BHS-320 Outline for gathering resources worksheet PDF

Title BHS-320 Outline for gathering resources worksheet
Author Britni Mckinney
Course Ethics of Behavioral Health Science
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 6
File Size 355 KB
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Outline assignment for the ethical dilemma essay....


Topic 3: Ethical Decision-Making Essay: Outline and Gathering Resources Worksheet Part 1: Outline Assignment Directions: 1. Create an ethical dilemma scenario that you will use in the Ethical Decision-Making Essay. After their sixth week of therapy, Laura, the therapist, was happy with the progress her client Josie has made. Josie has been struggling with depression and anxiety for years now, with the help of an anxiety medication and therapy sessions, Laura finally feels like Josie is stable with her mental state. An hour after their last session, Laura has a Facebook request from Josie on her personal page. Laura is very honored to have the friend request, she feels as if they have a great professional relationship, which Josie must agree with, which is why she is requesting to be friends on a personal level. Laura knows that it is unethical to accept this friendship request and that she told Josie before the sessions began the policies between therapist and client, which included social media. Laura is fearful that denying this friendship request will hurt Josies feelings and make them take a step back in the progress that has been made. 2. Create an outline below for the Ethical Decision-Making Essay that is due in Topic 5.

Ethical decision between Laura and Josie I. Explain the situation between Laura and her patient Josie. A. Lay background information between the two 1. Professional versus social relationship II. Identify the ethical dilemma between Laura and her client Josie A. Identify the law about social media through the APA and ACA. B. Review the confidentiality paper that was signed by the client. III. Laura should use the ethical decision-making process to decide how to respond to the Facebook friend request. A. List the steps of the ethical decision-making process and how Laura will use them. B. Come to a conclusion to accept or deny the friend request. 1. Way negative and positive effects on both accepting and denying the request. IV. Once a Laura reaches her decision she should ask her supervision for advice. A. Explain the scenario to her supervision B. Share with them why she came up with her decision to deny the request © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

C. Brainstorm ways to react if Josie has a bad reaction to the denial of the friend request. V. Conclusion of how Laura handled the dilemma A. Pros and cons of how Laura handled the dilemma B. How Laura will prevent this from happening again. C. Rules and regulations to follow a. Update her confidentiality form to prevent this from happening again.

Write a 750-1,000-word paper in which you create an ethical dilemma that you could reasonably assume you might encounter in the population with which you plan to work. Discuss what ethical boundaries are relevant in the situation and the importance of maintaining those boundaries. Explain the ethical decision-making process. Frame the process around your dilemma when discussing each of the ethical decision-making steps that a paraprofessional must complete. Address areas that may require collegial or supervisory consultation to resolve this dilemma

Ybanez-Llorente, Kathy. 2018 Ethics Update. Retrieved from: American Psychology Association (APA). 2010. Potential ethical violations. Retrieved from:

© 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

© 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Part 2: Gathering Resources Assignment Directions: Use the GCU elibrary to find three sources to use in your Ethical Decision-Making Essay. Fill out the requested information in the table below about your sources.

Article 1

Article 2

Screening and Counseling Adolescents and Young Adults: A Framework for Tit Comprehensive le Care an d Klein, David A A; Paradise, ut Scott L; Landis, ho Corinne A. r(s )

A Social Media Policy for Clinical Mental Health Counseling Programs

Article 3 Social media in the future of professional psychology. Kolmes, Keely

Rebecca A. Willow David Tobin Wei Y. Chong Angela Jeffery Danielle Strohmeyer Nicole Morine

Pe rm ali nk (G C U Li br ar y pe rm an en t lin

https://wwwproquestcom.lopes.idm.oc 454213912? accountid=7374 url= gin.aspx? direct=true&db=edo&AN=136572 109&site=eds-live&scope=site ? url= m/login.aspx? direct=true&db=psyh&AN=20 12-24742-001&site=edslive&scope=site&custid=s8333 196&groupid=main&profile=e ds1

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k) W rit ea 50 w or d res po ns e to th e fol lo wi ng qu est io n: H o w is thi s so ur ce rel ev an t to yo ur pa pe r?

This article explains how social media a part is of adolescent’s life. It looks into the adolescents thinking process as in why they would send the friend request. It has statistics of social media users and social media facts. It also explains in depth SSHADESS, strengths, school, home, activities, drugs, emotions/eating, sexuality, safety, And its social media history.

This article is states that social media has evolved with certain demographics. As some counselor’s social media may seem foreign, the generation becoming counselors now have experience with social media and want to us it to build their career. It explains the regulations that have been put into place regarding social media. It also mentions what could be negative effects of social media between client and counselor.

I will use this article as a reference for the restrictions the APA has for social media. This article helps explain how social media can be used in positive ways in psychology. It also mentions the current laws, regulations and ethics related to social media, and how technology may shift psychology.

© 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

A PA 6t h Ed iti on Re fer en ce an d Ci tat io n

Klein, D. A., Paradise, S. L., & Landis, C. A. (2020). Screening and counseling adolescents and young adults: A framework for comprehensive care. American Family Physician, 101(3), 147-158. Retrieved from https://lopes.idm. url=https://wwwproquestcom.lopes.idm.ocl -counselingadolescentsyoungadults/docview/24 54213912/se-2? accountid=7374

Wi l l ow,R.A. ,Tobi n,D. ,Chong,W.Y. , Kol mes ,K.( 2012) .Soc i almedi a Jeffer y ,A. ,&St r ohmey er ,D.( 2018) .A i nt hef ut ur eofpr of es si onal Soci al Medi aPol i c yf orCl i ni calMent al ps yc hol ogy .Pr of es si onal yc hol ogy :Resear chand Heal t hCounsel i ngPr ogr ams .Jour nal Ps ofCounsel orPr epar at i on& Pr ac t i ce,43( 6) ,606–612. Super v i s i on,11( 2) ,1–24. ht t ps : / / doi or g. l opes . i dm. ocl c . or g/ 10. 1037/ a0 028678

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