BIOL1020 Course Profile PDF

Title BIOL1020 Course Profile
Author Nikki Truong-Nguyen
Course Genes, Cells & Evolution
Institution University of Queensland
Pages 18
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File Type PDF
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Course Proles

Printed: 21 February 2020, 10:53 pm This printed course prole is valid at the date and time specied above. The course prole may be subject to change during the semester - the online version is the authoritative version.

BIOL1020 - Genes, Cells & Evolution Semester: Sem 1 2020 | Location: St Lucia | Mode: Internal Printed: 21 February 2020, 09:53 pm This printed course prole is valid at the date and time specied above. The course prole may be subject to change during the semester - the online version is the authoritative version.

1. General Course Information UQ Students: Please access the prole from Learn.UQ ( or mySI-net ( to access all course contributor details held in this prole.

1.1 Course Details Course Code: BIOL1020 Course Title: Genes, Cells & Evolution Coordinating Unit: School of Biological Sciences Semester: Semester 1, 2020 Mode: Internal Level: Undergraduate Location: St Lucia Number of Units: 2 Contact Hours Per Week: 1L,1T, 3P, Restrictions: Any student who has completed AGRC1020, AGRC1021, ANIM1060, or AGRC1041 will need permission from the Faculty of Science to enrol into BIOL1020. Please contact the Faculty of Science. Incompatible: CHEE1001 Course Description: Students taking this course will learn about the fundamentals of molecular cell biology and genetics by examining what cells are made of and how the genetic information to build cells and perform cellular processes is encoded, executed, and inherited. The course explores the connections between physical processes at the molecular level and the whole organism phenotype, and identies how cellular, genetic, and evolutionary processes affect everyday life.

1.2 Course Introduction Cells and the genetic material within them form the building blocks of life. This course will start by focussing on cells: examining the major domains of life (recognisable by their distinct cell types), introducing biologically important molecules and their roles in dening cell structure and function, considering metabolic energy ows, and nally inspecting the mechanics of cellular division and reproduction. Then we will examine how genetic information is encoded, copied and used to create proteins by various organisms (prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and viruses). Building upon this understanding of the mechanics of DNA replicationand transcription, we will explore how these molecular and cellular processes yield whole organism phenotypes. And, conversely, using phenotypes as a starting point for observations, we will examine how the underlying molecular structures and cellular processes can be inferred. Then, we will consider how the relationships between molecular & cellular structures and organismal phenotypes inuences evolutionary change, and we will discuss how evolution impacts our everyday lives. The course will close by introducing students to new insights being revealed by genomics and by illustrating the many ways that modern molecular biology and biotechnology use “tools” taken from biological organisms. Examples in Lectures+Tutorials, Online Learning, and Practicals, and assigned readings will draw on a wide range of experimental systems and will be related to contemporary issues in human health, agriculture and food security, and biodiversity whenever possible. Practical exercises will support hands-on learning and allow students to gain authentic laboratory experience. Small group and peerto-peer learning are an important part of the university experience and will be especially promoted during practicals and tutorials. Becoming a life-long learner requires developing skills in self-directed learning; the development of these skills will be supported by guided online activities and assigned readings.

 SIGNING UP FOR LECTURES, PRACTICALS and ONLINE LEARNING!!!! Enrolin one of the lecture andtutorial streams. You attend a one-hour lecture and one-hourtutoriala week. Enrolin one of the practical sessions. You will attend one practical session per week that lasts three hours. (Some weeks will not have practicals due to public holidays. Practicals start in teaching week 2). You will be given information on how to access and enrol in Online Learning for BIOL1020. There will be one weekly Online Learning for every week of class (roughly requiring 2 hours to complete). You can complete your online learning at your own pace up to each weekly due date for each online learning. Attendance in practicals and tutorialsis mandatory.

Please ensure that you include your UQ student number and the course code in all correspondence via your ocial UQ email account. If your email comes from a non-UQ email account (gmail, etc) it will be ignored. Course Changes in Response to Previous Student Feedback

1.3 Course Staff Course Coordinator: Dr Milos Tanurdzic Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) Lecturer: Associate Professor Nigel Beebe Lecturer: Associate Professor Paul Ebert Lecturer: Dr Stuart Kellie Lecturer: Professor Cynthia Riginos Lecturer: Dr Milos Tanurdzic Lecturer: Dr Jack Wang Laboratory Coordinator: Ms Lois Eden UQ Students: Please access the prole from Learn.UQ ( or mySI-net ( to access all course contributor details held in this prole.

