Bio 111 Final Exam PDF

Title Bio 111 Final Exam
Course Introduction to Biology
Institution California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo
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BIO 111 Practice Final Exam 1. Logistic growth: a. Occurs when a population increases exponentially. b. Occurs when a maximum growth rate is reached. c. Does not involve exponential growth. d. Often occurs in populations living with limited resources. 2. Which of the following is NOT true about life history patterns in general? a. The longer a species lives, the more offspring they are likely to leave behind. b. The greater the average size of offspring, the fewer offspring are produced in a mating. c. The fewer the reproductive events, the longer individuals are likely to live. d. The greater the investment in reproduction, the longer a species is likely to live. e. Growth is slowed during periods when reproduction occurs. 3. What causes global warming? a. Burning Coal b. The green house effect c. Increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide d. all of the above 4. A population with a higher death rate than birth rate may still have positive growth. This statement is: a. Correct; if immigration rates plus birth rates are greater than death rate plus emigration rate, population growth will still be positive even if birth rate is lower than death rate alone. b. Incorrect; if death rate is higher than birth rate, the population will decrease. c. Correct; if multiple births are taking place it would add to the population faster than the death rate. d. Correct; if emigration rate is higher than the death rate the population will still have positive growth. e.  Incorrect; immigration and emigration play only a very small factor in population growth, the overall population growth is still determined by birth and death rates thus a population with a higher death rate will have negative growth. 5. From the following, select the best example of a cohort. a. a group of fish with the same mother and father b. a group of birds born in the same year c. a group of similarly banded butterflies d. a group of lizards from the same patch of desert e. All of the above are equally good examples of a cohort. 6. Natural populations fluctuate through time. One of the forces causing variation in population size is variation in the physical environment, which can have both direct and

indirect effects on populations. Variation in population size linked to environmental factors (aside from those which occur daily or seasonally) is likely to: a. Be predictable and constant. b. Be density-dependent. c. Be irregular, perhaps even random. d.  Affect the biotic potential exponentially. e. Track the logistic growth model. 7. Which of the following is NOT a factor that limits population growth? a. Unlimited food supply b. Accumulation of waste products c.  Lack of nesting space d. Density of parasites e. All of these factors may limit population growth.

8. The death rate of organisms in a population exhibiting a type 3 survivorship curve is: a. More or less constant throughout their lives. b. Higher in post-reproductive than in pre-reproductive years. c. Usually correlates with density-dependent causes. d. Usually correlated with density-independent causes. e.  Lower after the organisms survive to the critical age of establishment. 9. A population: a. Consists of all the breeding individuals in a group. b. Consists of all of the organisms of a particular habitat. c. Consists of the interactions of two different species. d.  Is a group of coexisting organisms capable of interbreeding. e. Consists of any organisms of the same species. 10. Density-dependent and density-independent factors influence the growth of a population by causing changes in the: a. Age structure and birth rate. b.  Birth rate and death rate. c. Death rate and pattern of dispersion. d. Pattern of dispersion and carrying capacity. e. Carrying capacity and age structure. 11. How does exponential growth differ from logistic growth? a. Logistic growth models take the population's age-structure into account. b. Logistic growth requires a large population. c. Long-term exponential growth is more commonly

observed than long-term logistic growth in nature. d. The logistic model of growth incorporates environmental limitations on population size. e. Exponential growth models include consideration of a population's carrying capacity. 12. A population pyramid or Age Pyramid: a. Shows the current birth and death rates of a population. b. Directly predicts future age distributions of the population. c. Reflects the number of individuals in various age groups in a population. d. Predicts survival and mortality rates for an individual at a given age. e. All of the above. 13. In a population exhibiting logistic growth, what happens when the carrying capacity is exceeded? a. The population fluctuates around the new level. b. The carrying capacity cannot be exceeded, population death precedes it. c. The population crashes and becomes extinct. d.  The growth rate becomes negative until the population in back within the carrying capacity. e. The growth rate becomes zero until the population is back within the carrying capacity. 14. Which of the following is NOT an example of a density-dependent limiting factor that will influence carrying capacity? a. Food supply b. Predation c. Disease d. Territory availability e. Water quality

15. Adaptations shaped by natural selection: a. Are continuously modified so that they are always fitted to the environment in which an organism lives. b. May be out of date, having been shaped in the past which may have been different from the present. c. Are unlikely to be present in humans living in industrial societies. d. Are magnified and enhanced through the founder’s effect and genetic drift. e.  Represent perfect solutions to the problems posed by nature.

