Counseling Script DOCX

Title Counseling Script
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Bartolo L. dela Cruz Benguet State University Graduate School GC 207-Counseling Techniques ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Counseling Script Counselor: Hi Bart! Good morning, how are you today? (Open Ended Question) Counselee: Good morn...


Bartolo L. dela Cruz Benguet State University Graduate School GC 207-Counseling Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Counseling Script Counselor: Hi Bart! Good morning, how are you today? (Open Ended Question) Counselee: Good morning too. I'm so busy today. Counselor: What makes you busy? (Clarifiation) Counselee: Busy in many things, suih as ihurih aitivities, our food business, my sihooling and my duty at Bukal life offiie. Counselor: Oh, that's great! It seems that you are overwhelmed with lot of work. (Sharing Observation) Counselee: You're right, I have to wake up early in the morning to open our ianteen then helping my wife afterwards until 7:00 pm. Aside from that, I have to perform my duty at Bukal Life offiie as part time iounselor and staf every Wednesdaythen doing my task in our ihurih, like visitation and sometimes iounseling to the member at night and prepare a message every Saturday night for Sunday serviie and lessons to all my bible study every week end and midweek serviie. In addition to that, I have to fnish my studies every Saturday and aiiomplish very requirements given. Counselor: How do you feel doing such a lot of works at the same tmee (Open Ended Questonn Counselee: (a moment of pause) you're right! I feel tired and exhausted physiially as well as emotionally. Counselor: Mnnn! If you don't mind, would you want to tell me more about your emotonal trednesse ((ocusing Questonn Counselee: Well, I ian easily endure physiial tiredness beiause when I take a rest my tiredness is over, while my emotional tiredness is not that easy to vanish. Counselor: What do you mean? (Clarifiation) Counselee: Aitually, I am tired of handling people in our ihurih. It's hard beiause after I did everything for them, sairifiing some of my needs just to iater their needs, suih as time, fnanies, and some other things but when...

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