BBI Summative Project 2020 PDF

Title BBI Summative Project 2020
Course Introduction to Business
Institution High School - Canada
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The summative project represents 30% of your final grade. You will use the concepts and skills learned in class. You are provided with sufficient class and lead time to complete all your tasks. Therefore, other than an unforeseen emergency (ex. medical with appropriate proof), no excuses will be accepted for late or incomplete work. You must submit your work “as is” on the due date. All work is to be done in class under the observation of the teacher with the exception of those elements that require out of class resources (ex. construction of product prototypes). BACKGROUND You are an entrepreneur who has developed a new product that is ready for market. Your product is multi color – multi flavor popcorn. (You can decide on another product or service; however, you need to provide a sample or prototype. Therefore, keep it simple and doable, for example, multi color microwave popcorn, exotic flavored soft drink, original shape cereals, etc. Have your choice OK’d by the teacher first). Start up money is required to launch your business; hence you are asking VC’s (venture capitalist) Dragons for financing. Your 3 to 4 minute pitch to the Dragons is meant to convince them about the potential of your business proposal. Furthermore, you are also required to submit a typed formal business plan for the follow up “Due Diligence” business discussions that will be required before you secure the financing.

PROJECT PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS Part 1 – The Pitch Prepare and deliver a winning business proposal to the Dragons (your classmates + teacher). The proposal will be 3 to 4 minutes in length. Other than your prototype, no other presentation elements are allowed. Suggestions, but not necessarily limited, for your pitch presentation should include: 1. A Proper Introduction:  This includes your name, your venture/company’s name.  How much capital ($) you are asking for and the percent business ownership you are offering 1



2. Product: Make sure you have a prototype of your product. Describe the product. How did you think it up? Invention or innovation? Provide brand names, logos etc. for it. Who are the current competitors? What makes your product unique from them? Is your product a substitute or complimentary product; a normal or inferior good? What needs or wants does it satisfy? Relate it to Maslow’s Hierarchy. 3. Marketing: Who is your target market? What price are you going to sell it at? Explain the factors that you considered in determining the price. Estimate annual sales revenues based on the size of your market. Use actual demographic data obtained from Statistics Canada. Describe your promotion strategies. 4. Conclusion: Wrap up and summarize the important parts of your presentation. Be upbeat and convincing. Remember you want to win over the Dragons.

Part 2 – Written Report In addition to the oral presentation, you will prepare a typed business plan report. The report provides details on your business analysis, marketing, financing, and business ownership arrangement. Make sure that you use appropriate heading sections for your report. Your report will have, but not necessarily be limited to, the following sections:         

A cover page, with title, name, and date A table of Content An introduction describing the purpose and contents of the report. A SWOT analysis that justifies your business proposal. Include at least 5 items per each category. Your business ownership arrangement and reasons. Production/manufacturing of your product. Materials, equipment, process flow, etc. Costs of items. Marketing strategy, insightful coverage of the 2 C’s and 4 P’s of marketing, including descriptive explanations and samples of promotions Financing details; valuation of your business based on projected sales revenues, startup capital required and detailed explanation of investment/expenditures. Conclusion




The length of your report should be from 9 to 11 pages in length (includes cover page, Tof C, images etc.), single or 1 ½ line spacing, font size 12 and using 2.5 cm margins. All sections must be clearly separated by appropriate spacing and identified by using section headings and titles. Make sure that your pages are numbered. The report must be authored and prepared in class, using Microsoft Word. The final copy will be placed in the handin folder “as-is” no later than the due date.

Part 3 – The Dragon In addition to your typed report and oral pitch, you will be a supportive audience member. That means that you will listen attentively and contribute to the positive atmosphere of the presentation process. Furthermore, you will also assume the role as Dragon for one of your classmate’s presentation. After listening to the presentation, you will ask two thoughtful questions, haggle the terms, and decide either to invest or pass.


The Pitch The Report The Dragon

35% 60% 5%


BBI20 Strand Business Fundamentals

SUMMATIVE PROJECT –BBI2O 4 Your product/business proposal demonstrates a thorough understanding of how businesses respond to the needs & wants of customers, supply & demand aspects of the market place.

3 Your product/business proposal demonstrates a thorough understanding of how businesses respond to the needs & wants of customers, supply & demand aspects of the market place.

2 Your product/business proposal demonstrates an understanding of how businesses respond to the needs & wants of customers, supply & demand aspects of the market place.

1 Your product/business proposal does not clearly make the appropriate connections between customer needs & wants, supply & demand aspects of the market place.

Your proposal to the Dragons or as Dragons suggests you have understanding of various types of businesses. You clearly justify your desired relationship with them.

Your proposal to the Dragons or as Dragons suggests you have understanding of various types of businesses. You clearly justify your desired relationship with them.

Your proposal to the Dragons or as Dragons suggests types of businesses but you do not justify your discussions.

No discussion on types of businesses nor benefits and challenges faced by Canadian businesses.

