BIBL 104 Old Testament Narrative Bible Study Assignment Template (AY2021) PDF

Title BIBL 104 Old Testament Narrative Bible Study Assignment Template (AY2021)
Course Survey of Old and New Testament
Institution Liberty University
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Download BIBL 104 Old Testament Narrative Bible Study Assignment Template (AY2021) PDF


Name: Date: Section: Studying the Old Testament Narratives Passage: Numbers 21:4-9

Instructions: For this assignment, you will be studying the Old Testament story of The Bronze Serpent found in Numbers 21:4-9. You will use the template below in order to complete a study of this passage. In your study, you will use the skills of Observation, Interpretation, Correlation, and Application that you have become familiar with through your reading in Everyday Bible Study.

I. Observation A. I have read Numbers 21:4-9 in both a formal translation (KJV, NKJV, NASB, ESV, or CSB) and a functional translation (NIV, NLT, or NCV). Highlight the correct answer. You will find a copy of the NASB, ESV, CSB, and NLT in your myWSB Library. o Yes o No B. Having read the passage in both formal and functional translation, list at least 2 similarities and 3 differences between the way both translations cover this story. You may list as many similarities and differences that you find as long as you meet the minimum amount. Similarities


Verse 5: In the NKJV and CSB version, the people spoke against God and Moses, questioning why they were brought to Egypt to die in the wilderness.

Verse 5: CSB: The people spoke against God and Moses: “Why have you led us up from Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is no bread or water, and we detest the wretched food!” NKJV: The people spoke against God and Moses “For there is no food and no water” Verse 8: CSB: “Make a snake image and mount it on a pole.” NKJV: Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole” Verse 9: CSB: “Whenever someone was bitten” NKJV: “If a serpent had bitten anyone”

Verse 6: The Lord sent venomous snakes to bite the Israelites on both CSB and NKJV. The Lord had sent them to die. Verse 7: In the CSB and NKJV they both state: Israel people realized they had sinned, by speaking against the Lord and Moses.

C. Identify the basic elements of the story you are studying 1. Main characters: (List them) Israeli people, and Moses 2. Plot: (50-100 words) The Israelis were tired and cranky and became frustrated on their way to the Red sea. They soon became inpatient when they passed Edom. It did not set so well because they wanted to go north into the Promised land. They were tired and hungry, and they spoke against God and Moses. The Israelites were punished by serpents sent by God. They soon realized they had sinned and went against God; therefore, they asked Moses to pray for them. 3. Narrative structure: (50-100 words) Hint: Be sure to consult the section on narrative/story structure given in the tutorial for this assignment. Introduction: People from Israel traveled to the Red Sea, to compass the land of Edom. Inciting Incident: The people began to questioned God, and became very upset. Rising action: God send poisonous serpents among the people to get bitten and many died. Climax: The Israelis realized they sinned and asked Moses to pray for them. Falling action: Moses prayed for the people. Resolution: The people were saved, by looking up at the bronze serpent.

C. List basic observations about this passage using the “Key Question” for observation. 1. Who: a. God b. Moses c. People from Israel

2. What: The people from Israel were agitated, and started to doubt what God had planned. They began to questioned God why there were being taken away from Egypt to die in the wilderness and suffer of starvation. God sent deadly serpents to their way and many died.

3. Where:    

 

Mount Hor Red Sea Edom Egypt

4. When: After dwelt in the South, heard Israel was coming” Numbers 1-3 After “The Canaanite, hear is Israel was coming, soon after they fought for prisoners” Number 1-3

4. Why:  Why the people from Israel were speaking against Moses and God?

The Israelis were questioning God, wanting to know the reason for being sent to a place with no food or water and being sent to die. Why God sent serpents to kill the people? Israel people disobeyed God and Moses, and had no faith in God

6. How:

II. Interpretation A. Determine the author’s main point. In 1-2 paragraphs (100-400 words) explain what you think the author is trying to communicate in this passage. Remember, the Old Testament narratives frequently communicate truth by showing it to us in story form instead of telling it to us by way of teaching or sermon. Please remember that words like “I,” “We,” “Us, and “Our” are application words and not interpretation words. Interpretation is about “then and there” and not “here and now.” We were not there so the passage is not about us. Our “part” in the passage is application or how we will respond to God’s Word.

The story of the bronze snake explains the time when God and Moses were on their way to Mount Hor with the people of Israel. The people became restless, and began to whine for not having their daily bread. Israelis began to fuss, and lost faith on the Lord. Therefore, the lord sent evil serpents to kill many of them. The people finally realized they had sinned and wanting forgiveness from God.

B. Based on your answer above, write out one principle from this passage. You should be able to express this principle in 1-3 sentences. God loves us all, and would forgives us from sin.

III. Correlation A. How does this Old Testament narrative fit within the metanarrative of the Bible? State what type of story you believe this to be (creation, fall, redemption, or new creation) and explain why you believe this to be so. Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (100-200 words) in length. The story of Moses fits within the “Redemption” theme, because this story shows us multiple behaviors, attitudes and disobedience. God’s character was firm, he decided to kill many Israelis for not obeying and respecting his decision. Moments after, the Israelis understood they were wrong and asked for forgiveness.

B. How does your principle fit with the rest of the Scripture? This principle is the one you have written out in 1-3 sentences in the Interpretation section. If your principle is a true Biblical principle it will be reflected throughout the Scriptures. Where is the principle discovered in this Old Testament narrative found elsewhere in the Scriptures? Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (100-200 words) in length.

We are sinners, at times we complain about certain things in life without realizing it’s God’s plan. In this verse the people from Israel lost faith in God, and wanted to make their own decisions, and being rebellious. God is kind and wants the best for us; therefore, he plans out

what’s best for us all.

C. How does this Old Testament narrative reflect the person and work of Jesus Christ? State and explain at least one way that the principle of this narrative can be identified in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (100-200 words) in length.

Jesus Christ forgives our sins if we are completely honest with him. For instance, Hebrews 8:12 “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins more.” The people from Israel are not trusting god and said hurtful comments. Therefore; God used serpents to punish them. “The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him.” Daniel 9:9.

IV. Application What points of application can be made using the Four Questions for Application? State and explain 1 point of application for each of these four questions. Your explanation for each of these points should be 1 paragraph (100-200 words) in length. A. The question of duty We have a huge role in this world and is to obey and trust God in all things. The bible explained Jonah’s story he disobeyed God, he was stubborn. God commanded him to preach repentance to the city of Nineveh and he disobeyed. Jonah 1:17 “At the Lord’s command a large fish swallowed Jonah, and he was inside the fish for three days and three night.” Jonah was punished by God for disobedience.

B. The question of character

Through the examples of the Israelis shouldn’t be the way to react with God, when things aren’t going the way we want. These types behaviors shouldn’t be tolerated and should be avoid. They were ungrateful, they insulted God and they rejected the way that God was blessing them.

C. The question of goals Achieving a goal with our Lord is to obey and trust his ways. The people form Israel had a chance to sit tight and wait for God plans. However, they got impatient and starting to go against God’s planning. These people were sent to get killed by God, for being rebellious. Obedience always brings blessings, obeying god in small matters is an essential step in receiving God’s greatest blessings.

D. The question of discernment...

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