BFF and BFB 1001 S2 2021 Unit Schedule and Assessment Details PDF

Title BFF and BFB 1001 S2 2021 Unit Schedule and Assessment Details
Course Foundation of Finance
Institution Monash University
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Unit schedule and assessment details...


WBFF/BFB 1001 Foundations of Finance Semester 2, 2021 Chief Examiner: Dr Jason Choo Lecturer: Dr Jason Choo Unit Coordinators: Sarah Allen, Anh Tran All email communication from BFF and BFB students is directed to a central subject email: [email protected]

Synopsisurse structure and requirements This unit introduces the concepts of finance, financial math, valuation, the financial system, risk management and inter-dependency between finance and other business disciplines. The unit is designed for students who have never studied finance before.

Unit learning outcomes e structure and requirements On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to: 1. demonstrate an introductory understanding to the concepts of finance in preparation for additional study in the discipline 2. describe the foundation concepts of finance 3. relate the concepts of finance to other commercial disciplines.

Workload requirements ructure and requirements Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled learning activities and independent study. Independent study may include associated readings, assessment and preparation for scheduled activities. The unit requires on average three/four hours of scheduled activities per week. Scheduled activities may include a combination of teacher directed learning, peer directed learning and online engagement.

Prerequisites and Prohibitions e structure and requirements Prerequisites: None

Prohibitions: None

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Text Book and Materials rse structure and requirements Prescribed Text: Compiled by Jason Choo (2019), BFF1001 Foundations of Finance Unit Reader, 1st edition, Pearson Australia For each topics self-study reading, see each Topic's Moodle section. Note: There is no pre-reading for each topic. The Hybrid-Flipped learning approach introduces key topic aspects in the Pre-load, then followed by self-study reading which is orientated by the pre-load introduction. Further information will be provided in each Topic's pre-load session.

Teaching Approach structure and requirements This unit is taught in an active learning, hybridflipped format. The definition of hybrid-flipped will be discussed in the Week 1 Unit Orientation. To help you develop discipline and independence, a progressive, well-structured syllabus that includes participation assessment (12%) is used. Each topic is delivered with a onehour Pre-load (lecture equivalent), student selfstudy, a two-hour online workshop and homework.

Pre-load The Pre-load (1hr) is an interactive, large-audience introduction to each topic conducted over ZOOM video conferencing. The objective is to provide students with a concise and gentle introduction to each topic, without having to do any prior blind reading. Students are provided with key definitions, explore important relationships and learn the motivation for studying the topic. Direction is also provided about the self-study needed to further develop learning after the Pre-load. The Pre-load is held at the end of the week on Friday. Students will then have at least the weekend to complete all Self-study before attending the topic Workshop held from Mon Fri in the following week.

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Each week, students can choose between two types of Pre-load format: 1. Live-stream the lecture (L) over ZOOM 2. Watch an Interactive Lecture Video (ILV) with embedded quizzing. Lectures (L) The Lecture is a large audience teaching format where students, at a specified time over ZOOM, engage in participative learning with a lecturer. This provides the premier experience of dynamic learning where students interact with staff to study the topic using lecture slides and online polling technology (Live questions delivered and answered in class from your mobile computing device). Lectures also provide for lively audience discussion where student ideas, opinions and conclusions interweave with curriculum to maximise your engagement with the topic. Students earn in-class, participation assessment (3%) for answering the online polling questions in Lectures. Lecture students have access to lecture recordings (ILV) and Pre-load polling questions that are view-able after class for further revision and study. Interactive Lecture Video (ILV) The ILV is a recording of the lecture with imbedded quiz questions that have to be completed correctly before the video can progress. The ILV quizzing provides the equivalent assessment weight (3%). The ILV will be released by Saturday evening (1 day after the lecture) and has to be completed by the following Monday 8pm. Not attending the lecture and completing live online polling nor completing the ILV the due date, will forfeit the associated participation assessment (3%). Students are free to choose the Pre-load format each week. Participation in quizzing of either L or ILV will be recorded but doing both does not provide double the participation assessment. E.g., Megan live-streams the lecture for the first three weeks of semester and decides to try the ILV for 5 weeks, then returns to the lecture live-stream for the remainder of semester. _______________________________________________________________________________ Self-study: Once students have been introduced to each topic in the Friday Pre-load, Self-Study will follow with instructions provided in the Pre-load slides and on Moodle. The Self-Study can consist of readings, video and a quiz; to be completed prior to completing the following