The product/business you suggest to undertake, or as a Dragon the questions/challenges you ask, demonstrates an understanding of issues that relate to the ethics and/or social responsibility issue in today’s business environment.

Functions of Business

Your presentation and/or questions clearly highlight the benefits and challenges faced by Canadian businesses. Manufacturing & production functions are well thought out and incorporated throughout all aspects of your proposal. You clearly discuss the interdependencies and issues of all business functions/departments.

Your presentation infers some of the benefits or challenges faced by Canadian businesses. Your presentation and/or questions clearly highlight the benefits and challenges faced by Canadian businesses.

You properly relate manufacturing & production functions and thoroughly discussed them.

You discuss manufacturing & production functions however connections to your business proposal are not clear.

Thorough understanding of marketing by detailed and correct use of 2 C’s and 4P’s. Your marketing plan is doable.

Your discussion omits one of the marketing 2 C’s and 4P’s, however; your marketing plan is overall doable.

Demonstrate understanding of finance & accounting concepts by providing detail discussion on product and manufacturing costs. Numbers are fantastical or not clearly supported and realistic.

Numbers that you present are fantastical or not clearly supported and realistic.

Inadequate or omit discussion of manufacturing & production functions. Your discussion omits 2 or more of the marketing 2 C’s and 4P’s. Marketing plan is not doable as suggested.

You properly reference relevant business functions for your business proposal in your discussion.


Thorough understanding of marketing by detailed and correct use of 2C’s and 4P’s. Your marketing plan is original, creative, and doable. Demonstrate understanding of finance & accounting concepts by providing detail discussion on product and manufacturing costs. All numbers are clearly supported and realistic. Your discussion clearly shows that you have an understanding of concepts and terms for negotiations, equity, credit, loans, investment practices and business valuation.


Your presentation clearly demonstrates the characteristics and skills associated with successful entrepreneurs. You are in character and play the role without flaw. Your product is a true example of innovation or invention.

You discuss concepts or use terms for negotiations, equity, credit, loans, investment practices and business valuation. The connection to your business proposal is unclear. Your presentation clearly demonstrates the characteristics and skills associated with successful entrepreneurs. Your product is an example of potential innovation.


No financials are presented.

Some use of concepts or terms for negotiations, equity, credit, loans, investment practices and business valuation are use but with error.

Your presentation demonstrates the significant characteristics of entrepreneurs.

Your presentation does not demonstrate any characteristics of entrepreneurs.

Your product is an example of potential innovation.

Your product suggestion is unoriginal, copied, or exists already.

BBI20 Competency Com.

SUMMATIVE PROJECT –BBI2O 4 Excellent oral delivery. Enthusiastic, animated, and convincing pitch. Demonstrate confidence and strong connection to your audience. No reliance on prompts. 3.5 +/- 0.5 min Excellent writing skills – grammar and spelling, structure, transitions. No errors.


Prototype is meticulously prepared, professional in appearance and enhances presentation. Marketable report that looks attractive and professional with use of headers, sections, and graphics, etc. Appropriate length. Excellent layout and balance.

3 Good oral delivery. Confident, eye contact, clear presentation. Some reliance on prompts. 3.5 +/- 0.5 min Good writing skills – less than 2 significant grammar and/or spelling mistakes. Good structure, intro, body, and conclusion.

2 Need to improve in one or 2 of the following: Animated, confident, eye contact, clear presentation. Too much reliance on prompts. 3.5 +/- 1 min Less than 4 significant grammar and/or spelling mistakes. Evidence of structure, intro, body, conclusion

1 Significant improvement required in oral delivery. Too much reliance on prompts. 3.5 +/- 2 min. Note cut off at 6 min. 4 or more significant grammar and spelling mistakes. Poor structure. Difficult for reader to follow your ideas

Amateurish prototype that does not contribute significantly to your pitch.

Missing or poorly constructed prototype that does not add or negatively impacts pitch.

Report too short as evidenced by inadequate treatment of your topic. Improvements required.

Report too short as evidenced by inadequate treatment of your topic. Poor layout.

You demonstrate thorough research has been carried out and good analysis is evident

Basic research has been carried out and appropriately discussed

Little or no evidence of research

Development of a realistic business plan.

Overall recommendations are can be implemented.

Inappropriate or unrealistic recommendations

Correct use of a variety of business concepts and terms.

Attempting to use business concepts and terms correctly. Some errors or colloquial/ slang

Incorrect or lacking use of business concepts or terms

Well-made prototype contributes to the pitch. The report is attractive and is properly section using titles, headers, and graphics, etc. Appropriate length.

You succinctly communicate essence of your business plan T/I

You demonstrate exceptional research and effort has been carried out. Your ideas are factually correct, realistic, and marketable. You demonstrate critical thinking ability and original thought. You manage to introduce new ideas or point of views that are insightful


You demonstrate superior grasp of business concepts, terms, and vocabulary You avoid unnecessary colloquial or slang expressions or terms

Excessive slang


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