Bio L323 Review PDF

Title Bio L323 Review
Course  The Physiology of Nutrition and Disease
Institution California State University San Marcos
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Zoom Review *look and vitamin snapshots, LDL & HDL, rickets, macular degeneration, anemia, Osteomalacia ● Legumes are a particularly nutritious choice among protein rich foods because they also provide: F  iber, B vitamins, iron and other minerals ● Partially complete proteins are not held for completion at a later time when the diet may improve: T  RUE ● A deficiency of niacin may result in P  ellagra ● A vegetarian diet planner should be sure to includevitamin B12 come from animal origins ● Some segments of a protein strand coil somewhat like a metal spring because: A  mino acids at different places along the strand are chemically attracted to each other ● In the intestine, amino acids of the same general type compete for the same absorption sites so a large does of any one amino acid can limit absorption of another: T  rue ● Water soluble vitamin are mostly absorbed into the: B  LOOD ● Amino acids are linked together to form a protein strand by: p  eptide bonds ● Which of the following is or are rich sources of Vitamin E: R  aw Vegetable Oil ● Anything fried is not healthy ● Vitamins A, D, E, & K are classified as fat soluble ● For healthy adults, the DRI recommended intake for protein has been set at 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight ● Vitamin A supplement can help treat acne: F  ALSE ● In adults with vitamin D deficiency, oor bone mineralization can lead to: O  steomalacia ● To prevent wasting of dietary protein, which of the following must be met: ● Dietary protein must be adequate in quantity, Dietary protein must supply all essential amino acids in the proper amounts, The diet must supply enough carbohydrate and calories ● We waste amino acid for energy ● Two tablespoons of peanut butter offer about the same amount of protein as a hot dog TRUE ● Eating pattern that best provides nutrients includes a wide variety of nutrient dense food ● Vitamin D functions as a hormone to help maintain bone integrity ● The following are complementary proteins p  eanut butter on whole wheat bread ● B vitamins act as coenzymes ● Example of positive nitrogen balance pregnant women and growing child ● Examples of negative nitrogen balance someone not using weight, such as an astronaut or someone who just had surgery because they are not building muscles ● Fat soluble vitamins mostly absorbed into the L  ymph

● The FDA has extensive regulatory control over supplement sales F  ALSE *buy or beware ● Vitamin E is famous for its role in p  rotecting tissues from oxidation ● The basic building block for proteins are amino acids ● Vitamin C deficiency symptoms include red spots, loose teeth, anemia ● Under certain circumstances, amino acids can be converted to glucose and so serve the energy needs of the brain T  RUE ● Which of the following foods are rich in beta carotene S  weet potatoes, pumpkin and spinach ● The theory that vitamin C prevents or cures colds is well supported by research F  alse ● The water soluble vitamins are characterized by all exect excesses are stored and easily build u to toxic levels ● Insufficient dietary protein can cause slowed protein synthesis ● Which of these B vitamins are only present in food of animal origins vitamin b12 ● Vitamin K is necessary for the synthesis of key bone ● Which of the following describes the fat soluble vitamin stored extensively in our tissues help us with eyesight and bones, not as easily absorbs ● Insufficient Dietary protein can have severe consequences, but excess dietary protein cannot cause harm F  alse remember everything is in moderations ● Most water soluble vitamins are not stored in tissues to any great exents Trueour water solubles just get excreted ● Vitamin K can be made by digestive tract bacteria ● Protein digestion begin in the S  tomach because rotein is the only one that starts in the stomach, acids starts to denature the protein ● Blood LDL values of people eating typical, meat rich western diets are generally higher than LDL values of vegetarians true, LDL values are bad WANT LOW LDL and HIGH HDL ● The role of protein in the body include b  lood clot formation, tissue repair, and immunity but NOT G  as exchange ● A B vitamin often forms part of an enzyme's active site, where chemical reaction takes laces T  RUE ● In the United States, diet high in refined carbohydrate intakes, articularly added sugars from soft drinks are often associated with increased body fatness T  RUE ● Triglycerides consist of Glycerol backbones and three fatty acids chains which hang down from it, the length of these fatty acids and what they're made of will determine if its a saturated fat or a unsaturated fat ● Difference between a triglyceride and phospholipidsphospholipids have glycerol backbone and TWO fatty acids chains and phosphate molecule ● Phospholipids are located in our phospholipid bilayer of every cell in our body

