BIO325 S2019 10am GK-Syllabus PDF

Title BIO325 S2019 10am GK-Syllabus
Author Josefh Carrizales
Course Genetics
Institution University of Texas at Austin
Pages 6
File Size 409.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Download BIO325 S2019 10am GK-Syllabus PDF


Dr. Goheun Kim

BIO 325

Spring 2019

GENETICS Mon Wed Fri 10-11 AM | MEZ 1.306 Weekly Discussion Sections • 47915: W 12-1 | JES A305A • 47920: M 1-2 | GAR 0.132

• 47925: W 1-2 | JES A303A • 47930: M 2-3 | PAR 303 • 47935: W 2-3 | JES A203A • 47940: M 3-4 | JES A207A

What are the required materials? 1. Textbook: Genetics: from Genes to Genomes – the 6th edition by Hartwell, et al. (McGraw-Hill) is required; the 5th edition is NOT acceptable.

2. UT Instapoll: A classroom response tool, which runs through Canvas and is free to UT students for answering questions during class. Access content using laptops, smart phones, or tablets connected to the university Wi-Fi or your cellular network

What is Genetics about? This spring, you will learn about what genes are, how they work, how the genetic material (DNA) makes you different from everyone else, what sorts of experiments scientists do to figure these things out, and how knowledge of genetics is leading to the understanding and treatment of human diseases. Many topics debated in society today have their basis in genetics: genetically modified organisms, genetic testing, gene therapy, genome sequencing and editing, and more. A background in genetics will support your career in biology and is also applicable to your day-to-day life. Are you ready? Let’s get started!


BIO 325

How can I access the course materials and join a study group? Textbook OPTIONS: • New or used, either hardback or loose leaf version (Connect access is NOT required but useful for checking the solutions manual) - OR • Purchase the e-book with Connect through a Canvas link for Inclusive Access (IA) that gives discounted price. The IA pricing for the Connect access is $76.65 for 180 days. With this option, you can also buy a loose leaf version of the book for $25 within Connect. • You need the textbook (6th ed.) for doing HW assignments. Connect will give you access to the solutions manual. Life Science library has a few hardcover copies on reserve.

Peer-Led Undergraduate Studying (PLUS) program: • PLUS study groups provide weekly opportunities to collaboratively practice skills and apply knowledge you need for success in this course. Attending study groups regularly is a great way to ensure that you are keeping up with the material so you don’t fall behind. More information on times and locations will be available through Canvas announcements made by Moosa Malik, our peer coordinator.

Spring 2019

How will I know what is expected of me in this class?  Look over the LEARNING OBJECTIVES listed in each homework assignment.  Practice the assigned HOMEWORK problems from the end of each chapter in Hartwell. You will submit your own answers to a selected set of questions onto Canvas each week.  Attend class and participate through Instapoll and by ASKing questions.  Attend discussion sessions to take your Canvas QUIZ each week – examples of exam questions!  REVIEW lecture content regularly to increase retention.

What happens in Lectures?  We will focus on some of the learning objectives during class. Discussion with peers is encouraged during the classroom response (Instapoll) sessions.  You will have the opportunity to ask your TAs and Dr. Kim questions about the material.

What happens in Discussion Sections?  Attending ALL discussion sessions is really important and can help your grade!  Bring your laptop or tablet/iPad each week. Cell phones are NOT allowed.  Show up on time! You will submit your Canvas quiz during this time.

May I attend ANY discussion section? Not really. You must attend the discussion section you registered for; however, with your TA’s prior approval, you may go to another discussion section for that week. Exception: If you want to permanently change your discussion section, you may do so provided we have the space. Contact Dr. Kim for details.


BIO 325

What are the exams like?

How is my performance in this class assessed? Your final course grade will be determined as follows: 40% - Average of two highest (out of 3) midterm grades

Spring 2019

There will be three midterm and one comprehensive final exams. Exams will consist of multiple choice questions and short answer problems. The midterms are held on Tuesday evenings. (See the course schedule on p.6.) Contact Dr. Kim during the FIRST WEEK of classes if you have a conflict or need accommodation in order to schedule it at an alternative, earlier time (NOT later).  Bring pencils, pens, a basic calculator, and your UT ID to all exams.

