Black Swan extra credit PDF

Title Black Swan extra credit
Course Abnormal Psychology
Institution California State University San Marcos
Pages 2
File Size 57.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Black Swan is a psychological thriller featuring the ballerina, Nina Sayers. Sayers was portrayed as modest, frigid, with an innocent, almost child-like personality. Sayers mother was illustrated as overprotective, who treated her daughter like if she was a toddler. The introduction of the movie was offbeat and confusing to keep up with. Sayers appeared to have hallucinations, and random marks as if she had a disease harming her body. Throughout the movie Sayers exhibited signs of schizophrenia, which then everything that was happening to her made sense. Sayers madness described schizophrenia, a psychotic disorder in which the individual is unable to separate fantasy from reality. Based off the DSM-5 criteria for schizophrenia are as follows: experiencing two or more of positive, negative, and disorganized symptoms, in addition to impairment with lifestyle for at least six months. The film Black Swan m  ade a clear representation of schizophrenia with their leading ballerina, Sayers. In the movie, Sayers experienced significant impairment in the ability to work and perform everyday tasks, which made sense why her mother treated her like a child. Also, Sayers portrayed other symptoms of schizophrenia for at least six months, according to the film. The symptoms Sayers experienced in the film are delusions and hallucinations— negative symptoms. The cause of schizophrenia are due to stressful life circumstances, which relates to Sayers life. The tremendous pressure of being Swan Queen, overbearing pressure and abuse from home and work, left Sayers vulnerable to symptoms of schizophrenia. Although Nina Sayers suffers from schizophrenia, it was easy to the eye to realize she had syndromes of anorexia nervosa and Obsessive—compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). It was illustrated Sayers would avoid meals, or play with her food in fear of gaining weight. Anorexia symptoms were also presents when Sayers obtained the leading role and her mom had bought a cake to celebrate. Because cake is filled with fattening sugars and carbs, Sayers refused to eat it. OCPD is correlated to anorexia nervosa, because Sayers is very concerned with perfection as she needs to maintain a specific weight to be a ballerina. Sayers mother encouraged her to live her dreams of obtaining the leading role of Swan Queen, it made her fully develop her OCPD by trying to perfect every dance move. The film made me feel as if I should fear someone with a mental illness. From personal experience I know not to fear someone suffering from a mental illness, just to be cautious. Working at a nursing home myself in the lock unit I deal with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other disorders. It has taught me that although their mental state is not healthy, there is still part of them in their, and they have feelings. It is actually very emotional for me to work in such place because I see their suffering in their eyes. While there are cases where patients can become violent, we have to be cautious about how we view people with mental illnesses. Although it was a very interesting film, and characterized schizophrenia accurately, in my opinion it harmed society’s view, but also improved it at the same time. The negative aspect is that Nina Sayers is viewed as a very dangerous person to be around with. The hallucinations and delusions made Sayers think she killed Lily (Sayers’ competition). Although Sayers didn't kill Lily, she eventually ended up killing herself because of delusions. If I view schizophrenia strictly


as it was illustrated in the film, Sayers would not be a safe person to be close to in fear of being stabbed by her. In contrast of the negative aspect, Black Swan  brought knowledge to viewers about schizophrenia, anorexia, and OCPD....

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