● Sickle cell disease is an example of an inherited mistake in the amino acid sequence ○ The 6th amino acid is incorrect and will cause disease ● Low fat diets may lack essential fatty acids and certain vitamins, may be high in carbohydrate calories, and are difficult to maintain over time ● Consuming large amounts of saturated fatty acids will NOT lower your LDL ● Which of the following B vitamins is especially important for women of child bearing age to prevent neural tube defects FOLATE ● NITROGEN is found in protein but not in carbohydrate or fat *keyword nitrogen balance ● Water soluble vitamins are absorbed directly into the blood and then excreted from the body ● The best way to lose fat, maintain lean body tissues, and stay health is to CONTROL FOOD PORTION SIZES ● A majority of fat digestion takes place in the SMALL INTESTINE ● Effects of fiber include prevent constipation and hemorrhoids, reduces the risks of heart and artery disease, prevents appendicitis and diverticulitis ● When a person ingests a large does of any single amino acid, absorption of the same type may be limited ● Enzymes are a protein catalyst and facilitate chemical reactions ● The main function of vitamin K is to help activate protein that help clot the blood ● Most unrefined plant foods contain a mix of fiber types ● The best way to increase consumption of omega3 fatty acids is to choose fish as a protein food often ● Vitamin D deficiency in children can cause bowed legs, and abnormality seen in the disease rickets ● The polysaccharide that helps form the supporting structure of a plant is Cellulose ● Each amino acid has its own distinctive chemical side chain attached to the center carbon of the backbone ● If the fat in a container is solid at room temperature, what type of fat is it SATURATED FAT ● The term “brown bread” on a label means that there is molasses in the bread ● All of the following denature proteins ○ Bases ○ Alcohol ○ Heat ○ Salts of heavy metals ■ Light does NOT DENATURE PROTEINS

● B vitamins work together with enzymes in the metabolism of energy nutrients and in the making of new cells ● Vitamin D deficiency disease in adults is known as Osteomalacia ● The best way to achieve a desirable fiber intake is to include fruits, vegetables, grains, and whole & unprocessed foods ● Little fat digestion takes place in the stomach ● All of the following are health benefits of insoluble fiber ○ Alleviates constipation ○ Lowers risk of hemorrhoids ○ Reduce risk of rectal cancer ■ DOES NOT LOWER THE RISK OF DIABETES ● Fatty acids in food influences the composition of the fats in the body ● Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency include ○ Frequent infections ○ Night blindness ● Foods cannot INCREASE OR DECREASE the acidity of the stomach ● When amino acids are degraded for energy, their amine groups are striped off and used elsewhere or incorporated by the liver into UREA ● Body does best when digesting whole food instead of unnatural things, like amino acid supplements ● Ways fats are useful in foods ○ Contribute to the taste and smell of food ○ Fats carry fat soluble vitamins ○ Provide essential fatty acids ● The most familiar function of vitamin A is to sustain normal eyesight ● Population studies suggest that people whose diets lack foods in beta carotene have a higher incidence of M  acular Degeneration ● The glycemic index and glycemic load of food may be of interest to people with diabetes who must strive to regulate blood glucose control ● If amino acids are oversupplied the body removes and excretes their amine groups & converts amino acid residues to glycogen or fat ● Without critical essential amino acids to perform their roles, many of the body’s life sustaining activities would come to a halt ● HIGH HDL is not a desirable blood lipid value ● Fiber rich portion of the wheat kernel is the bran layer ● VItamin A plays an important role in maintenance of body linings and reproduction ● Triglycerides make up most of the lipids present both in the body and in food ● DRI for protein depends on body size

