Bio week 1 labster PDF

Title Bio week 1 labster
Course Anatomy and Physiology 3
Institution Chamberlain University
Pages 4
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Week 1 Blood Learning Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Identify the cellular components of blood and state their functions. Explain the role of the white blood cells in protecting the body from disease. Analyze complete blood counts. Learn how to use an automatic hematology analyzer and how to prepare a peripheral smear.

Introduction: The body is a complex multicellular organism that comprises trillions of cells working together as tissues, organs, and systems. These cells require a continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients in order to function. They also need an efficient and fast means of delivery of these substances as well as a means of removing waste byproducts. Blood is composed of 2 components: blood plasma and the formed elements. Our focus in this lab is on the formed elements. We will perform labs to determine the diagnoses of 3 patients.

Assignment: Part I Complete the Anatomy.TV activities on Blood: Intro, Componenets, Red blood cells, white blood cells to help prepare you for the Labster Virtual Hematology simulation. To access Anatomy.TV: Resources tab>Library>Library Resources-Database

AZ>Anatomy.TV>Titles(default tab): Choose assigned system>choose assigned sections You will then work through the material and activities by scrolling down on the right. This will allow you to see and work through all activities for that section.

Part 2 Complete the Lab report. Blood Lab Report

1. Purpose: Please state the purpose of the lab.

To help identify the ways to differentiate the characteristics of different blood cells under a microscope, to become familiar with the lab setting and learning what kind of machines does what , and to identify and label patient specimens the correct way .

2. Procedure: a. Identify the 2 hematology lab tests performed in the Labster virtual simulation. Complete Blood Count (CBC) and Blood Smear

b. Briefly discuss the procedure for each test. CBC-. The venipuncture was taken from the cubital vein anterior to the elbow and a lavender tube was used to collect the specimen. The tube was used because there is a anticoagulant additive in the tube that is used for collection of such blood test. This test screens for blood diseases or to confirm a diagnosis of suspected infections. Blood Smear-A pipette is used to draw up a small sample of blood which is then placed on a glass and covered with a thin film .The specimen is then viewed under a microscope to check for the morphology of abnormal cells .The shapes of the cells will most likely confirm the diagnosis with the CBC results .

Data and Details: Patient

CBC abnormality

Peripheral smear result

Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3

Elevated WBC & Low platelet count low hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (HCT) and corpuscular volume (MCV)

Parasites visible inside RBCs, suggesting it's an intracellular blood parasite Abnormally shaped RBCs in the blood smear, consistent with sickle cell anemia

None Normal blood smear

3. Questions: a. Describe the solid components of blood by filling in the chart: Cell

Red blood cell

Describe (or draw) the cell appearance

1 Function of cell For WBCs, be specific regarding their role in immunity Transportation of oxygen to the body,


delivering carbon dioxide to the lungs


Mutli-lobe nucleated and stainable cytoplasmic granules

Phagocytosis, ingestion and destruction of microorganisms or foreign particles.


Staining nucleus with little or no eosinophilic cytoplasm that are large and dark

Killer cells. B-cells develops into plasma cells which secretes antibody. T-cells attacks viruses, cancer cells & transplanted tissue cells


Big white blood cells in the immune system. Amoeboid in appearance with nongranulated cytoplasm

Fight off bacteria and viruses, and fungi. The key elements in immune response

Nucleus with 2 lobes and cytoplasm filled with approx.


large granules that contains enzymes and



Simple nucleus that is difficult to see.It has a large number, purplish granules that contain histamine.


Nucleus with no cells. The fragments of cytoplasm comes from megakaryocytes of bone marrow

Combat parasite infections and combat the effects of histamine in allergic reactions

The prevention of blood cloting and fights parasitic infections Maintain homeostasis and release chemiclas that promote vascular spasm and blood clotting

b. What is the importance of a complete blood count? To confirm a diagnosis and get a better view of the amount of blood cells present which can detect a wide range of disorders such as Anemia , viral and bacterial infections , lukemia , etc .

c. What information does a peripheral smear add to the results of a complete blood count? Confirms the diagnosis of the CBC and provides a view of the morphology of the cells

4. Discussion: a. Identify the diagnosis of the 3 patients in the virtual lab as determined by their CBC and Peripheral Smear results. Patient 1: Malaria Patient 2: Sickel Cell Anemia Patient 3: Hemophilia b. Briefly mention any difficulties with the lab and/or information you wish was present in the lab. The most difficult task for me during the labster was detecting diagnosis of the patients. This I feel was beyond my scope of knowledge but in the end, it was a learning experience.

Reflect on at least 2 key concepts you have learned from this lab. 1-I was able to learn about the characteristic of different cells under a microscope and being able to identify the abnormalities from reading was very interesting 2-I learned how the importance of how blood test are key factors in determining diagnosis for patients. Our blood tells what is happening on the internal environment of the body and just a small sample if able to determine causes of our symptoms....

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