Behaviors Clinical - awesome PDF

Title Behaviors Clinical - awesome
Author Rippal pawar
Institution Chamberlain University
Pages 16
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File Type PDF
Total Downloads 21
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APPEARANCE AND ATTIRE Policy: Chamberlain University is committed to ensuring the professional appearance and attire of faculty members in clinical settings. Failure to comply with the requirements may result in disciplinary action. NOTE: Dress code policies of individual facilities may supersede Chamberlain dress/uniform r egulations

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to ensure that clinical faculty members consistently present, through appearance and attire, a positive public image of nursing. A clinical faculty member’s appearance and attire have implications for patient safety and the ability to perform one’s duties effectively, as well as contribute to effective educational and patient care environments. Detailed Policy Statement: •

Uniforms must be clean and well-maintained. Complete uniform includes:

1. Scrubs that are solid color with lab coat with Chamberlain University College of Nursing logo (should be worn with the college logo ID picture badge). 2. If lab coat is removed, a Chamberlain University College of Nursing ID badge should still be displayed at all clinical events. 3. Clean white nursing shoes (If tennis shoes are worn, they must be white with no stripes or color. Shoestrings must be clean and white. No open toe or open back shoes may be worn.) •

Professional dress for community and/or psychiatric clinical consists of:

1. Plain pants, no jeans 2. Plain shirt or top, no tee shirts 3. No open toe shoes or gym shoes 4. Identification badge must be worn Hair is to be worn back and up and away from the face. Longer hair must be tied back in a neat manner. If a head covering is necessary for • religious purposes, it must be white. •

Natural nails must not extend beyond fingertips. Artificial nails and nail polish are not permitted.

Jewelry is limited to a wedding or simple non-jeweled band (one ring per hand). Two small post earrings or wire hoops less than one• half inch in diameter may be worn (one in each ear). Facial and tongue jewelry are not allowed. •

Tattoos must not be visible.

Undergarments should not be visible at any time.

Gum chewing is not permitted in the clinical area.

Area of Responsibility: •

Deans of academic affairs

Associate deans of faculty

Course coordinators

Clinical faculty

References and related documents: (Enhances P-488: Expected Behavior of Clinical Instructors) (Faculty Handbook) Revision Date 12.18.18

Description Approved by Stephanie Black

Author Sherry Ray

4 12-190004

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COLLEGE of NURSING Please visit for location specific address, phone and fax information.

As a student of Chamberlain University, I pledge to abide by all standards of conduct outlined in the Academic Catalog and Student Handbook while fulfilling the clinical requirements of the program and commit to the following: • I understand and agree to honor the Code of Professional Conduct as outlined by the National Student Nurses’ Association and I will conduct myself in an ethical manner. I pledge to represent myself as a professional by respecting the individuality of my clients/patients, staff, classmates and • instructor with dignity. • I understand that I am a guest in each host agency and will abide by the agency’s policy and procedures. I will dress professionally and present myself in accordance with the dress code of the University as stated in the Student Handbook • Dress Regulations/Uniforms section. •

I will establish and maintain my compliance with all health and safety requirements as stated in the Student Handbook.

I will successfully complete all clinical hours and abide by the attendance policy as stated in the course syllabi.

I understand it is my responsibility to arrange transportation to and from clinical sites, arrive to my clinical sites approximately • 15-30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the clinical shift and be prepared to deliver expected nursing care and participate fully in my learning experiences. •

I will notify my clinical instructor of my whereabouts, my schedule and all patient care activities.

I will actively participate in all aspects of the clinical experiences.

I understand that I am accountable for my personal and professional growth and will remain engaged in all learning • opportunities as they support my commitment to achieving academic success.

Student Name: Student ID (D#):


Student Signature:


Scan and upload your compliance documents to your Complio account. 12-180138

©2018 ChamberlainUniversityLLC.Allrightsreserved.