● Infants are NOT born with adequate vitamin K in their intestinal tracts ● Fortified soy milk would be a good calcium source that would not cause symptoms in an adult with lactose intolerance ● TUNA provides amino acids that are best absorbed by the body ● Some ground turkey and chicken products in which the skin is ground in are much higher in solid fats than lean beef ● A compound in food that can be converted into an active vitamin inside the body is known as a precursor ● Protein food provide almost no carbohydrate to the US diet, EXCEPT FOR NUTS AND LEGUMES ● The stomach lining is protected from the strong acid of the stomach by a coat of mucus ● What is the result of a dietary protein deficiency ○ A weakened immune system ● Saturation refers to whether or not a fatty acid chain is holding all of the hydrogen atoms it can hold ● By definition, a vitamins is ○ An organic compound ○ indispensable to the body ○ Needed in minute amounts ○ Is an essential nutrient Pp0.:; Ch 4 Carbohydrates ● Monosaccharide Sucrose:Disaccharide fructose-g  lucose ● Monosaccharide Maltose:Disaccharide glucose-g  lucose ● Monosaccharide Lactose:Disaccharide glucose-g  alactose ● Complex carbohydrates ○ Starch & fiber ● Simple carbohydrates ○ Sugar ● Starch ○ Polysaccharides: complex carbohydrate, made of long strands of glucose units linked together ● Glycogen: A  nimal storage form of glucose ● Fibers ● Digestion involves bacterial fermentation ● 2 types of fibers ○ Soluble readily dissolve in water

● ● ● ● ● ●

○ Insoluble are not vicious Whole grains ○ Four arts to the kernel ■ Germ ■ Endosperm ■ Bran ■ Husk To get glucose from food Digestive system renders starch and disaccharides from the food into monosaccharides to be absorbed in small intestine Starch digestion begins in the mouth Resistant starch is starch in food that is digested slowly, or not at all by enzymes Protein-sparing action of carbohydrate DRI ○ At least 130 grams of carbohydrates a day

● To regulate blood glucose levels ○ Siphon off excess ○ Replenish diminished glucose ● Insulin stimulates glucose storage as glycogen ● Glucagon helps release glucose from storage ● Body tissue shift ○ Burn more glucose, fat if left to circulate and be stored ● Glycemic Index of Food ranks food according to their potential for raising blood glucose ● Diabetes ● Type 1 The pancreas fails to produce insulin ● Type 2 Body cells fail to respond to insulin ● Hypoglycaemia an abnormally low blood glucose concentration, often accompanied by symptoms such as anxiety, rapid heartbeat and sweating Pp0.:; Ch 5 The Lipids ● Lipids are fats, they are needed ● 3 classes of lipids ○ Triglycerides ○ Phospholipids ○ Sterols ● Adipose tissue

○ Secrete hormones to regulate appetites ● Fat soluble nutrients ○ Vitamins ○ Essential fatty acids ● Satiety ○ Slows down food movement ● Triglyceride- 3 fatty acids with glycerol molecule Word Bank! amine group the nitrogen containing portion of an amino acid ch6 amino acid The building blocks of proteins, each as a unique group at one end, an acid groups at the other and a distinctive chain ch6 Beriberi deficiency in thiamine beriberi ch 7 Bile liver takes cholesterol from blood to make bile Catalyst a substance which speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being permanently altered in the making Chylomicrons Lipoprotein made of dietary fats surrounded by a shell of cholesterol, phospholipids, and protein. Chylomicrons   are formed in the absorptive cells of the small intestine after fat absorption and travel through the lymphatic system to the bloodstream. Denaturation The irreversible process in which the native structure of a protein is disrupted  *quizlet Eicosanoids are signaling molecules made by the oxygenation of twenty carbon fatty acids. These exert complex control over many bodily systems like inflammation, immunity and as messengers to the central nervous system. *quizlet Fructose sweetest natural sugar molecule, monosaccharide Galactose sugar molecule, monosaccharide Glucose sugar molecule, monosaccharide Jaundice disease due to toxic levels of Vitamin K, Yellowing of the skin and sclera from accumulation of the pigment bilirubin in the blood and tissues

Lactose sugar molecule, disaccharide

linoleic acid a  n essential fatty acid found in vegetable and nut oils; also known as omega-6 fatty acid *quizlet linolenic acid Omega 3 fatty acid. oils: flaxseed, canola, nuts and seeds, soybeans, FISH is best source *quizlet Lipoprotein m  ajor transport form for lipids in blood stream lipids and specific proteins lipids soluble in water Target lipids to particular tissues (receptors) *quizlet Maltose sugar molecule, disaccharides CH4 neural tube defects birth defect related to not consuming enough folate during pregnancy CH7 Osteomalacia a bone deficiency due to too little vitamin D CH7 Pellagra deficiency in niacin, Occurs among poorly nourished people and particularly among those with alcohol addiction Symptoms: Diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia and death peptide bond links together amino acids pernicious anemia Vitamin B12 malabsorption Caused by a lack of intrinsic factor (pernicious anemia) Causes of pernicious anemia Inborn gene defect for intrinsic factor Intestinal diseases, surgeries, stomach infections Intake of common diabetes drug CH7 Precursor Vitamin precursors Transform into active vitamin forms inside the body substance that precede others with regard to vitamin compounds that can be converted into active vitamin Retinol active form of vitamin A in the body, stored in the liver

