Bible verses chuchu echevieqwu ghthrh frstesrteyb gferg csf fwsf fwsf wde PDF

Title Bible verses chuchu echevieqwu ghthrh frstesrteyb gferg csf fwsf fwsf wde
Author Queennie Dator
Course Bachelor of law
Institution Mindanao State University
Pages 3
File Size 68.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Total Views 146


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OLD TESTAMENT 1. Proverbs 16:3, the bible says “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” God is to be trusted in all matters, as this verse teaches us. No matter how big or small the problem, we should entrust it to God and look up to Him because God is in control of everything. Commit all to him and live according to his ways. Part of committing our work to God, of course, is seeking and following God’s will; when our work aligns with God’s will, then success will follow. 2. Jeremiah 29:11, the bible says that “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” It is important to understand that this verse is not a guarantee that God will immediately rescue us from difficulty or suffering, but rather a promise that God has a plan for our lives and that He may work through our current circumstances to prosper us and offer us a future. So don't ever give up. We will never give up. Whether it's a pandemic, a financial catastrophe, or a difficult family relationship, the scripture assures us that these things are temporary and God has a plan. 3. Deuteronomy 31:6, the bible says “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Do not let your fear of failing stop you from taking the right step and experiencing the overwhelming peace and power of God. Fear will prevent you from receiving God's blessings, which is why God wants you to be free from all of that. According to the Bible, God has not given us the spirit of fear, but rather the spirit of power, love, and sound mind. We should be courageous and not fearful, because courage allows you to face challenges that you are not used to facing, and because the fearful can discourage others as well. Let's use Leader as an example, a leader needs to be courageous, because what the leader says, and how the leader acts, has an impact to the others who are following the leader. So in here, the leader needs to be courageous to inspire his team. Remember that the fearful cannot go on in the battle of the Lord, it is only those who are courageous that will go. 4. Proverbs 10:17, the bible says that “Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.” If we want to be blessed in life - we are going to have to embrace two things. These things are the ability to be taught or instructed, and the ability to have someone correct or lecture us. This means we need to be teachable! Put in mind that it is not just the ability to hear someone - but we learn to heed what they say. Heed means to pay attention. The word instruction is important for us to grasp here. The word means to be instructed and disciplined. None of us are born as unquestionable genius' who do not need instruction or correction. We all make mistakes and we

screw up. That is why it is a blessing to have those who love us enough to offer correction and godly training. They become a source of protection and life to us. But if we never learn to accept such teaching and correction - we will ensure that we are on a path that will fail in the end. Therefore - listen! But there is more to this than listening alone - there is the need to hear with understanding and with a heart that embraces change. 5. Proverbs 12:24, the bible says “Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor.” So this verse is all about the slack and the diligent. Remember that laziness is one of the antonyms of diligence; one who is not diligent is therefore lazy. The verse implies that to be diligent in whatever is required to be done in that field or workplace. If you don’t choose what you want you are going to have to stay with what you get; that’s the way life is. The diligent person will have authority and will be in control but the lazy one will be under tribute. Diligent hands will rule, it means they will become leaders. Laziness ends in forced labour which means to end as a slave. Being a slave doesn’t mean one will be a slave to another person but it means to be a slave to a system. We make the choices in life and we should learn to be diligent at work and in whatever field we’re in, we should be diligent in whatever we do, we need to make the choice to be diligent in anything that we want to achieve. Keep in mind that diligence produces success and riches, Laziness created failure and poverty.

NEW TESTAMENT 1. Luke 1:37, bible says that “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” This verse has always been a personal favourite of mine because it serves as a powerful reminder that even the things we believe are impossible are possible with God. No matter where you are right now, even if the task at hand appears impossible or as if it is simply not going to work out, put your faith in God. If we will just simply put our trust in Him, He has a way of working things out beyond wonderfully above and beyond anything we could ask or imagine! TRUST THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART BECAUSE WITH HIM, NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE! 2. Ephesians 5:15-16, the bible says “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” To live wise and not foolish is to view life from God’s view and respond according to what He says in His word, where true wisdom is found. We are living in a time where evil and confusion is all around, but in the midst of it all the wisdom of God is still known and available to man through prayer, the Word of God and the leading of God’s Holy Spirit.

3. Matthew 6:34, the bible says “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Here, Christ commands us not to worry. That is enough reason to have hope in his plan for tomorrow. God is with us here and now, to find him there can be no dreaming or worrying about tomorrow. Sometimes, we go to bed with that nagging concern about what will happen "tomorrow." Jesus wants us to let go of our anxiety. We must live in the present moment. There are too many opportunities we could miss today by worrying about what might happen tomorrow. Imagine how good it is to live this way, never dwelling on the past, and never worrying about the future. Ours is to trust God in each moment, stewarding each hour of our lives for the glory of God. If we can do that until he returns, we will experience both the abundant life he intended for us and the eternal reward of faithfulness. So do not worry about tomorrow, focus on what it is today and pray that we will be better than yesterday. 4. Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” So there’s the phrase TO WORK WITH ALL YOUR HEART which is also TO WORK HEARTILY. To do something for the Lord means we do it knowing something that from the Lord we will receive the reward of the inheritance. So doing something for the Lord does not mean doing something to meet the Lord’s needs. It means doing something to receive the Lord’s reward. And the reward the Lord gives is the inheritance, the all-satisfying joy of knowing him forever and eternal life. So, to work heartily for the Lord means to work heartily for the reward of joy in the Lord and eternal life....

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