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week's workshop. Students should allocate at least 2hrs for Self-study and it is recommended to be completed with your classmates. The objective of Self-study is to allow students to build on topic knowledge and comprehension at your own pace to prepare for the application of topic material in Workshops. Completing self-study quizzes provides 3% of participation assessment and is required to open the workshop files and homework quiz in Moodle. _______________________________________________________________________________

ZOOM Interactive Workshop (ZIW): A ZOOM 2hr workshop (approximately 60+ students in each) then completes the topic comprehension and commences topic application. The 2hr workshops comprises of a 1hr interactive study and discussion followed by 1hr of problem-based learning (PBL). • The interactive study and discussion emphasize, confirms and reinforces key parts of topic knowledge and understanding required to fulfil the learning objectives. • The PBL is where students receive answer structure problems, then work live in class to solve and answer the problems. • Each workshop is usually led by 2 staff (workshop leaders) who co-teach to provide an engaging atmosphere. • The first workshops in Week 1, will be an orientation program to introduce students to the intricacies of BFF1001 assessment, technology and learning. • Online polling is conducted throughout the workshop which contributes to participation assessment (3%). o Students are required to attend the ZOOM workshop they are allocated into. Attendance will be recorded. o Participation assessment will only be recorded for the ZOOM workshop a student is allocated into. o While students may attend another workshop or multiple workshops, they will receive participation assessment only for the ZOOM workshop they are allocated into. o The objective of this policy is to ensure that the appropriate staff-student ratio is maintained that provides for adequate staff to student attention. Students who miss their workshop or who wish to reinforce/revise workshop learning, have access to a workshop recording. Watching the recording does not contribute towards the workshop participation mark, which is earned from your live engagement with staff and your classmates during your allocated workshop only.

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Note: unit staff are not able to assist with workshop allocations such as switching workshops. That is the sole responsibility of the student where workshop spaces are provided on a firstcome-first serve basis through Allocate+. _______________________________________________________________________________ Homework: After the Workshop, students will complete a Moodle Homework quiz which tests your topic comprehension and ability to apply what has been learned. The Homework questions are the highest in difficulty and provide an excellent signal to the standard and style of Mid-semester Test and Exam questions. Completing homework provides 3% of participation assessment in total. _______________________________________________________________________________ Student Email Correspondence & FAQ We use a streamlined system of email correspondence working in conjunction with the BFF1001 Frequently Ask Question (FAQ) announcement boards. It is a mandatory requirement that students read this document, all Moodle instructions and FAQ announcements. FAQ announcements are how subject updates and policy are communicated to hundreds of students. Rather than email an individual staff member, all students both BFB and BFF will direct all email enquiries to the central subject address: [email protected] Emails directed to staff will receive automatic reply to address the query to the central subject email. Email replies: • If the question has already been answered by Moodle documentation (e.g. unit guide) or the FAQ, the student will be directed to the appropriate documentation. • If a question is not answered in Moodle documentation or the FAQ, the FAQ will be updated with the question answer and the student will be directed to the appropriate section of the FAQ. • If a question is deemed by staff as requiring a direct, custom response, the student will be answered by the appropriate member of staff. • If a question is deemed to require face-to-face consultation, the student will be informed of which staff member(s) to see and the student is expected to see that staff member during consultation to resolve their query. Page 5 of 20

