BIOS3066 outline PDF

Title BIOS3066 outline
Course Current Issues in Healthcare
Institution University of Sydney
Pages 10
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Discipline of Biomedical Science Faculty of Medicine The University of Sydney

Undergraduate Unit of Study Outline

BIOS3066 Current Issues in Healthcare Semester 1, 2019

Coordinator: Dr Diana Oakes Email: [email protected]


Unit of Study Overview

This unit introduces students to selected developments that are impacting, or are likely to impact, on the practice and management of the health care in Australia. Because health care is driven by a multitude of forces, the scope of the developments studied is broad. Topics to be covered will be drawn from the basic sciences applicable to health care, and health management. Examples of the topics under consideration include the critical analysis of the use and clinical efficacy of complementary and alternative health medicine, assisted reproductive technologies , emerging infections and disease, genetic testing (a focus on cancer).

Material will be presented in blended format which will include of self-directed learning, lectures and individual and/or group assignments. The unit integrates knowledge from units of study completed earlier in the program, thus enabling students to apply their knowledge while developing the skills needed to analyse, understand and anticipate future directions in health care. . NOTE: This Unit of Study consists of two blended learning modules: 1)

The Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Module - An assignment based module (assessed by online quiz and written reports). Face-to face sessions are held in Weeks 2,3,and 5 of semester, and


The lecture series module (assessed by end-semester exam only). Face-to face sessions are held in Weeks 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 of semester.

Learning Outcomes At the conclusion of this Unit of Study, students will be able to: •

Identify the range of therapies known as “complementary medicine” and “alternate health care” and

Develop skills of searching and evaluating the scientific literature and preparing a written report.

Explore the issue of Emerging Infections and Diseases and understand the potential impact on global

evaluate clinical efficacy of a specific method and report the evidence.

health. •

Explore the techniques and impact of Assisted Reproductive Technologies.

Develop an understanding of the healthcare issues relevant to Genetic Testing (with a focus on Cancer).


Unit of Study Coordinator All general questions concerning the subject should be addressed to the unit of study coordinator. Such questions include matters regarding advanced standing, medical certificates and examinations. Unit coordinator Email

Dr Diana Oakes [email protected]

Lecturers Academic questions and questions regarding clarification of the lecture content should be addressed to the individual lecturer concerned. All staff members involved as instructors within this subject would appreciate your cooperation in making appointments at mutually agreeable times, should you wish to discuss any aspect of the work with them.

Consultation hours

Dr Diana Oakes [email protected] By appointment.

Consultation hours

Dr Elizabeth Hegedus [email protected] By appointment

Consultation hours

Dr Helen Ritchie [email protected] By appointment


Resources 1.

Reading Material is provided for download on Library ‘Unit of Study reading list’ – accessed via the ‘eReserve’ link on the BIOS3066 elearning site. Individual lecturers will update this material during the semester


The following link to the University Electronic Databases provide links to Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal Articles that can be accessed via the following site using the computers in the library:

Search under ‘A’ for the “AMED” database for journals specifically related to allied health and complementary medicine)


under ‘W’ for “Web of Science” (previously called ‘ISI Web of Knowledge” This portal hosts multiple databases: Current Contents Connect, BIOSIS Previews, CAB Abstracts, Medline, Agricola and Pubmed etc etc


under ‘O’ for “Ovid databases” Databases on the Ovid platform include a number of different databases, including AMED (Allied & Complimentary Medicine) and Medline


The following link of the National Institute Health (NIH), is an excellent resource for the CAM module of this Unit of Study, go to ‘The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH*)’ *NOTE: In December, 2014 the NCCAM (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine was renamed NCCIH (The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health)


The University ‘write site’ at: . This is an invaluable resource in which you can learn how to evaluate information sources and report evidence.

The above links (plus all other learning resources) will be available on the eLearning site for this Unit of Study.


SCHEDULE for BIOS3066 BIOS3066 – Current Issues in Healthcare – TIMETABLE - Semester 1, 2019

WEEK (Tues) 1 (26/2/2019)

Learning Sessions Thurs 12pm: Anderson Stuart Building Rm N221 No face-to face session this week

2 (5/3/2019)

Introductory Session

3 (12/3/2019)

Sourcing the Evidence (includes a library training session)

4 (19/3/2019)

5 (26/3/2019)

No face-to face session this week

Evaluating the Evidence

Learning Activities

Read Unit of Study Outline and Course materials on elearning site.  Bring along any questions to first face-to face session in Week 2  Lecturer, Dr Diana Oakes  Start preparation for Online CAM quiz  Lecturers, Dr Diana Oakes and Elaine Lam  Begin Library tutorial worksheet -submit via email to [email protected]

No face-to face session this week

7 (9/4/2019)

Topic 1 ‘Emerging Infections and Diseases’ 1

8 (16/4/2019)