12 0518pflcpe

COLLEGE of NURSING National Management Office | 3005 Highland Parkway, Downers Grove, IL 60515 | 888.556.8226 | Please visit for location specific address, phone and fax information.



All Courses


Nursing skills or procedures permitt ed independently aft er faculty or preceptor has observed the student performing competently at least once during t he clinical learning experience • Accu-checks on adult patients • Ambulation assistance • Assess and discontinue peripheral IV access • Bed-making • Colostomy care/appliancechange • Discontinue drains (Hemovac, Jackson Pratt, Penrose) • Empty surgical drains • Feed orbathe • Head-to-toe physical assessment • Height and weight • Intake and output • Oral suctioning • Skin care • Specialized system assessments as indicated by patient need (i.e., neurological, respiratory, etc.) • Stage wound and wound care • Transfers andpositioning • Titrate oxygen administration • Urethral catheter insertion, care and removal • Vital signs

Nursing skills or procedures permitted under supervision of faculty or preceptor during the clinical learning experience

Nursing skills or procedures not permitted but can directly observe registered nurse perform

NOT E: Agency requirements/policies or Board of Nursing (BON) may state otherwise

• Blood or blood products • Delegation and prioritization • Documentation (faculty or preceptor reviews before it becomes official documentation within patient chart) • Implement appropriate orders • Patient education and teaching • Physical restraints • Transfer patients (e.g., from ICU to the floor) • Airway: — Nasal and tracheostomy suctioning — Nasal tracheal suctioning on a pediatric patient — Newborn nasal tracheal/bulb suctioning — Tracheostomy care • Blood draw: — Blood draw or accu -check on a newborn — Venipuncture on a pediatric or adult patient • Tubes, lines and drains: — Discontinue endotracheal tubes — Discontinue chest tubes — Discontinue pain pump (except those located on the spine) — G-tube feedings and flushes — Irrigation of drains or surgical catheters — Nasogastric tube insertion and removal • Medications: — Administer insulin to a pediatric patient — Administer pitocin or magnesium sulfate for obstetrical patient — Administer newborn vaccinations or other newborn IM/subcutaneous medications — Initiate and titrate IV fluids (e.g., 0.9NaCl, etc.) on an IV Pump — Initiate or titrate any medication requiring titration on an IV pump (e.g., antiarrhythmic, vasoactive, heparin, etc.) — Initiate antibiotics on IV pump — IV push medication (including narcotics) — Medication calculations (must verify accuracy) — Medication administration (narcotic sign -out must be co-signed by the designated registered nurse)

• Perform the following: — APGAR assessment or documentation — Arterial sticks — Defibrillation or cardioversions — Document on medicare forms — Formal fundal assessment or documentation — Manage or monitor formal fetal heart rate assessment or documentation — Receive or transcribe orders — Witness consent forms • Primary responsibility for monitoring patient under suicide or elopement precautions • Medications: — Administer ACLS IV push medications — Administer anesthesia or conscious sedation — Administer experimental medications — Administer intramuscular or intravenous chemotherapy medications — Administer any medications that assist in the suicide of a patient — Administer epidural boluses or monitor/manage epidural medication administration — Pick up controlled substances from the pharmacy • Tubes, lines and drains: — Access chemo ports or other access ports — Assist with or manage insertion, manipulation or perform any measurements with or remove a hemodynamic catheter (pulmonary artery catheter/swan-ganz), Central Venous Catheter (CVC), arterial line or Peripheral Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) — Assist with or manage insertion, maintenance or discontinuation of external ventricular drain, camino bolt, spinal catheters — Manage ventilator, auto infusion devices or dialysis catheter/devices (hemo or peritoneal)

©2019 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.



COLLEGE of NURSING National Management Office | 3005 Highland Parkway, Downers Grove, IL 60515 | 888.556.8226 | Please visit for location specific address, phone and fax information.



