Bishop - In the waiting room PDF

Title Bishop - In the waiting room
Course Amerikansk litteratur innføring
Institution Universitetet i Oslo
Pages 2
File Size 61 KB
File Type PDF
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Analyse og tolkning av diktet In the waiting room. Notatene er tatt fra både forelesning, seminar og egenstudier, og disse ble brukt til eksamenslesing....


Elizabeth Bishop – In the Waiting Room

Analysis 

Deals with one specific episode from childhood + her memory of this episode o An epiphany o Episode recreated as meeting between her past and present self o Focuses on the experience itself, not what actually happened-> experience as reexperienced o The strange happening in the domestic – the moment of insight taking place in mundane dentist’s office (simplicity of language and prosaic phrases that label time + place suggests that the otherness is just beneath the rational and domestic) Meter and rhyme (form) o No set rhyme scheme or meter – free verse  Effect for meaning: subject and theme (identity, human connection, womanhood) is so big and universal that it’s impossible to restrict it in a form with a set rhyme scheme and meter o 7-syllable basis? o v/, iamb -> switches o 5 stanzas  First 2 quite long, but gets shorter  Elizabeth asks the big questions, but unable to answer them  Gap between stanzas – reflect inability to answer – silence instead of answers  Short and clear lines, rather matter-of-fact Images o National Geographic – symbol?  Exposes her to people/things that exist far outside of her own reality, makes her ask big questions  Meta image o Women with necks like lightbulbs (simile)  Cultural – but ethical right? Cultural ethics o “Long pig”  Dead man slung on a pole o The waiting room (symbol)  Boredom – childhood  Waiting to become an adult, a woman  Shared experience of femininity – collapse of exotic + local together Speaker’s attitude and tone o Curious – many existential thoughts o Child-like, childish carefulness o Awakening o 2 Elizabeths: the 7-year-old + the older one recounting the experience o A blur between the perspectives of child + adult -> affects both “I’s” -> creates the rhetorical strength o Disoriented in her own memory


Simplicity of child’s speech

Interpretation 

Themes o Identity and one’s place in the world  Poem presents a young girl’s moment of awakening – the forces that shape individual identity  E wondering who she is, how similar she is to her aunt or to other foreign women  What defines her, what shapes individual identity?  First imagining she is her aunt, then an individual, then one of everybody else o Connection with other humans  What connects all the humans in the world? 77-83  Poem dramatizes the moment when the speaker discovers both her separation from + her connection with other human beings  Gains awareness of other alternative worlds – strange, alluring, frightening, but just as valid as one’s own  National Geographic -> vital role in the child’s awakening and distress  Critiques the notion of exotica fostered by such magazines  Shows the little girl at the exact moment when she discovers that she is not alone  Must recognize that she is like other people  Shows the frailty of hierarchical myths regarding “primitive” cultures o Womanhood  Not that great difference between the young girl + the women and children in Nat. Geo  Part of her growing up -> coming to terms with what it means to be female in her own culture and in the world at large...

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