Biology 2301 Answers to chapter 9 questions PDF

Title Biology 2301 Answers to chapter 9 questions
Course Introduction to Biology
Institution Houston Community College
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Biology 2301 Answers to Chapter 9 Review Questions 1. Joints, or articulations, are classified on the basis of their degree of movement. From the following selections, choose the list that identifies the joints in this order: no movement, slightly movable, freely movable. Correct Answer: synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, diarthrosis Remember the prefixes for “together,” “both sides,” and “through.” 2. The amphiarthrotic articulation that limits movements between the two pubic bones is the __________. Correct Answer: pubic symphysis Remember that this joint also expands in preparation for childbirth. 3. The type of synarthrosis that binds each tooth to the surrounding bony socket is a __________. Correct Answer: gomphosis Remember that these occur only in the maxilla and the mandible. 4. Which of the following joints is correctly matched with its joint type? Correct Answers: radiocarpal joint: synovial distal tibia and fibula articulation: cartilaginous Remember the definition a freely moving joint. 5. What is the function or functions of synovial fluid that fills the joint cavity? Correct Answer: All of the listed responses are correct. Remember that this fluid has several functions. 6. Which of the following is an example of a synchondrosis? Answer: epiphyseal plate 7. Flexion is defined as movement that __________. Answer: decreases the angle between articulating elements 8. The movement that allows you to gaze at the ceiling is __________. Correct Answer: hyperextension What is the movement that permits you to move beyond 180 degrees? 9. If an articulation permits only angular movement in the forward/backward plane, or prevents any movement other than rotation around its longitudinal axis, it is __________. Answer: monaxial 10. Why are the elbow and knee called hinge joints? Correct Answer: They permit angular movement in a single plane. Think about the motion involved with opening and closing a door. 11. Which type or types of joints connect the fingers and toes with the metacarpals and metatarsals? Correct Answer: All of the listed responses are correct. Remember the definition of freely moving joints and the different categories of these. 12. The shoulder and hip joints are examples of __________. Correct Answer: ball-and-socket joints Remember that these joints allow for a wide range of movement.

13. Which part or parts of the vertebral column do NOT contain intervertebral discs? Correct Answer: All of the listed responses are correct. Remember the areas of the column that are more restricted in their movement. 14. Movements of the vertebral column are limited to __________. Correct Answer: flexion and extension, lateral flexion, and rotation Think about the ways a stack of short, irregular bones may move. 15. Which joint permits the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body? Correct Answer: shoulder joint This is also the most unstable joint in the body. 16. Why is the elbow joint quite stable? Correct Answer: All of the listed responses are correct. Think about several factors that make for a strong, stable joint. 17. In the hip joint, the arrangement that keeps the head of the femur from moving away from the acetabulum is __________. Correct Answer: the articular capsule enclosing the femoral head and neck What is present in a synovial joint that connects two bones? 18. A twisting motion that turns the sole of the foot inward is __________. Answer: inversion 19. The movement illustrated by a ballerina pointing her toes is __________. Answer: plantar flexion 20. The popliteal ligaments extend between the femur and the heads of the tibia and fibula, reinforcing the __________. Correct Answer: back of the knee joint Remember that this involves the posterior area. 21. What is the tough outer layer of fibrocartilage found in the intervertebral discs? Answer: annulus fibrosus 22. Which of the following statements about the knee joint is FALSE? Correct Answer: All of these statements are true. Think about all the things that are true of the knee joint. 23. Which joint results from the fusion of two bones? Answer: synostoses 24. The annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus are structures that are associated with __________. Correct Answer: intervertebral discs Remember that these structures are composed of fibrocartilage. 25. A movement away from the longitudinal axis of the body in the frontal plane is __________. Answer: abduction 26. The opposing movement of supination is __________. Correct Answer: pronation Remember that this movement causes the radius and ulna to cross. 27. What is the special movement of the thumb that enables it to grasp and hold an object? Correct Answer: opposition Remember what sides the thumb and the other finger used are on.