Nursing skills or procedures permitt ed independently after faculty or preceptor has observed the student performing competently at least once during t he clinical learning experience

Nursing skills or procedures permitted under supervision of faculty or preceptor during the clinical learning experience

Nursing skills or procedures not permitted but can directly observe registered nurse perform

NOTE: Agency requirements/policies or Board of Nursing (BON) may state otherwise

NR-226: Fundamentals – Patient Care

• No medication administration of any route, regardless of previous completion of a pharmacology course

NR-299: Foundations of Clinical Practice for Military

• No medication administration of any route, regardless of previous completion of a pharmacology course

NR-324/ NR-329: Adult Health I

• Peripheral IV insertion

• Medication administration is not permitted unless the student has passed the medication calculation exam

NR-325/ NR-330: Adult Health I I

• Peripheral IV insertion

• Medication administration is not permitted unless the student has passed the medication calculation exam

NR-320/ NR-326: Mental-Health Nursing

• Mental status exam • Global functioning assessment • Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment of Alcohol Scale, Revised (CIWA-AR) • Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale(COWS) • Suicide behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R) • Cut, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye-opener (CAGE) questionnaire

• Peripheral IV insertion

• Medication administration is not permitted unless the student has passed the medication calculation exam

NR-321/ NR-327: Maternal-Child Nursing

• Feed/bathe newborn • Change newborn diaper • Weigh diapers to determine urinary output • Assess lochia and flow

• Apply external fetal monitor • Assist with: — During active labor with pushing — During epidural placement — First ambulation after epidural removal or C-section — C-section preparation of patient • Maternal and fetal assessment after the administration of an epidural, pitocin and/or magnesium sulfate • Peripheral IV insertion • Vaginal examinations

• Primary responsibility for assessment of breastfeeding • Medication administration is not permitted unless the student has passed the medication calculation exam


©2019 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.



COLLEGE of NURSING National Management Office | 3005 Highland Parkway, Downers Grove, IL 60515 | 888.556.8226 | Please visit for location specific address, phone and fax information.



Nursing skills or procedures permitt ed independently after faculty or preceptor has observed the student performing competently at least once during t he clinical learning experience

Nursing skills or procedures not permitted but can directly observe registered nurse perform

NOTE: Agency requirements/policies or Board of Nursing (BON) may state otherwise

• Peripheral IV insertion

• Medication administration is not permitted unless the student has passed the medication calculation exam

NR-340: Critical-Care Nursing and NR-341/ NR-342: Complex Adult Health

• Endotracheal (ET) tube suctioning • Peripheral IV insertion • Tubes lines and drains: — Dressing change to arterial or central line — Flush arterial line — Infuse through central line

• Medication administration is not permitted unless the student has passed the medication calculation exam

NR- 441/ NR- 442/ NR-444: Community Health Nursing

• Coordinate interdisciplinary care of discharge • Medications: — Medication reconciliation • Peripheral IV insertion

• Medication administration is not permitted unless the student has passed the medication calculation exam

• Coordinate interdisciplinary care of discharge • Medications: — Medication reconciliation • Peripheral IV insertion

• Medication administration is not permitted unless the student has passed the medication calculation exam

• Coordinate interdisciplinary care of discharge • Medication: — Medication reconciliation • Peripheral IV insertion

• Medication administration is not permitted unless the student has passed the medication calculation exam

NR-322/ NR-328: Pediat ric Nursing

Clinical may consist of traditional clinical with faculty or clinical with a preceptor. Students may increase assignment to two or more patients.

NR-446: Collaborative Healthcare Clinical may consist of traditional clinical with faculty or clinical with a preceptor. Students may increase assignment to two or more patients.

NR-452: Capstone Clinical may consist of traditional clinical with faculty or clinical with a preceptor. Students may increase assignment to two or more patients. 12-180402.1

• Pediatric head-to-toe assessment • Pediatric-focused assessment • Pediatric pain assessment

Nursing skills or procedures permitted under supervision of faculty or preceptor during the clinical learning experience

— —

Invasive monitoring Draw blood from central, arterial or PICC line

©2019 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.




