Biodiversity Learn Smart Modules 8-13 PDF

Title Biodiversity Learn Smart Modules 8-13
Course Biodiversity
Institution Western Sydney University
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The adaption of plants to a terrestrial environment required more, = Water loss management. What distinguishes land plants from the clade green algae known as Charophytes? = the diploid embryos, multicellular sporophytes, multicellular Gametophytes. A major adaption to a terrestrial lifestyle in land plant is = a cuticle on exposed surfaces. A typical plant has a Haplodiplontic life cycle, which includes multicellular haploid and diploid stages. In a plant life cycle meiosis is occurring at the position labelled A, and fertilization is occurring at B. What features confined the green algal ancestors of plants to water= the higher levels of UV on land, less water availability in a terrestrial environment. What are the characteristics of land plants= the Multicellular haploid and diploid generations, diploid embryos, and the ability to photosynthesize. The adaptions for land plants that distinguish them from algal relatives= is the presence of a stomata for gas exchange, the presence of a waxy cuticle on air-exposed surfaces, the presence of specialised water transporting tissues. Organisms that exhibit a haplodiplontic life cycle have = multicellular haploid and diploid stages. In humans, gametes such as sperm and eggs are formed by the cellular process of MEOSIS whereas land plants produce gametes by the process of MITOSIS. In mosses and ferns, the haploid (gametophyte) generation occupies = a larger portion of the life cycle than it does in seed plants. The closest living descendants of the first land plants are the BRYOPHYTES. The bryophytes are also known as NONTRACHEOPHYTE plants because they lack tracheids. Features common to the bryophytes are= the gametophyte is more conspicuous than the sporophyte, the gametophyte is photosynthetic. What is true for gamete production in humans and land plants= Gametes are formed by meiosis in humans, gametes are formed by mitosis in plants. In mosses and ferns, the gametophyte generation is photosynthetic and free-living. Liverworts reproduce through SEXUAL and ASEXUAL reproduction. Vascular plants include lycophytes, seed plants and, pteridophytes but do not include BRYOPHYTES. Features of liverworts include= gametophytes having rhizoids and they may be leaf or lobed. Mosses differ from other bryophytes because their gametophytes = produce structures that look like leaves and stems. The ways which moss leaflike structures differ from true leaves is due to them= lacking a stomata, most of their surface is one cell layer thick and they lack veins. In mosses male gametangia are called ANTHERIDIA, while female gametangia are called ARCHEGONIA. In moss lifecycles the sporangium undergoes meiosis to produce spores. One reason that bryophytes require water for fertilization is because their sperm are flagellated. Features of mosses include= rhizoids do not absorb as well as vascular plant root, they use rhizoids to anchor to themselves.




A difference that distinguishes the leaf like structures of moss gametophytes from the true leaves is the lack of vascular tissue. - Antheridia and archegonia produce Sperm and eggs, respectively. In bryophytes the sperm are flagellated and have to swim to the archegonia; thus, the presence of WATER is necessary for fertilization. All structures produced by mosses are the= rhizoids and sporangia. Hornwort gametophytes typically provided with nitrogen by their symbiotic, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. A plant is said to be HOMOSPOROUS if all its spores are similar in appearance. Two types of vascular tissues are = the phloem and the xylem Features about hornworts = their gametophytes are photosynthetic, their sporophytes have stomata, and all their bryophytes and sporophytes are like those of vascular plants. Plants that produce one spore type are called HOMOSPOROUS. The vascular tissue carries = hormones, water, minerals, and sucrose. The earliest vascular plants contained = stems but no roots Functions of the root include = the transport of water and plant support. The types of leaves found in vascular plants are lycophylls and euphylls. During plant evolution of vascular tissues, the stems developed first. Adaptive features of the seeds are = they protect the embryo, and they nourish the embryo. The Structure that both supports the plant and transports the water and nutrients are the roots. Of the two types of leaves, those with a single vein supporting small leaves are called LYCOPHYLLS, while the ones with branched veins that likely arose when branching stems became webbed with leaf tissues are EUPHYLLS. Even though LYCOPHYTES diverged from all other vascular plants early in their evolutionary history, they are similar on having leaves and a treelike growth form. Lycophytes = despite resembling true mosses, lycophytes have vascular tissue, in lycophytes, the sporophyte generation is dominant. Seeds are very resistant structures, that can PROTECT and nourish the young EMBRYO. Leaves evolved more than once LYCOPHYLLS are small leaves found in lycophytes and EUPHYLLS are the true leaves of ferns and seed plants. Similarities that evolved independently in at least some species of both lycophytes and other vascular plants = a treelike growth form and the presence of leaves. Unlike bryophytes, lycophytes= produce vascular tissue. Whisk ferns and horsetails that they both have sperms with FLAGELLA and for that reason those plants require free water for FERTILIZATION. The sporophyte of WHISK FERNS consists of evenly forking photosynthetic stems that lack roots and leaves. The leaves found in vascular plants are lycophylls and Euphylls. Features of horsetails = their stems are hollow, they have jointed stems, they are homosporous. Features common to whisk ferns, horsetails and ferns is that= they require free water for fertilization, and they form antheridia and archegonia. Whist fern sporophytes = lack true leaves and they are photosynthetic. \ Components of fern sporophytes are = Rhizomes , fiddleheads, and fronds, multicellular, vascular. Clusters of sporangia on ferns are called sorus. Horsetails are seedless vascular plants with hollow jointed stems. The leaves of ferns are called FRONDS.