Rickets vitamin D deficiency disease which causes bowed legs Scurvy Vitamin C deficiency side chain the unique chemical structure attached to the backbone of each amino acid that differentiates one amino acid from another Sucrose sugar molecule, disaccharide Xerosis vitamin A deficiency, dry skin xerophthalmia Vitamin A deficiency, dry eyes Self Check in Book Ch 4 1. The dietary monosaccharides include: Fructose, glucose, galactose 2. The polysaccharide that helps from the supporting structures of plants is: Cellulose 3. Foods rich in soluble fiber lower blood cholesterol True 4. The fiber rich portion of the wheat kernel is the bran layer True 5. Digestible carbohydrates are absorbed as _____ through the small intestinal wall and are delivered to the liver, which releases _____ into the bloodstream Monosaccharides;glucose 6. Around the world, most people are lactose intolerant True 7. When blood glucose concentration rises, the pancrease secretes _____ and when blood glucose levels fall, the pancrease secretes _____. Insulin, glucagon 8. The body's use of fat for fuel without the help of carbohydrates results in the production of: Ketone bodies

9. Ketosis is the results of too many carbohydrates in the body tissues: False 10. The livers capacity to store glycogen is virtually unlimited False 11. Type 1 diabetes is often prevented by successful weight-loss management False 12. TO manage diabetes, it helps to: Eat regularly timed meals and snacks 13. Achieving stable blood glucose is the goal of diabetes treatment. True 14. Hypoglycemia among health people is relatively rare True 15. Protein foods provide almost no carbohydrates to the US diet with these exceptions: Milk, nuts, and legumes 16. Fruit punch sweetened with grape juice contains as much sugar as fruit punch sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup True 17. In the united States diets high in refined carbohydrate intakes particularly added sugars from soft drinks are associated with increased body fat True 18. When added sugar is consumed in excess of calorie need It alters the blood lipids in potentially harmful ways Self Check Ch 5 1. Which of the following are not one of the ways fats are useful in foods? Fats provide low calorie source of energy compared to carbs 2. Fats play few roles in the body apart from providing abundant fuel in the form of calories False 3. Saturation refers to Whether or not a fatty acid chain is holding all of the hydrogen atoms it can hold 4. Generally speaking vegetable and fish oils are rich in saturated fats False

5. A benefit to health is seen when ____ is used in the place of _____ in the diet Unsaturated fat/saturated fat 6. Little fat digestion takes place in the stomach True 7. BIle is essential for fat digestion because it Emulsifies fats in the sm intestine 8. When energy from food is in short supply, the body Dismantles its stored triglycerides and releases fatty acids for energy 9. Fat breakdown without carbohydrate causes ketones to build up in the tissues and blood and to be excreted in urine True 10. A class of lipoprotein, delivers triglycerides and cholesterol from the liver to the body's tissues True 11. Chylomicrons, a class of lipoprotein, are produced in the liver False. 12. Consuming large amounts of sat fatty acids lower LDL cholesterol and thus lowers the risk of heart disease and heart attack. False 13. The roles of essential fatty acids include All of the above 14. Taking supplements of fish oil is recommended for those who don't like fish False 15. Fried fish from fast food restaurants and frozen fish foods are often low in omega-3 fatty acids and high in solid fat True 16. A way to prevent spoilage of unsaturated fats and make them harder is to change their fatty acids chemically through Hydrogenation 17. Trans-fatty acids arise when unsaturated fats are hydrogenated 18. An eating pattern with sufficient essential fatty acids include Nuts and vegetable oils, two servings of seafood 19. Most solid fats in the U.S diet are supplied by invisible fats True 20. Solid fats and high calorie choices lurk in every food group

True 21. The best way to apply the lipid advice from the dietary guidelines for americans is to Follow an eating pattern recommended by the Dietary Guidelines.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Chapter 6 Self check The basic building blocks for protein Amino acids The roles of the protein in the body include all but Gas exchange Amino acids are linked together to form a protein strand by Peptide bonds Some segments of a protein...

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