28. Which of the following is an example of a gliding synovial joint? Correct Answer: All of the listed responses are correct. Think about the shape of the surfaces involved. 29. A characteristic decrease in height with advanced age may result from __________. Answer: decreased water content of the nucleus pulposus in an intervertebral disc 30. When the nucleus pulposus breaks through the annulus and enters the vertebral canal, the result is a(n) __________. Correct Answer: herniated disc This is a general dysfunction in which one organ protrudes out of its normal location. 31. What is the term for a pad of fibrocartilage found between opposing bones in some synovial joints? Correct Answer: meniscus Remember that this is also known as an articular disc. 32. What is the unique compromise of the articulations in the appendicular skeleton? Correct Answer: The stronger the joint, the more restricted the range of motion. Can the strongest joint also have the greatest range of motion? 33. Even though the specific cause may vary, arthritis always involves damage to the __________. Correct Answer: articular cartilages Think about the bone surfaces that come closest in a joint. 34. In a shoulder separation, the __________. Correct Answer: acromioclavicular joint undergoes partial or complete separation Think about the bone surfaces that articulate in the shoulder. 35. If you run your fingers along the superior surface of the shoulder joint, you will feel a process called the __________. Correct Answer: acromion Remember that this is a part of the scapula. 36. A fluid-filled pocket containing synovial fluid found in joints to protect where a tendon or ligament rubs against a bone is a __________. Answer: bursa 37. A complete dislocation of the knee is extremely unlikely because of __________. Correct Answer: the seven major ligaments that stabilize the knee joint Think about the connective tissue that stabilizes this joint. 38. What mechanism allows standing for prolonged periods without continually contracting the extensor muscles? Answer: A slight lateral rotation of the tibia tightens the anterior cruciate ligament and joins the meniscus between the tibia and femur. 39. The distal end of the tibia articulates with the __________ to form a synovial __________ joint. Correct Answer: talus; hinge Think about the bone that transmits the weight of the body toward the toes and the range of motion involved.

40. When a ligament is stretched to the point at which some of the collagen fibers are torn, the resulting injury is called a __________. Correct Answer: sprain Remember that the joint is not damaged with this injury. 41. What is the term for the condition that results when articulating bone surfaces are subjected to severe stress and are forced out of normal condition? Answer: dislocation 42. The metacarpal and metatarsal bones articulate with the fingers and the toes, respectively. This creates what type of synovial joint? Correct Answer: ellipsoid Remember that these joints have angular and biaxial movement. 43. Which of the following ligaments does NOT connect the tibia and the femur? Correct Answer: fibular collateral ligament What other bones interact with both the tibia and the femur? 44. You can make a scary face by grabbing your bottom lip with your top teeth. When you do this, your mandible moves in an anterior direction. This is an example of __________. Correct Answer: protraction Remember that this motion occurs exclusively in the jaw. 45. Which of the following statements about the knee is FALSE? Correct Answer: The bones that articulate with the knee joint are the femur, tibia, and fibula. Think about the leg bones that do not support body weight. 46. The ligamentum flavum is a ligament that connects __________. Correct Answer: the laminae of adjacent vertebrae Remember that this ligament lines the posterior aspect of the vertebral foramen. 47. Which of the following is an autoimmune disease affecting the joints? Correct Answer: rheumatoid arthritis Remember that this disease mainly affects individuals between 40 and 60 years of age. 48. Pain and stiffness affecting the skeletal system and/or muscular system may be caused by __________. Correct Answer: rheumatism Remember that this is a general condition that generally affects older individuals. 49. The structures that pass across or around a joint, limiting range of motion and providing support, are __________. Correct Answer: tendons Remember that these structures connect bone to muscle. 50. Which of the following joints is NOT classified as a synovial hinge joint? Correct Answer: the atlas-occipital articulation Think about the range of motion in a hinge joint....

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