Bio 101 review 1 Chapters 1 2 3 PDF

Title Bio 101 review 1 Chapters 1 2 3
Course General Biology I
Institution Bergen Community College
Pages 8
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Exam 1 practice...


Exam 1 study guide Name___________________________________

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 1) Chapter One 1) _____________ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 2) All of the individuals of the same species living within a specified area is known as a 2) _______ A) population. B) ecosystem. C) community. D) family. 3) A hypothesis is ________. A) the design of an experiment that can be used in scientific enquiry B) a statement that explains an observed phenomenon or answers a question C) an instrument that is used to examine environmental conditions D) a prediction about something that has not yet been observed E) a proven scientific fact

3) _______

4) In a manipulative experiment ________. A) researchers manipulate as many variables as possible B) the peer review process is bypassed C) a scientist has been caught manipulating the data for economic gain D) researchers manipulate the independent variable E) replication of the experiment is not necessary

4) _______

5) All of the following are examples of quantitative data EXCEPT ________. A) the number of siblings that students have B) the exam scores for the students in a class C) the gender of the students in a class D) the amount of sleep normally gotten by the students in a class E) the cholesterol levels of the students in a class

5) _______

6) Which of the following lists the steps of the scientific method in correct order? A) Observations → Questions → Hypothesis → Prediction → Test → Results B) Questions → Observations → Prediction → Hypothesis → Test → Results C) Hypothesis → Prediction → Questions → Test → Observations → Results D) Hypothesis → Prediction → Questions → Observations → Test → Results E) Questions → Prediction → Hypothesis → Observations → Test → Results

6) _______

7) The primary source of energy for producers in an ecosystem is A) thermal energy. B) light energy. C) ATP. D) chemical energy. E) kinetic energy.

7) _______

8) All of the living things on Earth along with all of the places where life exists is known as A) an ecosystem. B) a population. C) the biosphere. D) a biological community.

8) _______

9) All of the living things in a particular area along with all of the nonliving aspects of the environment with which organisms interact is known as

9) _______

A) the biosphere. C) a biological community.

B) an ecosystem. D) a population.

10) All of the organisms inhabiting a particular ecosystem are known as A) a biological community. B) a population. C) a biosphere. D) a biological system.

10) ______

11) Which of the following types of cells lack a nucleus? A) plant B) fungi C) animal

11) ______ D) archaea

E) protists

12) Living things are divided into three different domains. Which of these domains are classified as prokaryotes? A) Bacteria and Protista B) Bacteria and Archaea C) Eukarya and Monera D) Archaea and Monera E) Bacteria and Eukarya

12) ______

13) Which of the following represents the correct hierarchy of biological organization from large-scale to smaller scale? A) ecosystems → biosphere → communities → populations → organisms B) communities → populations → organisms → ecosystems → biosphere C) biosphere → ecosystems → populations→ communities → organisms D) biosphere → communities → populations → ecosystems → organisms E) biosphere → ecosystems → communities → populations → organisms

13) ______

14) The process of science involves testing which of the following? A) a hypothesis B) a control group C) a data set D) a conclusion E) an observation

14) ______

15) A controlled experiment is one in which A) the experiment proceeds at a slow pace to guarantee that the scientist can carefully observe all reactions and process all experimental data. B) there are at least two groups, one differing from the other by two or more variables. C) the experiment is repeated many times to ensure that the results are accurate. D) there are at least two groups, one of which does not receive the experimental treatment.

15) ______

16) Which of the following best describes the logic of scientific inquiry? A) If my observations are accurate, they will support my hypothesis. B) If I generate a testable hypothesis, tests and observations will support it. C) If my hypothesis is correct, I can expect certain test results. D) If my prediction is correct, it will lead to a testable hypothesis.

16) ______

17) A controlled experiment is one that A) is repeated many times to make sure the results are accurate. B) proceeds slowly enough that a scientist can make careful records of the results. C) keeps all variables constant. D) tests experimental and control groups in parallel.

17) ______

18) Which of the following best demonstrates the unity among all organisms? A) descent with modification B) emergent properties C) DNA structure and function D) natural selection

18) ______

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 19) Chapter Two 19) _____________ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 20) About 20-25% of the 92 natural elements are known to be essential to life. Which four of these 20) ______ elements make up approximately 96% of living matter? A) carbon, sodium, hydrogen, nitrogen B) oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, nitrogen C) carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen D) carbon, oxygen, phosphorus, hydrogen E) carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium 21) From the atomic mass, one can deduce the number of ________ in each atom of an element. A) protons plus electrons B) electrons C) protons plus neutrons D) protons E) neutrons

21) ______

22) One difference between carbon-12 (

22) ______

C) and carbon-14 (

C) is that carbon-14 has

A) two more electrons and two more protons than carbon-12. B) two more neutrons than carbon-12. C) two more protons and two more neutrons than carbon-12. D) two more protons than carbon-12. E) two more electrons than carbon-12. 23) A covalent chemical bond is one in which A) electrons are removed from one atom and transferred to another atom so that the two atoms become oppositely charged. B) an electron from a full outer electron shell of one atom is shared so as to occupy the outer electron shell of both atoms. C) outer-shell electrons of two atoms are shared so as to occupy the outer electron shells of both atoms. D) outer-shell electrons of one atom are transferred to fill the inner electron shell of another atom. E) protons and neutrons are shared by two atoms so as to satisfy the requirements of both atoms.

23) ______

24) What is the difference between covalent bonds and ionic bonds? A) Covalent bonds are formed between atoms to form molecules; ionic bonds are formed between atoms to form compounds. B) Covalent bonds involve the transfer of electrons between atoms; ionic bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms. C) Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms; ionic bonds involve the sharing of protons between atoms. D) Covalent bonds involve the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms; ionic bonds involve the sharing of single electrons between atoms.

