Biology Today and Tomorrow With Physiology 6th Edition By Cecie Starr Test Bank and Solutions PDF

Title Biology Today and Tomorrow With Physiology 6th Edition By Cecie Starr Test Bank and Solutions
Author Sabrina Rob
Course Developmental Biology
Institution New York University
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Solutions Manual, eBook, Test Bank Biology Today and Tomorrow With Physiology 6th Edition By Cecie Starr, Evers, Starr ; 9780357127735, 0357127730.
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Indicatetheanswerchoicethatbestcompletesthestatementoranswersthequestion. 1.Afterrigorousstatisticalanalyseshaveshownaverylowlikelihood(usually5%orless)ofaresulthavingoccurred by chance alone, the result is said tobe . a. quantitativelyprobable b. probablyrandom c. statisticallysignificant d. due to samplingerror e. statisticallyprobable 2. In science, if a result is deemed statistically significant, thatmeans a. it is a very importantresult


b. it has a high probability of beingincorrect. c. it has a low probability of being skewed by samplingerror d. there is very little variation in thedata e. there is no doubt of the result beingtrue 3. Ernst Mayr was responsiblefor . a. discovering new species atop New Guinea’s FojaMountains b. standardizing a two-part namingsystem c. explaining the theory of naturalselection d. describing the biological speciesconcept e. identifying that all organisms containDNA 4.Whatorganismisdefinedasamulticelledorganismthatdevelopsthroughaseriesofstagesandmovesaboutduring part or all of itslife? a. archaea b. bacteria c. fungi d. animals e. plants 5. In the 2005 peacock butterfly experiment, what was the conclusion? a. Predatory birds are not deterred from eating peacock butterflies withspots. b. Predatory birds are deterred by peacock butterfly clickingsounds. c. Peacock butterflies with spots mated more often than those withoutspots. d. Predatory birds are deterred by the dark color of the peacockbutterfly. e. Peacock butterflies that made clicking sounds attracted more predatorybirds.

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6. In the scientific name, Pan paniscus, Pan represents the name of the thename ofthe . a. family;species b. family;genus

while paniscus represents

c. genus;species d. species;genus e. genus;family 7. The control in anexperiment . a. contains excess test subjects in case somedie b. is an additional replicate for statisticalpurposes c. reduces the experimentalerrors d. minimizes experimentalinaccuracy e. allows for comparisons with the experimentalgroup 8. If 10 million people enter a drawing, what is each person’s probability of winning? a.10% b.1%c. 0.1% d.0.001% e.0.00001% 9. Which of the following words describes a tentative explanation to a given question? a. law b. theory c. hypothesis d. fact e. principle 10. A scientifictheory . a. is widely accepted and supported by severalevidences b. is widely accepted but not necessarily supported by severalevidences c. is sometimes accepted and supported by severalevidences d. is sometimes accepted and not necessarily supported by severalevidences e. is always a"truth" 11. A controlgroup . a. receives the same treatment as the experimentalgroup b. is an untreated group of individuals orsubjects c. is sometimes exposed to harshconditions d. is often an unnecessary waste ofmaterial e. is not subjected to experimentalerror

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12. The transmission of DNA to offspring is referred toas a. homeostasis


b. development c. growth d. reproduction e. inheritance 13. What name is given to the scientific study oflife? a. geography b. statistics c. ecology d. geology e. biology 14. The variable(s) in the 2005 peacock butterfly experiment is(are) the a. butterfly wings patterncolor b. butterflyspecies


c. butterfly wings pattern color and soundsemitted d. rainforest regionused e. percentage ofsurvivors 15. In the experiment with peacock butterflies the working hypothesis isthat a. mimicry confuses both predator andprey


b. mimicry protects butterflies from being eaten by predatorybirds c. birds are capable oflearning d. birds are agents ofevolution e. unpalatable species display distinctivewings 16. What is a characteristic ofeukaryotes? a. All are multicelledorganisms b. Their cells are typically smaller thanbacteria. c. They are more like bacteria thanarchaea. d. Their cells are less complex than bacteria orarchaea. e. Their DNA is contained in anucleus. 17. Why are the laws of thermodynamics considered laws of nature and not scientifictheories? a. We do not understand how or why energy behaves the way itdoes. b. We understand why energy behaves the way it does, but not exactly how itbehaves. c. We understand how energy behaves, but not exactly why it behaves the way itdoes. d. We cannot be absolutely sure that energy will behave the same under allconditions. e. We have a complete scientific explanation of energybehavior.

