Psychology Review Worksheet Semester One PDF

Title Psychology Review Worksheet Semester One
Author Stephanie Safdie
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution University of Maryland
Pages 4
File Size 70 KB
File Type PDF
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Psyc 101 UMD midterm study guide UMD spring 2017...


SemesterOne PsychologyReviewWorksheet  Directions: Fill in the blank for each of the psychological analogies below. 1. Mono zygotic is to identical as ___________________________ is to fraternal. 2. Perfect positive correlation is to +1.00 as_________________________ is to -1.00. 3. Kohlberg is to morality as ___________________________ is to death and dying. 4. Latency is to 4th   stage as anal is to ___________________________ 5. Freud is to psychosexual as Erikson is to ___________________________ 6. Cocaine is to dopamine as Barbiturates are to ___________________________ 7. Height of wave is to amplitude as waves per second are to __________________________ 8. The cerebral cortex is to higher level thinking as ___________________is to basic emotion. 9. Somatosensory cortex is to parietal lobe as motor cortex is to ________________________ 10. Classical Conditioning is to ____________________as Operant Conditioning is to Skinner. 11. Bobo is to observational learning as visual cliff is to ___________________________ 12. Depression is to serotonin as schizophrenia is to ___________________________ 13. Sleep spindles are to ___________________________as delta waves are to stage 4 sleep. 14. Type A is to aggressive as ___________________________is to relaxed. 15. Resting potential is to polarization as action potential is to ___________________________ 16. Prediction is to correlation study as cause-effect relationship is to _____________________ 17. Max Wertheimer is to Gestalt psychology as _______________________is to behaviorism. 18. Natural observation is to description as correlation study is to ________________________ 19. Sensory neurons are to afferent as motor neurons are to ___________________________ 20. Freud is to psychoanalysis as ___________________________is to cognitive. 21. GABA is to Huntington's disease as ___________________________is to depression. 22. Occipital lobe is to vision as ___________________________is to hearing. 23. Cerebellum is to balance as olfactory bulb is to ___________________________ 24. The amygdala is to fear as the ___________________________is to memory. 25. Physical stimulation is to sensation as interpretation is to ___________________________ 26. Photoreceptors are to vision as ___________________________are to hearing. 27. Valium is to anxiety as Prozac is to ___________________________ 28. Encoding is to memory as ___________________________is to sensation.

29. Variable-ratio is to slot machine as ___________________________is to factory piecework. 30. Cone is to color as rod is to ___________________________ 31. Tympanic membrane is to middle ear as cochlea is to ___________________________ 32. Self-actualization is to top as ___________________________is to bottom. 33. Sperry is to split-brain research as ___________________________is to id, ego, superego 34. Id is to pleasure principle as ego is to ___________________________ 35. Generativity is to middle adulthood as Integrity is to ___________________________ 36. Paradoxical sleep is to ___________________________as manic-depression is to bipolar

disorder. 37. Hypothalamus is to limbic system as ___________________________is to brainstem. 38. Infinite is to ___________________________as 7 is to STM. 39. The unconscious is to psychoanalysis as the meaning we place on things is to___________ 40. Regulation of thirst is to hypothalamus as relay of messages is to _____________________ 41. Range is to measure of variability as mode is to ___________________________ 42. Long-term is to limitless as sensory is to ___________________________ 43. The removal of a chore is to ___________________________as the adding of a chore is to

positive punishment. 44. Expectations and knowledge are to top-down processing as the color and shape are to

___________________________ 45. A fast response rate is to ratio schedule as a steady/constant response rate is to

___________________________ 46. Max Weber is to Weber's law as ___________________________is to the law of effect. 47. Collective unconscious is to Jung as inferiority complex is to ________________________

48. Encoding is to Long Term as Attention is to ___________________________ 49. Loss after trauma is to anterograde as loss for events prior to trauma is to ______________ 50. Voluntary behaviors are to ___________________________as involuntary behaviors are to classical conditioning. 51. Cognitive maps are to latent learning as the meaning of a dream is to latent _____________ 52. Prefrontal cortex is to __________________as the brainstem is to vital functioning. 53. Norepinephrine is to mood as endorphins are to ___________________________ 54. Formation of new memories is to hippocampus as coordinated movement is to the ___________________________ 55. Valium and Xanax are to benzodiazepines as Zoloft and Paxil are to _________________

56. Experimental group is to treatment as ___________________________is to no treatment. CONTROL 57. Structuralism is to ___________________________as Dualism is to Aristotle. 58. Troubles falling asleep is to insomnia as sleeping too much is to ______________________ 59. Circadian Rhythm is to the sun as Free Running Cycle is to _________________________ 60. Piaget is to cognitive as Watson is to ___________________________ 61. Attachment is to Harlow as hierarchy of needs is to ___________________________ 62. Identity vs. Role Confusion is to ___________________as Industry vs Inferiority is to school-aged children. 63. Acquisition is to making association as extinction is to ___________________________ 64. Ainsworth is to Strange Situation as ______________________ is to Mother Love. 65. Difference threshold is to ________________________as absolute threshold is to the minimum amount of stimulus to cause an action potential. 66. Action Potential is to ______________________as Resting Potential is to Repolarization 67. Toilet training is to anal stage as Oedipal complex is to ___________________________ 68. Receptor sites for red, green and blue is to Trichromatic as the yellow after image is to ________________________. 69. Phineas Gage is to the frontal lobe as Clive Wearing (amnesia guy) is to the __________. 70. Increased heart rate is to Sympathetic as decreased heart rate is to _________________. 71. Association is to classical conditioning as reinforcements and punishments are to ________________________. 72. Skinner is to Operant Conditioning as Thorndike is to ________________________. 73. Acetylcholine is to Alzheimer's as ________________________is to Parkinson's. 74. Number of responses is to ratio as time passed is to ________________________. 75. Dependent Variable is to what is measured as Independent is to ___________________. 76. Lateral hypothalamus is to full as ________________________is to hungry. 77. Random Sampling is to Population as ________________________ is to experimental and control groups. 78. Green is to red as ________________________ is to blue 79. Alcohol is to depressant as amphetamine is to ________________________ 80. Dreaming is to REM sleep as delta waves are to ________________________ 81. New interfering with the old is to retroactive interference as old interfering with the new is to ________________________.

82. Avoidance of punishment is to preconventional as pleasing others is to _________________. 83. Unconscious wish fulfillment is to Freudian interpretation of dreams and synthesizing random neural firings is to ________________________. 84. Neurotransmitters are to the nervous system as ________________________are to the endocrine system. 85. Parasympathetic is to rest & digest as Sympathetic is to ________________________. 86. Language is to left hemisphere as ________________________is to right hemisphere 87. Interpretation of speech and written words is to Wernicke's area as production of speech is to ___________________________. 88. Unconditional positive regard is to Carl Rogers as self-actualization is to ______________. 89. Sense of smell is to olfaction as sense of taste is to ________________________. 90. Minimum amount of stimulus detected is to smallest difference between stimuli detected is to difference threshold. 91. Nerve deafness is to hair cells as ________________________is to the middle ear. 92. Light intensity is to ________________________as amplitude is to loudness. 93. Speed of problem solving are to fluid intelligence as specific knowledge is to ________________________. 94. Firm and punitive is to authoritarian as firm but fair is to ________________________. 95. Remembering what you had for dinner last night is episodic memory as remembering how to ride your bike is to________________________ 96. Stimulus- response is to classical conditioning as response-consequence is to _______ 97. Breathing is to the medulla as arousal is to ________________________. 98. Pavlov is to classical conditioning as ____________________is to observational learning. ...

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