Biology Research - sgdfs PDF

Title Biology Research - sgdfs
Author Mariah Sarder
Course Biology Today
Institution Bowling Green State University
Pages 2
File Size 89.3 KB
File Type PDF
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1. The purpose of this study was to see the responses of benthic algae to nutrient enrichment in a shallow lake. And then linking it with other theories. The hypothesis was if benthic algae had nutrient enrichment in a shallow lake what would happen? Algae is very important to the ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to show the algae growing based on nutrient enrichment. The knowledge gained from this was that some algae grew in specific areas with more enrichment and some other algae did not grow even with the nutrient enrichment. The people doing this research also learned that algae had wide nutrient limitations and it all depended on the chlorophyll. And the results as stated,” Overall, our results show that nutrient enrichment can have large effects on algal community composition while having little effect on total biomass and primary production. Our study suggests that nutrient‐driven compositional shifts may not alter the overall ecological function of algal communities if (1) taxa have contrasting responses to nutrient enrichment but have similar effects on ecological processes, and/or (2) taxa that have strong influences on ecological function are not strongly affected by nutrients.” (McCormick p.1833). As shown the results were that overall algal communities helped with ecological processes and have a strong influence in the ecosystem. Some vocabulary words that I have learned were compositional, taxa, and negligible. Compositional means composed of various elements. Taxa means a taxonomic group of any rank, such as a species, family, or class. Negligible means so small or unimportant or of so little consequence as to warrant little or no attention. McCormick, A. R., Phillips, J. S., & Ives, A. R. (2019, July 29). Responses of benthic algae to nutrient enrichment in a shallow lake: Linking community production, biomass, and composition. Freshwater Biology. Retrieved from


The purpose of this study was to see algae and enrichment in tundra setting. Their hypothesis was that they wanted to see the effect of algae with enrichment in a article pond. I have learned that phytoplankton enrichment and algae are related but phytoplankton have changed and has no relation to algae. Based on Lougheed et al.,” While ponds within the village of Barrow had higher nutrient and algae levels, there was no obvious effect of urban development on nutrient limitation status, nor did development appear to have influenced the historic IBP pond sites.” (p.2169). This quotation shows the results at the end. What happened when the algae production and phytoplankton production happened and how it effected urban development and having no obvious effect. Those were the results. The three vocabulary words I learned were macrophytes, pelagic, and periphyton. Macrophytes mean Macrophytes are aquatic plants growing in or near water. They may be either emergent (i.e., with upright portions above the water surface), submerged or floating. Pelagic means (chiefly of fish) inhabiting the upper layers of the open sea. Periphyton means freshwater organisms attached or clinging to plants and other objects projecting above the bottom sediments. Those were what the study was about and etc.

Lougheed, V. L., Hernandez, C., Anderson, C. G., Miller, N. A., Alexander, V., & Prentki, R. (2015, July 6). Contrasting responses of phytoplankton and benthic algae to recent nutrient enrichment in Arctic tundra ponds. Freshwater Biology, 60(10), 2169-2186. Retrieved from


This study’s purpose is about bioavalibility for dissolved nitrogen particles for the freshwater algae. The hypothesis is how bioavalibiltiy affectes dissolved nitrogen for the algae. IT is also important for theu nderstnding of nutreient biogeochemistry and water quality. These are important hypothesis that help aid in this research. What I learned from this study was that algal bioavailability when nitrogen si dissolved a lot and how it effects the algal diversity. As well as learning different types of acids and cell yield. The results of this experiment as stated by Fan et al. ,” Four compounds had intermediate bioavailability including two humic acids (Elliott Soil and Pahokee Peat), glycylglycine, RNA and uracil. The remaining six compounds were classified as recalcitrant, i.e., EDTA, 2,3-Dinitrophenol, aminobenzoic acid, polyacrylamide and Aldrich humic acid. For many of the compounds tested, the algal cell yield was only 60-80% of expected relative to DON uptake. These results help explain why some DON compounds are more likely to persist in natural systems, and why the DON pool is often recalcitrant in surface waters.” (par.1). This results also tie in with the lage growth with nutrients and also explains DONs with their algal cell yield. It also describes about different types of acids and the effects. The end result was why it is recalcitrant in waters. The three words I have learned are recalcitrant, humic, and phenolic compounds. Recalcitrant means having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline. Humic means relating to or consisting of humus. Phenolic compounds means are a group of small molecules characterized by their structures having at least one phenol unit. Those are all the things learnt from this article.

Fan, L., Brett, M. T., Li, B., & Song, M. (2017, November 12). The bioavailability of different dissolved organic nitrogen compounds for the freshwater algae Raphidocelis subcapitata. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from

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