Mature fern sporangium disperses its pores through a catapulting mechanism.




In seed plants, the union of a female gamete with a male gamete produces a zygote. Seeds represent a major advance in the evolution of plants because they= provide the embryo with protection and food. Pollen grains are tiny male GAMETOPHYTES that carry sperm. Although both gymnosperms and angiosperms produce seeds, gymnosperms do not produce FLOWERS or FRUITS. Firs, cedars, cypresses, spruces, and pines are all members of what phylum? = Coniferophyta. Within the ovule of seed plants, meiosis occurs in the MEGASPORANGIUM. Which of the following are advantages provided by seeds? = Introducing a dormant phase into the life cycle Providing a food source for the growing embryo, facilitating dispersal, Protecting the embryo. The male gametophyte in seed plants is called a = pollen grain A feature that distinguishes gymnosperms from angiosperms. = they do not enclose seeds in fruits. What are examples of confiners? = Hemlock, Firs, pines Largest gymnosperm = Coniferophyta Pines are native and common in vast forests that span = from the arctic tundra to the temperate deciduous forests.

The purpose of resin in pines is to = protect against insects and fungi Coniferophyta is the largest gymnosperm phylum. All the greater than 100 species of pines that exist today are native to = the northern hemisphere. Each microspore mother cell in pine produces = four microspores all of which develop into pollen grains. Unlike other conifers, pine trees produce = leaves in clusters. In pines, pollen is typically moved from male to female cones by = wind Cycads look like palm trees but differ from them because they= do not produce flowers. Gnetophytes are the only gymnosperms with efficient conducting cells, called = VESSELS in their xylem. Microspores are produced when microspore mother cells undergo= MEIOSIS Pollination in pines occurs when pollen enters openings between the SCALES of the female cone. Unlike other gymnosperm phyla, the Gnetophytes produce VESSELS in their xylem. How many species of ginkgophytes are alive today? = 1 Unlike the gymnosperms, the angiosperms produce = seeds within a fruit. According to one hypothesis, the breakup of Pangaea and subsequent climate change led to = a rapid diversification and expansion of the angiosperms.

