Biology Semester One Lec 1 notes PDF

Title Biology Semester One Lec 1 notes
Author Jordy Krawchuk
Course Biology for Science I
Institution The University of Western Ontario
Pages 3
File Size 71.9 KB
File Type PDF
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1. Why viruses are not generally considered to be “alive”. 2. Why viral infections are usually difficult to treat with drugs. 3. Hypotheses for the evolutionary origin of viruses. 4. How viral mutation rate affects the prospects for drug design and vaccine development.

1 . Wh yt h ee ffe c t i v e n e s so fa n t i v i r a ld r u g si sl i k e l yt od e c r e a s eo v e rt i me 2 . Pr i nc i pl e sunde r l y i nge v o l ut i o nbyna t ur a ls e l e c t i o n:he r i t a bl e v a r i a t i o n,no nr a ndo mr e pr o duc t i o nors ur vi v a l , c ha ng ei ng e no t y pe o ft hepopul a t i o n 3 . Ra t i o n a l ef o rus i n gmu l t i p l ed r u g ss i mu l t a n e o u s l yt ot r e a tv i r a li n f e c t i o ns 4 . Ev o l u t i o n a r yo r i g i n so fHI Va n dwh a tt h i sme a n sf o rd e v e l op i n ga v a c c i n e 5. Characteristics of epidemic, endemic, pandemic and zoonotic diseases.

consi s tofnucl ei caci dsur r oundedbyapr ot ei ncoat i nf ec t i ousbi ol ogi c alpar t i c l es hel i calvi r uses Avi r usi nwhi cht hepr ot ei ns ubuni t soft hecoatass embl ei nar odl i k e s pi r al ar oundt hegenome.

pol yhedr alvi r uses Avi r usi nwhi cht hecoatpr ot ei nsf or mt r i angul aruni t st hatfi tt oget her l i k et hepar t sofageodesi cspher e.

1.Forex ampl e,v i r usesc annotr epr oduceont hei rown andt heyl ackamet abol i cs y s t em t opr ovi deener gyf or

d. They evolved from escaped fragments of DNA molecules.

t hei rl i f ecy cl es ;i ns t ead,t heydependont hehos tcel l s t hatt heyi nf ectf ort hesef unct i ons .i tdoesnothav ec yt opl as m enc l osedbyapl asmamembr ane

WHERE DID VIRUS’ COME FROM They evolved from the primordial gene pool predating the first cell They appeared after the first cell evolved The evolved from escaped fragments of DNA molecules

Anunder st andi ngofhowev ol ut i onoper at esal s ohel psi n ourunder st andi ngofhows pec i esc ont i nuet ochangeov er t i mei nr es pons et oenv i r onment al chal l enges ,s uchascl i mat ec hange. THEORYOFEVOLUTI ON “ Decentwi t hmodi fic at i onf r om acommonances t or ” 1. EVOLOUTI ONHAPPENSal l el ef r equenc i esi npop. Changeov ert i me 2. ALLLI FEI SRELATEDTHROUGHCOMMONANCESTRY 3. SPECI ATI ON:LI NEAGESDI VERGEI NTO MUL TI PLEDAUGHTERLI NEAGESnews pec i escomei nt obei ng 4. EVOLUTI ONI SVARI ATI ONAL,NOTTRANSFORMATI ONALpop.Ev ol v e;i ndi vi dual sdonot( al l el ef r equenc i esc hangei npop,noti nonei ndv . )

5. EVOLUTI ONOCCURSGRADUALL Y 6.SELECTI ONGENERATESADAPTATI ON,AND EXPLAI NSMUCHEVL TNRYCHANGE EVOLUTI ONI SN' TPERFECT Nat ur alsel ect i oni scons t r ai nedbyav ai l abl egenet i cv ar i at i on •T r adeoffsbet weencompet i ngdemands •Envi r onment sv ar yov ert i me •envi r onment sv ar yf r om pacet opl ace •Ev ol .ar msr aceswi t hot heror gani s ms...

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