Emerging Infections and Diseases’ 2

9 (30/4/2019)

10 (7/5/2019)

Continue preparation for Online CAM quiz. Readings available via eReserve link CANVAS site 

Submit completed Library Tutorial worksheet by Friday 15th March (5pm) Complete On-line CAM Quiz anytime during 48 hour period: [from 5pm Tuesday 19th March until 5pm Thursday 21st March]

5% 20%

Lecturers, Dr Diana Oakes and Librarian Elaine Tam Feedback – On-line CAM Quiz

Continue to work on CAM written report – due for submission at end of Week 10 Complete online material (readings and/or worksheets) provided on the elearning site for relevant Topic  Lecturer, Dr Elizabeth Hegedus  Lecturer, Dr Elizabeth Hegedus 

Universities Australia Common Vacation Week (19th April – 26th April) Topic 2  Lecturer, Dr Helen Ritchie Assisted  Complete online Topic Reproductive material (readings and/or Technologies 1 worksheets) provided on the elearning site  Lecturer, Dr Helen Ritchie Assisted Submit CAM Written Reproductive report (via TURNITIN) -by Technologies 2 Friday 10th May (5pm)

11 (14/5/2019)

Topic 3 Genetic Testing 1

 

Lecturer, Dr Diana Oakes Complete online Topic material (readings and/or worksheets) provided on the elearning site

12 (21/5/2019)

Genetic Testing 2

Lecturer, Dr Diana Oakes

13 (28/5/2019) 15/16

Contribution to Final grade

 6 (2/4/2019)

Assessment Tasks

No face-to face Revise lecture series material for session this week Final Exam UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS PERIOD



Participation in Lecture series sessions for Topics 1,2 and 3.


Final Examination (MCQs)


Lecture Recordings The Discipline of Biomedical Science will record lectures in accordance with university policies. Recordings may not be made if recording facilities are unavailable, non-operational in the lecture venue, or if the lecturer exercises their right not to be recorded. From time to time, delays in lecture uploading may occur. Because lectures are recorded remotely, neither the individual lecturer nor the Discipline of Biomedical Science have control over lecture uploading. You should not rely on recordings to replace face-to-face classes. From time to time unforeseen circumstances may necessitate the cancellation of lectures. If this occurs, the Discipline of Biomedical Science will endeavour to schedule a replacement lecture at the earliest convenient time. However, timetabling constraints may make rescheduling impossible. In these circumstances an alternative that is deemed educationally valid will be provided. Under no circumstances will students be educationally disadvantaged by lecture cancellations.

Communication Policies CANVAS (elearning) site This unit of study requires students to use the BIOS3066 Current Issues in Healthcare on-line eLearning site ( (CANVAS) to access information or complete assessments. Materials on the site include: the Unit of Study Outline, Timetable, Lecture Notes, LibraryTutorial Worksheets, eReserve Unit of Study readings and Discussion Forum. The eLearning site should be accessed by students at regular intervals. Students are encouraged to use the discussion forum to discuss material covered in the Unit of Study. Lecturers may monitor these discussions and intervene if material being discussed contains any errors. Help for logging in to eLearning is at: ICT helpdesk links can be found at:

Email When communicating with teaching staff the most straightforward method is via email. Note the following guidelines when emailing staff. • • • • •

Use your university email address. Address the person appropriately Identify yourself by name Identify the Unit of Study that you are enquiring about Word your email clearly

Due to concerns about viruses, anonymous emails, emails containing unsolicited attachments emails from a non-university address are unlikely to be opened or read.



Summative Assessment ie marks that are centrally recorded, consists of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Week 3 - Library Tutorial Worksheet (5%) Week 4 - CAM on-line quiz (20%) Week 10 - CAM Written report - submitted on-line via TURNITIN (20%) Weeks 7- 12 – Participation in Lecture Series (total 5%) Week 15/16 – End-Semester exam of Lecture series material (Weeks 7-12) (50%)

* Marking scheme and submission details will be made available on the eLearning site under ‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) module’ link

Assessment title

Assessment category

Assessment type

Description of Assessment type

Library tutorial worksheet

Submitted work


Written worksheet

CAM online Quiz

In-class assessment

Tutorial quiz, small test or online task

Online quiz (MCQ and SAQ)

CAM written report

Submitted work


1200 word report

Lecture series participation

In-class assessment


End semester exam


Final exam

Exam / Quiz type

Individual or Group

Length / duration

Individual Online quiz

Final exam



Due date and time1


Friday 15/03/2019 17:00 EST


35 min


Online cut-off Thursday 21/03/2019 17:00 EST


1200 word


Friday 10/05/2019 17:00 EST


Lecture series Weeks 7-12)


Week 15/16

individual Non-written exam (MCQ)




Feedback on assessment Feedback regarding performance in the submitted assessments will be provided to individual students via the eLearning site (using email tool).