1.4 Timetable Timetables are available on the UQ Public Timetable. ( Additional Timetable Information Please note: Every effort is made to place students in their preferred class. However, it is not always possible for a student to be in the most preferred practical or tutorial class. If you have a reason for special consideration (e.g. elite athletes, students with student access plan, or other objective and unplanned issues) please email Lois Eden at [email protected] with: Your full legal name Your student ID number Details of the class time you'd prefer and the reason why

2. Aims, Objectives & Graduate Attributes 2.1 Course Aims This course aims to introduce students to central concepts in cell biology, genetics, and evolution. Developing skills in scientic reasoning and communication are emphasized. Lectures, research orientated laboratory practicals, PASS tutorials, readings, and self-directed study activities are organized around 3 thematic modules: 1. Molecular and cellular biology 2. Genes to traits 3. Inheritance and evolution

2.2 Learning Objectives After successfully completing this course you should be able to: 1. Generic skills


Identify and describe how cellular, genetic, and evolutionary processes impact everyday human life, including (but not limited to) effects on human health, i l df d i d bi di i

agriculture and food security, and biodiversity. 1.2 1.3

Demonstrate prociency in scientic communication by summarising and explaining (both orally and in writing) results or concepts taken from source materials (written, visual, or aural) prepared for scientists. Be able to formulate testable hypotheses and evaluate those hypotheses against empirical results.

2. Molecular & cellular biology


Compare and contrast the diversity in molecular components and cellular structures across the three domains of life and describe examples of fundamental similarities arising from the common origin of life.


Explain how cells are able to coordinate the basic molecular building blocks of life in order to divide, replicate, and survive.

3. Genes to traits

3.1 3.2

Demonstrate understanding of the physical nature of the gene and molecular processes underlying the Central Dogma of molecular biology. Compare and contrast the gene regulatory mechanisms between bacteria and eukaryotes.

4. Inheritance and evolution


Describe how the physical packing of DNA (into linear or circular chromosomes or plasmids) and the associated mechanisms of DNA copying create observable patterns of phenotypic trait inheritance.


Explain and compare processes contributing to genetic variability, including but not limited to: mutation, recombination, transformation, gene ow, horizontal gene transfer, gene and genome duplication, genetic drift, and natural selection.

2.3 Graduate Attributes Successfully completing this course will contribute to the recognition of your attainment of the following UQ (Undergrad Pass) graduate attributes:



A . IN-DEPTH KNOWLEDGE OF THE FIELD OF STUDY A1 . A comprehensive and well-founded knowledge in the eld of study.

1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2

A4 . An understanding of how other disciplines relate to the eld of study.

1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2

A5 . An international perspective on the eld of study.

1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2

B . EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION B1 . The ability to collect, analyse and organise information and ideas and to convey those ideas clearly and uently, in both written and spoken forms.


B2 . The ability to interact effectively with others in order to work towards a common outcome.


B3 . The ability to select and use the appropriate level, style and means of communication.


B4 . The ability to engage effectively and appropriately with information and communication technologies.


C . INDEPENDENCE AND CREATIVITY C1 . The ability to work and learn independently.


C3 . The ability to generate ideas and adapt innovatively to changing environments.


C4 . The ability to identify problems, create solutions, innovate and improve current practices.


D . CRITICAL JUDGEMENT D1 . The ability to dene and analyse problems.

1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2

GRADUATE ATTRIBUTE D2 . The ability to apply critical reasoning to issues through independent thought and informed judgement. D3 . The ability to evaluate opinions, make decisions and to reect critically on the justications for decisions.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2 1.3, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2

E . ETHICAL AND SOCIAL UNDERSTANDING E1 . An understanding of social and civic responsibility.


E2 . An appreciation of the philosophical and social contexts of a discipline.


E4 . A knowledge and respect of ethics and ethical standards in relation to a major area of study.


E5 . A knowledge of other cultures and times and an appreciation of cultural diversity.