16. The longer two species have been evolving on their own: a. The greater the genetic differences there are likely to be between them. b. The more different they will look. c. The more likely their hemoglobin will be composed of the same sequence of amino acids. d.  The more likely they will be to share a common embryology. e. Both a) and b) are true. 17. During genetic drift, where do the genes drift to? a. The genes drift into and out of the population due to migration of individuals from one population to another. b. The genes drift from a locus on one chromosome to another locus on the same chromosome. c. The genes do not drift at all — drift is a mathematical metaphor for mean gene frequencies being unstable and drifting from one number to another. d. The genes do not drift at all — drift is a mathematical metaphor for the variance in gene frequencies being unstable and drifting from one number to another. e. The genes drift from a locus on one chromosome to a locus on another chromosome. 18. An oak tree produces two kinds of leaves: large with shallow lobes and narrow with deep lobes. If this dimorphism is based solely on the ecological condition of amount of sunlight exposure and there is no genetic difference between leaves that express either of the two forms, then: a. The environment cannot affect the relative abundance of the two leaf forms. b. This must be a trait that is genetically altered due to the amount of sun. c.  Natural selection cannot act on the trait of leaf morphology. d. Natural selection cannot preferentially select one of the two leaf forms over the other. e. The large, shallow-lobed leaves must be adapted for sunnier conditions. 19. Which agent of evolution increases genetic variation in a population? a. Natural selection b. Mutation c. Artificial selection d. Genetic drift e. All of the above can increase genetic variation. 20. Under the right conditions, which type of selection is MOST likely to lead to the formation of new species? a. Stabilizing b. Convergent c. Sexual d. Disruptive e.

Directional 21. All of the following statements are true about mutations EXCEPT: a. The origin of genetic variation is mutation. b. A mutation is any change in an organism's DNA. c. Mutations are almost always random with respect to the needs of the organism. d. Most mutations are harmful or neutral to the organism in which they occur. e.  The mutation rate can be affected by the bottleneck effect. 22. In a fish population in a shallow stream, the genotypic frequency of yellowish-brown fish and greenish- brown fish changed significantly after a flash-flood randomly swept away individuals from that stream. This change in genotypic frequency is most likely attributable to: a. Genetic drift. b. Gene flow. c. Disruptive selection. d. Directional selection. e. Stabilizing selection. 23. Two populations of a species of frog live around the Gulf of Mexico. One population has a brown back, and lives on rocky islands with brown rocks and little vegetation. A second population lives on the mainland among the vegetation and has a back that is speckled with greens and browns. This species is undergoing _______________ selection. a. Stabilizing b. Disruptive c. Sexual d. Directional 24. Which of the following statements is NOT true about natural selection? a. Individuals that are better suited to the environment should, on average, contribute more offspring to the next generation. b. Natural selection leads to evolutionary change. c. Natural selection acts to eliminate deleterious alleles from the gene pool. d. Genetic variation must be present in a population for natural selection to act. e. Natural selection preserves advantageous traits acquired during an individual's lifetime. 25. Which of the following scenarios would best facilitate adaptive radiation? a. A population of birds native to an island archipelago is forced to relocate to the mainland b. A population of cheetahs goes through an event in which all genetic diversity in the population is wiped out. c. Darker-colored moths have a selective advantage over lighter-colored moths due to

industrial soot on trees. d. A population of birds becomes stranded on an island archipelago. e. All of the above would facilitate adaptive radiation equally. 26. Two populations of the same species of snake are isolated from each other for several generations before they come into secondary contact. They are able to interbreed. What can you conclude? a. Speciation has not occurred. b. Speciation has occurred and the interbreeding is resulting in hybrid offspring. c. Speciation is incomplete but will finish after several more generations. d. Speciation occurred but is in the process of reversing. e. More information is required on the viability of the offspring before a conclusion can be made. 27. The definition of a species: a. Is any group of organisms that share two morphological traits in common. b. Is any group of organisms that can interbreed and produce viable offspring. c. Is any group of organisms that shares an evolutionary history. d. Is a highly debated biological topic with no currently definitive solution. e. May be b), c), or d), but not a). 28. As a result of competition between speices: a. Species that do not compete die out. b. One of the interacting species is always eliminated. c. Resource partitioning takes place. d. The reproductive success of interacting individuals may be reduced. e. Which Predatory behavior between interacting individuals is increased. 29.  of the following statements about an organism's niche is INCORRECT? a. It may be occupied by two species, as long as they are not competitors. b. It encompasses the space the organism requires. c. It is always fully exploited. d. It reflects the ways in which the organism uses the resources of its environment. 30. Which of the following is NOT a major threat to biodiversity? a. Habitat destruction b. Exotic species c. Minimum viable population size d.  Overexploitation e. Disruption of interaction networks 31. Prey reduce their risk of predation through physical and behavioral defenses. Which of the following is NOT a physical defense for the reduction of predation? a. The armor of an armadillo b. The spiciness of a jalepeño pepper c. The camouflage of a praying mantis d. The