Assessment policy and procedures It is the individual student’s responsibility to be available for all exam assessments. Students are required to be present at the correct time and place. Misreading or misunderstanding of the time and/or the location of an assessment will not be accepted as a reason for failure to attend an assessment. Calculators are not required in examinations.

Grading Process for formal assessments The procedure by which the final mark will be determined is as follows: 1. Component marks of assessments for the semester will be combined to produce the aggregate mark, which will be a numerical, raw score. 2. Cut-offs for the various grades will be based on the following grade descriptors: •

Grade Descriptor

demonstrates an extensive knowledge and understanding of the concepts of the Current issues in health care unit of study content and its broader context displays an outstanding ability to describe and explain Current issues in health care concepts, including abstract ideas, clearly and accurately, and to apply the concepts to unfamiliar situations applies a high level of critical thinking skills in developing appropriate solutions to problems involving a long sequence of related tasks analyses, evaluates and extrapolates Current issues in health care data effectively, identifies complex relationships, quantifies explanations and descriptions, and synthesizes information to draw conclusions communicates succinctly, logically and sequent ially using a variety of scientific formats demonstrates a thorough knowledge and understanding of the concepts of the Current issues in health care unit of study content and its broader context effectively communicates a detailed understanding of Current issues in health care concepts using appropriate terminology and scientific formats, and applies the concepts to unfamiliar situations analyses information given in written, tabular, graphical and diagrammatic forms and relates this to other relevant information displays competence in manipulating information to solve problems involving a number of steps demonstrates a sound knowledge and understanding of the concepts of the Current issues in health care unit of study content and its broader context describes concepts and information clearly in written, graphical and diagrammatic forms, and applies these concepts in familiar situations demonstrates a broad ability to apply concepts to unfamiliar situations displays prof iciency in selecting relevant data from information given in written, tabular, graphical and diagrammatic form demonstrates a basic knowledge and understanding of the concepts of the Current issues in health care unit of study content and its broader context uses simple Current issues in health care definitions, terms, diagrams and graphs to communicate understanding of Current issues in health care concepts substitutes data from information given in written, tabular, graphical and diagrammatic form, and manipulates basic Current issues in health care data demonstrates a limited or no knowledge and understanding of the Current issues in health care unit of study content and its broader context recalls elementary terminology related to some areas of Current issues in health care

Grade High Distinction

(HD) • • • • Distinction


• • •



• • • •


(P) Fail

• • • •



Academic Honesty Deliberate breaches of academic honesty constitute academic misconduct. These breaches include: ─ Plagiarism ─ Fabrication of data ─ Recycling previously submitted material ─ Engaging someone else to complete an assessment on one’s behalf ─ Misconduct during supervised assessments The penalties for academic misconduct may include: ─ A mark of zero on the assessment ─ A fail grade in the Unit of Study ─ Additional assessment (including an unseen exam) ─ Reference of the matter to the University Registrar Issues concerning breaches of academic honesty may be dealt with either through the process of determining academic results in a Unit of Study, or, in the most serious cases, by invocation of misconduct procedures. Students should consult:

USE OF SIMILARITY DETECTION SOFTWARE All written assignments submitted in this unit of study will be submitted to the similarity detecting software program known as Turnitin. Turnitin searches for matches between text in your written assessment task and text sourced from the Internet, published works and assignments that have previously been submitted to Turnitin for analysis. There will always be some degree of text-matching when using Turnitin. Text-matching may occur in use of direct quotations, technical terms and phrases, or the listing of bibliographic material. This does not mean you will automatically be accused of academic dishonesty or plagiarism, although Turnitin reports may be used as evidence in academic dishonesty and plagiarism decision-making processes.

Special Consideration What it means to receive Special Consideration • • •

If you apply and receive approval for Special Consideration prior to the examination, you do not sit for the normal examination and you will be required to sit a Replacement Assessment*. If you apply and receive approval for Special Consideration after the examination and did not sit the examination, you will be required to sit a Replacement Assessment*. If you apply and receive approval for Special Consideration after sitting the examination, your exam paper for the normal examination will not be marked and you will be required to sit a Replacement Assessment*.

*You must make yourself available at the University’s Replacement Assessment periods. • •

In Semester Replacement Assessments: Week 13 Monday or Tuesday (late afternoon) End Semester Replacement Assessments: Week 18 (all week)

Please Note: • No alternative arrangements are available • There will be changes in the replacement examination questions from those in the original examination. • The replacement exam may not cover the same topics as the exam that was impacted, but will test


the same learning outcomes. Other factors (such as the length, duration or structure of the exam) may also be different.

Applying for Special Consideration

Student Appeals Student Appeals: Academic and Administrative A student may appeal against a mark or grade for either a single assessment, or the final assessment for a whole Unit of Study. Students are encouraged to consult with their Unit of Study Coordinator in the first instance. A student may appeal against an administrative decision. More information can be fou...

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