24) ______

E) Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms; ionic bonds involve the electrical attraction between atoms. 25) A covalent bond is formed by A) transfer of a proton from one atom to another. B) sharing of a pair of protons between two atoms. C) sharing of a single electron between two atoms. D) transfer of an electron from one atom to another. E) sharing of a pair of electrons between two atoms.

25) ______

26) An ionic bond is formed by A) transfer of an electron from one atom to another. B) sharing of a pair of electrons between two atoms. C) sharing of a single electron between two atoms. D) transfer of a proton from one atom to another. E) sharing of a pair of protons between two atoms.

26) ______

27) Which type of bond must be broken for water to vaporize? A) polar covalent bonds B) hydrogen bonds C) both polar covalent bonds and hydrogen bonds D) ionic bonds E) both hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds

27) ______

28) A solution contains 0.0000001(10-7) moles of hydroxyl ions (OH-) per liter. Which of the

28) ______

following best describes this solution? A) acidic: H+ donor B) basic: H+ acceptor C) basic: H+ donor D) acidic: H+ acceptor E) neutral 29) What is the pH of a solution with a hydroxyl ion (OH-) concentration of 10-12 M? A) pH 10 B) pH 12 C) pH 14 D) pH 4 E) pH 2

29) ______

30) What is the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration of a solution of pH 8? A) 10-6 M B) 0.01 M C) 8 M D) 8 × 10-6 M E) 10-8 M

30) ______

31) ______


Figure 2.7 Based on your knowledge of the polarity of water molecules, the solute molecule depicted in Figure 2.7 is most likely A) hydrophobic. B) positively charged. C) without charge. D) negatively charged. E) nonpolar. 32) Measurements show that the pH of a particular lake is 4.0. What is the hydrogen ion concentration of the lake? A) 10−4 M B) 4.0 M C) 104 M D) 10−10 M

32) ______

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 33) Chapter Three 33) _____________ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 34) Which two functional groups are always found in amino acids? 34) ______ A) ketone and amino B) hydroxyl and carboxyl C) carboxyl and amino D) carbonyl and amino 35) Which of the following is a correct monomer/polymer pairing? A) glycerol/triglyceride B) amino acid/polypeptide C) monosaccharide/polypeptide D) amino acid/polysaccharide

35) ______

36) Which of the following chemical equations describes a hydrolysis reaction? A) monosaccharide + monosaccharide disaccharide + H2O

36) ______

B) disaccharide monosaccharide + monosaccharide + H2O C) disaccharide + H2O monosaccharide + monosaccharide D) monosaccharide + monosaccharide + H2O disaccharide 37) What is a common chemical reaction mechanism by which cells make polymers from monomers? A) decreasing the pH B) dehydration reactions C) the formation of disulfide bridges between monomers D) hydrolysis reactions

37) ______

38) Which bonds are created during the formation of the primary structure of a protein? A) disulfide bonds B) peptide bonds C) hydrogen bonds D) phosphodiester bonds

38) ______

39) Prokaryotes are classified as belonging to two different domains. What are the domains? A) Archaea and Protista B) Bacteria and Eukarya C) Bacteria and Archaea D) Bacteria and Protista

39) ______

40) Which structure is the site of the synthesis of proteins destined for export from the cell ? A) free cytoplasmic ribosomes B) rough ER C) lysosomes D) smooth ER E) Golgi vesicles

40) ______

41) Which of the following produces and modifies polysaccharides that will be secreted? A) peroxisome B) Golgi apparatus C) mitochondrion D) lysosome

41) ______

42) Which organelle often takes up much of the volume of a plant cell? A) Golgi apparatus B) vacuole C) mitochondrion D) peroxisome E) lysosome

42) ______

43) Motor proteins provide for molecular transport of materials in cells by interacting with what types of cellular structures? A) cytoskeletal structures B) the extracellular matrix C) cellulose fibers in the cell wall D) the nuclear envelope E) membrane proteins

43) ______

44) Passive movement of fluids and bacteria from the interior of the small intestine through the space between cells of the intestinal wall can cause serious infection and medical complications. Defects in which of the following would be associated with such a condition? A) desmosomes B) gap junctions C) tight junctions D) cell walls E) middle lamella

44) ______

45) The extracellular matrix is thought to participate in the regulation of animal cell behavior by communicating information from the outside to the inside of the cell via which of the following? A) gap junctions B) plasmodesmata C) cellulose fibers D) integrins

45) ______

46) Which of the following statements about the atom

46) ______

A) It has 6 electrons orbiting the nucleus. B) Its atomic weight is 12. C) It has 6 protons in its nucleus.


D) Its atomic number is 6. E) It has 12 neutrons in its nucleus. 47) Which of the following is the type of bond holding K+ and I- ions in KI? A) ionic bond B) covalent bond C) hydrogen bond

47) ______

48) Identify the following reaction: Glucose + Fructose → Sucrose + Water A) dehydration synthesis reaction B) hydrolysis reaction C) exchange reaction D) reversible reaction E) ionic reaction

48) ______

49) Which type of molecule is composed of (CH2O) units?

49) ______

A) lipid

B) protein

C) carbohydrate

D) nucleic acid 50) ______

50) Which type of molecule contains -NH2 (amino) groups? A) protein

B) triglycerides

C) nucleic acid

D) carbohydrate

51) What is the type of strong chemical bond between carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms in a single organic molecule? A) hydrogen bond B) ionic bond C) covalent bond

51) ______

52) What is the type of bond between ions in salt? A) ionic bond B) hydrogen bond

52) ______ C) covalent bond

53) Which are the primary molecules making up plasma membranes in cells? A) carbohydrates B) lipids C) proteins

53) ______ D) nucleic acids...

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