6% - Lowest midterm grade

What is the exam regrade policy?

24% - Final exam grade

You are responsible for ensuring that the points on Canvas reflect those on your exam paper, and that the points on your exam have been tallied correctly. If you find a mistake, please see Dr. Kim within ONE WEEK. If you choose to dispute a grade, you must explain why your answer deserves more points on a separate sheet attached to your exam and submit them to your instructor within ONE WEEK of the return of the exam. Exams completed in pencil will not be regraded.

10% - Quizzes 10% - Homework assignments 10% - Class participation 2% - Extra credit assignment

*What is the grading scale? 93.00 - 100 A 90.00 - < 93 A87.00 - < 90 B+ 83.00 - < 87 B

What is the extra credit assignment? You will be part of a group of three students. Your group will pick a peer-reviewed, scientific journal article on a genetics topic, read, understand, and discuss it in order to answer the assigned questions about the article. More details will be given on Canvas.

80.00 - < 83 B77.00 - < 80 C+ 73.00 - < 77 C 70.00 - < 73 C67.00 - < 70 D+ 63.00 - < 67 D 60.00 - < 63 D< 60 F *Your grade will be assigned exactly as shown. There will be NO rounding up for any reason, no matter how close you are to obtaining the next grade level.

What is the make-up policy?  Midterms: Make-up exams are allowed only for UTsanctioned reasons with prior notice and proper documentation. In cases of emergency, please contact Dr. Kim as soon as possible.  Homework assignments: You are allowed to miss ONE homework assignment without penalty. Late assignments are NOT accepted. There are NO make-up opportunities.  Canvas quizzes: You are allowed to miss TWO quizzes without penalty. You will be given a make-up opportunity if you have a valid reason for missing all available discussion sessions during the week. Make-up quizzes must be taken by the last discussion time of the week.  Class participation: There are NO make-up opportunities for Instapoll, but there will be small extra credit applied to everyone at the end of the semester.


BIO 325

Spring 2019

Where can I find…?

How can I contact my instructor or TA?

CANVAS will be used to post:

Instructor: Dr. Goheun Kim Office: NMS 2.104 (different from office hour locations) Email: [email protected] *Office hours: WED 1:30-3 PM in ECJ 1.214 THU 2-3:30 PM in BUR 212 FRI 1:30-3 PM in ECJ 1.214 and by appointment

• Lecture slides • Learning resources • Homework & Extra Credit assignments • PLUS meeting times & locations • Quizzes • Instapoll questions & answers • Announcements • Gradebook

Research on sleep, memory, and practice shows…  Sleep is well-known to help consolidate memories. Research suggests that if you study new material and then sleep, you remember the information better than if you study new material and stay awake for an equivalent amount of time.  Research on memory has demonstrated that distributing your practice helps you learn. That is, the more you space your study time, the better you are likely to remember information later, compared to cramming all of your study time into one session.  So sleep in between multiple study sessions to maximize your learning outcomes!

Teaching Assistant: Sanghwa Lee Email: [email protected] Office hour: TBD Teaching Assistant: Sayuri Monarrez Yesaki Email: [email protected] Office hour: TBD Teaching Assistant: Prachi Khanna Email: [email protected] Office hour: TBD Teaching Assistant: Devika Raju Email: [email protected] Office hour: TBD Teaching Assistant: Sandhya Srinivasa Email: [email protected] Office hour: TBD

*Dr. Kim holds group office hours. Please come even if you aren’t sure what to ask or how to ask it. If you have a question about grade or a personal concern, please email me to make an individual appointment.

Use Canvas for courserelated email communication, please!


BIO 325

Tips for doing well in this class:  Do the assigned homework problems and quizzes each week to apply what you learned in class. The more problems you do, the better your chance of success.  Understand the problems thoroughly by checking the solutions manual (for HW) in Connect and the correct answers (for Quiz) on Canvas. COME TO OFFICE HOURS ASAP if it does not make sense or if you want to see how I do it. Repeat problem solving before exams and ask questions whenever you can. Test yourself frequently when you study.  The textbook should be used as a reference. While reading the textbook can be helpful, your time is better spent by focusing on the lecture material and notes. Save your time by STAYING AWAKE AND ACTIVE in class!  Expect to spend at least 6 hours per week outside of class for review and study. The time it takes to master a given material will vary between individuals and for different topics. My best advice for you: TRY NOT TO FALL BEHIND!