• It is up to the discretion of staff as to which of the above applies to an email enquiry. • Any query sent to a staff email instead of the central subject email (without instruction to do so) will receive an automatic email reply directing the query to the central subject email. The reason for such a system is to efficiently deal with the common occurrence of mass, repetitive email queries sent by students to staff in large units. For example, in prior semesters, multiple staff have received collectively dozens of emails in one day about the exact same query. Instead of replying with the different interpretations of the same answer dozens of times, an email FAQ system such as this most appropriately handles mass, repetitive queries to benefit of both students and staff. Such a system is common place in the university when dealing with large audiences. _______________________________________________________________________________ Online Consultation with Staff As a foundation subject, many concepts taught are used in later subjects. Consultation with staff is an essential part of learning these foundational concepts and is often an underutilized/overlooked resource. To ensure student learning is most efficiently delivered, questions about curriculum topics, readings, pre-load, workshop and homework study are to be handled via face-to-face consultation with staff. Students emailing non-administrative questions about curriculum or assessment will be automatically directed to see staff in consultation over ZOOM. A key reason for this policy is that most questions about curriculum are sophisticated and complex, requiring a face-to-face conversation to solve. To appropriately answer such queries, staff often need to diagnose the problem with probing questions of their own that illuminate student misunderstandings and unique learning situation. Then, the answer is often detailed and delivered with hand written illustrations of diagrams and formula. Such a process cannot be achieved effectively via email and requires a back-and-forth conversation. Further, to maximise the engagement with students, staff also wish to encourage as much positive interaction between themselves and students. See the Staff Consultation (Zoom) section of Moodle for staff availability and the meeting login link. _______________________________________________________________________________ Recording of class

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A record of all lectures and workshops is available via the ILVs and working recordings, which can be viewed at any time. Note: only by completing the ILV by the appropriate due date will pre-load participation be earned (if you have missed the live lecture). Only by completing online polling in your allocated live-ZOOM workshops can workshop participation assessment be earned. _______________________________________________________________________________

Technical Support You are required to have the technical infrastructure to successfully use the Monash Learning Management System (Moodle) and to conduct online learning and assessment, where required in the unit. Staff are not responsible for the private computing devices and internet connection of students. If you have any technical issues please contact the service desk:

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Topic Progression

Topic Orientation Program 1

What is finance?


Valuation I: Introduction to Valuation and Finance Math


Valuation II: Annuities & Perpetuities


Capital Budgeting


Applications of Finance I: Home Mortgages & Superannuation


Financial Regulation


Financial Institutions


Equity Securities


Debt Securities Mid-semester Break


Foreign Exchange Unit Overview and Exam Review

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Assessment Summary structure and requirements Assessment Summary: Within semester assessment: 50%; and Final Examination: 50% Assessment task


Due date

Out-of-class Learning Tasks


Weekly: for all Topics

In-class Learning Tasks


Weekly: for all Topics


Week 4-6: Selected presentation slot

Team Business Presentation

Team Business Report: Mortgage Financial Planning for 13%

Week 10: Mon 4 Oct 2021, 5pm AEST

Families Within-semester Test




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Week 7: Thur 9 Sep 2021, 7.309.30pm AEST To be advised

