervention information will be automatically stored in the database after pressing the submit button.


Add new Household Profile Record

Triggering Actor

Health Worker

Benefiting Actor

Health Worker, Nurse


Nurse can view Household Profile Record


Health worker will add new Household Profile


Add Household, Add Quarterly Visit


Update HH Record, Populate Table

Figure 6: Add Maternal Record

Use Case Name Normal Flow

Add Maternal Record 1. The user will complete the credentials needed in the Add Maternal Record form. 2. The New Maternal information will be automatically stored in the database after pressing the submit button.


Add new Maternal Record

Triggering Actor

Health Worker

Benefiting Actor

Health Worker, Midwife


Midwife can view Maternal Record


Health worker will add new Maternal Record


Add Maternal Record, Basic Information, Obstetrical History


Update Maternal Record, Populate Table


The figure shows the integrated system form the Visual Studio C# programming. Showing each form of the main program: Main Form, Login Form, Create Account Form, Appointments Page, Clinical Records Page, Child Health Records Page, Maternal Records Page, and Household Profile Page. In every form and page shows respective functions.

REQUIREMENTS DETERMINATION Requirement Definition a. Functional Requirement

Functional requirements are the activities that the system must perform—that is, the business uses to which the system will be applied. In other words it defines the functions or user services that will be supported by the system. Functional requirements are derived directly from the capabilities identified in the planning phase. Functional requirements include: i. Process Oriented 

The system must allow all Kinds of User to Access the System. But each user type have different access points of the system.

The Health Worker can access all the Pages and Features of the System,

The Doctor can only access the Child Health Record and Clinical Record but the Doctor c...

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