Spring 2019

University Policy Academic Accommodations (SSD): The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259; TTY 471-4641; Administrative Deadlines: It is your responsibility to keep track of the deadlines for dropping the course, changing to Pass/Fail, etc. Religious Days: A student who is absent from a class or examination for the observance of a religious holy day will be permitted to make up certain types of missed work if notice is given at least fourteen days prior to such an absence. Academic Integrity: Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the very real possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from the University. You are responsible for reading and understanding the information posted by the University concerning academic integrity at:

Evidence of Plagiarism – minimum penalties:  100% grade reduction (“zero”) on homework and extra credit assignments and a warning  50% grade reduction for the first offense and 100% grade reduction (“zero”) for the second offense on quizzes and exams  Possibility of creating a disciplinary record and referral to the Dean of Students Office

 Enjoy learning by embracing challenges! Your road may not be so smooth and pleasant at times, but you will appreciate the view from the top.


Schedule of topics & important dates (subject to change) Day & Lect Chapter Quiz Homework Topic Date ure W 1/23 Introduction & Concept (1) 2 F 1/25 1 Inventory 4.1, 4.3-4.4 M 1/28 Mendel’s Laws & Meiosis W 1/30 F 2/1 2 Extensions to Mendel’s Laws 3 #1 due 1/28-30 in DS #1 due 2/1 M 2/4 W 2/6 Breaking the Law: Sex4.2, F 2/8 3 #2 due 2/4-6 in DS #2 due 2/8 4.6-4.7 linkage M 2/11 W 2/13 #3 due 2/11-13 in DS F 2/15 4 Linkage and Mapping 5.1-5.5 #3 due 2/15 Form groups in DS M 2/18 W 2/20 #4 due 2/18-20 in DS DNA Structure, Replication, & 5 6 F 2/22 No Discussion #4 due 2/22 Recombination M 2/25 Sections: 2/25-27 T 2/26 Exam 1: 7-8:30 PM in BUR 106 5 W 2/27 Lecture 5 - continued 6 F 3/1 M 3/4 Mutations & Gene Function 7 6 #5 due 3/4-6 in DS W 3/6 F 3/8 M 3/11 7 Gene Expression 8 #6 due 3/11-13 in DS #5 due 3/8 W 3/13 8 #6 due 3/15 F 3/15 Cloning & Sequencing DNA 9 M 3/18No Class or Discussion Sections – Have a great spring break! F 3/22 M 3/25 Lecture 8 - continued 9 8 #7 due 3/25-27 in DS #7 due 3/29 W 3/27 F 3/29 Finding Genes in the Genome No Discussion 9 10 M 4/1 & Bioinformatics Sections: 4/1-3 T 4/2 Exam 2: 7-8:30 PM in BUR 106 W 4/3 F 4/5 M 4/8 W 4/10 F 4/12 M 4/15 W 4/17 F 4/19 M 4/22 W 4/24 F 4/26 M 4/29 T 4/30 W 5/1 F 5/3 M 5/6 W 5/8 F 5/10 TBD


Lecture 9 - continued Analyzing Variation: Polymorphisms, Genotyping for Diagnosis & Forensics



Chromosomal Rearrangements & Changes in Chromosome Number

12.2 (FISH), 13

#9 due 4/15-17 in DS


Eukaryotic Chromosome Structure & Gene Regulation

12.1-12.3 17

#10 due 4/22-24 in DS #9 due 4/19



13 14

#8 due 4/8-10 in DS

No Discussion Transgenic Organisms & 15 Sections: 4/29-5/1 Organelle Inheritance 18 Exam 3: 7-8:30 PM in BUR 106 15 Lecture 13 - continued 18 #11 due 5/6-5/8 in DS 20 Genetics of Cancer #12 due 5/10 Comprehensive Final Exam: TBD

#8 due 4/12 Extra Credit Assignment due 4/15

#10 due 4/26

#11 due 5/10...

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