alarm call of a Belding's ground squirrel e. All of the above are physical defenses 32. In what way(s) does the phosphorus cycle significantly differ from the nitrogen cycle? a. Phosphorus is scarce enough to limit plant growth unlike nitrogen. b. Unlike nitrogen, the phosphorus cycle lacks a significant atmospheric component. c. The phosphorus cycle has a significant biological component unlike nitrogen. d. Unlike phosphorus, nitrogen can leach out of rocks and get into the water supply that passes to plant roots. e. both a) and c) 33. The Carrying Capacity: a. Affects maximum density b. Is always where a population will level off c. Is the maximum number of individuals a population can sustain d. Changes constantly with time e. All of the above 34. All the following are true about Keystone Species EXCEPT a. Can be killed or negatively affected by the introduction of exotic species b. Can be affected by climate changes c. When they go extinct, the surrounding ecosystem may be effected d.  They contribute to maintaining species diversity in their community e. Communities that lose keystone species experience greater biodiversity than communities that do have keystone species. 35. All of the following can result in a primary succession except _____ . a. Retreat of glaciers b. New island formation c. Volcanic eruptions that created new land mass d. All of the above can result in primary succession Questions on Past Material 36. Which of the following statements about enzymes is INCORRECT? a. Without enzymes, many biochemical reactions would not occur fast enough to support life. b. An enzyme catalyzes a chemical reaction by increasing the energy of activation. c. The shape of the enzyme creates an active site that binds to one or more specific substrates. d. Enzymes are proteins. e. All of the above are CORRECT. 37. The nucleus of an atom is usually made up of: a. Protons, neutrons and glial molecules that hold them together. b. Neutrinos that have no electrical charge. c. Protons that have a positive electrical charge and glial molecules that hold them together. d. Protons that have a positive charge and neutrons that have no electrical charge. e. Neutrons that have no

electrical charge. 38. Which statement is NOT part of the modern cell theory? a. All living organisms consist of one or more cells. b. Cellular reactions include both energy-releasing and biosynthetic types. c. The first cell arrived on earth from outer space. d. Cells arise from other cells. e.  Cells contain hereditary information that passes from one generation of cells to the next. 39. How are phospholipid molecules that make up the surface membrane of a cell organized? a. A two-layered structure is formed, with the hydrophobic tails facing in to each other, sandwiched between the hydrophilic heads that face the interior of the cell and the exterior environment. b. A single layered structure is formed, with the hydrophobic tails facing in to the interior of the cell and the hydrophobic head on the outside, facing the exterior environment. c. A single layered structure is formed, with the hydrophobic heads facing in to the interior of the cell and the hydrophobic tails on the outside, facing the exterior environment. d. A two-layered structure is formed, with the hydrophobic heads facing in to each other, sandwiched between and the globular proteins facing the exterior environment. e. Both b) and d) are possible. 40. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, some bacteria, and some protistans, use the energy from sunlight to produce sugar, which _______________ converts to ATP, the "fuel" used by all living things. a. Cellular respiration b. Glycolysis c. Phosphorylation d.  Photorespiration e. Condensation 41. Which of the following is NOT a product of photosynthesis? a. oxygen b. sugars c. carbon dioxide d. small amount of ATP 42. If all offspring of a cross have the genotype Aa, the parents of the crosses would most likely be a. Aa X Aa b. AA X aa c. Aa X aa d. AA X Aa e. All of the above are equally likely

43. To get from a gene to a protein, two processes must occur: transcription, in which ____________________________, and translation, in which ____________________________. a. a copy of the gene's sequence of bases is made; that copy is used to direct the production of an amino acid b. a copy of a protein's sequence of bases is made; that copy is used to direct the production of an amino acid c. a copy of the gene's sequence of bases is made; that copy is used to direct the production of a protein d. a copy of a protein's sequence of amino acids is made; that copy is used to splice the RNA to its final length. e. a copy of the gene's sequence of bases is made; that copy is used to direct the production of a genom e 44. Which of the following is the proper sequence for mitosis? I. Metaphase II. Telophase III. Prophase IV. Anaphase V. Meiosis Division II a. I, III, IV, II b. III, I, IV, II c. I, II, III, IV d. IV, I, III, I e. III, IV, II 45. Genes at one locus that affect the expression of genes at a different locus are said to be a. Epistatic b. Linked c.  Codominant d. Penetrant e. Alleles 46. If a parent cell has 16 chromosomes and undergoes meiosis, the resulting cells will now have how many chromosomes? a. 64 b. 32 c. 16 d. 8 e. 4 47. What are the two major methods of cellular division in eukaryotic cells? a. Meiosis and mitosis b. Meiosis and fission c. Mitosis and cloning

d. Meiosis and cloning e. Fission and cloning 48. The interphase stage in the eukaryotic cell cycle has the subgroups: a. Gap 1, Gap 2, and Gap 3. b. Gap 1, DNA Synthesis, and Gap 2. c. Synthesis 1, Synthesis 2, and Synthesis 3 d. Gap 1, Synthesis 1 and Synthesis 2 e.  Gap, Synthesis, and Mitotic. 49. Most genes come in alternative forms called: a. Chromosomes. b. Dominants. c. Recessives. d.  Gametes e. Alleles. 50. Biology is the study of a. Life b. The history of the supplemental workshops in science program c. The curious habits of engineers on campus d. Stuff that is yummy

BIO 111 Practice Exam Key 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. E 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. C 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.


19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.


25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.


37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.


43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.


49. E 50. A...

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