3. Learning Resources 3.1 Required Resources Textbook is highly recommended. The course textbook is Campbell Biology (published by Pearson, authors:Reece et al., 11th edition (Australia & NZ edition, published in 2017). In addition to the hardcover version, there is also an eBook also available from the publisher's website ( In addition, several hardcover copies will be available at UQ Library for on-site use. ( Practical Manual- The practical manual will be available electronically through the course's blackboard website.There is NO purchase cost associated with the manual. Online Learning (EdX) activities- Are an integral part of thelecture content andwill be available electronically through the course's blackboard website. Compulsory study questions to reinforce learning will accompany these EdX online study materials and will be assessed weekly . Students should plan on spending around an hour a week studying theEdX Learning materials.

Zimmer, C. (2018). She has her mother's laugh : The powers, perversions, and potential of heredity. New York, New York: Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. Pages: 259-267

The PDF of the required pages will also be posted on Blackboard

3.2 Recommended Resources The Blackboard site for BIOL1020 should be your daily point of reference and resources forsuccessfullearning inBIOL1020.

3.3 University Learning Resources Access to required and recommended resources, plus past central exam papers, is available at the UQ Library website ( ( The University offers a range of resources and services to support student learning. Details are available on the myUQwebsite ( (

3.5 Other Learning Resources & Information Students are encouraged to read the UQ Academic Integrity and Plagiarism policy ( ( which makes a comprehensive statement about the University's approach to plagiarism, including the approved use of plagiarism detection software, the consequences of plagiarism and the principles associated with preventing plagiarism. Covered shoes are required in order to enter your practical class. Lab coats are required for your practical class. They can be purchased at the Union bookstore on campus.

4. Teaching & Learning Activities 4.1 Learning Activities Date 23 Feb 20 - 24 Feb 20

PLEASE READ FIRST: (Instruction): Do not use the dates in column 1 of the ECP. Use Week numbers to identify activities taking place in your lecture and tutorial, prac, or online learning for a given week!!!

23 Feb 20 - 05 Apr 20

SECTION 1: MOL & CELL BIOLOGY (Lecture Series): (Kellie/Wang)

24 Feb 20 - 01 Mar 20 24 Feb 20 24 Feb 20 9:00 - 01 Mar 20 23:59 01 Mar 20

Learning Objectives


2.1, 2.2

Week 1 (Reading): See Blackboard

L+T 1. Welcome to BIOL1020! Basic cell structures. (Lecture): Tanurdzic, Wang, Kellie

2.1, 2.2

Intro to Course and Molecular Structure of Cells (Online Learning): Carbohydrates

2.1, 2.2

Week 2 (Reading): See Blackboard


Prac: 1 (Compulsory) (Practical): Safety induction and welcome to BIOL1020 pracs 02 Mar 20 - 05 Mar 20

Tutor group assignments Access to practical manual and Online Learning Study tips Sterile technique

03 Mar 20

L+T 2.DNA structure&Replication, Cell organelles (Lecture): Lecturer: Kellie/Wang

2.1, 2.2

05 Mar 20

Molecular Structure of Cells (Online Learning): Lipids, Proteins, DNA, and organelles Lecturer - Kellie/Wang

2.1, 2.2

08 Mar 20 - 15 Mar 20

09 Mar 20 - 12 Mar 20

Week 3 (Reading): See Blackboard

Prac 2: Cell biology (Practical): Learn how to use a microscope, make scientic drawings, view and examine structures in live tissues and cells.Last chance to have your chosen research paper approved by the tutor Article presentation demo.

10 Mar 20

L+T3. Tree of Life.Cellular energy and respiration (Lecture): Lecturer: Kellie/Wang

2.1, 2.2

12 Mar 20

Cellular Function: Energy generation & metabolism (Online Learning): Lecturer - Kellie/Wang

2.1, 2.2

15 Mar 20 - 22 Mar 20

16 Mar 20 - 22 Mar 20

Week 4 (Reading): See Blackboard

Prac3:Mol Bio Techniques (Practical): Practice basic laboratory skills, such as pipetting,preparing solutions and making dilutions.Sterile technique in lab work. Mitosis.