Features of Ginkgophytes= have flagellated sperm, produce seeds, are dioecious. The incidence of horizontal gene transfer plants is likely enhanced by associations with = other land plants. - Angiosperms differ from gymnosperms because, at pollination, their OVULES, are enclosed within diploid tissues, the carpel. The carpel eventually develops into a FRUIT a unique angiosperm feature. - Flowers are essentially modified STEMS bearing modified LEAVES. - One possible explanation for the rapid diversification of angiosperms suggests that the breakup of PANGAEA led to climate change, subsequently leading to opportunities for angiosperms to expand into newly formed ecosystems. - In the ancient angiosperm Amborella trichopoda, mitochondrial genes have been incorporated from other plant species through the process of = horizontal gene transfer. - Angiosperms originate as primordia. - Flower parts are arranged in circles called WHORLS - The outermost whorl of a flower contains green leaflike structures called SEPALS , while the next whorl to the inside is composed of PETALS, which are often colourful. - A flower primordium develops at the end of a stalk called a = pedicel - Flowers from outside to inside 1. Sepals 2. Petals 3. Stamens 4. Carpels. - Unlike petals, sepals are typically = green. - Each stamen of a flower is composed of= anther and filament The whorl of a flower that contains male parts is called ANDEOECIUM It consists of stamens, each of which is composed of a pollen-bearing sac called an ANTHER on a stalk called a FILAMENT. Meiosis in the female reproductive structures of angiosperms produces = four megaspores. In angiosperms, pollination can occur through the action of = self-pollination, animals, wind, gravity, water. If the stigma of an angiosperm flower is receptive to pollination, a POLLEN TUBE emerges from the pollen grain and grows toward the micropyle. The outer layers of the ovule are called INTEGUMENTS they develop into the seed coat. In angiosperms, the ovary wall is called the Pericarp and is composed of three layers. -




A red fleshy fruit containing seeds with a hard seed coat matches Choice, The digestive tract of vertebrate animals The digestive tract of vertebrate animals


A dry fruit with hooked spines matches Choice, Attachment to fur or clothing Attachment to fur or clothing


A samara or other dry fruit with wings or cottony extensions matches Choice, Wind

Wind -

A fruit with air-filled chambers surrounded by impermeable membranes matches Choice, Water Water




the forms of nitrogen that plants can uptake and use to build amino acids. = nitrate and ammonia. In a plant-prokaryote relationship, such as that between a soybean plant and bacteria of the genus Rhizobium, what do plants provide for the bacteria, and what do bacteria supply the plants with? =plant; organic nutrients. Bacteria; fixed oxygen Carnivorous plants are typically found in areas with which of the following conditions? = acidic soil deficient in nitrogen. the symbiotic relationship between plants and nitrogen fixing bacteria? = Plants provide organic nutrients to bacteria, while bacteria provide fixed nitrogen. Which describes the parasitic plants dodder and Indian pipe? = non-photosynthetic. What is the first line of plant defence against predators? = dermal tissue Symbiotic associations between the roots of a plant and fungi are known as MYCORRIHIZAE Carnivorous plants capture and digest small animals, and in the process obtain which of the following? =nitrogen necessary for their growth.


Which describes parasitic plants? = They may be photosynthetic or nonphotosynthetic.


Biotic factors that may be harmful to plants include = bacteria and fungi


Some parasitic nematodes attach to a single plant cell. What happens to the cell in such cases? =It becomes enlarged and it supplies the nematode with carbohydrates. benefits that plants derive from mutualistic associations with plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). = PGPR synthesize and release growth promoting molecules, such as gibberellins, PGPR can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Cyanogenic glycosides are plant compounds that break down into hydrogen CYANIDE Biotic factors that may be harmful to plants include bacteria and fungi Select all plant compounds that have medicinal value for humans. = morphine, Taxol and Quinine. that Acacia trees provide to the stinging ants that protect them. = carbohydrates and lipids. What must a flower possess to be considered a complete flower? Calyx, corolla, androecium, and gynoecium. What benefit do Acacia trees receive from stinging ants? = protection from herbivores.






A flower that possesses three whorls, corolla, androecium, and gynoecium, is said to be= incomplete. the reproductive organs of angiosperms are different than those of animals. = In plants, the reproductive structures are not permanent. In plants, the male and female parts are often on the same plant. flower colours are favoured by bee pollinators. Blue and yellow Wind-pollinated plants often produce separate male and female flowers in order to = promote outcrossing. Plants, e.g., willow trees, produce only ovules or only pollen are termed = DIOECIOUS Plants, e.g., oaks and corn are termed MONOECIOUS because separate male and female flowers are found on the same plant. In stable environments, it may be advantageous for a plant to self-pollinate= features of wind pollinated plants. Reduced or absent corollas, = Small flowers, = Greenish flowers The main decomposers in the ecosystem are fungi and bacteria If symbiosis is essential it becomes an OBLIGATE symbiosis.


