Bio122 Vodcast Script PDF

Title Bio122 Vodcast Script
Course Human Biology 2
Institution Australian Catholic University
Pages 3
File Size 105.5 KB
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Quest i onno2 B.Descr i behowt het ypi cal mor phol ogi cal changesassoc i at edwi t h Al z hei mer ’sdi seasear er el at edt oi t schar act er i s t i csi gnsand s y mpt oms . Ans wer :Themor phol ogi calchangesas s oc i at edwi t ht heAl z hei mer ' si nc l udesdi s t r upt i onof t hepr oces sess uc hasv i t al t oneur onsandt hei rnet wor k soft heneur on,s ymt omsmani f est ed byt hem asi mpai r edcommuni cat i on,di s t ur bedmet abol i s m,andr epai r .  Themaj ormor phol ogi cal changesi nAl zhei mer ' si ncl udesal t er edmedi al t empor al s t r uc t ur esi nt hebr ai nandpr es er v edpr ef r ont al andmedi al f r ont al cor t i c esoft hebr ai nar econc or dantwi t ht hepat t er nofmemor y i mpai r mentobs er v edi nmi l dc as esofAl zhei mer sdi s eas e.  I nt he pat i ent swi t hAl zhei mer s ,as i gni ficantr educ t i onofgr aymat t er v ol umei nt hehi ppoc ampal f or mat i onandent or hi nal cor t exwasnot ed.  Al z hei mer ' sdes t r oy sner v ec el l swi t hi nt hebr ai nandt heconnec t i ons bet weent hem,l eavi ngbehi ndc l umpsofpr ot ei nscal l edpl aquesand t wi s t edfi ber si nbr ai nc el l scal l edt angl es .  Ov ert i meoft hef or mat i onoft hepl aquesandt angl esr es ul t edi n des t r uct i on,er odest hemos tvi t al abi l i t i esofhumannat ur es uc h as l anguageabi l i t y ,l ear ni ngabl i t y,memor ypr oc essandr eas oni ng abi l i t y ,   

Di fficul t yor gani z i ngt hought sandt hi nki ngl ogi cal l y . Theyhav eshor t enedat t ent i ons pan. Thepat i entmayex per i enc est hepr obl emscopi ngwi t hnewsi t uat i ons .

A.Ex pl ai nt hes i gni ficanc eofamy l oi dβpl aquesandneur ofi br i l l ar yt angl esi nt he pat hogenesi sofAl zhei mer ’ sdi s eas e. Answer : The significance of amyloid beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles In Alzheimer's diseases. • Amyloid beta plaques are hard , insoluble accumulations of beta Amyloid proteins in between the nerve cells . •Bet aAmy l oi di sf or medf r om t haamy l oi dpr ec ur s orpr ot ei n. •Nor mal l yamy l oi dpr ot ei nsar ev er yf ewandar ecl ear edbybr ai nflui d. • I nAl z hei mer ' sdi s eas et hesebet aAmy l oi dpr ot ei nscluster together to form insoluble , solid and cannot cleared by the brain fluid to form amyloid beta plaques. • Neurofibrillary tangles are insoluble fibres found inside the brain cells • These Neurofibrillary tangles mainly consists of a protein called tau protein. •Taupr ot ei nmai nl ypr esenti nt hemi cr ot ubul es . •Thes eNeur ofibr i l l ar yt angl esar ef or medduet omi sf ol di ngoft aupr ot ei ni nt hef or m ofC s hapedc or ei nt angl es . • The amyloid plaques surrounding the nerve cells causes the nerve to death and immune reaction occurs immediately.

• The Neurofibrillary tangles causes death of the brain cells due to disturbing the cellular mechanisms of brain cells. • These Amyloid beta plaques and Neurofibrillary tangles finally leads to death of the neurons and brain cells which causes dementia in Alzheimer's diseases. Please drop a like if you find my solution helpful. That would be a great help for us. Thank you team chegg.

Quest i onno1 A: At first, Alzheimer's disease typically destroys neurons and their connections in parts of the brain involved in memory, including the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. It later affects areas in the cerebral cortex responsible for language, reasoning, and social behavior.

Function of Neurons: The brain and nervous system are made of nerve cells called neurons. Neurons send electrochemical signals to one another, forming the basis of the brain's complex, essential functions: to form memories and thoughts, to produce actions, and to interpret the world around us Function of cerebral cortex: The cerebral cortex is responsible for many higher-order brain functions such as sensation, perception, memory, association, thought, and voluntary physical action. The cerebrum is the large, main part of the brain and serves as the thought and control center.

B. Answer:

Question no 3: The most common type of medicine used to manage Alzheimer’s disease is Cholinesterase inhibitor drugs, and its mechanism of action is it inhibit AChE activity, maintain Ach (Acetylcholine) level by decreasing its breakdown rate. Therefore, they boost cholinergic neurotransmission in forebrain regions and compensate for the loss of functioning brain cells. The 3 Cholinesterase inhibitors includes:

1. Donepezil: which is approved to treat all stages of the disease. It taken once ongt ½ of70hour s ,s oi ti sadmi ni s t er edoncedai l yat a day as a pill. It hasl bedt i me.I tc anal sobeus edi ns ev er ecas es . 2. Galantamine: Which is approved to treat mild to moderate Alzheimer’s. Gal ant ami nei snat ur al al kal oi di swel l t ol er at edbutneedt wi cedai l ydos e. 3. Rivastigmine: which is approved for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. si scar bamat eder i v at i v e.Asr i v as t i gmi nei shi ghl yl i pi dsol ubl es oent er sbr ai n Thi eas i l y .Thecar bamoy lr esi duei nt r oducedbyr i v as t i gmi nei nt oAChEmol ec ul e di s s oc i at essl owl yr esul t i ngi ni nhi bi t i onofcer ebr al AChEf orupt o10hour s des pi t et he2hourpl as mat ½ ofdr ug.Ri v as t i gmi nei si ndi c at edi nmi l dt o moder at ecasesofAl z hei mer ' sbutnotadv anc eddi s eas e.Ri v ast i gmi nei s admi ni s t er edt wi cedai l y . Thet hr ees t r at egi est opr ev ent / del a yi t sonsetar el i s t edbel ow: - Engagi ngi ncogni t i v et r ai ni ng - Cont r ol l i nghi ghbl oodpr essur e - Bei ngphy s i c al l yact i v e...

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