BGEN 498 Week 5 (Break) - Weekly Log PDF

Title BGEN 498 Week 5 (Break) - Weekly Log
Author Maxwell Sheehan
Course Business Senior Seminar
Institution Montana State University
Pages 3
File Size 155 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 86
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Weekly Log...


Your Name: Maxwell Sheehan Business/Organization: Pizza Hut 1. Hours worked for Week 5: 1/2/2020-1/8/2020 Sun







51-2:32 9:33pm 92 273 mins mins

Week Total

Cumulativ e Total

6.08 hrs


2. Work Relationship (who is your supervisor for this week) :My supervisor this week is Amy Sullivan who is available via phone if I have any questions since I will be conducting a competition check activity on my own.

3. Work Log: Friday, January 3rd, 2019 During this shift, I went anonymously to the Papa John’s at the Billings Heights location and Dominos at the Billings Lockwood location. Both of these pizza shops are big competitors for the Pizza Hut location in the Billings Heights, so the goal of this shift was to gain information about what the competitors are doing better or worse than Pizza Hut. I went to each of the competitor’s locations and ordered a medium one topping pizza. I then recorded specific information on a competition check document that provided details about my service such as wait time, price, quality of the pizza, staff experiences, etc. I also recorded my ticket number posted on each receipt and called back at the end of the busiest dinner hours to find out what their last ticket number was. By doing this, I was able to compare how many orders each location received compared to the Billings Heights Pizza Hut to see how well we’re doing business compared to competitors. After completing the competition check document, I filled out a competitive pricing excel spreadsheet which compares all product prices among Pizza Hut, Dominos, and Papa Johns. Tuesday, January 7th , 2019

During this shift, I had a meeting with my supervisor, Amy, to discuss the competition check that I had previously completed on the 3 rd. The Billings Heights Pizza Hut manager also joined us to discuss the results and to help us come up ideas of what I should be doing moving forward with the marketing. We came up with the conclusion that the Billings Heights Pizza Hut is in a competitive position with both of the competitors I researched. Pizza Hut seemed to have done better business than Papa Johns, but not as good as Dominos based on the number of orders each location put out during the busy hours of a Friday night. We also discussed the competitive pricing spreadsheet and came up with the conclusion that Pizza Hut has better pricing and quality product compared to Papa Johns, however, Dominos has Pizza Hut beat on pricing and quality with certain products. Overall, it was good that I was able to do this research to visualize where Pizza Hut stands in the competitive pizza market around the Billings Heights/Lockwood area so that I can create promotions and market accordingly moving forward.

4. Specific Skills/knowledge related to the major(or career goals) used during week. Any classes or subjects that were helpful? I think the broad idea of competition within marketing was exactly what I focused on most this week. I was able to visualize why some competitors have a competitive advantage over Pizza Hut and why Pizza Hut has an advantage over competitors. I also remember my Principles of Marketing class talking about output relating to quality and price which I think tied in well with the competition check I completed this week. Dominos for instance has a high-quality product for a cheap price which is probably why they had the most orders the night I completed the research. Papa John’s on the other hand had a noticeably low-quality product and higher prices which could probably explain why they received the lowest number of orders for the night compared to other locations.

5. Areas needing attention this week. Areas you need to attend to next week. I think this week I could have been more organized. I had notes somewhat scattered and my planner was not as organized as I wanted it to be. Moving forward, I will make sure I take time to make sure my organization is on point. 6.Other Comments...NOTES.... I had fun during this week’s activity and I look forward to the next coming weeks!

(Keep in mind not all experiences are positive. There will be frustrating days and you will want to journal these in this area.) 7. Add 2 photos each week to your log. This can be of the businesses, co-workers or just the area or city you are living. This will help me visualize where you will be working. Have fun with this part of the assignment....

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