Most lichen is composed of cyanobacteria and/or green algae and fungi from the Phylum ASCOMYCOTA


Fungi that live within the leaf and stem tissues of plants without causing disease, are known as fungal ENDOPHYTES


Where do the hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi grow? = Between the cell wall and plasma membrane of the plant root cell. If a symbiotic fungus can survive without its host, this relationship is described as a(n) FACULTATIVE symbiosis.


photosynthetic organisms that could be part of a lichen.= green algae cyanobacteria


What are fungal endophytes? = Fungi that live within tissues of other organisms


A mycorrhizal association in which the fungus grows in the space between the cell wall and the plasma membrane of a plant root is called a(n) ARBUSCULAR mycorrhizae.

quinine matches Choice, antimalarial drug antimalarial drug -

morphine matches Choice, pain killer

pain killer -

Taxol matches Choice, anticancer drug anticancer drug


phytoestrogen matches Choice, reduces menopause symptoms reduces menopause symptoms




Which of the following best explains why animals are considered monophyletic? = They have a common ancestor. Common characteristics of animals include: = multicellularity, heterotrophic, sexual reproduction, missing cell walls. The five key innovations in animal evolution include tissues, a body CAVITY various patterns of embryonic development, segmentation, and SYMMETRY. The only animals that lack any form of body symmetry are SPONGES. In all animals except SPONGES cells, differentiate into specialized TISSUES which are groups of cells that take on particular functions in the animal's body. All animals descend from a common ancestor and are therefore MONOPHYLETIC. Which of the following accurately describes the pseudocoelom? = It is a body cavity that develops embryologically between the mesoderm and endoderm. Which of the following are common animal characteristics? = Multicellular, Sexual reproduction, Locomotion, Heterotrophic. Animals that undergo embryonic development where the embryonic blastopore develops to become the animal's mouth are = PROTOSTOMES. Select the key innovations in animal evolution. = Segmentation, Symmetry, body cavity, various patterns of embryonic development, tissues. All animals exhibit some form of body symmetry except = Sponges Choose the statement that most accurately describes the presence of tissues in animals. = Specialized tissues are found in all animals except sponges. A body cavity called the PESUDECOELOM develops in an animal embryo between the mesoderm and endoderm. Protostomes are animals in which the embryonic blastopore becomes the MOUTH. Which of the following accurately describes animals with a segmented body plan? = The animal's body is divided into nearly identical units. Which of the following is most true regarding molecular and traditional analysis of phylogenies?






Animals that lack a coelom do not form a monophyletic clade; therefore,= animal classification cannot be based on whether or not an animal has a coelom. Which of the following refers to a type of body plan where an animal's body is divided into nearly identical units. = segmented body plan. Protostomes can be divided into two clades. = Ecdysozoa and lophotrochozoan Which of the following phyla belong to the Deuterostomes? = echinoderms, chordates. Why can't we base animal classification on whether or not an animal has a coelom? = Because the acoelomate and pseudocoelomate conditions have evolved multiple times. Non-coelomate invertebrates, such as sponges and jellyfish, and non-coelomate worms, are evolutionarily important because = They possessed the basic animal body plan from which the body plan of all other animals evolved. Most sponges do not have a definite = SYMMETRY and do not possess tissue. Based on ample evidence, the echinoderms and chordates form a monophyletic clade called the DEUTERSTOMES. Despite their simplicity, the appearance of non-coelomate invertebrates was very important these organisms possessed the basic animal body STRUCTURE= from which that of all other animals evolved. Which of the following statements about sponges is true? = They are multicellular but do not have true tissues. What are the flagellated cells that line the internal cavity of a sponge and help water flow through the ostia called? = Choanocytes Which of the following describes asexual reproduction in sponges? = A sponge can break into fragments and each fragment can become an individual. Which of the following statement best describes sponges?= Sponges have several types of cells that perform different functions. What clade includes all animals that have true tissues and body symmetry? = Eumetazoa The flagellated cells that line the internal cavity of a sponge and help water flow through the ostia are known as CHOANOCYTES Comb jellies make up the phylum = CTENOPHORA contrast to Parazoa, the EUMETAZOA includes all animals that have true tissues and body symmetry. characteristics of cnidarians? = They are made of distinct tissues. They are diploblastic. They have radial symmetry. Most cnidarians exist as two different body forms: the POLYP and the MEDUSA. What organisms are included in the phylum Ctenophora? = jellyfish What clade i...

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