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18. An experimenter wanted to test the effects of cigarette smoking on rats. She infused the cages of 50 ratswithcigarette smoke and the cages of another 50 rats with pure, clean air. The rats that received the clean airwerethe____. a. experimentalgroup b. controlgroup c. modelgroup d. predictivegroup e. independentgroup 19. Collectively, which group of organisms are themost diverse representatives of life? a. plants andanimals b. protists andfungi c. bacteria andarchaea d. bacteria andprotists e. archaea and plants 20. What is the process by which a producer uses light energy to make sugars from carbon dioxide andwater? a. respiration b. photosynthesis c. homeostasis d. development e. reproduction 21. Which level of taxonomy encompasses all of the others? a. family b. class c. order d. species e. genus 22. In the Olestra potato chip experiment, the report published in the Journal of the American MedicalAssociation in January 1998 indicatedthat . a. Olestra potato chips causecramping b. potato chips without Olestra causecramping c. there was no evidence that Olestra causedcramping d. watching movies causecramping e. people should not eat potatochips

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23. In science, a theory is definedas a. a speculativeguess


b. ahypothesis c. an explanation that is well documented and consistent with theevidence d. a description of a phenomenon for which there is noexplanation e. a personalconviction 24. Which of the following is the correct order of taxa from most inclusive to least inclusive? a. domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus,species b. domain, kingdom, phylum, order, class, family, genus,species c. domain, kingdom, phylum, family, order, class, genus,species d. domain, phylum, kingdom, class, order, family, genus,species e. domain, kingdom, order, class, phylum, family, genus,species 25. The process by which the first cell of a new individual becomesa multicelled adult is called a. homeostasis b. inheritance


c. reproduction d. growth e. development 26. Scientistsperform in orderto a. experiments; test;hypothesis



b. tests; experiment;law c. tests; experiment;variable d. facts; test;variable e. hypotheses; try;experiment 27. A substance that an organism needs for growth and survival but cannot make for itself is referred to asa(n) ____. a. chemical b. nutrient c. atom d. DNAmolecule e. carbohydrate 28. The species extinctions taking place today are being causedby a. human b. volcanic c. platetectonic d. extraterrestrial e. geothermal


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29. A result is statistically significantif . a. it is unlikely to have occurred bychance b. it is likely to have occurred bychance c. it is likely to have occurred in 50% of thecases d. it is consistent withpredictions e. it is widelyaccepted 30. What are the simplest types of eukaryotes? a. plants b. protists c. fungi d. bacteria e. archaea 31. The difference between results obtained from a subset and results obtained from the whole is known asthe ____. a. samplingerror b. probability c. statisticallysignificant d. samplesize e. controlledvariable 32. The dynamics of an ecosystem depends on two main processes, which are a. the cycling of energy and the unidirectional flow ofnutrients


b. the unidirectional flow of energy and the cycling ofnutrients c. the multidirectional flow of both energy andnutrients d. the unidirectional flow of both energy andnutrients e. the cycling of both energy andnutrients 33.IntheOlestraexperimentconductedbyresearchersattheJohnsHopkinsUniversitySchoolofMedicine,thepeople who ate the Olestra potato chips werethe . a. experimentalgroup b. controlgroup c. researchgroup d. hypotheticalgroup e. independentgroup

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34. If a hypothesis stands after years of repeated testing, is consistent with all data gathered, and helpsmakesuccessful predictions about other phenomena, it is considered to bea . a. speculativeidea b. proventheory c. provenhypothesis d. law ofnature e. scientifictheory 35. The emergent property of “life” appears at the level of the a. population

, when many molecules becomeorganized.

b. atom c. organism d. cell e. community 36. All known species belong to one of three domains. What are these domains? a. Prokarya, Bacteria, andEukarya b. Prokarya, Archaea, andEukarya c. Plantae, Bacteria, andAnimalia d. Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya e. Bacteria, Archaea, and Protista 37. Who developed the two-part naming system scientists use today to classify newly found organisms? a. CharlesDarwin b. CarolusLinnaeus c. Aristotle d. Alexander vonHumboldt e. ErnstMayer 38. In which of the following groups does seaweed belong? a. protists b. plants c. fungi d. archaea e. bacteria 39. Why do scientists typically design experiments that will yield quantitative results? a. Scientists are unable to perform qualitativestudies. b. Quantitative results minimize the potential forbias. c. To prevent other scientists from repeating theirexperiments. d. Scientists cannot always observe all individuals of agroup. e. Quantitative results increase desirablebias.

