BIT 2214 Assignment V - Questions and answers for Object Oriented System analysis and design PDF

Title BIT 2214 Assignment V - Questions and answers for Object Oriented System analysis and design
Author Clement Gitonga
Course Object Oriented Systems Analysis & Design
Institution Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Pages 2
File Size 96 KB
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Questions and answers for Object Oriented System analysis and design...


BIT-D1-0242 BIT 2214 Assignment V a) Using diagrams, explain the following concepts as applied in Object Oriented Analysis and Design. (5 Marks) i.

Object – Is a real life representation of a class. For example, class ‘Fruit’ could have a real life object ‘Apple’ ii.

Class – class is a blue print used to create objects. Once a class is created, any objects that belong to that class can be created


Polymorphism – Is the ability of a programming language to process objects differently depending on their datatype or class


Encapsulation and Information hiding – Encapsulation is wrapping up similar data and methods into a single unit and information hiding is a concept that can be used to hide data from external world


Abstraction – is hiding the implementation details by providing a layer over the basic functionality. For example in interface we provide only method declaration and not method body

b) Object-orientation is a software engineering concept, in which concepts are represented as objects. Explain the benefits that come with it.

(5 Marks)

Code reuse – Objects can easily be reused in other programs

Easy software maintenance – Due to its modular nature, object oriented programs are easier to modify and maintain

It’s not necessary for a programmer to have knowledge of code implementation in order to reuse it

Design benefits – OOP force designers to go through an extensive planning phase which makes for better designs with less flaws.

Object oriented programming provides the ability to hide parts of an object from programmers therefore preventing programmers from interfering with values they shouldn’t.

c) Discuss the major differences between object oriented development and structured approach. (5 Marks) 

Structured programming design focuses on process while object oriented design is focused on data

Structured programming is less secure as there is no way of hiding data while OOP is more secure since it has data hiding capabilities

Structured programming provides less reusability while OOP provides more code reusability

d) Explain five UML diagrams. i.

(5 Marks)

Use case diagram – describes a set of actions that an actor or actors can perform in a system


Activity diagram – Shows sequences and conditions for coordinating lower level behaviors.


State machine diagram – used for modeling discrete behavior through finite state transitions.


Information flow diagram – Shows exchange of information between system entities at some high levels of abstraction.


Package diagram – Shows packages and relationships between the packages...

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