Outline Worksheet for Informative Speech PDF

Title Outline Worksheet for Informative Speech
Author Isabelle Angeles
Course Public Speaking
Institution William Paterson University
Pages 4
File Size 104.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Outline Worksheet for Informative Speech Title: The large and mysterious ocean Thesis Statement: Although the ocean covers more than 70% of the surface, less than 10% of it is mapped using sonar technology; making it one of the most unknown and undiscovered geographical mysteries in the world. Introduction I. Attention-getter: When most people think of the ocean they think of an aquatic animal, the blue hue, or even sometimes mythological creatures. But what if I told you that we have discovered less than 5% of the ocean. II.

Establishment of ethos:

Without the ocean, most people would be dehydrated and the human race probably wouldn't even exist anymore. III.

Thematic statement:

More than 95% of the ocean has been undiscovered leaving many species undiscovered as well. This is not because there are no scientists willing to do the research but because we can’t even reach the bottom of the ocean located off an island in Guam called the Marianas Trench. IV.

Preview (each main point):

First . . . what are some undiscovered species that have been found in the last year Next . . . the deepest part of the earth Finally . . . what would happen to earth without the ocean (Transition; As I said before about 95% of the ocean has been discovered and it covers more than 70% of the surface of the earth.) Body I.

Main idea 1

Since the sun can only reach about 656 feet below sea level, the Marianas Trench is the darkest thing on earth with virtually no light whatsoever, making it one of the least explored places in the world.

A. Subpoint and/or supporting material The first ever expedition into the Marianas Trench was in 1960 on January 23. A United States naval officer, Don Walsh, and a Swiss ocean engineer, Jacques Piccard traveled 35,814 feet into the Challenger Deep. The deepest anyone has ever gone was 35,756 feet below the surface more than 50 years later in March of 2012. A Canadian filmmaker named James Cameron who made Titanic, Avatar and The Terminator traveled into the Challenger deep in a submarine named the Deepsea Challenger. While doing so, he also broke the record for deepest solo descent in the world. B. Subpoint and/or supporting material Mount Everest is 29,029 feet above sea level, making it the highest peak on earth, whereas the Marianas Trench is 36,201 meter deep. Which means if you put Mount Everest in Marianas Trench it would still be 7,172 feet underwater. (Transition; since there is so much of the ocean that we have yet to discover there are also a ton of animals that we don't know about. According to livescience.com up to 1 million species live in the ocean and ⅔ of those remain undiscovered.)


Main idea 2

Imagine you decide to go for a swim one day and suddenly an aquatic animal that you’ve never seen before ominously begins swimming next to you. For most people that would be incredibly terrifying but how would you feel if I told you it could happen one day. A. Subpoint and/or supporting material Scientists recently discovered a new species of shark called the American Pocket Shark. It's only about 5 ½ inches and unlike any other shark it is bioluminescent. Most of the time sharks have to find their prey to be able eat however, this shark secretes a glow in the dark fluid that lures prey to them. Only two species of pocket shark have been discovered, the first one being the Pacific Ocean pocket shark and now this one. B. Subpoint and/or supporting material Another new species of shark found is the Bluntnose sixgill shark found off an island located in the Bahamas. This shark is said to be a descendant of sharks that ruled the ocean before Pterodactyls and Tyrannosaurus Rexs’ walked the land. Since these animals live in such deep waters, scientists know absolutely nothing about them until now. They have now applied a tag to them to see their activity which will detach itself in about three months and can tell the scientists things such as how deep they swam, the amount of light there was where they were swimming and what the temperature was.

(Transition; Finally have you ever wondered what would happen if all the oceans in the world went completely barren) III.

Main idea 3

Without the ocean the world would lose 97% of its water, leaving any humans and animals left to die of dehydration. A. Subpoint and/or supporting material The ocean makes up most of the surface of the earth and without the water there, we would just have large craters and mountain ranges where water once was. The ocean regulates the global temperature by pushing colder water near the equator (which is a division of the northern and southern part of the earth, it is also the highest in temp so the closer you get to the equator the warmer it will be) and warmer water in the other regions. B. Subpoint and/or supporting material The water cycle is the continuous movement of water, this first starts with evaporation. The sun turns the oceans from a liquid to a gas which then evaporates it into the air, when the water gets into the atmosphere it becomes water vapor becoming clouds. The water vapor cools down causing it to turn into normal water again which makes condensation, the water then falls in forms of rain, snow or other water related weather effects which is called precipitation. The oceans then collect the fallen water leading it to evaporate into the sky again starting the process all over again. Conclusion I.

Summarize (overall theme): The ocean is a home for many undiscovered and discovered species that do a lot for their ecosystem. Life for humans without the ocean would be unbearable; if we were to take away the ocean the amount of water left on the earth wouldn't be enough causing the small amount of drinkable water to deplete quickly and causing humans to die of dehydration, plants would decay, and forests would die off. After a while the earth would become so hot it would spark major fires burning everything it could reach taking most of the oxygen left.


Review (each main point):

Overall, the ocean is one of the most fascinating and important parts of the earth not only because of the many undiscovered species and the mystery that is the Marianas Trench but also because of the fact that without we would all be dehydrated and probably dead without it. III.

Tie to the introduction:


Creative concluding thought (end with impact):

If you had the opportunity to travel deep into the ocean, would you do it?


https://www.livescience.com/24805-undiscovered-marine-species.html https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/09/bluntnose-sixgill-shark-tagged-fromsubmarine/ https://insh.world/geo/earth-no-oceans/ https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/21/us/new-shark-species-bioluminescent-trnd/index.html...

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