17 Mar 20

L+T 4. Cell division and cancer (Lecture): Lecturer: Kellie/Wang

19 Mar 20

Cellular Function: Cell division (Online Learning): Lecturer: Kellie/Wang

20 Mar 20 - 20 Mar 20

22 Mar 20 - 29 Mar 20 22 Mar 20 23 Mar 20 - 29 Mar 20 25 Mar 20 - 26 Mar 20

2.1, 2.2

Science communication (Summary): Analysis of the chosen primary research paper due during practical time. Instructions in the pracs manual Bring 2 hard copies of your analysis.

Week 5 (Reading): See Blackboard

SECTION 2: GENES TO TRAITS (Lecture Series): Tanurdzic/Ebert

3.1, 3.2

No prac this week (Practical)

L+T 5. What's a gene? Gene structure and organizat (Lecture): Lecturer: Tanurdzic/Ebert

3.1, 3.2

Date 26 Mar 20 - 27 Mar 20 27 Mar 20 - 27 Mar 20

Learning Objectives

Activity Central Dogma of molecular biology (Online Learning): Lecturer - Ebert/Tanurdzic

2.1, 2.2

Science communication (Summary): Final draft Submit via turnitin (blackboard).

29 Mar 20 - 04 Apr 20

Week 6 (Reading): See Blackboard

30 Mar 20 - 02 Apr 20

Prac 4: Molecular Gen (Practical): Molecular Genetics (PCR)& Mitosis

30 Mar 20 - 06 Apr 20

Mini test 1 (Test): During regularly scheduled practical time. Short answer questions. Contents of Weeks 14

31 Mar 20

L+T 6. Gene regulation in prokaryotes & eukaryotes (Lecture): Lecturer: Tanurdzic/Ebert

3.1, 3.2

02 Apr 20

Viruses (Online Learning): Lecturer: Tanurdzic/Ebert

2.1, 2.2

05 Apr 20 - 11 Apr 20

Week 7 (Reading): See Blackboard

06 Apr 20 - 11 Apr 20

Prac 5: Prokaryotic Genetics 1 (Practical): Cloning Part 1

06 Apr 20

L+T 7.Sexual reproduction, meiosis & inheritance (Lecture): Lecturer: Tanurdzic/Ebert

3.1, 3.2

08 Apr 20

Phenotypic variation and heritable traits (Online Learning): Lecturer: Tanurdzic/Ebert

2.1, 2.2

10 Apr 20

GOOD FRIDAY (Public holiday)

13 Apr 20 - 19 Apr 20

Easter break (Mid-semester break)

19 Apr 20 - 23 Apr 20

Week 8 (Reading): See Blackboard

20 Apr 20 - 23 Apr 20

Prac 6: Mendelian genetics: (Practical): Monohybrid crosses and patterns of inheritance of simple traits using maize genetics

21 Apr 20

L+T 8. Introduction to Mendelian Genetics (Lecture): Lecturer: Tanurdzic/Ebert

3.1, 3.2

23 Apr 20

Genetic Engineering and Synthetic Biology (Online Learning): Lecturer: Tanurdzic/Ebert

2.1, 2.2

SECTION 3:INHERITANCE & EVOL (Lecture Series): (Riginos/Beebe)

4.1, 4.2

26 Apr 20 - 06 Jun 20 27 Apr 20 - 03 May 20 28 Apr 20 - 03 May 20 28 Apr 20 - 03 May 20

Week 9 (Reading): See Blackboard

PRAC7 Prokaryotic genetics 2 (Practical): DNA cloning, part 2

Mini test 2 (Test): During regularly scheduled practical time. Content of weeks 5-8

29 Apr 20

L+T 9.Genes, alleles, dominance, sex linked traits (Lecture): Lecturer: Riginos/Beebie

30 Apr 20

Linkage, Recombination and Mapping (Online Learning)

03 May 20 - 10 May 20 04 May 20 - 10 May

Week 10 (Reading): See Blackboard

No Prac this week (Practical):

20 04 May 20

LABOUR DAY (Public holiday)

05 May 20

No lectures+Tutorials/No Online Learning this week (No activities)

11 May 20 - 18 May 20 12 May 20 - 19 May 20 13 May 20

3.1, 3.2

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