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40. Homeostasisis . a. the ability to sense and respond tochange b. maintaining the external environment to favorsurvival c. essential for nonlivingthings d. unique toconsumers e. unique toproducers 41. An ecosystem is made upof a. only plants, animals andfungi b. organisms and nonlivingthings


c. only rocks andminerals d. only plants, protozoa, andfungi e. the biosphere of theregion 42. Which of the following is a basic component of all of theothers? a. cells b. organs c. tissues d. organism e. organsystems 43. Which of the following characteristics are shared by all living organisms? I. hereditary information is passed tooffspring II. adaptation to environmentalchange III. requirement fornutrients IV. DNA housed in anucleus a. I and II b. I and III c. II and III d. I, II, andIII e. I, II, III, andIV 44. Error bars on a graphindicate . a. places where the data is likelywrong b. places where the researcher is unsure of herresults c. variation in results that cannot be accountedfor. d. variation in a set of data around theaverage e. poor experimental technique on the part of theresearcher

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45. Taxonomists today tend to group organisms into the same category based on similar a. morphology


b. behavior c. geographicdistributions d. biochemicaltraits e. eatinghabits 46. The level of organization that encompasses all regions of Earth’s crust, waters, and atmosphere in whichorganisms live is knownas . a. thebiosphere b. acommunity c. an ecosystem d. apopulation e. an organism’shabitat 47. Energy flow is one-waybecause . a. all of the energy in an ecosystem staysconstant b. the amount of energy a producer harvests is equal to the amount of energy consumersconsume c. with each energy transfer, some energy escapes asheat d. energy cannot be created but it can bedestroyed e. there is only one form ofenergy 48. Members of which group(s) can be single-celled producers? a. plants b. protists c. bacteria d. bacteria andprotists e. bacteria andplants 49. Which organisms are single-celled and lack a nucleus? a. bacteria andarchaea b. fungi andbacteria c. archaea andprotists d. fungi andarchaea e. bacteria andprotists 50. Which of the following is a characteristic of all fungi? a. They are prokaryoticconsumers. b. They break down foodexternally. c. They actively move during part of theirlives. d. They make their ownfood. e. They aremulticelled.

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51. The current rate of extinctions isabout thannormal.a.10

times faster

b. 100c. 1000 d.100,000 e.1,000,000 52.In1610,whichscientistwasimprisonedforpublishingevidencethattheEarthorbitsthesun? a. Aristotle b. Copernicus c. Galileo d. Darwin e. Newton 53. All organisms fit into one of the two following categories. What two categories are these? a. consumers anddecomposers b. producers anddecomposers c. producers andconsumers d. scavengers anddetritivores e. consumers andscavengers 54. The final step in the scientific method for a scientistis a. devising anexperiment


b. collectingdata c. makingobservations d. report his or herresults e. researching the literature for similarinvestigations 55.Evolutionhasbeentestedinvariousways.Genetic,fossil,anatomical,physiologicalandbehavioralstudiesallconfirm that evolution is the mechanism of the origin of species. Thus, in science evolution is consideredascientific . a. fact b. hypothesis c. law d. theory e. guess 56. The scope of variation among living organisms is referred toas a. heritability b. thebiosphere c. biodiversity d. taxonomy e. the ecosystem


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57. A population is composed of individualsof a. the samespecies b. interacting species of differentkinds


c. interacting species and nonlivingthings d. a single species interacting with nonlivingthings e. all species found in a givenarea 58. On a very hot summer day and a few months later on a very cold winter day, you go outside and take yourtemperature. Each time your body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius. This exampleillustrates . a. adaptation b. cellularreproduction c. respiration d. homeostasis e. digestion 59. What is the right sequence of events applied in the scientific method? a. hypothesis; initial observation; data analysis; test;conclusion b. initial observation; data analysis; hypothesis; test;conclusion c. initial observation; hypothesis; data analysis; test;conclusion d. initial observation; hypothesis; test; data analysis;conclusion e. hypothesis; data analysis; initial observation; test;conclusion 60. In order to verify a hypothesis,scientists . a. perform experiments and/or makeobservations b. considerfacts c. establishlaw d. developtheories e. makepredictions 61. Living organisms are members of all of the levels listed below. However, soil is a component of a. thecommunity b. thepopulation c. the ecosystem d. both the population andecosystem e. both the community and thebiosphere