Assessment tasks and requirements Assessment task title: Out-of-class Learning Tasks Due Date: Weekly: for all Topics Weighting/Value: 6% Details of Task: There are two components for Out-of-class assessable activities. Ensure you read through the Teaching Approach section to understand the terminology and acronyms used below. Just by doing the work of the unit, you are earning assessment. 1. Topic self-study quizzes (3%) • After each Pre-load, students are required to do self-study prior to the Topic's workshop • Part of this self-study is a short weekly quiz that provides reinforcement and feedback on topic learning. • The quiz should be taken after all self-study prescribed reading is completed and before attending the workshop. • Each quiz consists of approximately 4 - 6 questions that should take 15-20 minutes to complete. • The quiz is delivered online, via each Topic's Moodle section. There are 10 quizzes in total, one for each topic from Topic 1 - 10. Note: Week 1 Orientation Workshops do not count as a topic. • Each quiz provides 0.375% of unit assessment. • The best 8 out of the 10 quiz marks will be used. (8 x 0.375 = 3%). This provides allowance for students missing the odd quiz due to extenuating circumstances such as sickness. • To provide feedback as to how students are performing throughout semester, the quiz marks will be provided weekly in Moodle Gradebook in the week following a quiz closing. • Each self-study quiz will be made available after each week's Lecture and will close before the final workshop of the topic. o e.g. Week 2 has 2 Pre-loads on Friday. After the first Pre-load, the Self-study quiz will be released. The quiz will close just before the last workshop in Week 2, which is Friday 11am. 2. Topic homework quizzes (3%) • After the Workshop of each topic, all students are required to do a short homework quiz which reinforces and applies topic comprehension.

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• The homework quiz should only be attempted after the Pre-load, Self-Study and Workshop for each topic has been completed. • Each quiz consists of approximately 4 - 6 advanced questions that should take 30 -40 minutes to complete. • The quiz is delivered on-line, via Moodle. • There are 10 quizzes in total, one for each topic from Topic 1 - 10. • Each quiz provides 0.375% of unit assessment. • The best 8 out of the 10 quiz marks will be used. (8 x 0.375 = 3%). This provides allowance for students missing the odd quiz due to extenuating circumstances such as sickness. • To provide feedback as to how students are performing throughout semester, the quiz marks will be provided weekly in Moodle Gradebook in the week following a quiz closing. • Each homework quiz will be made available after the week's first Workshop and will close on Friday 5pm the following week. Important notice: Due dates All Moodle quizzes have due dates, at which all marks for completed quizzes will be downloaded. The quizzes never close, meaning that you can still complete the quiz after the due date and reopen it for revision, but will not have any marks recorded for that quiz. Quizzes and their solutions remain available throughout the semester for your test and exam revision. Release date: Week 1 Word limit: NA Presentation requirements: NA Estimated return date: Weekly Criteria for marking: 1. Self-study quizzes: • Each quiz is worth 0.375% • The 0.5% is marked by a 50% participation, 50% correct answer weight. o e.g. a student participates in the Week 2 quiz, completing all but getting no questions correct. The mark is 0.1875% + (0.1875% x 0) + = 0.1875% o e.g. a student participates in the Week 3 quiz, gets half the answers correct. The mark is 0.1875% + (0.5 x 0.1875%) = 0.375%

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2. Homework quizzes: • Each quiz is worth 0.375% • The 0.375% is marked by a 100% correct answer weight. o e.g. a student participates in the Week 2 homework quiz, completing all but getting no questions correct. The mark is (0) x 0.375% = 0% o e.g. a student participates in the Week 3 homework quiz, gets half the answers correct. The mark is (0.5) x 0.375% = 0.1875%. Overall, the work submitted for assessment will be graded in accord with the Faculty approved Grading Descriptors Feedback: Students can see any Workshop Leader during consultation for individual and private feedback. Feedback over email is not provided. Feedback for all within-semester assessment finishes at the end of SWOTVAC. Any queries about within-semester assessment must be made by SWOTVAC end. No further inquiries about withinsemester assessment can be made after. Learning objectives assessed: Objectives 1, 2 and 3 Submission details: via MOODLE Penalties for late lodgment: At due date, all marks for completed quizzes will be downloaded. The quizzes never close, meaning that you can still complete the quiz after the due date, but will not have any marks recorded for that quiz. The due date for all quizzes will be clearly advertised in Moodle. • Each self-study quiz will open after each Topic's first Pre-load and will be due before the final workshop, the following week. • Each homework quiz will be made available after the Topic's first Workshop and will be due on Friday 5pm the following week. Additional information: Students who see...

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