PAGE 1 OF 2 The following head-to-toe assessment is what students are required to perform on all patients. Specialty assessments will be based on course and course instructor. 1. Assess Level of Consciousness (LOC) and orientation to person, place, and time, mood, affect, developmental level, level of assistance required for ADL’s 2. Vital signs: a. T-P-R B/P, pain level (0-10 scale) and location, pulse oximeter Students should perform manual blood pressures and all other vital signs. This is a skill that must be practiced as often as possible. 3. Assess for Allergies 4. Assess the head: a. General survey for gross abnormalities, symmetry of face. b. Color if sclera, conjunctiva dryness of eyes c. PERRLA d. Oral cavity: odor, lips, teeth, gums, moisture, cracking, lesions, tongue protrudes midline, swallowing e. Presence of hearing aids and/or glasses 5. Skin, Hair and Nails a. Inspect skin color, lesions, wounds, rashes, tattoos b. Inspect nails color, shape, contour, clubbing c. Braden Scale 6. Asses and compare bilateral upper extremities for: a. Hand grasps for equality and muscle strength, and symmetry b. Temperature and color c. Brachial and radial pulses d. Capillary refill 7. Assess heart sounds: a. Auscultate heart sounds at five (5) auscultation points b. Palpate the Point of Maximal Intensity (PMI) c. Listen for one minute, noting rate, rhythm and regularity 8. Assess lungs a. Observe rise and fall of chest: assess for chest expansion and use of accessorymuscles b. Auscultate breath sounds i. Assess anterior chest in four (4) sites and two (2) lateralsites i. Assess posterior chest in six (6) sites and two (2) lateral sites 9. Assess abdomen: a. Inspect abdomen for contour, lesions, scars b. Auscultate bowel sounds in all four quadrants c. Palpate abdomen for firmness, tenderness and suprapubic region for bladder distention d. Assess last BM and consistency e. Assess urination

Revised 02.19.19



10. Assess and compare bilateral lower extremities for (CMS): a. Movement and muscle strength, sensation, cap refill b. Temperature and color, hair distribution c. Dorsalis pedis (pedal) and posterior tibial pulses d. Assess for DVT, swelling, symmetry e. Edema 11. Monitor diet and nutritional intake a. Intake and output 12. Check equipment: a. IV Solution, rate, site assessment b. O2 setting and delivery device, assess skin for breakdown c. Drains/Tubes (including urinary catheter, feed tubes etc.) 13. Survey environment for safety concerns-ongoing, fall risk At completion, place call light within reach, assure patient is comfortable and safe and perform hand hygiene.

Additional information: • Student should report any abnormal findings to instructor immediately. • Faculty or preceptor are responsible for observing students perform a full head-to -toe assessment at minimum of once (1) per session with the exception of NR441 Community Health International. These should be documented and feedback given to student. • Full assessments are required on all patients unless the type of facility does not allow for such.

Revised 02.19.19 20

CHAMBERLAIN COLLEGE of NURSING Please visit for location specific address, phone and fax information.

I I ntroduce Yourself

S Situation

B Background

Your Name: Your Title: Reason for Being Here: Patient: Age: Gender: Height/ Weight: Allergies: Code Status: Privacy Code: Time:

Attending Physician:

Past Medical History:

Current Medications:

Patient Chief Complaint:

Social History:

Vital Signs: B/ P




SP0 2


A Assessment Falls Risk: I V Site: I solation

Accu Check: I V Fluids:

I solation Precautions: N Y

Contact Air Droplet

Respiratory Cardiovascular Neurological GI / GU I & O I ntegumentary Psychological Family-Support Safety Labs/ Test

Teaching Needed: Abnormal: Pending:

R Request/ Recommendation Hand Off Report to:


Chamberlain College of Nursing is certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, 101 N. 14th Street, 10th floor, James Monroe Building, Richmond VA 23219, 804.225.2600. Chamberlain College of Nursing is appr...

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