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62. The idea that Earth orbits the sun is referred toas whofirstproposedit. a. the Galileantheory b. Newton’smodel

of the solar system, because of the scientist

c. Einstein’stheory d. the Copernicanmodel e. Darwin’stheory 63. Which of the following organization levels is the least inclusive? a. population b. community c. cell d. atom e. molecule 64.Howdidtheexperimentalgroupdifferfromthecontrolgroupinthe2005peacockbutterflyexperiment? a. They were different species. b. Their native habitat of the forestdiffered. c. They were spotless andsoundless. d. They tastedworse. e. They preferred different flowersspecies. 65. Sampling error can be minimized by which one of the following? a. using a large samplesize b. conducting the experiment or observation onlyonce c. throwing out data that does not fit theconclusion d. using a small subset of a largerpopulation e. carefully selecting samples to match theprediction 66. Which of the following represents the most correct order of the organization of life from the smallest unit to thelargest? a. atoms®molecules®cells®organisms®populations®communities®ecosystems®biosphere b. atoms®molecules®cells®organisms®communities®populations®ecosystems®biosphere c. atoms®molecules®cells®organisms®populations®ecosystems®communities ®biosphere d. communities®biosphere®organisms®ecosystems®populations®cells®molecules®atoms e. biosphere®organisms®communities®ecosystems®populations®molecules®cells®atoms

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67. What practice helps scientists avoid bias in their findings? a. designing experiments that yield quantitativeresults b. performing experiments testing allcircumstances c. reaching conclusions based on personalconviction d. avoiding questions that may be at odds with society’s moralstandards e. publicly publishing theirresults 68. Which of the following organisms is a multi-celled producer? a. an oaktree b. Candida, a pathogenicfungus c. E. coli, a common intestinalbacterium d. a Siberiantiger e. an archaeon on theseafloor 69. In science, allresults a. are accepted asfact b. are onlyhypotheses


c. have a probability of beingincorrect d. must be consistent with previousknowledge e. are uncritically accepted by otherscientists 70. Lipids, proteins, DNA, RNA, and complex carbohydrates are all a. minerals


b. atoms c. cells d. molecules e. elements 71. The category of organisms that get their energy and nutrients by feeding on the tissues, wastes, or remainsofother organisms are generallycalled . a. producers b. prokaryotes c. consumers d. archaea e. plants 72. Which of the following represents an activity within a population? a. a fox consuming arabbit b. the absorption of nitrogen by bacteria and converting it to a form useful toplants c. a peacock spreading and shaking his feathers to attract afemale d. moss growing on the north side of a large pinetree e. a virus causing rabies in adog

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73. The DNA molecule is most similar functionally toa a. pair ofscissors


b. flash lightbattery c. Cookbook d. ballpointpen e. craft kit of ceramictiles Classification.Answerthefollowingquestionsinreferencetolife'sdiversity.Chooseonlythemostcorrectanswer. a. archaea b. bacteria c. Eukarya d. Plantae e. fungi f. animals g. protists 74.Oftenfoundinextremeenvironmentswhilehavingnonucleus,theseorganismsareclosergeneticallytoeukaryotes. 75.Inthiseukaryoticgroup,membersrangefromsingle-celledconsumerstogiant,multi-celledproducers. 76. Multi-celled consumers that actively move about during at least part of their lives. 77. They have no nucleus and are the most numerous organisms onEarth. 78. Yeasts belong to thisgroup. 79. Members of this domain have a nucleus and numerous membrane-bound organelles. 80.Theseprokaryotesareabletocolonizeextremeenvironmentssuchashydrothermalventsontheseafloor. 81.Besidesfeedingthemselves,thesemulti-celledorganisms,serveasfoodformostotherorganisms. 82. These multi-celled consumers include herbivores and carnivores. 83.Thissingle-celledormulticelledeukaryoticconsumerbreaksdownmaterialoutsideitself,thenabsorbsnutrientsreleased from thebreakdown.

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Match the term with its definition.

a. atom b. organism c. biosphere d. molecule e. population f. ecosystem g. cell h. community 84. All populations of all species in a givenarea 85. Fundamental building block of all matter 86. Smallest unit oflife 87. All regions of Earth where organisms live 88. Two or more atoms bondedtogether 89. A community interacting with its environment 90. Individual that consists of one or morecells 91. Group of interbreeding individuals of the same species that live in a given area

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Based on the Olestra potato chip experiment conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins UniversitySchoolof Medicine, match the following letters to the number with whic...

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